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Hy Brazil (The Elven Wars, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Edward Harry has improved his lot in life, and he finds himself a position as secretary to a famous poet. Because of this, he is included when his employer travels, as he is to write down any and every thought Edmund Spenser has surrounding the beauty and majesty of the surrounding world. They make their way to Ireland, where Edward makes a friend in Calvagh, and together they choose to explore their surroundings. This leads them onto a journey neither thought possible, and they land in the Elven world of Hy Brazil, smack in the middle of civil unrest. Will they make it back to their own world? Or will they be stuck there forever, never to go home again?

I must start by saying the cover is absolutely beautiful, and that beauty continues within the words of the novel. The description and imagery used, especially once the duo makes it to Hy Brazil, is so rich it makes you believer you're actually seeing it with your own eyes. This story is a very interesting one, set back in the late 1500s, and the language used deftly sets you in that time period. All around, this story is one which sucks you in, and I definitely couldn't put it down once the pair crossed into the Elven realm.

4 1/2 stars

Awix (3310 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 4, 2019 (Updated Oct 4, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Striking riff on some elements of the Batman mythology looks good but simultaneously feels like it's trying to do too much and struggling to justify its own existence. In an early 80s Gotham City, severely troubled clown/comedian Arthur Fleck (Phoenix) is struggling to maintain his grip on reality, not to mention his own sanity. But a powerful force of nihilistic chaos is incubating within him...

A very strong performance by Joaquin Phoenix is the main reason to see this film, as he manages to be pitiable, frightening, and occasionally very funny. The sustained grimness and intensity of it is also surprising and impressive. That said, it does take rather a long time for the traditional Joker characterisation to begin to appear, and the question of whether this character can actually support a whole movie has clearly troubled the film-makers, too - hence, presumably, the attempts to make points about anti-capitalism, social unrest, and the mass media. These don't chime especially well with the period setting, which is presumably to facilitate the homages to King of Comedy, Taxi Driver, French Connection and Network which the film is filled with. One inevitably wonders what the point of the Joker is without Batman, unless it's simply to shock and provoke. This film does those things, but only up to a point and to no very obvious end. A good-looking, well-made, well-played film, but perhaps just the tiniest bit portentous.
A Million Suns (Across the Universe, #2)
A Million Suns (Across the Universe, #2)
Beth Revis | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book almost as much as the first book in the series. While in some trilogies, the middle book can feel like a "filler", this one was packed with more secrets, lies, and mind games to keep me guessing. So many secrets, where to begin!
For starters, Orion's influence is not over yet, as he has a special message for Amy - and he couldn't keep it simple of course - there would be no plot otherwise. Then there is the mystery of the engine and what can be done about it. More secrets are revealed when Amy becomes curious about Elder's past, and the myriad secrets are only part of the problem.
Since the power of Phydus is no more, unrest and discontent are brewing among the other members of the ship, questioning Elder's leadership and abilities, as well as Amy's strangeness and own influence over others. What is most intriguing to me while reading the novel was how so many of the ship's members completely lacked in wisdom and maturity thanks to the robotic-like existence under the influence of Phydus. While they were supposed to have learned from the problems in the history of Sol-Earth, they behaved rather predictably in the given situation with rioting, sexual deviance, violence, withholding of valuable goods, bribery, blackmail, etc. It causes me to wonder just how well such people can be expected to survive on a new planet... should they ever land on it.
I cannot wait for Shades of Earth!
Ali (2001)
Ali (2001)
2001 | Drama
Needed more...
Contains spoilers, click to show
I used to have this in my collection but passed it on few years ago. It's not a bad film by any means but to put it simply, it is preaching to the converted, the fans of Mohammed Ali, and those who are old enough to remember him at his prime. I am neither.

This was a biopic that simply didn't offer enough information for the indoctrinated to take in, instead focusing, and very well, on the atmosphere and nuance of the day. The key events of his career are played out as the political unrest of the 60′s, and the race movement unfold.

