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    Real Cricket™ 17

    Real Cricket™ 17

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    Real Cricket™ is here and here to stay! We have migrated to a brand new experience with Real...

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi
Story: You may spend most of this film scratching you head trying to figure out what the hell is going on, but once you get the reveal you will see how good the story is. Giving the audience plenty of questions makes this something many of the new modern film fail to do with all the spoon feed answers. (10/10)


Actor Review: Keir Dullea – Doctor Dave Bowman who has to react to stop H.A.L taking over the space shuttle and fulfil the mission. Top performance on how to convince with expression and body language. (10/10)


Actor Review: Gary Lockwood – Doctor Frank Poole who goes on the spacewalk mission before starting to question the methods of the computer H.A.L. Great performance using more action than words to signify his motives. (9/10)

Director Review: Stanley Kubrick – Brilliant piece of directing from a man who redefined a generation of film makers. (10/10)


Sci-Fi: wonderful creation of a space like atmosphere. (10/10)

Special Effects: Stunning special effects that have hardly aged a day. (10/10)

Music: Excellent use of music. (10/10)

Cinematography: Amazing usage of cinematography throughout the film. (10/10)

Believability: Space is still a wife unknown so this is down to what you believe is out there or could happen out there. (5/10)

Chances of Tears: (0/10)

Settings: Set mostly in the middle of space, with nowhere to turn for help perfectly for the creation of the edge of your seat atmosphere created. (10/10)
Oscar Chances: Won one Oscar for Special effects.

Chances of Sequel: Nope

Suggestion: All film fans should watch this as it really is a masterpiece. The casual film fan will struggle to get into the film with the drawn out opening 25 minutes of no dialogue and strong use of music. If you were to look back and see where some of the best films come from this is where it is, this is a true history lesson in film watching this. (Watch)


Best Part: The mystery of what is going on.

Worst Part: May be hard to grab the attention of a casual film fan.

Trivia: There is 88minutes with no dialogue.


Overall: A masterpiece that stands the test of time
    Golden Axe Classic

    Golden Axe Classic

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    Cast earth-shattering spells and smash Death Adder’s armies in SEGA’s fantasy classic – Golden...

Game Night (2018)
Game Night (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Mystery
Max (Jason Bateman), and his wife Annie (Rachel McAdams),are a loving
couple who met during a trivia night at a bar. Gaming has been a regular
part of their lives, and they are often involved with hosting game nights
for their friends.

 Max and Annie seems have it all save for a family and
when it is determined that stress may be leading to the problem Max
attempts to resolve the issue. Max has issues with his older brother
Brooks (Kyle Chandler), who he sees as ultra-successful and rubbing his
success in his face.

The fact that Max has not seen his brother in a while
is not an issue, the fact that the brother who seems to beat him in
everything has returned is enough to set the mild-mannered Max on edge.
After an enjoyable game night, Brooks offers to host the next one and
although Max knows this is just Brooks looking for a way to show off his
house, he accepts the invitation.

Upon arrival,Brooks tells Max, Annie, and their friends that they will be
playing a mystery night where a group of actors will stage a kidnapping
and they must unravel clues to solve the mystery. The fact that Brooks is
offering a prized car that Max has long coveted is all the motivation he
needs to win the competition.

The game starts and a group of goons arrive and rough up Brooks and kidnap
him in front of the guests who all think this is part of the show. They
soon come to realize that Brooks may not be the person he claims to bend
that the kidnapping may indeed be real and not part of a scripted game.

What follows is a mix of comedy and dramatic mystery that while unfolding
slowly at times, is filled with some funny moments and great characters.
Bateman has his likable everyman persona down well in the film and the
supporting cast does a great job playing in the wacky adventure without
every getting to madcap.

 The breakout star of the film is Jesse Plemons
who plays Max and Annie's creepy police neighbor who is deeply disturbed
following the breakup of his marriage and has taken things to a new level.
You will want to stay through the credits as there are some extra scenes
which round out the film nicely. "Game Night", is a pleasant enoughfilm
that cannot quite determine if it is a comedy or dramedy, but it does
enough good things to make it an enjoyable outing.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Beautiful Boy (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Beautiful Boy (2018)
Beautiful Boy (2018)
2018 | Drama
I have no doubt that everything in this film was done for a reason, I'm just not sure that those things should have been allowed to make it into the final cut. The major problem for me was the constant chopping and changing of scenes. It was difficult to keep track. At least with other films recently we've been helped by the aging process of the characters, no such luck here.

I'm becoming more and more impressed with Steve Carell's dramatic acting. In a film that lots of people seemed to cry through the only moments that really moved me were performed by Carell. I liked the analytical side of his character and his focus on research, the moment where he reaches his turning point led to some particularly strong pieces for him.

Reading trivia about Timothée Chalamet in this it seems like we have a budding Christian Bale on our hands. He lost a lot of weight for the role and had consultants to ensure his acting as a drug addict was realistic. That was disappointing to read because I didn't find him to be particularly good in this role. That's causing me problems because I'm wondering why everyone is raving about him. I can't see it. While some of his moments are very realistic for the most part it feels like someone who's just acting a role... I know that sounds stupid but I know what I mean.

There are a lot of peripheral characters that come and go, they feel surplus to requirement. The girlfriend and scenes where Nic is with his mother seem wedged in. Had their scenes been taken out and they'd just left the mother's involvement at phone calls with the father then I think we'd have been left with a film that was more like we'd been promised of a father and son's journey. These extra characters just felt misleading.

People were deeply moved by this, more than a few people, myself included, in the showing were not. It suffered from length and some meandering story that I feel ultimately ruined something with a lot of potential.

What you should do

I feel like it's my duty to say that I'm in a minority when it comes to my feelings about this film. I wouldn't recommend it... but plenty of other people would.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would love the picture that Karen was working on in her workshop.
    Seterra Geography

    Seterra Geography

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