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Relentless (Relentless, #1)
Relentless (Relentless, #1)
Karen Lynch | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever picked up a book and thought that you knew exactly where it was heading before you even started it? Well, that's what I thought about this book. I thought it would be a light, easy read where the story follows the 'set' pattern and it would while away a couple of hours. Boy, was I wrong!!!

This story is simply fantastic. It is fresh and incredibly well-written. There aren't many books out there that can blend fantasy with paranormal but Karen Lynch can and does with aplomb. The synopsis states that vampires are involved so fair enough but I certainly wasn't expecting trolls, imps, sylphs, undines and demons - to name but a few! There are enough characters in here so that everyone can have their favourite although I suspect I'm in the majority for thinking that Nikolas is just "Oh Yeah!". The relationships between Sara and her two best friends, Roland and Peter, are not only believable but also in the minority in books. Yes, people, you can be friends with a guy without any benefits apart from a solid friendship. It was so nice to read this part even with the explanation given by Aine as to the why.

Sara has special gifts, some of which can be explained by Nikolas and some that remain a mystery. Sara states that she is not a warrior. Warriors come in different shapes and sizes but Sara definitely is. She has much to learn and I'm really hoping that Nikolas will be there to help her.

Relentless is full of secrets which I loved reading about, it is also full of humour. Sara is a strong female lead and she is not afraid of speaking her mind, especially to Nikolas. One of my favourite parts is when she speaks to Nikolas on the phone and calls Chris "Dimples". It may not be funny here but read the story and you'll see what I mean.

This is book 1 of a trilogy with book 2 (hopefully) due out late this year. I am now stalking, I mean, following 😉 Karen Lynch on Facebook and GoodReads so that I can see it as soon as it's available. Good things come to those that wait and if this book is any indication, book 2 is going to be even better. So many things that I want to see happen. Definitely recommended for anyone who likes YA, Fantasy or Paranormal. Excellent!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 9, 2014
Surreal (The Divine Trilogy, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can still remember the first time I met Jayden and Catherine, and it thrills me to this day. As a result, I allowed myself a little quiet time before starting this book, to remind myself of not just the journey the characters had already been on, but the journey I had been on as a result of reading these books. You see, Ms Hargrave was the one to introduce me to BDSM and the thrills you could get from reading a book of this nature. Before that very first time (just about 18 months ago) when I picked up the first installment, I never would have dreamed I'd be as hooked on Jayden and Erin's story as I am today. And so, without further ado, I'm going to tell you why Surreal was my best read of 2014, and why I seriously doubt it will ever move from my top 5 books. Ever.

One thing I adored about this book (and there were plenty, so bear with me if I get my ordinals in a tizz), was how beautifully it continued on from the rest of the series. As someone who had read the first two books, I knew what was going on, but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate the little recap to bring me back up to speed. This was perfectly pitched - someone like me had just enough to open the floodgates and rekindle the love, but a new reader would have ample to keep them going through the book (although if that were me, I'd have gone back to the beginning right there).

The character development through this novel was another piece of exemplary writing. Jayden and Erin both faced very different and unique challenges to what they had in the previous novels, and to watch them work through these together made for brilliant reading. They've both reached a new stage in their lives where perspectives change, their wants and needs as individuals and couples are different, but still Hargrave writes them with a realism and beauty that surpasses most other authors out there.

Well, let's get to the point of it - the sex. Wow. Oh my. Jaydenisoneseriouslyhotpieceofass. Oh, my bad, no spaces? But seriously. Oh. My. Goodness. Quite simply, the sex is phenomenal. The stuff these two get up to is inspirational, honestly. If I had a guy half as good as Jayden (or maybe if I even had a guy....) I'd be reading this as a couple and reenacting certain parts! It's so well written, pacy, detailed and above all exciting. I wanted to be Erin, I wanted Jayden to be my Master and above all, I wanted this to all be real because that's how it felt. At times I have to admit that I reached for cold water and a fan, it was that hot, but it's all safe, consensual, within their own limits. That's something that not all authors take the care to convey, but Hargrave clearly shows a responsibility to her readers - she knows that some will want to go out and try this stuff, so she gives them the signs and tips to make sure that they don't hurt themselves. I have learned more about sex and safe practice through her books than any sex ed class at school - fact.

Something else I loved about this book was that Hargrave left those odd few spaces which allow the reader to have their own questions. You want to keep reading, but you can hear your cogs ticking as you are thinking over that last scene or plot twist. And when you've put the book down, it leaves you thinking even more, it literally consumes so many moments in thought that you could live in this world. That's a super positive for me as I like a book to suck me in, hold me captive in the world created by the author, and Hargrave does this so much better in Surreal than all of her other works combined. Of course, the only downside to this is the book hangover - and be prepared cause it's a doozie (I lost nearly a week mooning over Jayden). You truly didn't expect, or want, the book to finish. Even now, much later on, I'm still wanting (and hoping) for more of Jayden and Erin because I adore them so much.

