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Secret Silver Songs
Secret Silver Songs
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2020 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once again, the versatile Jordan Elizabeth returns to the fantasy/paranormal genre with a unique novel, Secret Silver Songs. With vampire-like men and demon-like creatures, the story takes the reader on a journey from an idyllic island to ruined cities, death and destruction.

Protagonist, Jemilla, is the daughter of the city's Singer - a man who can protect the city through the power of song. Life on the island is calm and peaceful; there is no crime, there is no danger, there is no fighting; so, no one was prepared for an invasion of blood-drinking Thistly. When her father is killed along with the majority of the population, there is no one left to save the island. Only men could become Singers, or so they claimed, but Jemilla is hiding a secret - she can Sing too.

At the beginning of the novel, Jemilla comes across as an anxious teenager, having been plagued by an overactive imagination for most of her life. Yet, as the story goes on, her frightening thoughts appear to be not as imaginary as she originally believed. A silver woman that no one but Jamilla can see taunts her daily and seems to want Jemilla to fail in her quest to save the island from the Thistly. Mid-story, however, alliances appear to change and Jemilla must figure out which team the silver woman is playing for and discover the truth about her home island.

From the very first chapter, Jordan Elizabeth captures the reader's attention with fast-paced action that never stills until the Epilogue. Taking aspects of history, such as rules for women written by men, the author subliminally advocates for women's rights. Secret Silver Songs demonstrates that enemies can be beaten but also that your true enemy may not be who you expect. Above all, never underestimate the power of song.
Mystik Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #2)
Mystik Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #2)
Brenda Trim, Tami Yulka | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
118 of 200
Mystik Warrior ( Dark warrior alliance book 2)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

After suffering a century of torture and humiliation, Jace still bears the scars that have left his heart closed to love and acceptance. He escapes the prison walls only to realize he's mystically bound to his tormentor. Believing he doesn't deserve a Fated Mate, he keeps his distance from females. Renowned for being a level-headed warrior, his control is pushed to the limit when he meets the Vampire Queen's sister. Not only is his patience tested by Cailyn, but his skills as a sorcerer are challenged when he fights to save her mortal soul. Cailyn is instantly spellbound by the damaged soul she views in the sparkling depths of Jace's amethyst eyes. The attraction is so strong that it forces Cailyn to question the direction of the life she has planned with another. Her mundane human life is shaken up by a violent car crash, a Fae spell, expeditions into the bayou, and battles with demons. Amidst the chaos, the developing bond between her and Jace strengthens, leaving their desire for one another undeniable. Of one thing Cailyn is certain, she must help Jace explore the depth of his scars to overcome the wounds of his tortured past and find a future... but will it be with her?

It was not a bad read it was very similar to another series I read! The thing I think I struggle with is the Scottish written it hurts my head to read it. It’s not badly written in just not sure it’s necessary. Overall I would recommend especially to those that enjoy this genre.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
1992 | Action, Comedy, Horror

"Ok, I know this one’s cheating. I don’t care. So it’s not a movie, so what? It did start as a movie, so it totally counts. No TV show has meant more to me than Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Stop laughing, I’m serious. It’s one of the greatest things ever created in the history of mankind. I said stop. How dare you?! I will fight you! I will fight you and I will win. It’s the best. Every right-thinking person knows that. When Buffy was on the air, I recorded every single episode on my TiVo. I’m pretty sure my DVR thought I was a fourteen year-old girl. Whatever. The show was incredible. It refused to be pigeonholed. It defied, merged, bent, and blended genres, masterfully commingling fantasy and reality. It dealt with issues of real substance. It treated its audience intelligently, with the utmost respect. Over a decade after it went off the air, it still had residence in my head and heart, and served as a model for what Kubo became: real life wrapped in metaphor. Like Buffy, we explore triumph and tragedy, loss and healing, and compassion, and forgiveness through the stylized prism of fantasy. We acknowledge that part of life… is death. That lives can be thrown away and lost and upended in an unfair and random act of casual violence, without the grandeur and rousing speechifying often found in heroic movie deaths. People we love are often ripped away from us, in an instant. And we need to find a way to reconcile that a part of life is struggle, and it has a cost. Kubo and the Two Strings, like life, like Buffy, is wonderfully bittersweet. So thank you, Joss Whedon, for giving me so much high-spirited joy and gut-wrenching heartache. You saved the world. A lot."

I read the first book in this series a few months ago and really quite enjoyed it so when I got my KU subscription and saw this was in the catalogue I decided to grab this one, too.

This one picks up not long after the events of the first with Raine now being persona non grata in Dark River apart from her four guys. It's going to take some time for the townspeople to come to terms with Raine being the victim of their well-loved, long-term resident (who I won't name.) It seems that what went down in their little town has drawn the attention of the Vampire Nation and they are on their way to investigate.

