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Merissa (11800 KP) rated By the Red Moonlight (Moonlight Prophecies #1) in Books

Oct 6, 2021 (Updated Jul 12, 2023)  
By the Red Moonlight (Moonlight Prophecies #1)
By the Red Moonlight (Moonlight Prophecies #1)
Amanda Meuwissen | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
BY THE RED MOONLIGHT is the first book in the Moonlight Prophecies series and, oh boy, I think we're in for a treat. Amanda Meuwissen is fast becoming a one-click author for me. She is able to give me a story rich in detail with unique details, and a cast of characters second to none.

Now, being as this paranormal, you might assume that insta-love and fated mates are involved. Well, nope. You'd be wrong. Insta-lust is involved but, hey, you don't have to read paranormal to get that! Bash is trying to form an alliance with a neighbouring pack, purely business/sex, with no love involved. Ethan throws a spanner in the works with that by being turned into a vampire. He's very strong but very different from the other vampires, and the pull between Bash and Ethan is incredible.

I was wary and hopeful going into this one. I knew there was a sort of triangle (which isn't my favourite) but I really hoped it would be sorted fairly early on. It was and it wasn't, and I won't say more than that!

There are so many great characters in here, and shifters/magic I've not seen used before. The Rat King? Oh man, absolutely brilliant! *kisses fingers like a French chef*

After reading this, I'm feeling very greedy and want stories for ALL the characters. In fact, I feel like Gollum, I wants them; I needs them!

A brilliant start to the series, set in a world that is both fantastical and believable, that will leave you wanting more. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 6, 2021
Refuge (Relentless, #2)
Refuge (Relentless, #2)
Karen Lynch | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
O.M.G.!!! It's been a while since I read Relentless and now I've got a major urge to read it again, just so I can immerse myself in Sara's story right from the word go.

This is one of those books that I bought immediately after I finished Relentless, but just never got the chance to read before life got in the way. Let me just say, that since I've finished this, life isn't going to get a chance to get in the way as I am starting Rogue straight away!!

In Refuge, Sara is living in a 'military-style compound' where she was dumped by Nikolas. Let's just leave it at he is not her favourite person right now. She is struggling in training as she fears losing control of her Mori demon. She hasn't really made new friends, instead stays in phone contact with Roland, Peter, and of course, Uncle Nate.

There is too much to give you a rundown of this book, and seriously, why on earth would I do that? That's what the synopsis is for!! Suffice it to say, Sara has a big learning curve in front of her. With her magic, she is learning new 'tricks', as well as receiving her very own early warning vampire radar.

So many bits made me smile, so many bits made me frustrated for Sara, but most of all, I can't wait to see where it will go next. With one heckuva cliffhanger that really Nikolas should have seen coming a mile off knowing Sara (remember, I'm writing this before reading Rogue so I have no idea if he realises or not!)

If you want a paranormal romance that is full of Mori demons, the fae, griffins, Alex the wyvern (love him!), hellhounds, vampires, shifters, absolutely gripping, full of action and adventure, romance, and 'real-life' reactions, then look no further. I really can't recommend this highly enough!!!

* Verified Purchase on Amazon *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 7, 2016
Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)
Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)
2015 | Romance
remember thinking, after reading the first couple of chapters of Fifty Shades of Grey two years ago, “Is this guy a vampire?” E.L. James’ description of Christian Grey brought to mind Edward of the Twilight series and the heroine, Anastasia Steele’s clumsy entrance into Grey’s office reminded me of Bella. I was so certain I would find out Grey was a vampire in the following chapters.

So it wasn’t too much of a surprise for me when I learned the book started out as Twilight fan fiction. The hero and heroine were clearly patterned after Bella and Edward. So whenever someone asked me what the book was about, I would tell them, “It’s an awfully written Twilight with a lot of sex and some bondage and spanking. “ That being said, I’m hardly a book snob. I’ll read just about anything, and while I may complain the whole time, I’ll finish the series if one exists. But even casual readers should be able to recognize badly written fiction when it smacks them in the face like Fifty Shades of Grey.

When I heard they were making a movie, I figured it would be a Rated R or NC-17 version Twilight. I played the game along with other millions of women on who should be the leads. I picked Anna Kendrick and Ian Somerhalder. I wasn’t too disappointed with the actual picks (I think that required actually caring), but the trailers did not endear Dakota Johnson to me at all. On the way to the screener, I joked with my husband, Gareth, that I expected to see Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan doing a lot of gasping or scowling with mouth agape since that seemed to be their go-to reactions in the book. (James is fond of writing about jaw-drops and sharp intakes of breath in her books).