But for all my mooning and love of the sex scenes, it was actually some of the most vanilla parts of the book that were my favourite. Ms Hargrave is without a doubt one of the best and most skilled authors I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Certain scenes (and I shan't spoil here) were utterly mind blowing, taking my breath away and flooring me with their brilliance. Hargrave truly is a master of her craft.

And so, sadly, just like the trilogy all things must end, but boy did this end on a high. Surreal is, by far, the crowing glory of this trilogy and Hargrave should be immensely proud of what she has created. I recommended these books to all I met, but I do so with an added vigour after reading Surreal. Thankyou for this book, this series, for opening my eyes.

But above all, thankyou for writing and for letting me have this experience. It's been divine, sublime, surreal from start to finish.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Collide in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
The Collide
The Collide
Kimberly McCreight | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Timely & fascinating end to this series
[Note: there may be spoilers if you haven't read the two previous books in the series.]

The third book in McCreight's Outliers series picks up with Wylie finally out of the detention center, but in no way safe and sound. She still hasn't found her Dad and she's jolted by the appearance of the surprise visitor from the end of book two. With the help of her twin brother, Gideon, and a few other trusted friends, Wylie tries to figure out exactly what is going on with the Outliers. Who is hunting them? Where is her dad? But the more she digs, the more secrets she uncovers--and the more trouble she finds herself in.

I was excited to read this book and finally figure out the conclusion of the Outlier story. I've enjoyed this series; it's something a little different from what I usually read. I must admit, I find it hard sometimes to remember all the intricate details from the previous books, but that's just my own fault. If you're lucky to be picking up this series from the beginning, enjoy. It's a really engaging read. At some point, I look forward to re-reading it from the beginning. By now, I'm too caught up in the characters and their lives not to finish. It's very to easy to get attached to McCreight's scrappy band of fighters. Trying to figure things out along the way is almost a bonus.

As for figuring things out, I found parts of this last book to be a little predictable--there was one or two parts I saw coming from a mile away, and it seemed amazing that the characters didn't either. Other pieces were more of a surprise. While some of the predictability was a bit frustrating, overall, I felt this was a good end to the series. There's a good balance of Wylie and other characters, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Gideon showing up (and not being annoying). The book ties things up fairly well, without resolving every loose end. As part of that ending, the books feel timely and apt to our current times. The running thread throughout of the Government trying to manage its citizen's lives is spot-on and one of my favorite aspects of the novels.

Overall, I enjoyed this one. I have a soft spot for this series--I don't think it always gets the attention it deserves. I've come to care for these characters over the years, and I find these books oddly compelling. While I definitely found pieces of this book and the ending to be a bit predictable as things unfolded, I still found it to be timely and fascinating. If you haven't read this series, I do think it's worth picking up. 3.5 stars for the ending of this trilogy.
Scott (Owatonna U Hockey #2)
Scott (Owatonna U Hockey #2)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much better than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Owatonna U Hockey trilogy, but you don't need to have read book one first. I have though, and found THAT book not really to my liking.

THIS one, however, I enjoyed far more.

Scott is suffering, since his brother died, and decides to self medicate with illegal steroids. After punching his best friend in the face, Scott is suspended for a whole 12 months, and is quite literally, chucked out his home. With nowhere to go, he happens to meet Hayne at a mandatory counselling session. Hayne, for reasons he cannot fathom, takes pity on Scott and the pair become inseparable. They each have their own demons, but together, they just might be able to overcome them.

Like I said, a MUCH better read, for me anyway, that Ryker. And much of that is because I didn't much care for Ryker in his book and I'll come back to that in a minute, though.

Hayne is a free spirited artist, in his final year at college. He is terrorised by his tenants, and spends all his time in his room, trying to paint his final piece. Meeting Scott, who turns out to be the muse he was missing, wasn't planned, but Hayne runs with it. Helping Scott get back to hockey seems the right and best thing to do. That Scott helps Hayne is a much added bonus.

Hayne is LOVELY!! So sweet, I wanted to punch his housemates! And the fact that he really sees Scott helps. Scott is trying to be the son his father wants, but he isn't his brother Luke. He will NEVER be Luke. His father pushes Scott away, and it takes his mother, who has been self medicating in the bottom of a bottle, to pull HER big girl panties up, and make her husband and son see that they are BOTH suffering and TOGETHER they can make some semblance of a relationship again.

