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VFW (2019)
VFW (2019)
2019 | Action, Horror
6.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
VFW feels like Hobo With a Shotgun mashed together with From Dusk Till Dawn, with a sprinkling of Mandy for good measure, all whilst accompanied by an atmospheric synthwave score. What's not to love?

Truthfully, it brings nothing new to the table. What we see in VFW has been done before, and Joe Begos just wallows in that fact. It's a good time.
It has a distinctive grindhouse feel to it throughout, it has a semi Terminator style 80s feel to it throughout, but still manages to carve out its own identity.

The cast are great - Stephen Lang, William Sadler, Fred Williamson, Martin , David Patrick Kelly - all actors that I thoroughly enjoy, here playing war veterans fighting back against a gang of leather clad drug addicts laying siege to their bar. It's a simple premise, mixed with a 90 minute runtime, ensuring that VFW packs a hyper violent punch.
When I say violent, I mean violent. It's gory as all hell and doesn't shy away from what it shows. It doesn't feel too over the top as the film is so fast paced, you hardly have time to process what just happened before something else ridiculous happens.

VFW is certainly not for everyone, but I found it to be an over the top and stylish horror gem. Check it out!

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Harley Quinn - Season 1 in TV

Jul 31, 2020 (Updated Jul 31, 2020)  
Harley Quinn - Season 1
Harley Quinn - Season 1
2019 | Action, Animation, Crime
In short, Harley Quinn is probably my new favourite show... Seriously.
I really wasn't too bothered when it was originally announced but I'm really glad I got round to it eventually.

To start with, it's fucking hilarious. The dialogue and humour arrives in waves, never lets up, and is pretty much constantly funny and pretty clever. Cast your mind back to when Family Guy was actually good (it's been a while my friends) and you're sort of in the right ball park. Every character offers something in this respect.

The main characters - Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, King Shark, Clayface, Dr Psycho - are really well written, and are a great group of anti-heroes to get behind.
The show also fits in appearances from other DC veterans - Joker, Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Bane, Queen of Fables, Black Manta, The Flash, Lex Luthor, Scarecrow, Giganta, The Riddler, Kite Man, Robin - are just a few that get a look in. It's great for DC fans, and funny enough to appeal to wider audiences.

It's very adult orientated as well - whilst looking like a typical kids superhero show, the illusion will suddenly be shattered by a tirade of swearing, or over the top gore, it's truly not messing around, and it works really well!

Harley Quinn was a massive pleasant surprise for me. Can't wait to watch more!
The Things a Brother Knows
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wanted to love this book. The topic of returning veterans from Afghanistan deserves a place in young adult literature. Unfortunately, The Things a Brother Knows has some significant weaknesses that overshadowed what should have been the meat of the story.

Reinhardt seems to feel the need to cater to adolescent hormones by throwing in a few unnecessarily suggestive scenes that really lend nothing to the plot. Is she afraid that teenagers won’t read her work otherwise? (In defense of suggestive scenes, I don’t typically have anything against them when they are integral to the story line. One look at my past reading lists should hint at that.)

In this case, the romantic relationships that develop in the story not only come off as improbably and entirely sudden, but personally, I feel they detract from the main plot line of a young man trying to reconnect with and understand his brother who has recently returned home from the war.

I will say, however, that I really do like how Reinhardt has dealt not only with the effects of war on returning soldiers, but also with the family dynamic. Not having any personal experience with this, all I can say is that from an outsider’s standpoint, the portrayals feel authentic. I also really appreciate how she manages to skirt the political issues of the war in favor of focusing on the human aspect.
Belfast (2021)
Belfast (2021)
2021 | Drama
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In short, Belfast is a very human and truly wonderful piece of cinema.
It's visual style is both stunning and simple, and is brimming with plenty of striking imagery.
It's themes are rich. The setting explores the civil unrest between Protestants and Catholics in 1960s Belfast. This turbulent moment in time is a constant presence for sure, but the main bulk of the narrative deals with a working class family who are struggling with debt, and are looking to potentially relocate to England in light of the city wide violence. The very heart of the story though is found in Buddy, the young son of the family who is dealing with growing up and not wanting to leave. Buddy's actor, Jude Hill, is excellent. He embodies innocent childhood and the adventure that comes with it. He's an 11 year old actor, holding his own against screen veterans such as Ciarán Hinds and Judi Dench (both fantastic as always).
Other than Buddy, most of the heavy lifting is undertaken by the mother, played by Caitriona Balfe, who really deserves an Academy Nomination for her role here. Jamie Dornan also stars, who proved to be a pleasant surprise for me, only knowing him from the obvious, and is a welcome addition to an all round stellar cast. Throughout this, the narrative touches upon loss and loneliness, and the moments of life that manage to be bittersweet.