I had to make him promise to refrain from making Mystery Science Theater 3000 commentary during the movie, but within the first 5 minutes he recognized some landmarks and leaned over to ask “Wait. She went to WSU?” When I nodded, Gareth, a proud UW Husky, leaned back, shook his head and muttered, “Already disappointed.” We both actually enjoyed seeing the Seattle backdrop, all shiny and urbane, at least in Grey’s world. I thought Gareth was talking about the ridiculousness of Christian Grey’s wealth when he whispered, “This movie is so full of it.” I raised my eyebrows at him and he said, “You know you can’t find parking that easily in Seattle.”

Being familiar with the books, I knew what to expect and for the most part, director Sam Taylor-Johnson, greatly improved on weak source material. Dakota Johnson was a pleasant surprise, making Anastasia smart, witty and much more relatable than the book Ana. Jamie Dornan was very easy to look at. Listening to? Not so much. It’s been reported that E. L. James’ insisted the dialogue from her books remain unchanged. One wonders if she also insisted Dornan deliver his parts as if he were reading her book. Reluctantly and under great duress.

Fans of the books will notice a few changes, and of course it won’t be as graphic as the book, but there are at least 25 minutes of steamy scenes. All in all, this may be one of those rare times the movie is better than the book. Like the books, now that I’m invested, I will watch the next two in the trilogy. Mainly thanks to Dakota Johnson. If nothing else, I have to give Fifty Shades of Grey credit for inspiring passion – in debates about abusive relationships, true BDSM and the age-old bad boy vs. good men attraction. I don’t think I’ve engaged in this many debates with friends and coworkers about a non-sci-fi movie before. It could very well inspire all kinds of other passion for those who give in and escort their significant other to this movie this weekend. But hopefully, unlike the leads in the movie, those inspired will reach a satisfying finish rather than a stylized fade-out to the morning after.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated What We Do In The Shadows (2014) in Movies

Feb 5, 2019 (Updated Feb 5, 2019)  
What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Horror
Reliable, consistent laughs (1 more)
Even funnier than I remembered
Bitingly Funny
I recently re-watched this vampire mockumentary from the very talented Taika Waititi and had a great time revisiting it. Waititi has gone on to do bigger things since, but it is nice to go back and see where he was at as a filmmaker a few years ago. Watching a comedy for a second time is an interesting test of its quality. It is a good way to determine if the movie can still make you chuckle even when you already know what's coming. Thankfully, this movie passed that test with flying colours and had me splitting my sides throughout.

Waititi co wrote, directed and starred in this thing and he pulls all of it off phenomenally. His comedic timing is absolutely fantastic and is really what pulls this whole film together. The now widely known genius of his writing is also present here and is pertinent to so many of the movies major laughs. The slightly offbeat, awkward style of comedy that we have come to expect from his movies is also prevalent here and gives the movie a style and feel that is as unique as it is hilarious.

The supporting characters also nail their roles and bring their own fair share of laughs to the movie respectively. Also, (although this feels a tad weird to mention in a review for a comedic movie,) the solid cinematography and clever editing and sound mixing also work beautifully to add to the project's overall appeal. These technical elements, - which are never normally given much thought in the majority of comedies, - add a class to the film that sets it apart from any other comedy that I have seen.

Overall, this is a side splittingly hilarious, fantastically well made movie that owes everything to it's writer, director and main star. It is well written, well shot and joyously acted by it's cast with an extreme level of quickness and wit. If you are looking for a unique laugh, you would struggle to better than What We Do In The Shadows
As soon as this book became available, I made sure to pick it up from the library. Since I'm a big Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, of course Amber Benson was a big draw and I was curious about her writing ability. Not to mention this is the type of book I like to read regardless of who wrote it.

Ms. Benson is a capable writer, but she tends to over describe when it's really not necessary. The story matter and the whole world she created was very interesting, but throughout the book, I felt there was something missing. The main character, Callie, is okay - I didn't hate her, but I didn't love her either. I guess I'm just tiring of the same old twenty- and thirty-somethings in chick-lit-esque books that seem to pop up ad nauseum these days. I just don't understand or relate to "women" who are very ditzy, but still manage to save the day and/or end up with the guy, complain all the time, and lust after every cute guy that comes within a 50-foot radius of them. Not to mention, why are these protagonists always surrounded by pretty, perfect people that make them look even more inferior? That's not totally relatable. Maybe I'm getting older or more mature, or maybe it was just how I felt when I read it. Who knows for sure? Of all the characters, Kali was my favorite, she was pretty cool and brought some spice to the story.

