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What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Horror
I don't think I ever really knew what this was before seeing it, but then I genuinely think it would be difficult to conceive this in your brain accurately from the description.

Viago, Deacon, Vladislav and Petyr live together in Wellington, New Zealand. There's nothing too odd about a group of men living together, they do all the usual things, argue over the chores, have guests for dinner, clean blood out of their new second-hand clothing... oh right, yes, and they're vampires. Life is fine until Nick comes into their lives. He's young and hip and starts to show them what the modern world has to offer. We watch the story of these ordinary vampires as their night to night lives unfold.

The documentary style is always an interesting idea, it's not even something that actual documentaries get right all the time so a fictionalised version was intriguing and they really staked it through the heart with this one. We cut between interview and footage styles and it really does help to give you that real-life documentary feel as well as a sense of each individual character. The addition of historical photographs and illustrations was a fun way to get bits of their backstory and I thought they were created really well.

There is a brilliant casual nature about all the acting and being able to just be yourself means it does all feel a lot more real. While I like all the characters my favourite is definitely Viago played by Taika Waititi. There's a wonderful innocence to him and a kind nature that is really at odds with the whole vampire thing. He's keen for everyone to get along and he's got a very positive outlook on death. Waititi gives Viago that bouncy energy that always makes me smile, so many of his moments genuinely made me smile.

Everyone brings that bit of supernatural fun, the rivalry with the werewolves, meeting with other vampires on the street, and the vampire "tricks" that lead to one of my favourite pieces in the whole film... the police officers. Their reactions to everything were priceless.

I've watched it a few times recently and honestly, each watch is just as entertaining as the first. It might not have the high production values of other films but it really has a wonderful presence. There are some days when you need this sort of amusement (with a tiny bit of devastation thrown in), this is the antidote to so many of the world's troubles.

If you haven't already done so then check out these episodes of At The Flicks (Mega Shark In Lockdown) and MovieDrone (Episode 91) where I talking with all your favourite movie men about What We Do In The Shadows.

Originally posted on:
What could have been interesting, wasn't. What could have been unique, failed. What showed promise, wasn't there. Too bad.

Seeing as this is classified as paranormal romance (instead of what I originally thought was urban fantasy), it might be nice if the main two characters were at least a little likable. Nope, sorry to say, this ain't the case. Ayla is boring, unsympathetic, uninteresting, vapid, gullible, weak-willed, slow on the uptake, need I go on? Malachi is also boring, uninteresting, and slow, but he has the addition of sounding like a robot. Sounds like a winning match, eh? Clearly, these two wooden creatures are made for each other. The secondary characters served their purpose: Mabb, your typical baddie; Garret, Mabb's brother and hopeful usurper, he was almost interesting, but he suffered from the same thing his sister did, cliche; and Keller, who was the only character (or anything really) in the whole book that showed a spark of life.

The pace of the book was plodding. I lost interest every other page if I was lucky. The descriptions are seriously lacking and almost everything is boring, boring, boring. I never quite saw what the purpose of vampires and werewolves served in the book. Maybe they play a bigger role in the next two books, otherwise they're pointless and don't make sense in this world. Speaking of the universe, what the author created, while not altogether original, could have been awesome instead of vague and confusing. A real missed opportunity.

My advice: skip it. Read at your own risk of falling asleep.
Revelations (The Nephilim Series #1)
Revelations (The Nephilim Series #1)
A.P. Foote | 2020 | Horror, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
190 of 200
Revelations ( The Nephilim series book 1)
By A.P. Foote

Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace. Supernaturals aren’t real and the only thing you have to fear are humans. Got that? Okay. Now, forget all of it, because that’s not my world.
Moving from Plant City, Florida to Seattle, Washington was supposed to be my do-over. No reminders of the pain and no supernaturals. But I was very, very wrong. The angels disappeared long ago--so we thought--but vampires, demons, warlocks, shifters…you name it, they’re all over the place. They control this town and everything in it. Four of them even claim I am their destined mate. The worst part? The demon, Azazel, wants me. And not in the best way.
I’ve just discovered I’m Lucifer’s daughter as well as the most powerful Nephilim on the planet. But that doesn’t stop Azazel. He wants my soul and will do anything to have it.
With the help of my mates and a few unexpected friends I’ve picked up along the way, we will eliminate the threat while making a statement to anyone else who tries to disrupt order on this plane or any other. Easy, right?