Loved Hayne's mum and Mimi! Loved that they took Scott in when he needed someone the most, Hayne aside.

Back to Ryker. I did not like him in his book, but he does redeem himself somewhat here! While Scott is hiding, his friends, the ones he thought hated him, were planning an intervention, and Ryker is foremost at getting Scott to see that his friends don't hate him, they just didn't see how much he was suffering.

It does carry some darker story lines, grief, bereavement, alcohol and drug abuse, but they are all part and parcel of Scott's story, and they are very well written.

Oh, and you'll need tissues. I cried a LOT with this book!

Can't QUITE get past the first person to stretch to 5 stars, but a much better than book one:

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Servant: The Kindred (Servant, #3)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I almost feel bad having this series as my first review since I have absolutely nothing good to say about this book, or the series for that matter. Every element of this book was just terrible, from the language to the plot development, or lack thereof.
By the time I came to the final novel in the Servant trilogy, I quite literally had to force myself to read every page. Unlike the first two, where I became hooked on a goal that Gabrielle Cody was trying to reach, this book just grossed me out, bored me, and irritated me when I wasn’t bored. After the first chapter, I lost any hope that this novel was an improvement on the first two.
The foul language was so excessive that I noticed myself just passing over it like you would the word “the” or “and”. The fact that Gaby couldn’t form a sentence without saying the f-word seemed a bit juvenile to me. Foster’s attempt to make Gaby seem uneducated is contradicted when she randomly uses words like cathartic. It was out of her character.
The characters were more frustrating in this novel than in the previous ones. Gaby and Luther’s arguing left me so annoyed that, at times, I just skipped over it. I could not understand why Luther was so obsessed with her since any normal person probably would just ignored her from the get go. However, I felt that Gaby’s character had become more realistic in her feelings and thoughts. I actually liked that Gaby was so jealous of Ann, Luther’s partner who is perfect in every way. I also liked the relationship she forms with Bliss, a ex-prostitute that Gaby saved from the streets, and the two orphans that Gaby takes under her wing.
The biggest problem I have with this series is the pedestal that Foster place Gaby upon. Foster makes her protagonist so strong and unbeatable that, more than once, I thought that the author was trying to make Gaby a god on earth. Gaby only obtains one injury through the entire novel, a bullet wound that is used to further the plot. Without the bullet wound, Gaby would have never gone to get a tattoo. Nobody can touch Gaby, something I found not only a nuascance but unlikely.
The final noteworthy thing about this book, is that we discover Gaby ancestry. I felt appeased in my search for discovering more about Gaby’s past and parents. Any surprise I had about her parentage was nullified by Foster’s writing style.

I do believe I have complained enough about this series. I did have hope for it but was disappointed. After reading such an unpleasing series, I am going to read a book I know I should end up enjoying.
Defenders, Sons of Olympia Reverse HaremSeries
Defenders, Sons of Olympia Reverse HaremSeries
Helen J. Perry | 2018 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
love these!
I was asked to read this book, that I write a review was not required.

However! When a book pulls you in and grabs you so much so you nearly missed your time stamp at work, you really should say a few words, shouldn't you??

This is book 2 in the Sons of Olympia trilogy, but you don't NEED to have read book one, Ravens, first. You SHOULD, because I said so, but not necessary. Both stand alones, but Brenna does pop in this one, on her own journey.

Lauren finds herself tied to a tree, in the middle of the woods, by the local high school bullies. That they aren't in high school anymore doesn't matter to them. Faced with spending her last days as such, Lauren doesn't expect to be rescued, not least by THREE guys who seem to know her! She doesn't feel afraid in their company, these men who tell her they know her SOUL from years gone by. Jasper, Zander and Greg are Spartan, of the 3oo warriors of legend. And since time began, they have loved Lauren, or a version of her, until one day she did not come home. And now, they really don't want to let her go.

Different from book one, in that, once Lauren is told who the guys are, and what they mean to her, and what she means to them, she does NOT run. She seeks them out, each time going to the woods by herself and her newly arrived puppy. She looks for their gifts each day, knowing that accepting them brings her closer to the men who are creeping their way into her heart. She faces a big decision, when her aunt and uncle tell her their news, but really, it's not a difficult decision, not when she knows who she wants.

I gave Ravens 5 stars cos it was hot hot HOT. While this one is also a 5 star read, I did find it not as explicit as book one. Sexy, yes, hot, yes, but quite as much as book one. Not a bad thing, not at all, just needed to mention it! I'm still harbouring some jealousy that these ladies can find THREE guys when I can't even bag one!

