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A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
2018 | Fantasy
Dull and cringeworthy
I knew after the first couple of episodes that this series wasn’t for me, but I persevered in the hope it might get better as it went along. Sadly it doesn’t.

The main problem is that witches, vampires etc have all been done before. And most have been done better than this. The vampires are all moody and gloomy looking dressed in black, and all of the different creatures show no potential whatsoever. The witches exhibit some powers but nothing particularly impressive, the vampires don’t do much either and the demons do absolutely nothing and don’t show any powers or supernatural abilities whatsoever. For the most part, this is just a romance with a supernatural backdrop thrown in. And even the romance aspect isn’t very good - this stinks of a slightly more adult version of Twilight. It’s cheesy, cringey and moves so quickly it beggars belief.

There are some talented actors in this, but sadly the script and the plot really lets them down. Matthew Goode’s attempts at making his vampire snarling, bloodthirsty and terrifying are laughable. The only person who really pulls off any menace is Trevor Eve but he’s sidelined in favour of more irritating characters. Even Teresa Palmer doesn’t come across well, playing so much like Bella from Twilight it’s disturbing.

The show itself is very scenic and beautifully shot, unsurprising considering some of the locations like Oxford and Venice. It’s just a shame that i found it very dull and laughable (not in a good way). I also found the cliffhanger ending disappointing, as the likelihood of me ever bothering to watch another series is slim. I only just made it through these 8 episodes.

Lee (2222 KP) Nov 12, 2018

Yay, so it wasn't just me ?


ClareR (5603 KP) rated Dracul in Books

Dec 11, 2018  
J.D. Barker, Dacre Stoker | 2018 | Horror
8.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The start of Bram Stokers biography?
And to think that I nearly gave up on this to begin with! At about 20% in, it just didn't seem to be drawing me in at all. So how pleased am I that I persevered?!!

This is a prequel to Bram Stokers Dracula, and is the story of Bram himself. It postulates that Dracula and vampires really do exist, Bram and his family had an intimate relationship with one (not like THAT!), and Dracula was written as a warning about the Undead. Well, I clearly don't know what to believe now!
The language used in this novel is a little more up to date than Bram Stokers original: it's written for the modern reader (as Bram's was at the time, I suppose), and is consequently much easier to read. This book is supposedly based on notes that Bram left behind - whether they were ideas for another book, or they were 'actual occurrences', we'll never really know.

Bram and his family are followed from Bram's early childhood, up until well after their encounter with Dracul. It's exciting, there's loads of action, and I had some serious worries about Bram's siblings! There's loads of historical detail (potato famine in Ireland, disease, poverty) which I rather enjoyed. But it's the encounters with the vampires that I really loved. There's always going to be someone that makes the comparison to 'that' vampire series, and so I'll be the one. There IS NO comparison. These aren't nicey-nicey vampires who sparkle. These are largely speaking, evil, dark-magic-using, killing machines. Much more fun.

 I think this is probably going to be a series. Which I will obviously be reading. Obviously.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Ross (3282 KP) Dec 11, 2018

I totally agree with the slow start. So glad you stuck with it and loved it. I'm not sure if there will be more, but Dacre has already written a sequel of sorts - Dracula - The Un-Dead, which is not totally dreadful but a similar offering to this, albeit of lower quality. It echoes Bram Stoker's time at the Lyceum Theatre so has that same element of being based on his life. The writing is nowhere near as good as this though. Its currently £1.49 on UK Kindle so not the end of the world if you hate it (I thought it was half-decent but I think it has been roundly slated).


ClareR (5603 KP) Dec 11, 2018

Thanks Ross - I might just have a look!!

Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Stephenie Meyer | 2005 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (160 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yes, I admit it - I'm in the Love It camp and so firmly in Team Edward it's ridiculous! The jury definitely seems out, not only this book but on the series in general. People seem to either love it or hate it with no middle ground, a bit like Marmite! What follows is my opinion, and only my opinion!

I didn't immediately read this book upon it's release due to the hype that had preceded it so I was happy to wait. When I did eventually buy it, it was because it was on offer as a paperback in my local supermarket and I was looking for something new to read. So I bought it. I read it in a couple of evenings, starting as soon my children had gone to bed and reading through until it was my turn to retire for the night.

The book has its flaws and faults just like every other book out on the market. But you either like Bella and Edward (Jacob isn't in this book much) or you don't. You know that he's a vampire from the beginning so it comes as no surprise when he admits it. I like the fact that Bella doesn't see herself as others do and is clumsy and uncoordinated.

I have since bought this in hardback and still enjoy reading it and I still fall in love with Edward every time that I read it as he is such a "gentleman" to me.

One thing I would say - whether you like it, love it, think it's ok or hate it, you are entitled to your own opinion the same as I am. Just don't knock mine because it's different to yours!

