Super Simple Jewelry: Modern, Versatile Pieces to Make in 30 Minutes or Less
These 11 unique projects have a high-end boutique look and can be made in 30 minutes. Simple enough,...

VidLab - Video FX effects editor for iPhone plus movie maker Pro version
Photo & Video and Utilities
VidLab - Pro version of the video editor plus movie FX effects maker is the best and the most...

WhatsPad - Protected with Passcode, Change Wallpapers (iPad Version)
Social Networking and Lifestyle
A simple and practical way to connect to the web version of WhatApp with your iPad is using the app...

Stunning HD Wallpapers Free For Lego Edition : Unofficials Version
Lifestyle and Entertainment
-->NO Ads, NO in-APP Purchase. -->Unique And Very Rare Collection of For Lego -->Very Easy and...