This was exactly what I wanted I love anything written around the angels and demons scene also throw the geek or Roman gods in too! This was fast paced and kept you engrossed! A new author for me and I really enjoyed this book!

Zoe Nock (13 KP) rated The Last in Books

Jun 26, 2019  
The Last
The Last
Hanna Jameson | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Different take on a dystopian theme (0 more)
Lost it's way a little towards the end (0 more)
What scares you the most? Ghouls, vampires, slime-fanged aliens ...or something terrible that truly could happen? For me it's definitely the latter.

Our narrator, Jon, is a historian witnessing the most monumental event of humanity but at a great distance. He feels compelled to keep a record of the people isolated with him in a vast hotel. He collects their stories and feelings in the faint hope that some sort of civilisation will survive long enough to rediscover them. Through his journal we experience what it would be like to be aware that the world was ending, billions dying, but be totally disconnected from the horrific events.

Most books set during an apocalypse are fraught with traumatic dashes, violent brushes with death, horror and misery. There are elements of that here but this book mostly poses the question of what you would do if there was little drama but lots of time to dwell on things. The people in the hotel are comparatively safe in an old hotel surrounded by forest. They wait for something to happen, for someone to rescue them, or perhaps just for their food to run out. Jon embarks on a quest to solve one cruel murder, taking him down a path of mistrust and near hysteria.

I enjoyed the blend of dystopia and murder mystery; the first half of the book reads like a modern day progeny of George Orwell and Agatha Christie. Asking your audience to imagine bombs wiping out entire countries but then drastically limiting their focus to one death amongst multitudes is startling. I also liked the references to real people and places, there were definite shades of the Cecil Hotel here for a true-crime/horror podcast junkie like me to appreciate. However, I do feel that the novel lost it's way towards the end - trying to be all things to all people perhaps. It's definitely worth reading and I'm keen to see more from this author.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insanitus: Into the Darkness by William P. Thomson has a writing style that almost reminds me of H. P. Lovecraft. What might surprise unsuspecting readers is that this is a collection of three short stories.

What if vampires were real but not in the way society typically thinks of them? What if someone detached from themselves decides to commit suicide by means of the judicial system? What if a secret group of military scientists created something that appeared human but had no emotion and could be programmed? These are the horrors readers will find within these pages. This book makes readers question just what it is that makes someone or something human, and what happens when you take that factor away.

What I liked best is that this book is disturbing and creepy without being outright scary. The short stories build tension extremely well without dragging anything out. They were also creative and believable, making them all the more disturbing. What I didn’t like was that the writing was very dry, almost so much so that it felt like reading a report or biography. This style almost made me judge the book too harshly at first and I wanted to set the book aside early.

Although the content is disturbing I see no reason why young adults couldn’t handle reading this book. It may be more ideal for older audiences that won't be upset by the odd and bazaar. I rate this book 2 out of 4 as an interesting and creepy book. It introduces readers to believable concepts that are also extremely strange. The dry style is defiantly a major negative point but if readers can power through it they will be rewarded with a truly interesting read.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
2012 | Action, Horror, Mystery
5.9 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Of all the absurd film titles this has to be right up there. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a film that you can tune into and lose yourself with – nothing more than that.

Directed by Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted) the film initially focuses on the early life of one Abraham Lincoln (Benjamin Walker) whose mother is killed at the hands of a vampire.

Fueled by revenge he goes out and tries to avenge her death, unsuccessfully at first. He is then taken under the wing of Henry Sturges (Dominic Cooper) who shows him the proper ways to fight back, in a training montage that makes Rocky’s wood chopping skills look pathetic.

