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The Night Visitors
The Night Visitors
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just love Carol Goodman's books. She has eerie, creepy, Gothic writing down perfectly, and this book was certainly no exception. I was hooked from the beginning. This novel alternates between Mattie and Alice's perspectives. Mattie is older (fifties), living alone in her decrepit home, damaged by her past.

"When I told Anita that I didn't believe in God she'd pressed the medal into my hand and told me that I should just say a prayer to whatever I did believe in. So I say my prayers to Anita Esteban, who left her drunk, no-good husband, raised three children on her own, went back to school, and earned a law degree. She's what I believe in."

I took to her immediately. You know that there's definitely more to each woman's story than meets the eye, and it's fascinating to watch their stories unfold. Alice shows up with a story about running away from an abusive relationship. Oren, she claims, is all she cares about. Is that true? How much can we trust either of the women? What I loved was that the book had me guessing the entire time. It was incredibly captivating, and both women seemed so real.

As for Oren, he was great, too, and you immediately wanted to protect him. The novel definitely has some creepy and mysterious pieces to it. It's less about suspending disbelief than just engaging with the story--becoming a part of it. I certainly found myself spooked a few times. It's a compelling tale, which will keep you engaged, intrigued by the characters, and culminates is a really great twisty (and twisted) story. This one isn't necessarily for the faint of heart; there are some brutal moments here. But what I really loved is that while this can be a very dark story, it's also weirdly sweet, too. I was very touched in places--a true sign that I'd grown to love these characters.

Overall, another enjoyable book from Goodman. She has a way of sucking you into the landscape of her books--and suddenly you are engrossed by the story and its characters. This one was eerie, captivating, mysterious, and yet oddly heartwarming at times. 4+ stars.
The Fighter (2010)
The Fighter (2010)
2010 | Drama, Sport
Based on a true story, The Fighter tells the tale of two brother boxers. Retired and addicted to drugs, Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale) lives life as the town hero while dreaming of a comeback career. Meanwhile his talented younger brother Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg) is reaching his fighting apex. That is, if he can choose to move past family ties that are holding him from success.

The surprising sibling chemistry of actors Bale and Wahlberg is the successful binding force in the The Fighter. The skill of these two brings relevance to the film for an audience that might otherwise step past a sports story by giving it heart.

Also leading the cast is Amy Adams as Charlene Fleming, a bartender and the love interest of Micky. Charlene threatens to challenge Micky’s already rocky relationship with his family and while this is not Adam’s most impressive role it does display a stretch from her previous body of work.

The supporting cast, consisting of the Micky and Dicky’s sisters and a number of coach and agent figures, adds a much-needed comedic element to a film. Yet it is the small character choices that create emotion in the story, from Micky’s beat-up low budget automobile to the numerous half intelligent one-liners delivered from an increasingly unstable Dicky. This instability combined with gritty shots, constantly moving camera angles, and drab colors provide the audience with a full view of the challenges faced by both brothers in the struggle to survive as boxers.

Unlike the majority of sports stories turned into film The Fighter tackles a much more realistic portrayal of both the sport and the human complexities of the characters involved. The Fighter is more a movie about being a boxer than one about the sport itself, resulting in much of the story occurring outside of the ring. However, there is no denying that The Fighter is a tried and true sports film that overcomes the overplayed story through compelling acting and quality plot.
The Story of Silence
The Story of Silence
Alex Myers | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Arthurian tale, adapted from a 13th century lost poem, containing dragons and knights but tackling the fluid notion of gender? Sign me up! Literally! Thank you to Eidelweiss+ and HarperVoyager for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

