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Deviant Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #5)
Deviant Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #5)
Brenda Trim, Tami Julka | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
133 of 250
Deviant Warrior ( Dark warrior Alliance book 5)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Of all the Dark Warriors, Kyran Tarakesh is the most aberrant. Having witnessed the brutal murder and rape of his mother seven centuries ago, his sexual preferences are twisted and perverse. He walks the razors edge of control and he likes it that way, until he loses that balance and accidentally kills one of his lovers. As second in line to the Vampire throne, he is precariously close to losing his position, not to mention the respect of his brother and fellow warriors. Just when he thinks it can't get any worse, the Goddess proves him wrong. With her wicked sense of humor, the Goddess catapults him to the dragon realm of Khoth with Mackendra Callaghan, the very human he has been lusting about for months since meeting her. Mackendra not only plunges a knife deep into his heart, she flees and fights him at every turn, inflaming his desires. The surprises keep coming when he discovers she is his Fated Mate. Every belief he has ever had about intimacy is called into question when his mate gives him a taste of true pleasure for the first time. The passion that burns between them is hot enough to burn them to cinders, but he still must dispel her prejudices about vampires and break through her barriers or lose the other half of his soul forever. Mackendra is the leader of a vigilante group that hunts and kills vampires. Sarcasm, snark and weapons of titanium are the tools of her trade, and have shielded her hardened heart. When she is rescued from her burning house by a sexy stranger, she is propelled into an unfamiliar world. Her savior turns out to be a vampire of all things, and she doesn't take kindly to being stranded with the blood-sucker, much less teaming up with him in order to return to earth. She can handle her intense sexual attraction to him, but is terrified when it turns into emotional bonding. Her greatest problem is that she doesn't know how to let go of her past to accept her future. Will she rescue the blood-sucker that is slowly winning her heart or hold fast to her mission to eliminate all vampires?

Pretty much what I have come to expect from this series now although this one had more creature and Dragons I love Dragons!! It was a nice read and would recommend it. I t always amuses me how they get flung into an unknown dimension and still find to get hot and heavy while trying to get home and escape Ogres 😂😂😂
Was a 3.5 out 5!
West really puts your emotions through the wringer!
Independent reviewer for BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

There are 2 things I love most about reviewing: finding new to me authors with extensive back lists, and finding brand NEW authors, who smash it out the park. THIS book falls in the latter category.

I fell into this book, and did not come up for air for better part of 3 hours! I didn't move, eat or drink, I was that engrossed in this.

Finn is a soldier, modified to be the perfect assassin. A chance meeting with Kathleen, an undercover cop who tries to save his intended target, and Finn begins to question everything. When Kathleen then becomes a target, Finn disobeys a direct order for the first time.

What I loved about this, was Finn really can't see what has been done to him, until Kathleen points it out. Oh he KNOWS he's been modified, and can be 'reset' at any time, but he doesn't really SEE, you know? Kathleen makes him SEE, makes him wonder about who he was before, about FINN, rather than The Hound, his handle.

There are multi layers to this, and I loved that. I was kept on my toes right from the start and right through the book, that didn't let up.

It's dark, yes. On page assassinations, and violence, but it was needed for the bigger picture to be clear. Although, I'm sure there is a MUCH bigger picture that fully isn't clear yet!

Once Finn started to remember, I loved that he let himself go with Kathleen. He fully gave himself to Kathleen and took what she offered him and I cheered for them at that point.

THEN!! West does what she does and I cried, cos I wasn't sure that Finn could come back from that. He does, and I cheered again. But West puts your emotions through a wringer!!

I only really have a niggle, and it is a niggle cos I'm greedy like that! I would have liked a bit more information about what was done to Finn. We get that he is put through some vigarous mind washing, and genetic modifications, and we get all that but I wanted it in more detail. I wanted to go through that with Finn. Maybe I'm kinda twisted but I wanted to feel his pain, to fully appreciate what he's been through.

Apollo is another soldier who pops up here. I am assuming he will be next and I really hope I get to read it!

4 very VERY good stars, but very well done Ms West!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Midday in Books

Jun 6, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
^^ Okay, so imagine the scene. Gay couple, Vincent and Ryan are living in a beautiful penthouse – a dream home only the rich can afford. Vince has a great job at a bank, with much responsibility; it’s how he can afford the place they live, and how Ryan gets to be a ‘kept man’, whilst he works from home writing his future bestseller. What a perfect life, eh?

^^ Nope. In reality they’ve a strained love, hate relationship. Ryan is high on drugs most of the time and not getting his bestseller written at all. And Vince, well, he’s just been accosted by a man called Darragh, who demands that he withdraw eight million Euros (2 from each bank he is in charge of) and deliver it back to him at the Penthouse, by midday – or he shoots Ryan dead! It’s far from the perfect life we are first lead to believe.

