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A Raven's Touch
A Raven's Touch
Linda Bloodworth | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story starts with Justice waking up from a dream, outside her home in her nightwear. Not only that, but she appears to have two 'muffins' growing out of her shoulder blades. She has no idea of what is going on, is afraid to tell her parents, and on top of that, needs to get ready to go back to the hell that is called high school.

A Raven's Touch includes some shocking (violent) scenes in the high school that are necessary to the storyline. So much happens in such a small amount of time, but it is well-written and paced so it doesn't feel rushed when you are reading it. There is a reference made in the beginning to Matt Smith's Doctor Who - or at least, I like to think so. This made me smile as I read through the beginning.

This is a story of friendships, hardships, love and hate. With vampires, witches, elves and angels who speak to "Him" on a daily basis, this is the start of a series that I am looking forward to continuing. Personally, I can't wait to read more about Darien and Justice, although Moira and Tom make me smile too. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 19, 2016
Delayed Admission (Shadow Veil Academy #1)
Delayed Admission (Shadow Veil Academy #1)
Heather Renee | 2021 | Education, Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
65 of 250
Delayed Admission ( Shadow Veil Academy book 1)
By Heather Renee

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Some secrets are better kept.

To Raegan Keyes, she's the only one of her kind, but has no idea what she is. Until, one night, she finds out her unexplainable abilities aren't the only thing she needs to worry about. Suddenly, her world becomes much bigger than she ever could have dreamed.

When a mysterious man named Enzo arrives, too striking to be human, Raegan learns she's not as alone as she believed. As more secrets are revealed, she's swept off to an academy for others like her, thousands of miles away from home, by a complete stranger whom she'd rather stab than travel with.

As tension builds between Raegan and Enzo, she begins to find her purpose as she settles into her new existence, alongside elves, witches, vampires, and shifters. With a group of new friends, she's finally feeling alive again. That is, until something sinister comes along, once more throwing her life into mayhem.

I didn’t really know what to expect but I really ended up enjoying it! I love that Reagan is a dragon with Elf and witch magic it’s something for everyone. I wondered if it would be to YA and it is in parts but still a decent adult read too especially if you’re looking for something light!
Looking forward to more from Heather Renee.
Devil's Cry : Shade of Devil Book 2
Devil's Cry : Shade of Devil Book 2
Shayne Silvers | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you like Classic Vampires mixed with a bit of Urban Fantasy then you will love this book (0 more)
If you dont like Fantasy or are easily offended then dont read it. (0 more)
I'd Follow This Devil Anywhere!
What a great Continuation of Sorin's story.
Gosh! I loved every minute of this book. Shayne has a true talent for making us fall In love with his main characters. Sorin Is no different! He is powerful, charismatic and Sexy with a very human side that makes him extremely endearing for a Vamp. You either want to bed him or be his best mate and frankly, when you see who he hangs out with you will be biting at the bit ... or the neck join the gang!

The story continues with Sorin's quest to take Down Dracula, but straight of the bat several new threats make themselves known, the least of them the Witches who complicate matters For Sorin and add some great action scenes to this story.

The emotional and sexual build up in this book creates a lovely tension that sits nicely in between the action and all the story driven sequences and I found that I flitted from emotion to emotion. From feeling sad for his losses, Angry that he was wronged, Affection for his love Interests.... and a couple of spicy scenes that made me sit up a little straighter in my seat.

All In all I really enjoyed this book. It had a feeling of familiarity as it very much reminds me of a classic vampire tale.... but then it surprises you with some lovely new mysteries.
I really can't recommend this book enough!
And Can't wait to see were the next book takes me!
Becoming Alpha
Becoming Alpha
Aileen Erin | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Tessa McCaide has a unique gift of seeing visions. She is able to touch someone and see something from their past. Only she doesn't care too much about her "gift" she sees it as a burden.

Living in LA with her mum, dad and brother Axel, she is called 'Freaky Tessa' by everyone except her family.

One day her father gets a new job in Texas and they decide to move for Tessa so she can be happier and be nearer to her mum's family. Tessa's mum's side of the family believe they are all witches. (Which they are, but Tessa doesn't really believe it at the moment, even though having her gifts aren't normal... So why can't they be witches. Her gift must mean something right?)

Tessa and her brother Axel want to find out why they are moving and what their dads new job is. She touches some paperwork of her father's to find out some more about where they are going and this new job of his. Once she touches the papers she sees what she normally sees 'a vision' only this time it's not the past. It's the present and the two people she can see, can sense her. Which has never happened before. Tessa doesn't tell her brother what she saw...

A few days later they move to Texas and there she starts her new school. On moving in day her dad's new boss Micheal Dawson arrives to give them the keys and warns them about Wolves in the area and to stay clear of them and they will do the same. He brings along a guy called Dastien from the school that they work at; where Tessa's new dad's job is. To help them move in. But Tessa and Dastien share some sort of connection. It turns out that they both remember eachother from the vision.

Tessa begins her first day at her new school and starts to make friends. (though she doesn't really like the people there) The same day she gets invited to a party. A few days before the party her and her brother head to the mall where she meets Dastien again and they again share that connection. They both flirt a little and you see there is a attraction. But why?

