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Sharing You (Sharing You, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the very first Molly McAdams book I've read. I enjoyed the idea behind the story and loved that the characters were so versitile. The one aspect that made this book hard for me to finish was Olivia and Brody. I always got excited thinking this time he was going to smarten up and then she'd start up again with her craziness. Their interactions seemed extremely redundant to me and I found it painful at times to get through and even found myself skimming ahead. However, I did enjoy the book. I appreciate all the thought that went into each and every character and their backstory. Character development can make or break a book, and in this case it definitely saved this book for me. The characters and their lives are tragic and maybe that makes me weird but I love a good tragedy. This isn't one of my favorite books, but Molly McAdams has a lot of talent and I look forward to reading her other books in the future.

Deborah (162 KP) rated Hungry Hill in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
Hungry Hill
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really got stuck into this family saga from Daphne du Maruier, following five generations of a family and their relationship with the mine at Hungry Hill. With du Maurier you know there's going to be tragedy in there somewhere and there are senseless deaths and senseless happenings a plenty. Despite being beautifully written, I felt somewhat depressed at the end of the novel because I didn't feel it was concluded very well and a lot of very bad things happened to people who frankly didn't deserve it! I feel John-Henry's story wasn't properly tied up and he was just left almost hanging there. The Donovans also seem to come out of things rather well despite their atrocious, murdering behaviour! I think I'm one who likes a good bit of poetic justice in my reading as real life is so unfair to some people!

So, brilliantly written, but I'm not sure I'd want to put myself through reading it again, with all the agonies and the ending which I found unsatisfactory.
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    Young Mary Newton, born into a large Irish family in a small Watford semi, is always getting into...