^^ What a fabulous read! There are several parts to this book which made this so much more than just a ‘grab the cash and save my boyfriend from dying’ story. Yes, that is the main theme, but the way it was written took the story much deeper and darker then I ever expected.

^^ The story is told from four different perspectives, Vince, Ryan, Darragh and Jack. We watch how Vince has the pressure to get the money to save his boyfriend. We hear about Ryan and what he really gets up to, and how he is being kept hostage in his own penthouse by Darragh fearing his possible death in only a few hours – if Vince doesn’t make it back in time. We also hear the thoughts and ideals of both the baddies, and they all have something worthwhile to bring to the story, which is why I think I enjoyed this read so much. At least a huge part of why!

^^ I did have one small gripe – the flashbacks – once I got used to this author’s style, I adjusted the way I read it. But I would’ve preferred perhaps a paragraph break, so I didn’t just get thrown out of the story at times this happened. Admittedly, some transitions were better than others.

^^ Despite this, I did find this a terrific read in other areas, and have to mention (in my usual semi-cryptic way, as to not give away spoilers) how I loved fearing for Ryan’s safety at the beginning, and then as I raced through the book, I changed my view of him and wanted him dead myself! Cleverly done, David B. Lyons!

^^ The use of wannabe gangster and rookie murderer Darragh was also very well woven into the story, as was the mysterious Jack.


Midday: A tense, fast read, filled with dark secrets, betrayal, and an ending so twisted I didn’t see it rounding the corner until it was on top of me! NICE!
The Finishing School
The Finishing School
Joanna Goodman | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It has been 20 years since Kersti Kuusk set foot on the grounds of the Lycée, the prestigious boarding school she attended as a teen. Kersti was a scholarship student from Canada at the elite school, and she left abruptly in her senior year, after her best friend, Cressida, fell from her balcony one evening. The school declared the event an accident, but now, Kersti finds herself unconvinced. A timely letter from another of her school friends brings up more questions: was Cressida pushed, or did she attempt suicide? Kersti knows that Cressida had become increasingly obsessed with a secret society within the Lycée--banned since the 1970s when two of its members were expelled. As the school plans a celebration of its 100th anniversary, Kersti considers returning. She also starts looking further into Cressida's fall. However, some secrets are meant to stay buried.

THE FINISHING SCHOOL is told in alternating chapters between the present day and Kersti's school years, leading up to Cressida's fall from the balcony. This effective technique certainly creates tension and suspense, leading you to madly flip the pages, trying to figure out what happened - particularly to Kersti's group of friends at the Lycée twenty years ago. The novel pulls you in fairly quickly and hooks you rather rapidly. Goodman is quite adept at capturing the voices of her characters, especially the teens, and the boarding school passages are rather effective. (They are also great at making you want to never send your child to boarding school. Parts of it reminded me of Tana French's THE SECRET PLACE in that way.)

For me, the only thing that held this book back was that some of the plot was a little weird: mostly some of the things relating to Kersti's personal life and her obsession with Cressida. They didn't necessarily seem required for the story to be successful, but they bothered me. It's a shame, because overall I liked Kersti, and I felt a connection with her. Present-day Kersti is suffering from infertility, and, as someone who has been there, I can say that Goodman captures that angst very well. I just wasn't sure about some of her choices.

At times, some of the school drama gets a little tedious, but it picks up as the novel gains momentum, especially near the end. I figured out parts of the plot, but not all of it, and I was quite frantic to finish the last portions of the book to put it all together. It's quite a dark and twisted tale, overall. Certainly worth a read. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 04/11/2017.

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Apartment 255
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly IÂ’d like to thank Netgalley and Momentum Books for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

I really wanted to like this more than I did. The story of the disturbed Ginny playing out her sick fantasies and aiming to ruin her “best friends” life is a great plot for a great psychological thriller but something with this book was amiss.

I think, for me, the reason this book didn’t fulfil my original expectations was purely down to the characters. Ginny was the only interesting character to read about, yet there wasn’t much description when it came to her and instead the story focused on the couple whose lives were being destroyed. I found Sarah too annoying to like, even when she wasn’t being manipulated and tortured by Ginny’s actions. For me, she was too happy and lovey dovey. Yes, she had just got engaged and I expect anyone to be happy after that, but the way she described Tom and their life together was such a picture perfect, cookie cutter life that it made everything seem like she was living out her own fantasy of this perfect life she had. Tom was more interesting as a character than Sarah, but ultimately still a bit of a drip. It just seemed like he couldn’t live without his precious ‘Sare Bear’ and seemed incapable of doing anything but think of her, whether with love or with anger. It may sound like I’m being cynical but I found it all too sickly sweet. Thel and Hal’s story didn’t interest me either, it felt like part of a story that didn’t need to be there and easily could have been replaced with more about Ginny or at least cut down.

