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Little & Lethal (Little Paws Haven #2)
Little & Lethal (Little Paws Haven #2)
JP Sayle, Layla Dorine | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
LITTLE & LETHAL is the second book in the Little Paws Haven series, and I feel it would definitely help to have read the first one.

Cosmo is a little who loves colouring in. He also has another side that most don't know about. Nomad and Harley have been mates for years, although Harley was always insistent there was a third out there for them. When they first see Cosmo, all three know, but Cosmo isn't having it. He's been alone for too long to trust anything at face value.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this story, I didn't connect with it as I did with the previous book, and I don't know why. As individuals, there was nothing wrong, and as a group, it all worked, but... there was just something for me that didn't pull me in as I liked.

I am hoping the third book will be about Bash and Romy - after all, Rhino shifters aren't that common, and I always love reading about different shifters.

If you are a fan of either of these authors, then I definitely recommend this book. I have never read a bad book by these authors, so I think this may be a case of "It's not you, it's me!"

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 19, 2024
74 of 220
The Intended ( A Culling of Blood and Magic 2)
By K.M. Rives

Emery may have survived the Culling, but now she’s on the run.

Forced to find her way in a world of magic behind the wards of New Orleans, Emery struggles to accept her newfound identity as a witch and a mother. Her coven is demanding that she choose between the magic she’s always wanted and the child she already loves. Will Emery find the strength to fight for what matters most?

Devastated by the loss of trust in his mate and seeking revenge, Augustine throws himself into the hunt for a murderer within his kingdom. Emery remains his primary suspect, even though there is a side of him that longs for the woman who has captured his heart.

War is brewing in the supernatural world, and a long forgotten prophecy is at play. Can Augustine and Emery overcome the secrets that have torn them apart, and reconcile their past before the future catches up with them?

This was a very emotional read for me in a few places and very close to my own heart without all the magic and vampires! I enjoyed it and it certainly was fast paced. There were a few bits that I could have just skipped but they didn’t take away from how I was enjoying the book.

Please check any trigger warnings as there is a death that is hard to handle for some.
Heart of Trust (Hooves & Hearts #1)
Heart of Trust (Hooves & Hearts #1)
Hannah E. Carey | 2024 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HEART OF TRUST is the first book in the Hooves & Hearts series that ISN'T just for horse lovers. I love horses but I've only just figured out which part is the mane and which is the tail. All the bits in-between? Yeah, I'm lost. The thing is though, I didn't need to understand everything as the MMC was just as clueless as me - and I mean that in a good way. I learnt alongside him and it made for one heckuva reading experience.

Carter and Meg are made for each other; they just don't realise it at first as they are both carrying past hurts with them. It takes a horse-shaped cupid by the name of D'Artagnan to bring them together as they both want what's best for him.

There is a whole lot going on in this book and it isn't all romance. You have a mother with her own agenda, betrayal, mystery, rehabilitation, a slightly-lost younger brother, and a rocking grandpa that I want to have lunch with!

I've only ever read this author's fantasy works, but I'm happy to say she knocks contemporary out of the park too. A real page-turner that had me enthralled. Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 15, 2024
The Female Persuasion
The Female Persuasion
Meg Wolitzer | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Female Persuasion was billed as a feminist novel, and in some ways it is, but we all agreed it's not REALLY about feminism. The main character, Greer, works for a feminist foundation, but you could have changed what the foundation's purpose was, or made her work for a corporation, and the essence of the book would have been exactly the same. It was only tangentially about feminism. It was about women supporting each other, though, and the mentor relationship between an older woman and a younger woman, so in some ways, yes. If I was asked to make a list of books about feminism, though, it certainly wouldn't make the cut.

All of the characters have some major flaws. Greer is selfish, and doesn't understand when things don't go according to plan. Cory's life gets entirely derailed by a tragedy he couldn't prevent, but in some ways he lets the derailment happen. If he'd really wanted what he said he wanted (and perhaps he didn't) he could have fixed his trajectory. Zee is a little brash and headstrong, but the most likable character in the book. Faith - oh, Faith. Faith is the older feminist mentor who turns out to be far more jaded than expected.

I have lots of conflicts about Faith. She is one of those feminists who doesn't seem to care for individual women - she can't even remember most of the women who credit her with changing their lives - but she keeps her eyes on the big picture. And as I brought up in book club, the movement does need people who see the big picture. Those people are important - but they still need certain principles that I think Faith lacks.

