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Rasputin, the Mad Monk (1966)
Rasputin, the Mad Monk (1966)
1966 | International, Drama, Horror
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Christopher Lee (0 more)
Mad Monk
Rasputin, The Mad Monk- is a entertaining horror film.

The story is largely fictionalized, although some of the events leading up to Rasputin's assassination are very loosely based on Prince Yusupov's account of the story. For legal reasons (Yusupov was still alive when the film was released), the character of Yusupov was replaced by Ivan (Matthews).

Christopher Lee play as Grigori Rasputin, the Russian peasant-mystic who gained great influence with the Tsars prior to the Russian Revolution.

The emphasis is on Rasputin's terrifying powers both to work magic and to seduce women.

Rasputin the Mad Monk was filmed back-to-back in 1965 with Dracula: Prince of Darkness, using the same sets at Hammer's Bray Studios. Lee, Matthews, Shelley and Farmer appeared in both films. In some markets, it was released on a double feature with The Reptile.

It was the third collaboration between Christopher Lee and Don Sharp, following The Devil Ship Pirates and The Face of Fu Manchu.

Lee later said, "The only way you can present him is the way he was historically described. He was a lecher and a drunk, and definitely had healing powers. So he was a saint and a sinner... There were very few good sides to him. Rasputin is one of the best things I’ve done. "

"I think it's the best thing Chris Lee's ever done," said Sharp in 1992. "Rasputin was supposed to have had this ability to hypnotise people.

The original ending had the lifeless Rasputin lying on the ice with his hands held up to his forehead in benediction. However, it was considered controversial for religious reasons, and was removed. Stills of the original ending still exist.

Sharp says the final fight scene between Francis Matthews and Christopher Lee was greatly cut by Tony Keys when Sharp had to leave the film during editing. Sharp had greatly enjoyed the experience of making his first two Hammer films - Kiss of the Vampire and Devil Ship Pirates - but not Rasputin.

As a child in the 1920s, Lee had actually met Rasputin's killer, Felix Yusupov. In later life Lee met Rasputin's daughter Maria.

Its a good horror film.
Bloodlaced (Youkai Bloodlines #1)
Bloodlaced (Youkai Bloodlines #1)
Courtney Maguire | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLOODLACED is the first book in the Youkai Bloodlines series, and I have to say I was blown away by this story. It is sad, it is hopeful; it is heart-warming, it is heart-breaking.

Asagi is neither man or woman, and their name reflects that. Sold as a child into a world of slavery, Asagi has been broken so many times. They will do what they need to, to protect those they claim. And when they take Tsukito as their own, they love him completely. Unfortunately, it isn't enough, and Asagi is sold once again, leaving his heart behind, and he can only fear for what will happen to Tsukito.

If you are looking for a light, fluffy book, then I implore you to look elsewhere. However, if you want a high-angst, incredibly sad story with highlights of happiness, then I can suggest you give this one a go.

There is so much character development for Asagi. They really do learn so much about themselves. Their love never falters but does change. Mahiro is constant and I can't help but wish for a happy ending for him.

One small thing - the ending. It about broke me! It really did. The only reason it didn't is because it almost felt over too soon. I know that doesn't make much sense, but if you read it, then you'll understand. There was no real build-up, just BOOM!! There is a snippet of hope left though, that a happy ending might be in sight... but not within the pages of this book. The author leaves that to the reader's imagination, and that is the perfect way to finish the story.

This book came as a surprise, and I am thrilled to have read it. I really can't wait for book 2. I definitely recommend this book if you are looking for something a bit different to the usual vampire genre.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
1996 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
From Dusk Till Dawn is a good enough Tarantino/Rodriguez style crime caper for the first hour, carried by its cast and polar opposite characters. On one side of the coin, there's the wholesome Fuller family, played by Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, and Ernest Liu. These characters are the good guys if you will, with just enough development given to be on their team. The other side of the coin serves us the Gecko brothers, played by George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino, two criminals who take the Fullers hostage on their way to Mexico. These two are fucking deplorable, Richie (Tarantino) being a dangerous psychopath with no regard for human life, and Seth (Clooney) just being an arrogant asshat who flits between condemning his brothers behaviour and encouraging it. They're so damn unlikable, but when the five characters are together, it provides us with an electric dynamic, one where they end up depending on eachother to survive.
Other than that, it's good enough. Sure it's stylish, but it's not a scratch on Pulp Fiction or Desperado in what's it's trying to be.