The plot for this was amazing and although it felt a bit slow to begin with, it does become fast paced and exciting for the reader nearer the end, though hearing more from GinnyÂ’s side would have been more interesting than always hearing about how angry Sarah felt right at that moment or how confused Tom was that Sarah was being the way she was.

The ending was certainly a twist of events that I hadnÂ’t seen coming. The reason for Ginny being so twisted and evil certainly came as a shock for me and the last couple of sentences in the book were chilling.

Overall I did enjoy this book but it wasnÂ’t something I was reaching for every night, instead I used it to pass the time while on the train to and from work. I can see this becoming a popular book and IÂ’m certain I know people who would love this, but I hate sickly sweet and there was definitely too much of that in this book for me.
Pale Blue Scratch
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on:

I was lucky enough to be approached by Jay DiNitto himself, and he sent me a copy of his first novel - Pale Blue Scratch in exchange for an honest review. This is a book unlike anything else I have ever read, and it left me impressed. I dearly enjoyed it, and maybe you will too.

As mentioned above, this is a book unlike any other that I have read. It is a great mix of fiction / action / fast-paced scenes / philosophy / psychology and a little bit of time-travelling.
Even though we have two main characters - Elizabeth and Vincent, this book focused more on Elizabeth, for various reasons.

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There were times when the scenes were slow, and somewhat a bit dull, but there were also times when there were fast-paced scenes that make me bite my nails. Though, as a whole, I found the story to not quite fit my taste. It felt like Elizabeth didn’t have a great or a strong enough reason to do this adventure.

Elizabeth’s character - now this is something quite amusing! I have never met a character like this - so twisted in a cute hippocrytical way. A nun with an adorable sense of humor, that goes around on a mission to make a time-travel machine, and happens to hurt people on her way… I loved her character in a very weird way (don’t judge!)

Now Vincent didn’t quite hit the mark. He seemed more of a plain character, like a little copy of someone else, somewhere, once upon a time. He gave the impression of a person that, unlike Elizabeth, didn’t quite knew where he belonged and what he’s doing. It felt like it didn’t bother him at all. And that’s alright. The moment when this started to hurt me was at the end - when he didn’t change a bit.
Even though a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to read much about time-travelling as I would want to, this book was quite amusing and it covered various random topics that I quite liked. I loved that variety when one moment you talk about religion, the other moment a great action scene happens, and then here we are again, discussing life philosophy.

All in all, to sum it all up - I greatly enjoyed this book! It was definitely unusual read, and unique in every single way. And if you love fiction / action / a bit of time-travelling / humor and philosophy, this might be easily your new favourite book!

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Spiral (2007)
Spiral (2007)
2007 | Drama, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mason isn't exactly your everyday joe. He's an artist. A sketcher and a painter, but he's also incredibly quiet and tends to keep to himself. He has an office job where he tries to sell car insurance, but he doesn't exactly fit in with others. His only friend(if that's what you want to call him) is Berkeley, the boss. Berkeley comes off like he cares about Mason, but his compassion is overshadowed by the fact that he's a prick. Things start looking up for Mason as he meets Amber. After seeing Mason's sketches and getting to know him a little better, she decides she wants him to paint her. Mason's...odd side starts to reveal itself as he won't let Amber see his sketches. "There are rules," he says, "You can't see it until it's done." As Amber gets closer to Mason, what can he be hiding? Why is he such an "enigma," as Amber put it? Why does he keep having disturbing dreams about another woman?

Where do I start? I actually really liked this. I was expecting to as Adam Green and Joel David Moore were both involved with Hatchet, which is a guilty pleasure of mine. While Hatchet is half comedy and half gorefest, Spiral is more of a dramatic thriller that builds towards the ending. Spiral, while being low budget, is shot in superb fashion. The way its shot is actually its charm. I love the way the camera gets shaky during the scenes where Mason seems like he's going to lose it or when he finally does. Joel David Moore is also in top form here. His talent truly shines in this role. Everything from his body language to the way he chomps his teeth when he gets nervous, he sucks you in. You wind up feeling sorry for Mason even though you know he's twisted in some way. Witnessing his character unveil how dark really is is just amazing. The other actor I was really impressed with was Zachary Levi. I wound up becoming a fan of his with Chuck, but I've never seen him like this. He's basically a prick with a heart(even though that side of him is really only shown to Mason). While his role is a little small, he's still able to steal a few scenes...especially in the last half of the film. The other element that really adds to the film is the jazz music used. It fits perfectly with Mason's personality. Jazz music accentuates Mason's insanity that nothing else could. I really have nothing bad to say about the film.