The Ravens are mentioned, when Lauren goes to talk to Jade about local legends, and the Brenna is having problems with them, but they play no part here. Also not a bad thing! The Ravens are also different in that they shift, the Spartans here do not.

Again I read this straight through without stopping and it didn't seem as long as Ravens, and when checking there is some hundred page difference.

I am assuming that book three, Architects, will be Jade's story. I hope so. I hope I get to read it, to see if she embraces those legends her grandma used to tell her.

Thank you, Ms Perry, for my copy.

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Grave Mercy</i> is the first book in Robin LaFevers’ trilogy <i>His Fair Assassin</i> set in Brittany in the middle ages. Young Ismae Rienne escapes from her new, abusive husband to the sanctuary of the convent of St. Mortain, where she learns that she was sired by the god of death. She, like the other sisters of the convent, has been blessed with certain gifts as a result. Their job is to be the handmaidens of death and help to kill people on behalf of St. Mortain.

Ismae’s task is to live in the high courts with a man named Gavriel Duval in order to remove the traitors that threaten the soon to be crowned duchess, Anne. While she is there she begins to suspect that one of the allies is a traitor, but whom? She also begins to fall in love and feels torn in two when the convent demands his death.

It takes a long time to understand what is going on in <i>Grave Mercy</i> especially as a lot of it involves politics of an era of long ago. Towards the end it begins to become more exciting once the reader has worked out who are the good characters and who are the bad and all that is left is to discover how it all resolves itself.

There is something about death and murder in historical fiction that is more gruesome than in contemporary novels. This is another reason why the book was difficult to read.

Initially the amount of names listed on the “Dramatis Personae” at the start of the book was a little daunting however not all of them are key to the plot. The main character, Ismae, is likable and her strength and independence is admirable especially as women did not have much control over their lives at that time. Most of the other characters also existed in real life as, although in part a fantasy novel, LaFevers’ has kept it as historically accurate as possible.

Looking at the reviews on <i>Goodreads</i>, over 900 readers have listed <i>Grave Mercy</i> as Young Adult. After reading the book there is nothing to suggest that it was written for that age group. Admittedly the characters are very young: Ismae, 17, and Anne, 12; but in the 1400s they would have seemed older than society regards people of that age today. The romantic element of the novel is the kind you would expect to find in adult historical novels rather than books for younger readers.

Overall this is a book for people who appreciate historical and political fiction but also like an element of fantasy and romance. It is written really well but to be able to engage fully with the story you need to be really interested in the subject matter.
Restraint (The Revelation #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For those of you that remember, I was blown away by Revelation, the first book in this trilogy, as it was a Paranormal/Romance/Fantasy book which is my favourite genre but it was something NEW! It wasn't the same story told in a different way. I was reading something new and quickly became engrossed and yes, even addicted to it. Then it finished and I was gutted. I needed more. Randi Cooley Wilson has been teasing her fans with trailers and snippets of my favourites - Asher, Eve and Gage, not forgetting the rest of the St. Michael clan.

I was so excited to receive a copy of this book but was also of the opinion that it simply wouldn't be as good as the first. There was no way that Randi would be able to sustain my interest at the level it had been for Revelation. Boy, was I wrong! Restraint is just as good, if not better, than Revelation. We see more deeply into the world of the gargoyles and understand more what Eve actually means to the rest of the 'mythological' world. Luckily for me, we see a lot more of Asher too - happy days! This book could have so easily been called Frustration because that is what I was feeling for Asher and Eve. Jeez, I want them together so badly! We see more of their relationship and their struggles as they 'try' to do the right thing. Eve isn't afraid of Asher anymore and will happily disagree with him should she feel he is wrong, but still has her own insecurities that spring up occasionally. Mind you, if Eve didn't want him, I'd be more than happy to take him off her hands. What hubby doesn't know won't hurt him ;)

The characters in this book are all fantastically well written and we get even more depth and knowledge about them. We learn that Callan loves to bake whenever he and Abby argue, we learn that Eve can take lessons from this but also can't keep a straight face when offered a cookie any more! McKenna is warming up, Keegan is still the strong silent type but emotions are coming through. Gage is still... well, Gage is still Gage. If you're going to have a triangle then at least make it a good one and this one is brilliant.

I could not put this book down and ended up staying awake far too late in the evening to finish it. *Spoiler Alert - invest in a box of tissues and preferably a large wine whilst reading this!* I have waited a few days before posting the review simply to make sure that I don't gush like a schoolgirl at her first boy-band concert. I'm not sure I've 100% succeeded but I've given it my best shot.