But then the twist kicks in, and Christ does this movie ascend to near greatness. When the Fullers and Geckos arrive in Mexico and head to The Titty Twister bar, shit hits the fan pretty quick, and it goes from good enough crime movie, to all out sticky gross gore filled vampire horror show in seconds. The mix of practical effects and CG is wonderfully balanced, and the aesthetic is hugely reminiscent of Evil Dead II. It's no surprise to see Greg Nicotero among the credits.
This second half is just a whole boat of fun, and is the reason why FDTD is rightly considered a cult classic. Tarantinos screenplay is great (casually ignoring the fact he wrote himself into a scene where he could have Salma Hayeks toes in his mouth) and the addition of actors such as Hayek, Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin, Tom Savini, and Fred Williamson for this tongue-in-cheek, splatter fest of a third act is the cherry on top.

From Dusk Till Dawn is a blast for sure. Its stumbles here and there, but is another fine entry in the Robert Rodriguez catalogue.
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I honestly don't know where to start with this book as there are so many good points. I guess a good place to start with what you actually get with this book. This book contains all 12 episodes of the series, as well as the bonus "Lost diaries" of previous heroes and all of the collected Grimm's Fairy Tales so it makes for a very long and satisfying read.

The best way I can describe this set of books is to tell you to imagine Buffy the Vampire Slayer but instead of the Scoobies and her Watcher, imagine a great big, talking, sometimes visible, white Rabbit called Briar to his friends, otherwise known as Br'er Rabbit.

The wit is fast and sharp and on pretty much every page. There is also exhaustion, pain, temptation, and even time for the usual teenage angst. There are no plot holes and the story continues with a smooth flow, making your reading of it completely and thoroughly enjoyable. Be prepared though, if you're anything like me, you will cry! And not just once, either. Characters that you don't like to start with insidiously get under your skin until you do like them and then, of course, you worry about their well-being. (Yes, I know it's a book but it's written that well that you do care!!)

These fairy tales stay true to the originals by the Brothers Grimm, they have not been Disney-fied in any way. You could even say that they are 'grim' as they involve people being eaten, violence, and self-mutilation. These are all things that actually happened in these stories before they were 'softened' for today's children.

If you want a change from Disney, if you like a butt-kicking, fast-witted but altogether relatable Hero, if you want the warmth that the friendship of the Hero's helper or if you just want to read about fairy tales, then I can definitely recommend this set of Chronicles. Seriously, I can't recommend it highly enough. Absolutely brilliant.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 08, 2015
Endosymbiont (The Vampire Guard #3)
Endosymbiont (The Vampire Guard #3)
Elizabeth Noble | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
great to catch up with these guys!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in The Vampire Guard series, and I STRONGLY recommend you read Codename Jack Rabbit, and Quarry before this one. It will give you a better view of this group and who they are and what they do.

It's been a long time since I read the first 2 books, 6 years and 3 years and it took me a little bit of time to get back into this group, their dynamics and what they do, and what they are, but once I did, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

It gets a bit complicated, when they are talking about the endosymbiont and what it does and what it was meant for, but I kinda glazed over that bit. In all honesty, my mind wasn't comprehending it, so I didn't try to hard to understand the technical stuff!

The story flips from various times in the past, 1929/1940s and now, giving you a picture of things that have happened to get to this point, at the bottom of the ocean where they are fighting for their lives and I loved that. It gives us Kai and Ori in all their glory, who (but feel free to correct, it has been YEARS!) are a new introduction to the Guard (in terms of these books) and some Sohpia and Porter too, along with Jonas, Lucas, Declan and Blair.

It's quite violent, but dealing with mutated beings would be. And again, it's clean and I'm finding I like that about these books. There is love and feelings, cos you get that through the various bonded pairings as things move along but no actual smexy times and its not needed at all.

There is an epilogue. Said epilogue ends rather abruptly. Leading me to believe that not only will there be another book, but the endosymbiont will pop up again.

A thoroughly enjoyable read, a great catch up with these guys.

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere