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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Castle Rock in TV

Oct 23, 2018 (Updated Oct 23, 2018)  
Castle Rock
Castle Rock
2018 | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Good cast (2 more)
Some cool ideas
Stephen King references
Disappointing ending (0 more)
Ups and Downs
Castle Rock is an interesting show, it wasn't what I thought it would be at all. I went in expected a creepy, atmospheric thriller and instead I got a slow burning character study. Don't get me wrong, it is a very well told character study, with plenty of interesting characters and plot threads.

The cast is made up of a few actors that have been used in Stephen King adaptions in the past, as well as a few newcomers to the King adaption universe. Everybody is great in their role, with Sissy Spacek and Bill Skarsgard being the standouts.

The liberties that the show takes with it's inspiration is weirdly inconstant, with some episode whoring out King references left and right and some ignoring the writer's influence altogether. I get the feeling that this was due to the creators wanting to please King fans in the audience while still trying to craft a show that can stand on it's own independently, which is fine, but I kinda wish that they had committed one way or the other.

The show starts off strong, then drags a bit in the middle, but if you can get to episodes 8 & 9, they are possible contenders for some of the best episodes of TV broadcast in 2018. Unfortunately the last episode is very underwhelming after this awesome build up of intrigue that precedes it.

The ending was the biggest negative that the show had. Without giving too much away, it leaves the audience feeling like everything they just witnessed was pretty pointless and leaves you feeling unfulfilled and fairly disappointed. It is clearly trying to set things up for a second season, but does so to the point that it forgets to end the first season in any significant way.

Overall, if you are a King fan you will get a kick out of this. Alternatively, if you are in the mood for a well told, slow burning character study full of intrigue, with elements of psychological horror, then this show is perfect for you. Just don't go in expecting an intense, chilling atmosphere to be present throughout.
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Heroes of Cosplay  - Season 1
Heroes of Cosplay - Season 1
2013 | Reality
Plain and simple, after checking out tonight's episode of Heroes Of Cosplay I had a bad taste in my mouth. It just seemed like yet another reality show, but it missed the point of cosplay. While I know the people on the show had no control over the editing, it was disappointing to see them only focus on the competition aspect of it and not showcase the cosplayers who also do it because they love it and have fun doing it. Many of my friends who cosplay come up with some amazing and great costumes. Some compete and some do it for fun, but both love it and enjoy themselves. I really didn't see a lot of joy on this show. I saw a lot of drama, negativity, and judging the other person because they didn't agree with their cosplay choice.
 I know it's for TV and it's "scripted", but it would have been nice to see some positive things, such as how encouraging cosplayers can be and supportive of each other about costume choices, or how helpful they can be when asked about how to make a cosplay better or more cost efficient without missing out on making a great costume. Instead, it was essentially The Jersey Shore of cosplay and it was awful. To have the only good thing be Yaya Han with an amazing League Of Legends cosplay by the way, does not make for a good show. There's also the factor that Mark Cronin, an executive producer of the show basically dismissed male cosplayers in a TV Guide interview by stating that their costumes were simpler because it's just body armor, capes, and weaponry and the female cosplayers were more interesting, sexy, and cool. Seriously? Tell that to one of my friends who MAKES his own armor and weapons, actual chain mail and the like. Trust me, there's no simple about it. Both genders put a lot of work into their cosplay, there isn't one is better than the other. Just from that statement alone, I should have known this show was in trouble and not going to be done right at all.
 Then there's this wonderful stunt that Syfy pulled:
 That's right. They used the photographers' photos WITHOUT permission and they knew exactly what they were doing, as they cropped them so the watermarks did not show on the page, and did not give them credit or get a copyright release from them. They did it to at least seven photographers that we know of. Of course the people who they blatantly STOLE from were angry and they had every right to be. Not only does this show an outrageous show of disrespect to the cosplay community as well as the photographers' whose work they ripped off, it's mind boggling that they thought they could get away with it without anyone noticing! The only one who actually took the time to try and make it right was Yaya Han who stated on her fan page that she had immediately informed Syfy's PR department about it and was doing everything in her power to make sure that the photographers did get credit for their work.
 I like Yaya Han. She comes across as genuinely kind, loves cosplay as much as her fans, and unlike Syfy's craptastic PR department, cares about doing the right thing. This is why I really wanted to like this show. I really did. I was pleased to see she was doing this show about cosplay, but after watching this first episode and seeing that Syfy apologized on their page only AFTER they were caught and informed (But let's face it, they KNOW the rules about copyright infringement) that hey, it's bad to steal an artist's work, not even the fantastic Yaya Han can convince me to watch. It's really a shame, because they had an opportunity to do something great and showcase all the aspects of cosplay and what it means to those who enjoy and love it. Instead, they went the let's be gigantic a-holes route and behaved pretty damn shamefully.
 So, no I will not be watching this again. One episode was enough.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Stargate SG-1 in TV