Overall, the book was a fairly easy read and I do think I'll check out the second in the series to see how it progresses (and hope it shakes some of the first entry's jitters off and is more solid). I would recommend that if you're interested in reading this to get it at the library first, or else find it used.

Minor quibble: I don't know who picked the cover, but it's not how I picture Callie at all and it's rather sucky. Hopefully, the second book will improve not just in content. ;P
Morrigan's Cross
Morrigan's Cross
Nora Roberts | 2006 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Magical & beautifully written
I was gifted this book by Nora Roberts herself as a “thank you” for putting together the #CopyPasteCrisList & helping bring all of the plagiarism by Cristiane Serruya to light. Needless to say, when I opened the package I cried tears of excitement & dived into Morrigan’s Cross almost immediately. This is my very first Nora Roberts, and I can guarantee that it won’t be my last.

I’ve always been hesitant to read Nora Roberts. When I first got into romance, I avoided many of the well-known authors simply because I felt the need to be “cool.” Luckily, I got out of that phase because I would have missed out on some of the best books I have read. Morrigan’s Cross by Nora Roberts is beautiful. The writing is spectacular, and I didn’t know what to do with myself after finishing it. The writing style was so formal and elegant. I’m a quote hoarder, and this book was heaven. There were so many quotable moments and phrases that I had to stop myself from highlighting the entire book.

One thing that struck me with this book was just how developed each character was. Many of the books I have read can’t compare. It was refreshing and beautiful to read a book that was so flushed out. It was like every sentence had a purpose, and every character was there for a reason. Because of this, it took me a while to read this book. I realized about halfway into the book that this book needed to be savored and not devoured like I was used to. Everything was just so well done that I took my time entirely immersing myself into this book.

The plot was something completely different. I loved all of the various plot points to it. The time travel aspect was a fun twist, and I loved having both vampire and wizard elements. The romance was also top notch and kept me swooning the entire time.

I could keep going with how amazing this book was, but my words can’t do it justice. This book was beautiful, and I can see why Nora Roberts is a household name.
Blood Crescent
Blood Crescent
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this magical, and quite ambitious, story Stevie McCoy delves into the mystical world of
Blood Crescent where main character realises her missing mother may still be alive and her own life is not what she thought it was. Big time! What they wanted from her mother, they now want from her. But who are ‘they’?

To begin with Blood Crescent has a surreal, hazy, yet mystical feel to it, as the mysterious Crystal slowly comes to grips with what is happening to her forcing her to embark on a fantastical and multi-layered journey of self-discovery and adventure.

As the story unfolded, I was transported into another realm where I met some amazing characters. Angel Aishlin with her witchy ways, and the (adorable) anti-hero Victor are just two characters who leapt right out of the pages and into my heart! Not only that, but I felt that this is ventured into the vampire world with a unique slant. You’ve heard of people being called ’emotional vampires’ right? There the sort of people who drain your energy by just being in the same room as them, because they’re for some reason, negative or miserable. Well this book takes that idea and runs with it. Like energy draining vampires who can suck out any goodness in your aura, just because they can. But of course, in this world it’s not that simple. And for good reason, too!

Overall I have the feeling this is the start of a vast universe, with complex rules and therefore has the capacity to branch off in so many directions, this could the first of a long-running series, and would make great viewing on the box. In fact, I watched these characters play out their roles in my head as if it were already on the TV! There’s an intense, dark atmosphere to this story where the surreal meets a reality not unlike our own… if we are to believe there’s more to life than what we can see. And why shouldn’t there be?

A rich tapestry of characters in a world where there is so much more to be discovered. I’m looking forward to continuing this adventure!
By Blood We Live
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This thing is an <b>enormous</b> tome! I don't know if it has been released in hardback or not, but if it has, that version has to be anchor-worthy. I requested it from the library because Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette had stories in it, and I'll read pretty much anything either of those worthies publish. I didn't expect to care for most of the rest, and didn't plan to do much more than flip through them.