This may surprise a few people, but Spiral is actually quite enjoyable. The acting is top notch and it's written incredibly well. For a movie that went straight to DVD, it's quite surprising how good it actually is. Even if you hated Hatchet, you should give Spiral a chance as it's a completely different kind of film.
Oryx and Crake (Madd Addam #1)
Oryx and Crake (Madd Addam #1)
Margaret Atwood | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oryx and Crake is a dystopian style post-apocalyptic novel which for the majority focuses on one character, Jimmy, otherwise known as Snowman. The book centres on his life before the fall of a modern civilisation as well as how he move through life afterwards. This world (before the fall) is a perverted but in my opinion not too farfetched realisation of our future. The rich live in compounds with access to all sorts of medications and rejuvenating procedures to lengthen youth and help them remain beautiful. The poor live in the pleeblands, which appears to be not to different from the world we live in now. Food production has been streamlined with scientists creating ‘chicken’ style life forms that have no head/legs as these are not necessary, they just exist in a basic form with no brain function other than to grow. Also in this would entertainment has taken a leap and reality style TV has been twisted so much that it is almost incomprehensible that anyone would watch these shows. It is on one of these shows that Jimmy and his friend Crake first come across Oryx as a young girl. Jimmy and Crake grow up, go to different Universities and begin very different careers. Crake is an enigma, never really part of the human race, although he really does seem to be Jimmy’s friend. He is a genius and begins to develop science in leaps and bounds that could be the end of everything.

This book really got my mind asking questions of myself and science. Often at times it also made me feel anxious and tense in a way not many books have. I don’t see this as a negative, on the contrary I believe it was a positive element to the book. I personally am not a fan of reality shows, and the way entertainment is shown in the book doesn’t seem like a far stretch from what we are currently doing anyway. How many people only watch these shows to see people come to blows? When something horrendous happens on the news, how many people go and try and watch the act online? I am not say in the next few years I expect to see live executions on the TV, but it doesn’t seem like it could never happen. Which is more than worrying. The animal/food production element also doesn’t seem too far off, we can already grow meat in a lab, so how long till we can produce a chicken style organism like in this book. How long till science tries to combine different genes from animals to create new ones.

This is one of the best books I have come across this year and I fully intend to carry on the series. Fully entertaining, fully engrossing, horrific in an addictive way. There is no way to read it without questioning it. I would highly recommend.
Taking Lives (2004)
Taking Lives (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Taking Lives starts as we see a young man kill another young man to steal his identity, years later a body is discovered in Canada which leads to the local French-Canadian police to call in FBI profiler Illeana (Jolie) to help with the new mystery body. Things take a turn when a man Costa (Hawke) believes he interrupted the next attempted murder before the killer is finished dealing with the body.

When the police learn this killer has been killing and stealing identities the case takes a turn and now they must figure out who the latest victim is and who he has become.


Thoughts on Taking Lives


Characters – Illeane Scott is an FBI Profiler bought in to help with the case of a killer that is stealing identities of the people he is murdering, she gets the profile correct and wants to had home after starting to become interested in one of the key witnesses. Costa is a key witness who interrupts one of the murders before the killer can complete his plan, he gives the information to track the killer. Hart is a man that soon enters Costa’s life after the incident making him the prime suspect as the killer.

Performances – Angelina Jolie is solid enough in this leading role which disappoints because we know she can be a fantastic cop figure. Ethan Hawke struggles with his role too which is only really filled with disappointment as he never convinces in his witness role. Kiefer Sutherland disappoints because we know how good he can be and want to see him more often in a film.

Story – The story is a FBI agent needing to help track down a serial killer who steals identity, yeah these are usually entertaining to watch but this just doesn’t reach the levels of mystery it needs, this might be because this is a repeat viewing and I know the ending, but there are never really any hints or suspects to work with through the film. the film lacks the true tension needed in a film that is filled with twisted crimes going on.

Crime/Mystery – The crime is interesting for a killer to be acting the way they do, the weakest part is the mystery as we just don’t meet enough potential suspects.

Settings – The film is sent in a big city which plays into the idea that someone could steal and identity and kill someone without people noticing someone going missing.

Special Effects – The effects are good because we get to see practical effects when it comes to the kills and aftermath from them.

Scene of the Movie – The lift opening.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not enough suspects.

Final Thoughts – This is a crime thriller that lacks the punch to make it stand out from the crowded market, we always need a large group of suspects, but this didn’t give us enough, while it did create a great killer.


Overall: Lacklustre crime thriller