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The Furnace (2019)
The Furnace (2019)
2019 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Mary starts this film married and about to go on a honeymoon the pair had been dreaming off, this goes in an instant, leaving her needing an oxygen tank to get through the day, with any hopes of running dashed. Angry at the world, she starts to close off, finding any attempts at returning to her passion ending in hospital trips, until she meets Coffin, here she learns about faith and new technology to overcome her odds to compete in the race that was her honeymoon plan, one that is a test for even the toughest runners in the world. Coffin is a gravedigger in America, even though he is trained as a doctor back in Africa, he offers to help Mary get back to her former self, teaching her to pace herself, preparing her for the impossible sounding race. He must watch from the side lines, with hope that she will make it through each stage of the race. Raphaella is a fellow runner that Mary meets along the way, one to help support her over the course of the journey.

Performances – Jamie Bernadette steps away from the action horror roles we have seen her in recently for a much more serious role, one that does play into her strengths, she deals with the athletic demand of the performance with ease, while bringing the emotional impact of her character’s journey through the film. Luthuli Dlamini does a wonderful job in his role too bringing the calmness to help make Mary strong through the film.

Story – The story here follows one woman that loses everything she had a dreamt off until she finds her faith and pushes herself to get back on the track and complete the race she was meant to do with her husband. This is a story that shows the inspiration of wanting to overcome tragedy and finding a way to achieve this in a world you wouldn’t normal consider. We do get a normal montage of training, while a large part of the story follows the race being competed in. we do get to see just how much needed to be overcome, though it could have given us more of a time frame and just what the injury Mary had, like how likely it is to overcome, or would it be something she was meant to be living with for the rest of her life.

Settings – The film uses the settings to show us just how her life changes in America, while it does get the beauty shots of the African wild reserve seeing the different animals around area.

Scene of the Movie – The race final leg.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not getting a full look at the time frame.

Final Thoughts – This is an inspiring story of overcoming tragedy to get back to the former strength, with powerful performances throughout.

Overall: Inspiring Throughout.

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated The God of Small Things in Books

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 11, 2017)  
The God of Small Things
The God of Small Things
Arundhati Roy | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant way with words
This beautifully-written book tells the story of Estha and Rahel, a twin brother and sister who have been long separated due to a family tragedy about which we only learn the full truth near the end of the book, and who come back together at the age of 31 at the family home.

The book moves seamlessly between the summer that the twins were seven, when their lives changed for ever, and their present, as they strive to come to terms with the guilt of their past. Along with exploring the children's lives, Roy also develops in detail those family members and friends who have been most important to them - their frail violinist grandmother Mamachi (a battered wife turned domestic tyrant after her husband's death), their beautiful, frustrated mother Ammu, their overweight depressive uncle Chacko, and his English ex-wife Margaret and extrovert little daughter Sophie, the mysterious gardener Velutha, the local communist Mr Pillai and the twins' great aunt, 'Baby' (Navomi) Kochamma, the only one of the family to still be around when the twins reach the age of 31, and the most bitter and destructive in the entire doomed clan.

There is a great deal to admire in the book. Roy tells a lot about Indian customs without ever giving way to dry lectures, but there are a lot of unanswered questions left in the book. Nevertheless, this is a wonderful read by a superb author.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Before I Fall in Books

Jan 10, 2018  
Before I Fall
Before I Fall
Lauren Oliver | 2017 | Children
7.6 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling main character (0 more)
I think I would have enjoyed this book even more if it wasn't coming on the heels of me reading several other tragic YA books about teenagers dying (including The In Between and If I Stay). I sort of felt bludgeoned by the senseless tragedy of it all - perhaps I need to get out more?!

Anyway, the book follows the main character Sam, who dies in a car crash one night after a party. However, she finds herself reliving that day over and over (think Groundhog Day) for some reason and has to figure out how to make it stop. It's a rather weird premise and the way she finally breaks out sort of bothers me, so I felt a little deflated at the end.

That being said, I really liked Sam. She's a compelling character. Also refreshing is the fact that Sam and her gaggle of friends are the popular kids, on top of the pyramid at school. It's a change of pace from the usual romantics and geeks that show up in YA novels. (It does, however, make me 110% terrified for my children to reach high school.) As Sam starts to realize her own mean girl status-- and that of her friends--Oliver sets up a good message about high school and friendship. Not sure it would be readily apparently to every teen reading the novel, but I appreciate the effort.
China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians #2)
China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians #2)
Kevin Kwan | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Travel
6.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm upset that I didn't know that this was a sequel. I would have read the first book as well. I am definitely going to go back and do that and I hear there is a third book in the works called Rich People Problems which I also look forward to reading.