But in the end, this is an actors film, and for that I might call it flawless. Will Smith as the titular Ali, is pitch perfect, as he proves once and for all that his can be a great actor, and the transformation of Jon Voight into Howard Cosell, is suburb. Mann is a top flight director in my book, able to convey nuanced situations and craft his films in a style unto his own, but sometimes, I feel a little short-changed, as I do here.

I wanted to learn about a man and a fighter from an era that I wasn't born into and was only given so much. But on the other hand, for those who were there, who do know him, the response has been very favourable.

A good film for those who know and half a film for those who are not so lucky.
The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988)
The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988)
1988 | Fantasy, Horror
7.0 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bill Pullman (0 more)
Dont Bury Me Im Not Dead
The Serpent and The Rainbow- is a excellent voodoo horrror flick. Bill pullman does a fantasic job in this. The visuals are great, the horror is great.

The Plot: In a time of social and political unrest in Haiti, anthropologist Dennis Alan (Bill Pullman) travels to the torn country to study a Voodoo drug used in religious practices to turn victims into living zombies. With the help of a witch doctor (Brent Jennings) and a fellow researcher (Cathy Tyson), Dennis pieces together the deadly mystery. But as Dennis uncovers the secrets behind the mysterious powder, he must evade the Haitian authorities who view his research as a potential threat.

During production in Haiti, the local government informed the cast and crew that they could not guarantee their safety for the remainder of the film's shoot because of the political strife and civil turmoil that was occurring during that time; as a result, production was relocated to the Dominican Republic for the remainder of the shoot.

In an interview, Craven stated that unlike his previous films that had problems with the Motion Picture Association of America, the first cut got an R rating without any problems. According to an article from Fangoria #71, the original cut was three hours long but Craven felt that it was too long and talky so it was cut down to 98 minutes. It was then test screened to the audience and their reactions were favorable.

Its a excellent film.
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
1966 | Classics, Drama, War
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This film-maker was unknown to me entirely before I decided to watch this film. In fact, I had only heard of the film itself quite recently from seeing it mentioned as one of the best films in the genre as a commentary on political insurgency and civil unrest. It is so well regarded that even the US military used it to prepare troops for entering Iraq. The main actors are largely unknown and many of the supporting cast and extras are not actors at all. The camera is allowed to wander and wobble, and such is the feel of random chaos at times you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a documentary. Nominated for 3 Oscars, and faultless in achieving its goal of humanising both sides of an argument, you can see the influence on Oliver Stone and Paul Greengrass, to name but two better known directors with a political edge.

It’s not a film I would feel the need to go back to, unless demonstrating to someone how to make something staged feel entirely real. I admire this film very much, but wouldn’t exactly call it entertaining or even rewarding as a story. Its purpose is to reinforce the tragedy of a people facing oppression and to realise the lengths both sides will go to in protecting their ideals and relative freedoms. The excellent hand held photography and score by the always inspirational Ennio Moricone are other reasons to watch it. As a history lesson of North Africa post WWII it also has a lot to offer.
Belfast (2021)
Belfast (2021)
2021 | Drama
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In short, Belfast is a very human and truly wonderful piece of cinema.
It's visual style is both stunning and simple, and is brimming with plenty of striking imagery.
It's themes are rich. The setting explores the civil unrest between Protestants and Catholics in 1960s Belfast. This turbulent moment in time is a constant presence for sure, but the main bulk of the narrative deals with a working class family who are struggling with debt, and are looking to potentially relocate to England in light of the city wide violence. The very heart of the story though is found in Buddy, the young son of the family who is dealing with growing up and not wanting to leave. Buddy's actor, Jude Hill, is excellent. He embodies innocent childhood and the adventure that comes with it. He's an 11 year old actor, holding his own against screen veterans such as CiarĂ¡n Hinds and Judi Dench (both fantastic as always).
Other than Buddy, most of the heavy lifting is undertaken by the mother, played by Caitriona Balfe, who really deserves an Academy Nomination for her role here. Jamie Dornan also stars, who proved to be a pleasant surprise for me, only knowing him from the obvious, and is a welcome addition to an all round stellar cast. Throughout this, the narrative touches upon loss and loneliness, and the moments of life that manage to be bittersweet.