A fight soon breaks out and there is a clear divide between her new school and the school where Dastien works. They all hate eachother. This is also something that happens at the party that Tessa's invited too. When she's there her and Dastien share a kiss. Which leads to him biting and scratching her...

A few days later she's become a werewolf, because of Dastien which is illegal in their world. And her whole life has been turned upside down. She now has to live and go to the school where Micheal Dawson works and live her life as a Werewolf.

But not everything is a smooth as that. Fighting Vampires for one and having the local coven around and hating her for being biten. Things are about to turn bad for Tessa and her new life.

This book is great story, with werewolves and actually scary vampires. It has it cheesy moments and the young, young adult writing with the romance can be very 'lovely, lovely' which I guess can seem too young for me. But it's a series I've read before that I needed to continue and finish so I am I doing that now. So baring that in mind, it is a great book and series.


Love, Christina ?
Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Jay Castle | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
MARRIED TO THE VAMPIRE KING is the second book in the Blood Bonded Mates and I didn't even realise until I started reading it. That means the blurb is that good, it pulled me in without me even realising it was a series I wanted to continue with!

Ethan is the son of the Head of his Coven and has felt like a disappointment ever since his Initiation Ceremony when it turned out his magical gift was to nullify all other magic. This doesn't make him popular, but when a magic mirror tells him he is the only hope for a lot of witches and vampires to survive a possible war, he goes all in. This includes marrying the Vampire King, Nathaniel, even though he doesn't know him.

What follows is a fantastic story that had me hooked and reading until I'd finished the story! Nathaniel is a cinnamon roll, just oozing sweetness, unless someone messes with who or what he considers his. And Ethan is top of his list! Ethan himself is a sometimes sarcastic, heart-of-gold, warlock who I wanted to squidge so many times.

The twist at the end wasn't a twist for me as I had figured it out, but that didn't take away any of my enjoyment of the big reveal or the climactic ending. This book was a loving rollercoaster of a ride, and I honestly can't wait for Tobias and Bryan's story - especially not considering the snippets we've already had of the two of them.

This is a series that features previous couples, so I would suggest you read it as such, rather than a set of standalones. Absolutely brilliant and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 26, 2024
Shadow of Night
Shadow of Night
Deborah E. Harkness | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shadow of Night is the second book of Deborah Harkness’ All Souls Trilogy. As with the first one, Harkness takes you on adventure with her two protagonists, a witch named Diana and a vampire named Mathew. However, unlike the first one, this book is placed in Elizabethan England. Though the characters remain the same at heart, they change to better suit each other and the time period, as it is needed. With the imminent danger around every corner, the two are still not able to find piece, but Diana is able to learn more about her powers while she learns about her vampire lover in the process.

The details in the book are beautifully done and give a great visual to how it must have looked in 1590, where the main storyline is. The clothing style was accurate and there were a great many nods to our history. However, even though some of it remained factual, or close to, there was no denying that there was whole lot of fiction intertwined to help create the illusion that witches, vampires, and daemons exist. Harkness has a way with her facts and her words to create such a wonderful woven story to have the facts and the fictions mix that you could practically believe that it could all be true and we just would never know about it. I am again truly amazed by the story and how it seems to flow from the first book to the second book so flawlessly. I am hardly able to express such enthusiasm I have for Harkness and her wonderful tale. Once again, she was able to submerge me into a tale that caused emotions to wax and wane in my soul.

With all the tears, joys, and laughs this book was able to get out of me, I thought the ending felt a tad bit rushed, and though I am grateful for the speed of the final chapters and how it sort of answered more questions while leaving the conclusions of the trilogy still to come, I feel I would have liked a bit more out of the characters in their reunions. With new characters being introduces slightly at the end, it left a lot of questions on what was going on. I understand that the last book in this trilogy would be what wrapped everything up, but I can’t help but feeling a little more should have been included about some of the characters that had been introduced. I will hold my breath on this matter though and wait to see how the trilogy ends.

I did find that Harkness was able to pin point things normal couples seem to be troubled with, such as jealousy and secrets, never mind should that couple have secret abilities or be of another entire species. I was overjoyed to see that even fictional characters could do something I see normal people due in reality without all the melodramatics that most romance novels and romantic comedies would have us believe. To watch the main characters have the differences, stand their ground, and even argue about things like secrets, other people, and insecurities makes it feel more at home. Not every romance should be almost perfect with a few flaws; Couples fight and through the power of love, the stay together. Even though they have chance to fall apart, it never ceases to amaze how simple communication, even between a d vampire and a witch, can make troubles and misunderstandings cease to exist. Even with the couple at ends at times, and the world seemingly against them, it was fun to watch them explore the world and themselves, if not to just become themselves more and learn how powerful love and trust could be.

I believe this book is 3 stars out of 4 stars for it rating. It is truly an amazing book and has the potential to stand alone, it is clear that without certain prior knowledges, a reader could get lost at the end of what is happening. Shadow of Night is as beautifully written as was A Discovery of Witches and I definitely would recommend it, if the person was will to start at the beginning with A Discovery of Witches. Luckily both can be bought on Amazon and in other places that sell books.