Guilty Pleasures
Guilty Pleasures is a 1993 horror and mystery novel by Laurell K. Hamilton. It is the first book in...
Anita Blake Vampire Vampire Hunter Laurell K. Hamilton Laurell K Hamilton

Omegas (Vanguards Book 1)
Only a vampire is strong enough to teach these werewolves how to fight. After a turbulent...
adult paranormal fiction romance series Vanguards

Vampire in Love
Margaret Jull Costa and Enrique Vila-Matas
“Arguably Spain’s most significant contemporary literary figure” (Joanna Kavenna, The New...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Few could have predicted the enduring affection inspired by Joss Whedon's television series Buffy...

The Thief
The Black Dagger Brotherhood #16 Sola is on the run from a drug lord's family, keeping far away...
Vampire fiction romance black dagger brotherhood

Not His Vampire (Not This Series Book 3)
Magic is real. Shifters exist. Trixie Russell knows this. Everyone does. But no one told her about...
Not This Series fiction adult series paranormal romance
Let the Right One in
Audiences can't get enough of fang fiction. Twilight, True Blood, Being Human, The Vampire Diaries,...

Dracula's Guest and Other Weird Stories
Vengeful ghosts, ravenous rats, gypsy curses, and the walking dead await you in Dracula's Guest &...