Belfast is a sometimes heartwarming, powerful, occasionally funny, and often melancholy tale told with a lot of love and care. Kenneth Branagh has delivered a slice of cinematic gold.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Quatermass Conclusion (1979) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
The Quatermass Conclusion (1979)
The Quatermass Conclusion (1979)
1979 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
We're all doomed, I tell you, DOOMED!
Big-screen version of Nigel Kneale's ultra-depressing finale to his series of Quatermass TV shows and films. Kneale was only in his fifties when he wrote this, which is odd because it feels very much like an old man's wail of anguish when faced with a world he no longer feels he belongs to or even recognises. Set in the near future - one very much informed by the social unrest and generational tensions that were present in the UK when it was made - this is the story of a collapsing civilisation presented with a new threat: a hostile alien presence, which originally visited Earth five thousand years ago, has returned, basically intent on chowing down on young people (this was clearly an influence on the later Torchwood series Children of Earth). Ageing boffin Bernard Quatermass must find a solution, if he can.

It's not uncommon for SF to be not so much about predicting the future as complaining about the present, but what makes this version of Quatermass unusual is it's told primarily from the perspective of old people - there are a couple of younger sympathetic characters, but even they are thirty-five-going-on-sixty in their attitudes, and most of the younger people are depicted as either feckless wasters or violent psychopaths. (The generation gap is explained by alien influences being at work.)

Reasonably lavish, bearing in mind its TV origins, and quite successful on its own terms - but as its main intention seems to be to drive the viewer to despair, it's not especially easy to like.
Heroes or Theives (Steps of Power #2)
Heroes or Theives (Steps of Power #2)
J.J. Sherwood | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book of Sherwood's epic fantasy series picks up the threads from the first, Kings or Pawns, and follows various characters in the aftermath of Saebellus' victory. Some of these are familiar, such as the defeated general Jikun, others are less so and some are completely new.

Once again the story doesn't follow the usual fantasy template. Where in the first book Saebellus was depicted as the main enemy and villain of the piece here shades of grey are cast on his character and his actions. Jikun himself is struggling to come to terms with his situation and is seemingly willing to risk everything to have some sort of revenge. Selemar is playing a risky political game, trying to invoke unrest whilst also acting as the head of the corrupt council.

Sherwood performs a tricky balancing act well, with so many stories to move forward that are only tangentially connected but each is handled effectively and told with an eye to both detail and character that keeps the reader involved in each of the plot threads.

As with the previous book there is a fair amount of political intrigue, although most is away from the claustrophobic council but is just as deadly for whoever is going to be on the losing side. The characters are constantly developing and the new characters introduced are perfectly judged and naturally intertwine with the story as it moves forward.

With this second work continuing in the excellent style of the first this series is a must read for any lover of fantasy.

Content rating: Some sexual references and language and some violence
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Luna was born in the Netherlands, moved to Spain with her husband, gave birth to two wonderful boys, and then her husband tragically passed. She knows she has ties to Spain via a lost grandfather, and she needs to prove who he was and her relationship to him in order to remain in Spain as a national instead of keeping as Visa as a foreigner. However, trying to track down this man proves to be more difficult than she initially thought, and she meets interesting people and uncovers a lot of secrets along the way, secrets that many in Spain would rather keep hidden.

This was a wonderful story. It bounces back and forth between the late 1930s and 2009/2010, as it provides the actual story of Luna's grandfather as a backdrop during her search. While it did get somewhat confusing trying to keep the relatives and relationships straight, it was a very emotional story with a variety of offshoots, and it was interesting to see how the lives of the people in the 30s affected what was going on 70 years later. The 30s was a time of civil unrest and war in Spain, which is why nobody wants Luna digging up the past, both literally and figuratively. However, she has to know about her family, and we learn all about the tragic tale right along with her.

There's romance, heartbreak, a mystery, and tales of war. This book will appeal to a variety of people, and I recommend you read it, not only if you like romances but also if you want to learn a little about the history of Spain during a time they'd rather forget.

4 stars