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Airport '77 (1977)
Airport '77 (1977)
1977 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Another airport disaster film, if I remember right this was interesting as it dealt with a plane that had crashed and was deep underwater in the ocean. Quite an intriguing film as they try to problem solve how to save the passengers.
Under Pressure
Under Pressure
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
This is a great podcast, and I can't wait for season two. It explores relationships and tension aboard an underwater research station in a believable and nuanced way. Also, the bottom of the ocean is scary af, especially when there's no way up.

Sarah (7798 KP) is asking for a recommendation

Feb 5, 2020  
Recommend Me
I'm planning on going to the cinema on Friday afternoon but cant decide what film to watch. The choices are between:

Just Mercy
Richard Jewell

Can anyone recommend which to watch? I'm erring towards Richard Jewell but I'm open to recommendations!
Show all 13 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 6, 2020

I liked Richard Jewel quite a bit.


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Feb 6, 2020

The cinema in my city has one showing of Underwater at 21:10 on Friday, when I'm busy 😭

Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Great twists and gory, like an underwater version Alien that spins up to a really cool finale, the antagonist is pretty awesome (0 more)
A lot of horror tropes abound, feels a lot like Alien which is kinda slow then picks up an hour in (0 more)
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Fair play, Underwater doesn't fuck around - 2 minutes in and all hell starts breaking loose and shit hits the fan pretty relentlessly until the credits roll. It's clear that director William Eubank wants your attention from the beginning - unfortunately it doesn't quite stay like this throughout...

I actually enjoyed Underwater for the most part, it's just that somewhere in the middle, it really starts to drag a bit, and I'm not even quite sure why - there's always something going on but it just lost me a bit.
Fortunately, the up and down middle act is book-ended by a very strong and tense first act, and one hell of a final third - no spoilers here but holy fuck!!!
The ending 'reveal' honestly elevates Underwater to loftier heights.

It also benefits from a good cast. Kristen Stewart has really grown on me in recent years and she's a fantastic lead in this. Always a pleasure to have Jessica Henwick and John Gallagher Jr. onscreen as well.
As per usual, I couldn't really get on with T.J. Miller - there's just something about that dude that always feels a bit too try hard - people liked him in Deadpool and now he's just typecast as the comic relief - Underwater doesn't really need comic relief.

There are some genuinely tense moments here and there, and the Aliens vibes are prominent - it's of course a few tiers under Aliens, but the bottom of the sea feels just as empty and otherworldly as space, and the creature designs are suitably eerie. The low light levels cover up a lot of CGI, so it never looks too fake either, with the exception of a couple of dodgy gore effects.

Underwater is a decent enough sci-fi-horror thriller that suffer a bit from pacing issues, but a good watch for those of you who like movie monsters.

Jackjack (877 KP) Sep 11, 2020

👏👏 Couldn't agree more!!!


Josh Sadfie recommended L'Atalante (1934) in Movies (curated)

L'Atalante (1934)
L'Atalante (1934)
1934 | Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The godfather of magical realism, but not twee at all. Also the underwater sequence has been homaged so many times it’s solidified as legendary. Michel Simon’s character is so touching in this film, he’s also littered with so many tattoos he could be a transplant from a Viceland show."

47 Meters Down (2017)
47 Meters Down (2017)
2017 | Horror
Lots of good ocean cinematography, nice underwater camerawork all around. Particularly love the claustrophobic way we’re drawn into the situation of these women.
Critic- Father Son Holy Gore
Original Score: 4 out of 5

Read Review:

Nicholas Cage recommended Pinocchio (1940) in Movies (curated)

Pinocchio (1940)
Pinocchio (1940)
1940 | Animation, Classics, Family

"I think Pinocchio is Disney’s masterpiece, and I think that it’s such a perfectly put-together film. It has such a beautiful message in it, and so much thought went into it, and of course it’s beautifully drawn, and the colors are extraordinary, and I love Monstro, and the underwater sequences are quite something."


Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a question about Dunkirk (2017) in Movies

Dec 16, 2020  
This looks like an epic film and I'd love to see it. However, I am highly claustrophobic and have seen trailers that show men trapped in planes underwater (drowning is another one of my phobias) so I don't know if I can handle watching it. The first time I saw Titanic, I had pressure in my chest from a rising panic attack that was so severe it felt as if I was in chest-deep water like Jack and Rose. I still have trouble getting through the scene when he's handcuffed in the purser's office (or wherever.) So, are there many scenes in Dunkirk that show underwater or claustrophobic situations, or do you think I can get through the movie without freaking out?

Erika (17788 KP) Dec 17, 2020

I would say that if you have an issue watching drowning, you probably wouldn't be able to make it through the film. A lot of it is filmed to purposely make you feel claustrophobic and like you're in the situation with the characters.

Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
1954 | Horror
6.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Number four would be the Creature from the Black Lagoon. That one, of course, was split up; two actors played him. Ricou Browning was the Gill-man in the water, and Ben Chapman was the Gill-man out of the water, on the land. The most memorable imagery for me would be Ricou in those underwater sequences, when he’s swimming underneath Julie Adams. She’s innocently having a swim in her little white bathing suit, like “la la la,” having no idea that this thing is lurking underneath her. But that underwater performance of his has channeled its way into my own creatures. I’ve played two fish-men now in my career, so I think that the Creature from the Black Lagoon actually left a huge thumbprint on me from that."