Sturges leaves Lincoln to go off on his own but sends him the names of undead that he has to go out and kill on a regular basis, while trying to hide his nocturnal hobby from those closest to him. First thing to note with this film is many of the techniques that made Wanted a unique action flick are used considerably throughout, a bit too much for me.

CGI in film should be used sparingly as far as I’m concerned, but when faced with a scene where there is no feasible way you could shoot for real then it’s a perfect solution. When Lincoln is giving chase to Jack Barts (Marton Csokas) across a stampede of wild horses it provides a great action sequence for which CGI comes into its own.

In-fact pretty much all the action sequences use this, and with the climactic train sequence proving a highlight to the end of the film it’s not anywhere near enough to make it a standout, you can only hide behind special effects for so long before you’re going to get found out.

There is a pause in proceedings, a chance to catch breath from all that over the top action, as Lincoln puts down his silver coated axe and follows a career in politics looking to abolish slavery as well as vampires. His lifelong friend Will Johnson (Anthony Mackie) also joins him on this quest as his personal Presidential aide.

Of course it turns out that vampires are unable to kill their own as we see from a brief flash back where Dominic Cooper is mindlessly attacked and his beloved taken from him, so he clearly has a motive as well.

It’s all harmless fun, and while the late Abe Lincoln provides some small resemblance to Liam Neeson with a beard (was it only me that thought that) it’s a far fetched and totally ludicrous story that you cannot take too seriously for a minute.
The Meadows (Legacy of Darkness Book 1)
The Meadows (Legacy of Darkness Book 1)
London Clarke | 2018 | Horror, Paranormal, Thriller
Spooky Plot (1 more)
Very Realistic Characters
A Chilling Read!
I loved London Clarke's first book, Wildfell, so I was definitely looking forward to her next book, The Meadows. I loved this book! It was so spooky and creepy which are my favorite types of books.

The pacing for The Meadows was perfect. Not once did I feel like this book slowed down where I was becoming bored. It is definitely a fast paced thriller, but it's not too fast paced in the sense that you have no clue what just happened.

The world building and plot are done extremely well. London Clarke does such an excellent job of describing what's going on, that I actually felt like I was staying at Asphodel House, the spooky house where all the paranormal things happen. The Meadows felt so real, I would actually stay awake a little longer after reading some of it because I was so spooked! It was easy to envision a cult like The Colony (as named in The Meadows) that believe themselves to be vampires who use willing and unwilling sacrifices. I would be more surprised if a cult like that didn't exist!

I loved all the characters in The Meadows! Each character was written exceptionally well. I loved how real and raw Scarlett was. It was nice to read about a character who was flawed. Scarlett suffered with a drug and alcohol problem in the past, and it was interesting to read about her struggle with it in present day and the choices she made. Yes, she did fall off the wagon after coming to Asphodel House, but I couldn't blame her. I'd be stressed out and scared too! Scarlett isn't perfect, and that's what I loved about her. She feels like a real human being, not some happily ever after book character. She's a little selfish, but who isn't in real life? Scarlett was such a great character. Even the supporting characters were great. I would have liked Stella, Scarlett's best friend, to be featured more, but that's only a minor thing. Stella was such a great friend to Scarlett, and I admired her loyalty to Scarlett. I loved Ryan, and it was interesting to read the back story between him and Scarlett. Hunter was also a very interesting character. I enjoyed his back story. I don't want to go into detail with him because I feel like there's a minor plot twist with that.

Trigger warnings for The Meadows include demons, the occult, cults, violence, murder, death, alcohol use, prescription pill abuse, ghosts, some swearing (although nothing too bad), and sex scenes (nothing graphic though).

Overall, The Meadows is a very chilling, dark, and spooky read. It is such a great book though. The characters, the setting, the plot were all written very well. I am definitely looking forward to the next book in the Legacy of Darkness series. I would recommend The Meadows by London Clarke to everyone aged 17+ especially if you love being creeped out. This one definitely kept me awake with how creepy it was, and if a book can do that, it is definitely a good one!
Dark Siren (Dark Siren, #1)
Dark Siren (Dark Siren, #1)
Eden Ashley | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a genre that is saturated with shifters and vampires (although that is slowly changing), it makes a refreshing change to read something different. And trust me, this is different. I have read the book, enjoyed the book, and know what Kali's title is but I don't actually know 'what' she is completely. You might think that this is a problem but it's not. If anything, it makes you connect with Kali all the more. After all, this book pretty much takes place over a couple of weeks time so Kali has gone from knowing that she is different to being in life-threatening situations and being sold!