Merissa (11805 KP) rated The Shadow in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Shadow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Shadow is the second book in The Original's Trilogy, and although I haven't read book 1, this in no way impaired my enjoyment of this book. Trina is a witch that has always had trouble with her powers, and now she is literally disappearing. There is a quick synopsis given as part of the story as to what happened in book 1, and the consequences to Trina because of that. Duncan is sent to her by the Vampire Council to kill or kidnap her, depending on what happens to Lilith. Instead, Duncan decides to go with his instincts, and tries to help Trina in every way he can, even before he realises she is his mate. These two both have things in their past that make them act the way they do, so it's all part of the story as to how they work past that, and save the world from Armageddon.

This is an intricate paranormal read, with witches, daemons, Watchers, and even minions! And, no, they're not yellow wearing denim dungarees! Instead, you get an intriguing story where not everything is as black and white as you would assume. The story concludes nicely in this book, whilst providing a satisfactory preview into the next. It is very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow.

Although I haven't read book one, I would actually recommend it before reading this one, simply because I feel that you would get a greater appreciation for the characters and their world. Still, saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and definitely recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Staked (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #8)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
8th - yes, 8th! - entry in [autho: Kevin Hearne]'s 'Iron Druid' series, this actually picks up a short while after the novella 'A Prelude to War' (in the compilation [b: Three Slices|28506035|Swallow (Three Slices)|Chuck Wendig||48659925], rather than straight after [b: Shattered|32438|Shattered|K.R. Dwyer||3047286].

And yes, I didn't know that until I read the prelude/authors note, which resulted in me putting this one on hold until I read that particular entry.

When the series started, Atticus was on his own, hiding out in Arizona, until he makes the fateful decision to stand up to rather than run from the Celtic God who believes that Atticus has stolen a magical sword from him.

Since then, events have snowballed out of control, with Atticus now joined by his apprentice Granuaille as well as his own Arch-Druid, who was frozen on a time-island for millenia. This, of necessity, means that the story is no longer told from one point of view: rather, we now have three seperate plot threads (usually told chapter about) that combine into one at the very end of this, when Atticus and co. finally coming face-to-fang with the vampire Theophilus, who was responsible for inciting the Romans to virtually wipe out the Druids in the first place, and who now wants to finish the job.

As always, comiv relief is provided in the form of Atticus faithful hound Oberon, with Granuaille's wolf-hound Orlaith providing the same in her sections of the story while Owen struggles to get to grips with modern living in his.
Sin Undone (Demonica #5)
Sin Undone (Demonica #5)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one is Sin's - Sinead! - story, Lore(n)'s sister and the only female Seminus demon in existence.

We get to know her a lot more in this one and I feel sorry for a lot of the crap she went through. She tries to be this strong woman who can deal with everything but she doesn't want to be. So thank God for Con - who we met in Lore's book, Ecstasy Unveiled - and who Sin had sex with.

As a dhampire, a vampire/werewolf hybrid, Con is immune to the werewolf shifter virus which Sin unwittingly started in the last book and a great candidate to help start a vaccine against it by using his blood. The only downside to it is that as a dhampire, Con is susceptible to blood addiction if he drinks from the same donor too often yet he needs to keep drinking Sin's blood to fuel his resistance.

Feelings start to emerge beyond their physical attraction as the two are forced to spend so much time together and get to know each other. How he demands that she feel things instead of letting her body do it's physical pain release by bleeding. They'd both been through so much in their long lives and they deserved happiness.

They had a few ups and downs in this. Con had responsibilities within the shifter and dhampire communities and Sin was donating blood and trying to help those infected by the virus before they died and also to her assassin den.

And then let's not forget that last chapter! How cute was that with Lore? I've really fallen for this extended family. They all deserve happiness and I'm really glad they've all found it.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series.
Devil's Cry : Shade of Devil Book 2
Devil's Cry : Shade of Devil Book 2
Shayne Silvers | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you like Classic Vampires mixed with a bit of Urban Fantasy then you will love this book (0 more)
If you dont like Fantasy or are easily offended then dont read it. (0 more)
I'd Follow This Devil Anywhere!
What a great Continuation of Sorin's story.
Gosh! I loved every minute of this book. Shayne has a true talent for making us fall In love with his main characters. Sorin Is no different! He is powerful, charismatic and Sexy with a very human side that makes him extremely endearing for a Vamp. You either want to bed him or be his best mate and frankly, when you see who he hangs out with you will be biting at the bit ... or the neck join the gang!

The story continues with Sorin's quest to take Down Dracula, but straight of the bat several new threats make themselves known, the least of them the Witches who complicate matters For Sorin and add some great action scenes to this story.

The emotional and sexual build up in this book creates a lovely tension that sits nicely in between the action and all the story driven sequences and I found that I flitted from emotion to emotion. From feeling sad for his losses, Angry that he was wronged, Affection for his love Interests.... and a couple of spicy scenes that made me sit up a little straighter in my seat.

All In all I really enjoyed this book. It had a feeling of familiarity as it very much reminds me of a classic vampire tale.... but then it surprises you with some lovely new mysteries.
I really can't recommend this book enough!
And Can't wait to see were the next book takes me!