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John Bailey recommended L'Eclisse (1962) in Movies (curated)

L'Eclisse (1962)
L'Eclisse (1962)
1962 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Antonioni’s great L’avventura, La notte, and L’eclisse are yet another linked trilogy, though their stories and characters are as disparate as those of the Rossellini trilogy. It may be the director’s hyper-refined architectural style that we remember most in this film, people lost in its urban landscape. But Antonioni was also very much a child of Italian neorealism, as we can trace in his early films and documentaries. The long, wordless sequence, devoid of the main characters, that concludes this film is justly cited as a masterpiece of visual alienation and loss. But the hectic frenzy of the Turin Bourse sequence, a near standalone set piece in the middle of the film, shows the director at his documentary best, even as the camera smoothly glides through the rushing masses of stock traders with a singular determination of its own mission"

Wrong Ways Down (Downside Ghosts, #1.5)
Wrong Ways Down (Downside Ghosts, #1.5)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I couldn't love this series or Terrible anymore than I already do. If you haven't started this series, you so should. It's a great Urban Fantasy series that combines ghosts, mystery and romance and it is AMAZING.

So in this we see it from Terrible's POV as he tries to track down who's been attacking prostitutes in Downside. It was interesting seeing how Terrible worked and the relationship between him and Bump.

We see bits of him with Chess and how, even so early on in the series, he wants to spend time with her and get to know her better. It's kinda sweet really, and just another reason why I love Terrible. Okay, so he's not the greatest looking guy but he has such a great heart underneath.

I'm eagerly awaiting book 6 in the series!