I did enjoy the first one, this one wasn't quite as engaging. I felt this one was getting a little too complicated with all the new lovers she was acquiring. Four men I can cope with - and have read several books with four males in reverse harems - but I think that at the end of this Raine was quickly verging on about 7 or 8 men that she would happily share her bed with and the others not be bothered about. It was getting a little ridiculous for me.

I can't say the storyline of this one pulled me into it, either. It was rather reminiscent of the first. Someone wants her dead, various attempts on her life and then saved by her guys - only the number of them has multiplied a little. There was quite a lot of sex in this, with various partners and combinations of men. It felt rather heavy on the erotica side of romance and I wasn't entirely convinced by the feelings floating around.

As much as I liked the first book I don't think I'll be continuing the series.
A Touch of Death (Secrets of Fae Duet #1)
A Touch of Death (Secrets of Fae Duet #1)
J. J. Dean | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
164 of 200
A Touch Of Death ( secrets of fae duet book 1)
By J.J. Dean

After being abducted and held prisoner for five years, Novia Bourne's world is torn apart by her captors as they thwart her first and only chance to escape. Forced into making the decision of life or death lands her in the arms of four devastatingly handsome Naturals; a vampire, a shifter, a mage, and an incubus. These strangers offer her the freedom she never thought she'd see again. All of that is threatened and hope dwindles when buried secrets reveal themselves.

The entire world of Naturals is at risk when a forgotten prophecy is brought to light. Novia's secret is one that could bring about their salvation...or their destruction. Gifted with abilities no Fae should possess, Novia becomes a coveted weapon the humans will do anything to recapture.

With her freedom and the lives of her four Naturals hanging in the balance, will Novia's life fall into the hands of those who wish to use her? Or will she find the strength to fight for the future she longs for? Soon she'll learn, a chance at life will always require... A Touch of Death.

* This is a Reverse Harem novel. #whychoose
* Recommended 18+ due to mature language and situations.

This was a genuinely sweet book! It shows the last of her kind a fae after losing absolutely everything and everyone to the point she would rather sacrifice herself than go back into captivity, there is always hope and good things will come! I honestly really enjoyed it and unlike some other reverse harems the sex wasn’t shoved down your throat ( no pun intended). I would recommend
Passion Unleashed (Demonica #3)
Passion Unleashed (Demonica #3)
Larissa Ione | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read book 1 (Pleasure Unbound) and book 2 (Desire Unchained) not that long ago and got really invested in this group of brothers and their friends.

Like the others before, this one starts with some action. Wraith is hunting gang members that belong to a vampire led gang when he gets poisoned by a mysterious someone. And it seems he can't be healed unless he sleeps with a certain virgin with Aegis connections who holds a charm that can save his life. Of course, there's a downside to that--Serena will die without it.

I liked how Wraith changed in this. He's gone from some rather self destructive guy, who holds himself back from everyone, to one who starts to soften and admit he cares for people. We see his insecurities and his fears and I started to feel for him. To truly like him. He's not had the greatest life, not until he met his brothers anyway.

I loved the globe-trotting aspect to this one with Serena's Tomb Raider type skills. We spend a while in Egypt as she looks for two artefacts that the Aegis are hoping will stop the unrest in the demon population and Sheoul.

Gem and Kynan's romance returns in this one--after his disappearance at the end of the last book--and I have been eating it up! It's been three books brewing now, so it's about time they finally got together. Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly and for several pages I wanted to cry.

And what do you know? Another sibling pops up in this one, and it appears his story is next in the series. I don't know if I'll be going straight into book 4 or take a break now that the original trio have found their special someone.
    CinemaFX for Video

    CinemaFX for Video

    Photo & Video and Utilities

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    55 effects - Most comprehensive video FX app! ✩ New: great improvement of rendering speed ✩ ✩...

7 of 235
Shattered Warrior ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 11)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Detective Orlando Trovatelli is a glutton for punishment when it comes to matters of the heart and not even his shifter instincts can keep him on course. It's bad enough that he has feelings for the Vampire Queen, who is mated to one of the most powerful males of the Tehrex Realm, but then he falls for Jaidis, a mated cambion. He clings to the pathetic excuse that Jaidis's mate is abusing her and the Goddess will reconsider and give Jaidis to Orlando in the end. He learns how wrong he is the night he arrives at Jaidis's house to find her lying in a pool of her own blood while struggling to save her unborn baby. Orlando is prepared to move heaven and earth to save Jaidis's life, but ultimately all he can guarantee Jaidis is that he will protect her unborn son. Struggling with his new responsibilities, Orlando isn't prepared to deal with the aftermath of the new archdemons. With his Omega on one side of the fence and Zander on the other, Orlando is forced to choose between his loyalty to the Dark Warriors and disclosing their existence to humans. After everything Orlando has been through, he questions the Goddess and whether his faith in her has been in vain.

This was my favourite so far! I possibly say that every book but Orlando is just perfect and he’s been so unlucky in love and although Ember is a little bit of a selfish cow it’s nice to see him get his happy ending! Oh and the little pops of Izzy through these books are always a joy. Looking forward to The King of Khoth!