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The Stars That Guide You Home
The Stars That Guide You Home
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

Now I make no secret of the fact that I am a crier. Christmas TV ads, airport arrivals halls, old men crying, anything has the ability to set me off blubbing! So I am never entirely surprised when I start crying at a book, even my husband doesn’t mock me anymore. But this book? THIS BOOK had me crying the entire way through and just when you thought life for the characters couldn’t get any worse…Jemma Robinson says hold my coat!

Sophia and Tom live in a quaint little farmhouse in the town of Lowshore. Their life is a simple one but their happy marriage practically radiates from the page. However, Sophia never told her husband about her past and that past is about to catch up with her!

Whilst Tom is at work, Sophia is kidnapped from her happy home and forced to live the life that she tried so desperately to escape. Beaten, abused and powerless, Sophia manages to find two people worthy of her trust but will she ever escape? Can she ever regain the life that she used to have with Tom?

The beauty of this book is that it revolves around its characters. There is very little world building here but, honestly, it isn’t needed. Nothing matters to Tom and Sophia except one-another and that is reflected in Jemma Robinson’s writing style.

The characters themselves stay with you long after the final page: Sophia wears her heart on her sleeve, Tom is steadfast and passionately protective, James and Annalise are, in contrast, calm and collected individuals but Edmund is nothing short of a psychopath!

Edmund is no fairytale villain, despite the Lord Farquaad vibes I was getting from him. Robinson’s antagonist wouldn’t be out of place in Game of Thrones: he is truly revolting, controlling and revels in his absolute power over everything and everyone in his kingdom.

The Stars That Guide You Home is marketed as historical romance, not a fairytale, and with its medicine, photographs and labour camps then it does seem too modern to be considered a fairytale. However, I would argue that castles, arranged marriages, medieval torture and absence of any morally grey characters could push this into the category of dark fairytale.

There are a number of trigger warnings within this novel that I want to highlight. This is by no means a YA book – it is definitely Adult Fiction or New Adult at a push. These trigger warnings include rape, physical and mental abuse, animal cruelty, torture (in detail), kidnap, burns, suicide, miscarriage and general violence.

Dark fairytale still doesn’t seem enough… Sinister fairytale might just do it!

The Stars That Guide You Home is simultaneously beautiful, horrifying and inspiring. This book will break your heart over and over again and keep you coming back for more. Thank you to The Book Network for the opportunity to review this amazing novel, and thank you to Jemma, even though you did make me cry for 486 pages!
Wolvenguard (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #7)
Wolvenguard (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #7)
Sarah Westill | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOLVENGUARD is the seventh book in the Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria series. It does follow on from the previous books, so I would recommend you read those first, otherwise, you will be lost in the story arc.

Cia is a woman older in experience than her nineteen years. She has faced - and lost - too much, more than older people have. She is also focused on vengeance? Revenge? Something else? Take your pick. Whichever word you choose will be the right one. She is impetuous and quick-witted and will do whatever it takes to get her man, and you can decide for yourself which man I'm on about!

Deklan is the Wolvenguard, bonded to three wolves of very distinct personalities. He is restrained and methodical, well aware of how others see him, and has his own past baggage to contend with. When he is sent after an escaped prisoner and Cia, he will stop at nothing to bring them both back.

Oh, boy. Where to start? Can I just simply say I loved it all and leave it at that? No? Okay, then.

First of all, the relationship between Cia and Deklan. It takes time as Deklan has his issues to work through. Luckily for them both, his dad is on hand with helpful advice. I loved how it was all there from the start, but not an easy ride. Their relationship takes time to build, to really become all it could be. And, trust me, there's still room even after the book is finished. I'd love to see more of these two in future books, just as the others have made cameos here.

Secondly, the wolves. How gorgeous are they? And how well described? I will admit to being a little surprised when it came to the bond though. Because of how one of them reacted when he first met Cia, I thought it would be him. But I was wrong and it was perfect! Especially Markus' comment at the end.

Which leads me to the third - MARKUS AND BELLA ARE HERE!!!! If you follow my reviews, you know I am LOVING the series Bella and her Beast Master. Well, guess what? This series takes place after that one, so I got a sneaky peek into their future. I can't tell you how much I loved it when everything slotted into place.

Anyway, Voklane is next. The mysterious man who is always on hand with a plan. As will all books in this series, I honestly can't wait!

