The Sustainable City XII
Grouping a selection of papers from the 12th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and...

Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities
Charlotte Bates, Rob Imrie and Kim Kullman
Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities connects the study of design with care, and explores how...

Online Chicken School Podcast
Whether you have been keeping chickens for years or you are just thinking about getting started;...

Amman: Gulf Capital, Identity, and Contemporary Megaprojects
Gulf capital flows to Amman, Jordan, in the early twenty-first century and the investment of this...

TheRogue (70 KP) rated Keystone (Crossbreed #1) in Books
Aug 5, 2017

Sport Tech Style Video Update
Sport Tech Style Video Update offers 1 minute daily video posdcast introducing hottest new sneakers...

Cities and Crisis
Cities have been missing from analyses of the global economic crisis and debates about how to...

Acts Of Vengeance (2017)
A revenge thriller with a difference. Antonio Banderas in a different light.