Dec 5, 2017  
Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1
1997 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
7.9 (87 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Sci-fi tv at its best
I’m finding it hard to believe that this show has been over since 2007. You’d find it hard to believe that a fairly good but not brilliant film could provide the basis for a fantastic series, but Stargate has done just that.

It’s an action packed sci-fi adventure, full of humour and intrigue with some surprisingly good special effects for the time it was made. The cast and characters are well written and loveable, with Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O’Neill being by far my favourite, full of razor sharp wit and sarcasm. Better played by far than Kurt Russell in the film. The rest of the characters too though are hard not to like despite their differing personalities, and they all make for such a fun and endearing dynamic. Personally I think the characters are what kept this going for so long.

It isn’t without its faults, as sadly i think towards the end it went slightly downhill with some of the main characters disappearing and it’s probably good that it ended when it did.

Still, I have a very fond nostalgic memory of this show as it used to be on Channel 4 on Sunday evenings and I’d sit down to watch it every week without fail with my dad. Fantastic show.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Quiz in TV

Apr 21, 2020  
2020 | Drama
Very entertaining
I've grown up watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire although I have to admit the detail behind the Charles Ingram cheating scandal passed me by. I knew of it but that was it, so I found this show to be not only entertaining but informative too.

As far as tv dramas go, this is very entertaining. The 3 episodes are just enough to tell the story without being overly long and the whole scandal itself is an intriguing tale. I never knew the origins of the show or the real detail behind the scandal (like the brother being involved), so I found this to be fascinating and it was very well made. There's a great cast in this too, Matthew Macfayden is wonderful as the almost dim witted Ingram and he's ably supported by the rest of the cast. The star of the show though is definitely Michael Sheen as Chris Tarrant. He's an absolute hoot and looks like he's having so much fun. It's just a shame that he isn't in this more, although understandable considering the story isnt about him.

Overall this is a very entertaining retelling of a true story and whilst the outcome is rather frustrating (as in real life), it's a lot of fun and has a great nostalgic feel.
Limitless  - Season 1
Limitless - Season 1
2015 | Drama
Premise (3 more)
Finch and Rebecca's relationship
Mike and Ike
Bradley Cooper
Better than the film
I've always liked the limitless premise however for me the movie didn't work that well. I was dubious to watch the tv show but a friend convinced me it was worth doing.
The first episode took me a while to get into mainly because I'm so used to Jake Mc Dorman play Evan in Greek it took a while to adjust to seeing him as Brian Finch. That being said when I got into it I really enjoyed the show.

Brian Finch is a lovable character who has a kind heart but gets into trouble and Rebbeca Harris is just the FBI agent who has the sternness to keep him in check but also the capability to care which makes the team work well. The side characters in the FBI are intresting and amusing poor Mike and Ike ( not there real names but names finch make up.) End up with the rough end of the stick more than once the Janitor is a little hard core.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Game Of Thrones - Season 2 in TV

May 27, 2019 (Updated May 27, 2019)  
Game Of Thrones  - Season 2
Game Of Thrones - Season 2
2012 | Sci-Fi
A second fantastic season
Season 2 of Game of Thrones continues the first seasons display of excellent character development and writing.

We follow Robb Stark for much of the season, as he proceeds to March toward King's Landing in open rebellion against the crown after the events of season 1. It's another slow burning season, but once again, nothing becomes dull, every scene is engaging, and you as a viewer are given time to digest all of the information being handed to you, as well as getting to know both new characters, and already established characters - learning to really detest Joffrey is a particular treat (Hats off to Jack Gleeson).

This season also contains the first proper battle of the show, in the episode Blackwater, which remains one of my favourite episodes to this day.

The closing episodes of season 1 showed that GoT was a show that was not afraid to pull any punches, and season 2 is almost an apitizer for what is yet to come.

Top tier TV!