Simply outstanding, but please read from the beginning of the series. You won't regret it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 1, 2023
Two Kinds of Truth (Harry Bosch #20)
Two Kinds of Truth (Harry Bosch #20)
Michael Connelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another wonderful mystery novel featuring Connelly's excellently developed lead detective
Michael Connelly's iconic detective, Harry Bosch, is back again. Harry's basically a volunteer for the San Fernando police department, working cold cases for the tiny force and mentoring their three young detectives. When they are called out for a murder of a father and son at a local pharmacy, Harry assists the inexperienced team in trying to track down the killers. The case leads Harry and his detectives into the dark world of opiates--both the big money of pill mills and the sad, cold side of addiction. Meanwhile, Harry hears from his former employer, the LAPD, when one of his thirty-year-old cases is reopened based on new evidence. Even worse, the killer is claiming Harry framed him. The case threatens Harry's most prized possession: his reputation as a cop, and he knows that no one will fight to clear his name like himself. The two unrelated cases pull at different sides of Bosch as he works to discover all different facets of the truth.

I love Harry Bosch so much, and there will be a hole in my heart when Connelly no longer writes about him. I actually moved this book up in my rotation (something I rarely ever do!) so I could read it on a weekend trip to Chicago, and my only regret is that it meant I finished it in about 48 hours, and now it's over. Per usual, Connelly gives us yet another wonderful mystery novel featuring his excellently developed lead detective. This one covers the timely topic of the opiate crisis, which looms fairly large in America today. It's well-researched, as always.

Reading a Bosch novel is like picking up with an old friend, and this one is no different. Our Bosch is aging, which this book acknowledges well. We see Bosch still grappling with having left the LAPD--who can he trust, what can he do with his life now. We even get some appearances from previous characters in earlier novels. Perhaps the best thing is a fairly large role for Bosch's half brother Mickey Haller, the famed "Lincoln Lawyer." These two are still figuring out their own relationship, but it's a treat for us readers to get a glimpse of Mickey; we even get to see some of his enjoyable courtroom antics. There's even an appearance from Mickey's investigator, Cisco! (See, it's like being old friends!)

And, of course, we can't forget the actual story, which, in usual Connelly style is excellent and tracks along flawlessly along Bosch's own journey. The opiate tale is both fascinating and depressing, while Bosch's unraveling of the backstory behind the reopened cold case will certainly keep you reading. There's never really any crazy twists or turns, but the novel moves along steadily and easily. There's both growth and angst with Bosch--I have to admit, I worry about the end of his arc, but I will still enjoy every moment I get with him until them.

Another enjoyable one for the Bosch canon--certainly recommend!

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Glass Sword in Books

May 25, 2017  
Glass Sword
Glass Sword
Victoria Aveyard | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good Sequel
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

It is finally here; the second book in the riveting Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard – perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, The Selection series and Divergent. Continuing from the exact point the previous book closed on, Glass Sword is packed with action, suspense and emotional entertainment.

To recap, the world is divided by blood colour: Red (inferior) and Silver (superior); but it is the reason why Silvers consider themselves better that is important. Silver-blooded people are born with a superpower; Reds are not. Until Mare Barrow, that is. By pure accident, Mare discovers she can wield electricity with her bare hands, is forced to pretend she is a Silver living with the royal family, and is finally betrayed by someone she thought was on her side.

Now, in Glass Sword, teenage Mare is in hiding with the Scarlet Guard – Red-blooded rebels – with the knowledge that there are other people out there just like her: “Newbloods,” Red blood with Silver abilities. Mare and her companions are determined to find all of these people and train them to use their powers, however the Silver king is doing the same, with the intention of destroying them all. What makes it worse is Mare no longer knows whom she can trust; anyone could betray her.

Unlike the previous book, Glass Sword is one battle after another. There are no more pretty dresses, royal parties or grand castles. From beginning to end there is not a moment when Mare is not in danger; it is easy to lose count the number of times she narrowly escapes death. But as with any form of violence, someone always ends up injured or killed, resulting in some very upsetting outcomes.

Fans of the first book will already be aware of the love triangle that developed – one that made the conclusion so shocking. Whilst Glass Sword continues with the romantic theme, it is barely perceptible underneath all the bloodshed, arguments and warfare. So, do not expect a romance novel within these pages.

The constant action prevents the story from becoming slow or boring. There is a surprise around every corner; every page, to keep the reader engaged. This however has a downside. With conflict running into conflict it is easy to get confused and struggle to follow the course of the action. This is particularly the case in one of the final, most significant, attacks against the Silvers. The quick pace of the narrative results in the violent scene only taking up the space of a few pages, thus not giving the reader time to develop a clear picture in their head or fully understand what they are reading.

Naturally Mare’s story ends on yet another cliffhanger, so now we await the third installment. It must be difficult to provide a sequel as equally entertaining as the first, but Aveyard has gone above and beyond to create something far better than could be imagined. We can only hope this brilliance continues into the following books.