IR mentioned that Cory was a good foil to all the female characters in the book, and he needed his flaws, because otherwise he would be the perfect feminist boyfriend. And no one is perfect.

We were all a little disappointed with the ending; it felt like Wolitzer skipped a whole section of the story. How did Greer get from point A to point B? (Well, really, it's more like the book covers Points A, B, C, and E. And skips D.)

I think one of my favorite quotes from the book (I misattributed it to Faith at the book club, it turns out it came from Greer) was the one about being given permission:

"I think that's what the people who change our lives always do. They give us permission to be the person we secretly really long to be but maybe don't feel we're allowed to be. Many of you here in this room.....had someone like that, didn't you? Someone who gave you permission. Someone who saw you and heard you. Heard your voice."

I think that really sums up mentorship, in some ways. Women are often still socialized to not trust their own instincts, to lean on outside opinions for validation. (I know I was.) To be given permission and encouragement to trust yourself can be a life-changing event.

I really enjoyed this book. I saw bits of myself in all four characters - Faith's practicality, Greer's impressionability, Zee's idealism, and even a little of Cory's foggy despair and lack of ambition. I wouldn't call it a feminist classic. But it was a good book.

To see all my reviews (and my experience at the Barnes & Noble Book Club event where we talked about this book!) go to
In Debt to the Enemy Lord
In Debt to the Enemy Lord
Nicole Locke | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
My rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.62 out of 5 stars

Genre: Historical

Page Count: 288 pages

Anwen, bastard of Brynmor, has fought hard to find her place in the world. But she’s forced to rethink everything when she’s saved from death by her enemy Teague, Lord of Gwalchdu. Instead of releasing her, he holds her captive.

Teague trusts no one. So, which ominous messages threatening his life, he must keep Anwen under his watch, no matter how much her presence drives him wild.

And when passionate arguments turn to passionate encounters, Teague must believe that the strength of their bond will conquer all!

Anwen, the main character, was really cool. She was very strong, sarcastic, and always pushes Teague for answers about why he’s keeping her captive. She also keeps trying to escape so she can go back home and protect her sister from her abusive father.

However, after she falls in love with Teague, her reservations about him were a little frustrating. Even after finding out that he wasn’t the Great Traitor everyone thought he was, she still didn’t want him to be part of her life. Her only reason was that she didn’t want take orders from a domineering tyrant, but Teague was never tyrannical to her. He only held her captive to make sure she wasn’t the person attacking his home. After that, the only demands he ever made of her were for her own protection. She grew up under a tyrant, so it’s understandable that she would be a little wary, but he was never the villain she kept making him out to be.

Teague was pretty cool overall. He definitely has issues, but they’re understandable considering his rough childhood, including having his mother dying at an early age and having everyone think he’s the devil because he has an epileptic aunt. He has a lot of trust issues and really doesn’t trust anyone except his brother.

As much as I liked both Anwen and Teague, I didn’t like them together. They had a little actual sexual tension at first, but their love story is really forced. Teague is complete anti-love at the beginning and then falls head over ass for Anwen for no real reason. And sure, she still has some baggage holding her back, so they’re not both completely hypnotized but for fuck’s sake did he drink a love potion?

I was so disappointed by the two of them together. It’s Harlequin, so I wasn’t expecting an epic love story or anything, but I was expecting a love story.

On top of that, the sex scenes were pretty weird. I kept getting pulled out of the story because I couldn’t figure out the logistics of the positions or even picture what was happening. The dialogue during the sex scenes was delightfully cringy, like a romance novel parody.

I liked Teague’s brother, Rain, more than Teague. He had a lot less baggage and I would have found it much more believable if he was the one who fell in love with Anwen instead of Teague because Rain trusts people.

This book wasn’t horrible, and it’s certainly not the worst romance I’ve ever read, but it wasn’t great. However, I really didn’t see the ending coming, so I give Nicole Locke huge props for that.