Absolutely fantastic second book in the series. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to all once it is released in August. Now, if only book 3 would be released like NOW!
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
"Satisfying Enough" Conclusion
I am a fan of the STAR WARS films. Ever since I first went to a place A LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY I have enjoyed the adventures of the ragtag group of rebels taking on the evil Galactic Empire. Like most folks, I was blown away by the first STAR WARS film, LOVED the sequel, THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, thought the concluding film in the original trilogy, RETURN OF THE JEDI was "good enough", hated the prequels and have been cautiously optimistic when both THE FORCE AWAKENS and ROGUE ONE were good films. Finally, of course, I was disappointed (like everyone else) with THE LAST JEDI and SOLO. So...I was going to go to THE RISE OF SKYWALKER no matter what anyone else says.

And...I was satisfied.

STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER is an above average, "good enough" conclusion to the Skywalker saga of Star Wars, bringing enough action, energy, adventure and character moments - and character cameos - to satisfy my appetite for all things Star Wars.

Directed by returning Director J.J. Abrams, ROS picks up events after the events of THE LAST JEDI. Rey is training to be a Jedi and Poe, Finn, Leia and Chewie are fighting Kylo Ren and the First Order. The film starts out rapidly - perhaps too rapidly - as multiple events take place with action pieces and fast pacing that does leave you slightly breathless - it also feels just a bit rushed, as if J.J. is trying to pack 10 lbs. of movie into a 5 lb bag. By gosh, he was not going to accused of delivering a film that was not "fast-paced".

The performances of the leads are strong - Daisy Ridley (Rey), Adam Driver (Kylo), John Boyega (Finn) and Oscar Isaac (Poe) all know their characters by now and they are able to play in them well. Joined by the expected CGI and costumed droids and aliens (C3PO, R2D2, BB8 and good ol' Chewie), I was happily entertained to see them all together on screen - along with "veterans" like Lando (Billy Dee Williams) and General (not Princess) Leia (the late Carrie Fisher). The filmmakers put a loving tribute to her in this film that is effective (though I could see where they had to use a body double in places), but it is still well done. And, of course, there are plenty of callbacks and cameos to make any StarWars afficianado happy.

Ultimately, the emotional stakes of the denouement fell a bit short for me (as the "big bad" in this didn't have the emotional heft of Darth Vader), but it was a "good enough" emotional ending buried in an above average "final space battle" to have me leave the film satisfied.

And...that's all you can ask for from the 9th film of a series...enough to keep you "satisfied".

Letter Grade: B+

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Spyro Trilogy Reignited
Spyro Trilogy Reignited
2018 | Action/Adventure
Looks beautiful and colourful (3 more)
Satisfies your collecting addictions
Fun characters and witty dialogue
3 games in 1 well worth the money
1 huge game breaking glitch that caused me to restart all of Spyro 3 after getting 75% done (0 more)
Fantastic remaster with 1 huge flaw
This game was just loads and loads of fun. This is the ultimated game of collectibles. Its basically the point and it works today because thats what we like to do in games.

The game looks beautiful and colourful. The characters are fun and are very witty. There have been some slight changes with enemies here and theres. Sounds were changed and bullets were changed to paint which didnt need to be done.

The first game was the most simplest of the games. Go through levels collecting gems and dragons and thats it. It doesnt sound like the most in depth story but it was a ton of fun and in a way i prefered it to the 2nd game.

The 2nd had a lot more objectives within levels and had a bigger emphasis on backtracking. You couldnt swim or climb until later so you would have to go back to a previous level to 100% it. I didnt mind it too much, the levels are fun. Spyro has a lot more abilities with this game too. Like i said, swimming and climbing being a couple. You only had to touch the water in the first and you would be dead.

The 3rd was my favourite of the 3. It felt like it merged the 2 games. Had the objectives of the 2nd game while keeping it simple. But i got to the 3rd world out of 4 and experienced a game breaking glitch in the lost fleet level that forcrd me to restart the entire game since you cant restart the level. It was so annoying when i was trying to 100% the games but the games were fun enough to go through again. I just feel its sloppy work of the developers that this glitch got through testing or that it has not been patched yet since many people have had this glitch too.

In a game thats out now it is also shocking that there are no subtitle options either. It feels this is a must nowadays but they left it out. The only patch this game has seen was on day one and you have to download it because it is only the 1st game that is on the disk. The patch enables the other 2. When you see games like the crash trilogy and uncharted the nathan drake collection you would think it would be simple to put all bames on the disk.

Overall though its fun and has a great difficulty to it that feels very satisfying. I would recommend it, just be careful and dont rush to complete an objective. Thats what caused the glitch for me.