Kali doesn't give the best first impression as she is making out with someone else's boyfriend and also doesn't seem too upset about that as she rationalises it to herself. The relationship between her and Cal was a bit strange too although, to be fair, I've seen stranger relationships in 'real' life. I was glad when they split up although I am interested to see where the story is going.

Rhane, ah, Rhane. What can I say about him apart from I want one! Tall, dark, handsome, protective, Alpha AND he has morals - what more could you want? Apart from loving every scene that he was in, I found myself getting more and more interested in his backstory as the current story moved along.

Although this is classed as Paranormal, I think I personally would add a touch, just a touch, of Sci-Fi to it too (Builders). This was very well-written with a fast pace, with characters that are both likeable and not! I honestly could not believe the ending and need to read the second book! Highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 3, 2015
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The vampire race is dying, and to save it, one vampire will risk his life.
Vampire Reinis has been assigned to mate with a human to create a prophesied child that will save his coven. The rules are simple: get the job done and come home. Falling in love is out of the question.
Yet that's exactly what Reinis has unwittingly done. Now he risks execution at the hands of his own coven for breaking vampire law.
Fresh out of a bad relationship, Sarma has no clue about the dark, seductive world Reinis is from. But when he marks her as his mate, she's thrown headfirst into a secret world of vampires...painting a target on her back with a rival coven that will do anything to prevent the prophecy from coming to pass.

Dark and hauntingly sensual, the fate of the vampire world lay in the birth of one special child born of a human and a vampire, but the prophecy states they may not fall in love…
A brilliant and unique story.
This is a fantastic start to a new series and I absolutely loved it. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this book.
The characters were well thought out and the way Scarlett wrote about them made them seem so real and unique. I loved the plot lines and I particularly loved the way all the characters interacted with each other and others.
I just found it totally unique. You can’t help but feel like you really know the main characters. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen in this series.
I am voluntarily reviewing a copy I received.
Team Human
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I started reading Team Human, I couldn't help but feel this was written as a good-natured poke at Twilight and all the vampire ridiculata left in its wake. However, the story leaves its parodying fairly early on and becomes a book in its own right, with characters who have flaws and an interesting world with its own set of rules. All the while written with wit, feeling, and reality.

Mel Duan is the protagonist of the book, who is full of character flaws. She is prejudiced against vampires, rude, thinks she always knows the right thing to do, and is a big buttinsky (I call her Meddling Mel). She's also caring, loyal, helpful, well-meaning, funny, and charming in her own way. Basically, Mel is a real human being. There are two main storylines in the book, the first one about her BFF, Cathy, and her relationship with an uptight vampire. The other dealing with a mystery involving another close friend and her parents. Both are incorporated into the story well, as are the smaller B-plots. Mel doesn't always come across in a very good light, which helps me fall into the world and believe it could be true. Nothing takes me out of a story more than an unrealistically perfect character. Not one of the characters in this book is like that, even Cathy, who does come close. I also love the fact that Mel would typically be the sidekick in any other story and Cathy the main character who falls in love with a vampire. Instead it's the other way around, so we see the over-the-top relationship from the outside, and also from Mel's rather small-minded point-of-view. It's a great idea that luckily works thanks to the talented authors.

The book moves along nicely without seeming hasty, it has lessons that aren't heavy-handed, it features love aspects but it isn't a love story, and most importantly, it has character evolution and believable characters, mainly Mel herself. In the end I was surprised that I had gotten so caught up in outcome of the story and actually cared what happened to these people. Kudos, I'll definitely be reading more from both Sarah Rees Brennan and Justine Larbalestier, and can only hope they conspire to write another book in the future.

Originally Reviewed: February 20, 2013
Received: Amazon Vine