This book is based on a number of very rich Asians located all over the world. The main focus of the book is about Rachel Chu. Rachel is about to marry Nicholas Young, but feels like there is one last thing she has to accomplish before hand, finding her biological father. It has been her mission most of her life. Then an incredible thing happens on the night before the wedding, during the rehearsal that will send Rachel and Nick on a world wide tour to find the father she never knew. With stops in Shanghai and Paris, Rachel meets some the wealthiest in Asia. Her new husband being heir to one of these families. She gets to meet some of her new family and and lots of very influential people in the Asian community. When tragedy strikes, Rachel and Nick are unsure of who to trust in this elaborate group, but time will reveal the truth and they will find out if the family Rachel has been searching for was worth finding.

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
The events of a typical Autumn Friday night rock a typical small town American family to the core as tragedy strikes them from out of nowhere. Will their lives survive this ordeal as they change from a functional to dysfunctional family? This event has changed and altered their direction, but will this be permanent? The ways the family deals with the loss of a loved one can either make them stronger or crush them in their hope for their small town future. The bonds of love and friendship are stretched to see how far they can go. Will the development of the surviving sibling's progress with growth or be stifled as the family dynamic is pushed to the edge? One's concept of justice is put to the test and their faith in God may never be the same. Actions, reactions and their consequences are exposed for you to see but don't judge too harshly. You may agree or disagree with their actions but ask yourself, if you were in their situation, would you do the same?

This is a very sad story. Good but also difficult to read as it is true to life for some.
It is good for a YA to read as maybe it would get the message across to them of how precious and short life can be.
The writing is simple and direct, making for easy reading.

I read a PDF of tis book I received from the author.
Before I Fall
Before I Fall
Lauren Oliver | 2017 | Children
7.6 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think I would have enjoyed this book even more if it wasn't coming on the heels of me reading several other tragic YA books about teenagers dying (including <i>The In Between</i> and <i>If I Stay</i>). I sort of felt bludgeoned by the senseless tragedy of it all - perhaps I need to get out more?!

Anyway, the book follows the main character Sam, who dies in a car crash one night after a party. However, she finds herself reliving that day over and over (think <i>Groundhog Day</i>) for some reason and has to figure out how to make it stop. It's a rather weird premise and the way she finally breaks out sort of bothers me, so I felt a little deflated at the end.

That being said, I really liked Sam. She's a compelling character. Also refreshing is the fact that Sam and her gaggle of friends are the popular kids, on top of the pyramid at school. It's a change of pace from the usual romantics and geeks that show up in YA novels. (It does, however, make me 110% terrified for my children to reach high school.) As Sam starts to realize her own mean girl status-- and that of her friends--Oliver sets up a good message about high school and friendship. Not sure it would be readily apparently to every teen reading the novel, but I appreciate the effort.

Dan sellwood (1 KP) rated The Name of the Wind in Books

Feb 2, 2018 (Updated Feb 2, 2018)  
The Name of the Wind
The Name of the Wind
Patrick Rothfuss | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (74 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read. It. Now.
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Name of the Wind begins to tell the story of Kvothe, a fiery-haired arcanist on a lifelong journey to understand a tragedy that befalls his family. Kvothe is a born performer, both on the stage and off. He has a natural charisma and sheer brilliance that seem to be his ticket out of a poor childhood into a wonderful world of adventure.

The story is told from a grown up kvothe's point of view and while when he talks about his childhood and adolescence the story is filled with this lighthearted and magical energy, you soon learn that on his journey something terrible has happened to kvothe to change his adult self into someone much more reserved. It's clear he carries a terrible secret but of course in true Rothfuss style this is yet to be revealed.

This book does what many fail to do. It creates another world that's dazzling and something you want to be part of while also creating characters with such depth and personality that by the end you feel you truly know them.

All I can say is that this book was the first fantasy book I decided to read and now as a result it is all I want to read. Therfore if you haven't read it, read it! - but be warned, it is part of a triology and we are still eagerly awaiting a third book which as of yet has no release date.
Salt to the Sea
Salt to the Sea
Ruta Sepetys | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I’ve just finished reading all three novels nominated for the YA category of the California Young Reader Medal. The first two I read kind of left me feeling “meh,” so I was all set to be unimpressed with this one as well. I’m so delighted to tell you that I was wrong.

The story is told from the perspectives of four different characters, and I loved how Sepetys begins the narrative by telling of the same opening event from each character’s view point. After that, things unfold a little slowly, but it is completely worth it as you approach the climax…by that time, I was completely invested in each of the characters and was absolutely riveted to what was happening to them.

I’m also terribly impressed that Sepetys tackles telling a story from the “wrong” side (Germans during WWII), painting the characters not as the accepted “evil” caricatures but as real human beings caught up in a horrific war. In doing so, she sheds light on a human tragedy that so few of us know anything about (myself included) because it happened to the Germans as they were losing the war.

I will warn potential readers that the end of this novel does get rather graphic and emotionally wrenching, as you would expect in a novel about war and death. Although writing for a young adult audience, Sepetys does not gloss over the terror, panic, and trauma of the events.