Silence is born a girl, but due to the laws of inheritance is raised a boy, with only 3 people knowing their true gender (one of whom, initially, is not Silence). The Story of Silence follows Silence from birth, showing their struggles between Nature and Nurture in the medieval period.
The writing style of this fantasy novel is remarkable, with an almost lyrical, ballad quality to it. The settings of Cornwall, and later Brittany, are described in such a way that captivates the reader, transporting them to the jousting fields, the towering castles and the courts of Earls and Kings.
The writing is at a slower pace, a literary journey rather than a sprint and for that reason I didn’t quite get the feeling of “I can’t put this down”, particularly in the middle of the novel. However, the twists and turns in Silence’s life were always quick to pull me back in.
As a character, the reader loves Silence from the very beginning. None of the struggles of their life are of their own making. Indeed, there are moments within this story where it would have been much simpler to tell the truth but Silence does not, displaying true knightly qualities of courage and loyalty. If I had one criticism of this book it is that, after his first “courses”, Silence doesn’t seem to find disguising his Nature very difficult., Yes, he binds his chest but he also travels on the road with male companions for years with no further mention of the more natural signs of his true nature.
The cast of characters surrounding Silence are also excellent, we have the troubled Earl Cador who, despite his original plan, it seems cannot love his child as he should; Griselle and the seneschal who do love and care for Silence and then there is Merlin.
Now, I know Silence should be my favourite character but Merlin stole the show in my opinion! There is no stoical wizard in Myers’ world, oh no! Merlin is a naked, disgusting old man who has an awful habit of laughing out loud at the unseen futures of those he passes. I also appreciated how Merlin wasn’t a solution to Silence’s problems (in fact the opposite is true!). Despite the magical undercurrent within this story, Merlin doesn’t fix everything with the flick of a magic wand – conversely he forces Silence to look inside and solve their own riddle, emphasising that you do not need to fit into one category or another, you can be both, you can be what you decide to be.
It should also be noted that, up to this point in the novel, Silence is referred to with the male pronoun, as that is how he sees himself. He is a boy. He is a knight! However, on processing Merlin’s world this pronoun notably changes to they and their. A beautiful detail that resonated how Silence had accepted their true identity.
The characterisation of women in The Story of Silence is something that has been picked up on a lot by my fellow reviewers and yes, the women in this book are often sex-crazed, deceitful, disloyal creatures. This is also an issue that is directly discussed within the author’s note, further proving that this was not an intentional slight on women. Alex Myers is an author, they are telling a story and that story takes place in the 13th century when, unfortunately, women were depicted like this. The main despicable action by a woman is essential to stay true to the poem. Was it frustrating as a female reader? Sometimes. But are there an equal number of ugly characteristics shown in the male characters? Absolutely!
The Story of Silence is a slow-burning tale which steadily unfurls into a captivating narrative which will stay with the reader long after the final page. The original 13th century poem captures the concept of gender so beautifully but Alex Myers takes this even further, handling Silence’s journey with love and compassion. I feel very lucky to have read this.

Book Divas (227 KP) rated Jeremy's Story in Books

Dec 12, 2017 (Updated Dec 12, 2017)  
Jeremy's Story
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set aside some time because the minute you start to read this you won't want to put it down; I read it in one sitting. Grab yourself a box of tissues because you will need them while reading this poignant and at times heartbreaking story. I cannot remember the last time I read a book that touched on so many real life issues and I commend the outstanding job that the author has done here.


Jeremy's Story reads like a true story as we come to completely understand and applaud the portrayal of a fifteen year old teen boy who through no fault of his own has HIV. It is powerfully written and contains beautiful and heart felt characters. The message of acceptance, tolerance and of love that are contained within the pages of this book will forever stay with me and I loudly recommend this book to one and all.

{I received an eARC when I signed up to host the blog tour. I made no guarantee of a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are unbiased and my own.}

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Band Of Brothers in TV

Dec 31, 2017  
Band Of Brothers
Band Of Brothers
2001 | Action, Drama, History, War
Ensemble cast (2 more)
Right tone
Maybe David Schwimmer (0 more)
I remember when I read they were making a mini-series called Band of Brothers about "Easy Company" I thought there would be no way to do it justice and it was too closely released and trying to capitalize on the success of Saving Private Ryan.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

I was enthralled from the first frame when I began watching the DVDs and didn't stop until I was complete. The characters represented in this harrowing true story are some of the most compelling I have ever seen. You believe every moment of their emotional, unending, unimaginable journey and feel like you are right with them along for the ride.

The interwoven interviews give context and real-life coupling to the story you are watching and makes the story all the more poignant.

The all-star cast is brilliant and every one of them carried their weight as part of the ensemble. I have rewatched several times since and it keeps getting better with every viewing.

Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated Sleep in Books

May 22, 2019  
C.L. Taylor | 2019 | Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anna suffers from crushing insomnia following an accident that she feels responsible for. Unable to forgive herself she moves to Rum to try and escape.

At first it would appear that the location and the job are just what the Dr ordered until the new intake of guests arrive and with them more disaster for Anna. The story is made even more interesting with what is going on at home. At first you cannot see any link, but as the story builds to its thrilling climax you realize the connection and there is even an unexpected twist at the end.

Once again C.L. Taylor has delivered a perfect thriller. I raced through this book as once I started I just couldn't stop. I kept thinking I had it all figured out.... BIG MISTAKE!!!! The ending is just WOW!
The setting is just wonderful for this story and just takes it to that next level.
Creepy, chilling, exciting and intriguing. A true reminder to never take things on face value!

Many thanks to Net Galley and Avon Books for the chance to read, review!