Josh Burns (166 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Vampyr in Video Games

Jun 21, 2019  
2018 | Action, Role-Playing
Great story (2 more)
Great Atmosphere
Adaptive gameplay
Protect or Prey on the people of London in Vampyr
Vampyr is a mixed bag that may not be for everyone. It really depends on the types of games you like on this one (as with Until Dawn).
The game draws inspiration from a real epedemic called the Spanish Flu, which for whatever reason, gets way less attention than the Black Plague. You play as an esteemed doctor who gets turned into a vampire after returning to London from being in World War 1. The game just drips in atmosphere as you travel the nearly abandoned streets and docks. It channels gothic horror but with a tasteful dose of modern genre updates. It has a very good story that reminds of a bit of Mary Shelley's book Frankenstein in the fact that you do not like what you are, or what it has caused you to do.
Now, this game is largely what you make it to be. The people of London all have fleshed out backstories, personalities, and many offer side quests, trade options, or useful info on certain things. You can either bond with then and work to keep them healthy, or you can feed on them and grow stronger. Your choice on how you handle this can dramatically effect the game. You gain a large amount of experience from feeding on them, even more if you gain their trust first. If you take that route it can take the game from challanging to being easy. There is are a lot of options when leveling up, without feeding you will not be able to max everything out. Another thing that depends on play style, is that there is a ton of talking if you choose to help tje people and gain their trust. This isn't a requirement, however. So the game can be very deep and story driven with a lot of dialogue, or it can be more of an action game, depending on what you do.
On that note, as a pure action game, I'm not sure if it would hold up for most. The combat mechanics are quite basic, attack, dodge, and a few specials, and ranged attack with gun. It's fun enough when not taking the feeding route because you still have to be strategic but if you feed a lot and are extremely powerful, I don't see it being very fun.
The game also features light crafting in the form of upgrading weapons, making blood, stanima, and health injections (same as potions in most games) and medicine for the people. It's semi open and semi linear. You have a map that you can go anywhere on, but only in certain buildings and some streets are blocked off. In fact, navigation can be infuriating at times because of dead ends, doors that need to be unlocked from the other side, and objective markers sometimes being in the wrong spot on the map. I spent a half hour trying to get into a mansion before looking it up and finding out the marker was wrong and I was at the wrong building.
So in conclusion: if you like games like the 1st Mass Effect where story, characters and dialogue are the focus of the game with a healthy dose of combat that isn't amazing but gets the job done, then you'll love it. If you want to just run arpund and hack shit up, it might not be for you.
Maximum Risk (1996)
Maximum Risk (1996)
1996 | Action
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Maximum Risk starts when a French police detective Alain Moreau (Van Damme) sees a man killed, the man looks identical to him and Alain learns that he did in fact have a twin brother. Alain must now look to investigate the murder of his twin brother with his partner Sebastien (Anglade).

Alain learns that his brother was adopted by a Russian family and that he has gone onto to raise up the Russian mob, only he is wanted by them, Alain is joined by Alex (Henstridge) his brother’s girlfriend as they look to bring down Ivan (Grenier) the leader of the Russian Mob.


Thoughts on Maximum Risk


Characters – Alain is a French police detective that lives a normal life in Nice, his life if turned upside down when he finds a body that looks identical to himself, learning that he does have a twin brother. Alain go in search for answers which leads him to New York city and the Russian mob, here Alain must learn who he can trust and why his brother is killed, while showing all his fighting skills. Alex is the brother’s girlfriend, she knows he danger Alain has walked into and will help him get out of the life of crime that his brother was part of. Sebastien is the partner of Alain back in France, he has worked with him for years, only he stays in France for the investigation. Ivan Dzasokhov is the Russian that has been hunting down Alain, he wants something that he posses and knows it could give up his freedom is the secret it released.

Performances – Jean-Claude Van Damme is the man we know for action, when he gets to fight we know we get quality scenes, when it comes to becoming serious he isn’t on the same level. Natasha Henstridge was fresh of the back of Species here and easily fit the role for looks, while never getting her chance to do much more. The rest of the cast fill their roles to help make Van Damme look good in the action sequences.

Story – The story follows a man that must unlock the mystery behind why his unknown brother was murdered, which sees him enter the world of the Russian mob. Let’s be honest, the story isn’t always the most important part of any Van Damme movie, we just want to watch him kick people’s asses. This story puts him in a place where he just doesn’t know where each step will take him, we get plenty of people that want Alain dead which shows he doesn’t know who to trust, but we always know that he is going to come out on top, it is an easy relaxing action film for the story side of things.

Action/Crime/Mystery – The action here involves Van Damme doing his thing, kicking ass regardless of the size of the opponent. We follow a police officer entering the world of the Russian mob which brings us into the crime elements of the story, while the mystery comes from just who could be trusted during this time.

Settings – The film takes place in two main cities, Nice in France and New York, we do get the fish out of water idea with Alain in New York here.

Scene of the Movie – The sauna fight.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is pretty basic.

Final Thoughts – This is a simple easy to follow action movie that we are used to seeing from Van Damme.


Overall: Simple Van Damme Action Film.