As it happens, I read most of the other stories, and there were many surprises. I did skip some of the reprints, such as the Anne Rice story (I wouldn't have read it the first time it was published, and I wasn't about to read it simply because she was in good company now). I had read Carrie Vaughn's "Life Is the Teacher" before, but for some reason my eyes just fell into reading it again, and I felt well rewarded for doing so. On the other hand, while I had enjoyed "Twilight" by Kelley Armstrong the first time I read it a few years back, I wasn't moved to repeat the experience.

I believe my favorite story may have been "Finders, Keepers" by L.A. Banks, as I still remember it clearly and with pleasure. I've only read one of Banks' Vampire Huntress novels and didn't find it interesting at all, so I haven't read any more of her work, but I may seek out more of her short fiction in the future.

"Mama Gone" by Jane Yolen felt fresh, as Yolen's work so often does. Garth Nix's contribution, "Infestation," was a little bit predictable, but that may be due to overexposure to the genre.

I found myself returning to the cover art by David Palumbo again and again, intrigued by the fascinating faces he gave the figures there. They aren't classically alluring, and most aren't hideous&mdash;most would look perfectly at home on any street. But they also have that, that something, an element you can't quite put your finger on, an element of the other. Take a look and I believe you'll see what I mean.

Have fun!
I received an ARC edition of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

As the title says, this is book 2 in the Eternal Mates series and as such I recommend reading Kissed by a Dark Prince first, although this is not altogether necessary.

A lunar month has passed since the end of Book 1 and during that time Sable has been dreaming of King Thorne but keeps telling herself that she isn't interested. She is aiming to be Commander in Archangel and is determined to make the mission to help King Thorne a success - but only for career options, of course! Thorne has also been dreaming of Sable and knows that she is his fated female but is at a loss on how to proceed. During which time he is also trying to find a way to stop his kingdom from being overrun and how to improve his subjects' lives (if they survive the coming battle).

Felicity Heaton has written another fantastic series that you can lose yourself in. There are aspects of most characters that you can either relate to or admire... and trust me, I did a lot of admiring of Thorne! But with elves, werewolves, dragons and vampires there is someone there to interest everyone. And I just have to say that I love how the Vampire Erotique Theatre makes a show (another fantastic series if you haven't read it yet).

This book has everything from shapeshifters, vampires, demons (obviously) to war, battles, portals and angels. It is a book to immerse yourself in and not come up for air until you've finished it. Claimed by a Demon King is smoking hot and if Thorne is inexperienced, then all the angels in heaven won't be able to help Sable once he gets some experience under his belt! A perfect blend of innocence and pure, unadulterated male who has found his match in Sable. May the gods help Hell, because with this pair, anything is possible.

Highly recommended for all fans of Paranormal Romance and Felicity Heaton.
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claimed by Shadow is a hard hitting, beautiful work of art in a novel. It continues the crazy life of Cassie Palmer, throwing the poor young lady into even more danger - be it for her life or for love.

The relationships that were started in the first book are explored in depth. Not just with love interests, but deeper understanding of Cassie's role and her interaction with those around her. Still mostly alone, her perseverence and devil-may-care-but-let's-not-be-too-hasty-because-living-is-a-nice-idea attitude really warms you to Cassie. If you weren't already won over by her speak-before-you-think and vulnerable-but-determined-to-get-through charm.

Again, we see her misadventues start with Cassie just going straight in through the front door, choosing to hide in plain sight. She is not a silly girl. And while she may let sexy casino manager Casanova take advantage of her - as in free labour - she'll be damned in anybody else gets the chance.

In book 2, Cassie finds out that she is under a powerful love spell that, if completed, will put her under thrall of the ever enigmatic but you son-of-a-b!tch master vampire Mircea. For someone who servitude is a fate worse than death, Cassie is none too pleased, even if the idea of loving and being loved by Mircea has a certain pleasant ring to it...

And in true Cassie style, which isn't her fault but a product of her natural 'luck', she ends up complicating the spell further and oh yeah has to track down a homicidal maniac who is trying to kill her.

Karen's writing is fun and non-stop action. It's an exhilerating ride, with fascinating detail of history and forethought for the plot. Where you read something in book one, expect to have those 'Oh yeah' moments as they are aplenty. Without leaving many plot holes or confusing matters, Karen has weaved a complex tale that speaks with each other back and forth spanning all books. We've only just begun the fun.