Transportation Tunnels
S. Ponnuswamy and Victor D. Johnson
Transportation Tunnels, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive text on tunneling and tunnel...
Transportation Planning Handbook
A multi-disciplinary approach to transportation planning fundamentals The Transportation Planning...
Energy Efficiency in Air Transportation
Energy Efficiency in Air Transportation explores the relationship between air transportation and...
Transportation Protection and Homeland Security
The seventh of a new, well-received, and highly acclaimed series on critical infrastructure and...
Transportation: A Global Supply Chain Perspective
Brian Gibson, John Coyle, Robert Novack and Edward J. Bardi
TRANSPORTATION: A SUPPLY CHAIN PERSPECTIVE, 8E equips you with a solid understanding of what is...
Air Transportation: A Management Perspective
Air Transportation: A Management Perspective by John Wensveen is a proven textbook that offers a...
Statistical Techniques for Transportation Engineering
Kumar Molugaram and G. Shanker Rao
Statistical Techniques for Transportation Engineering is written with a systematic approach in mind...