Belfast is a sometimes heartwarming, powerful, occasionally funny, and often melancholy tale told with a lot of love and care. Kenneth Branagh has delivered a slice of cinematic gold.
Battleship (2012)
Battleship (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
Pure cheesy, gooey fun
Battleship is a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s pure cheesy fun. It’s got a great cast of actors who over-act their butts off in it. Pretty much everything in the movie is delightfully overdone. It might not be the most intellectually stimulating film, but if you need an excuse for popcorn and beer it’s perfect. It has a bit of a Starship Troopers feel to it, what with the bad dialogue and the aliens that look like bugs. Hell, it’s even got the token slightly odd-looking red-headed guy being a mouth-off.

It’s pretty much the perfect B-movie, except we got lucky this time and had decent actors and enough money for good special effects. I loved watching the alien ships moving around and getting ready to fire at things. I’m always able to get completely into the film and nothing about the CGI throws me off at all. The dialogue might be horrible, but the action is perfectly paced. It takes me about 40 minutes longer than the movie actually is to finish watching it. Simply because I go back and re-wind and re-watch my favorite parts constantly. And yes, it does have some proper battleship game scenes that will make you grin with nostalgia if you used to love the game.

Liam Neeson’s role isn’t much, but he gives the appropriate note of seriousness to the film. He really just has a bit role though. Alexander Skarsgård does a good job as Stone Hopper (and what kind of name is that?!). He’s the serious older brother, and the true hero that does everything he can. Rhianna didn’t exactly do a bang up job, but she sold her emotions rather well at a few key parts. Taylor Kitsch certainly does a great job as coming across as an immature punk who needs some sense knocked into him.

It’s interesting to note, whatever your reasoning for it might be, that the aliens don’t really seem to be overly destructive in Battleship. Everything they do seems very tactical and deliberate. They have the firepower to lay waste to everything, but they seem to be more able disabling and containment. At one point, when one of the destroyers put away its weapons, the alien ship lowers its weapons too. People die, but not nearly as many as you would expect. Given other events in the movie, I feel like they were trying to take over with as little damage as possible. Maybe they needed humans for slave labor?

Cool Tidbits: The wounded warriors you see in the rehabilitation center scene in Battleship? Actual wounded warriors. The old vets referenced in regards to the USS Missouri are vets that served on that ship. And Mick – who is completely awesome – is also played by a vet. Props to the producers of this movie for making sure to include so many veterans in it. I totally cheered near the end of the movie when all the veterans do the slow hero walk and it’s clear they’re ready to help.

Overall, Battleship is just a fun popcorn movie that doesn’t deserve the razzing it gets. As long as you don’t go into it expecting something highly intellectual or some ground-breaking work, you’ll enjoy yourself.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated the PC version of Two Point Hospital in Video Games

Jun 10, 2019  
Two Point Hospital
Two Point Hospital
2018 | Simulation
Graphics (2 more)
Nostalgia (for Theme Hospital veterans)
Little on the easy side once nail the strategy (0 more)
Fun simulation game
Many moons ago (1997) I used to love playing the PC simulation game called Theme Hospital made by Bullfrog, this game from Sega is very much a spiritual successor.

You design and operate hospitals with the aim to cure patients of a number of comical illnesses. Some of my favourites include Emperor Complex where patients wander around naked; Emperor’s New Clothes style, and need a psychiatrist to put them right and Pandemic the description of which is:

“What were you thinking? Look, we know things can get a little heated in the kitchen… but, frankly, if you’re putting a pan on your head you’re just doing cooking wrong. However, we accept that sometimes these things just happen. We won’t judge.”

To cure pandemic you need to build, one of many illness specific treatment rooms, the Extract-a-Pan. It’s the fun illnesses and graphics for them and their cures that keep this lighthearted.

You take control of various hospitals each with their own specific issues and as we are following the US healthcare model here the aim is frequently to make loads of money!! You control what rooms to build, staff to hire and research to complete providing lots of micromanagement opportunities.

Unlike Theme hospital in the age of DLC more hospitals and illnesses are becoming available as well as more ways to customise your hospitals. I still feel nostalgic for the original and maybe just because I’m older I found this a lot easier but still very enjoyable experience.
Detroit (2017)
Detroit (2017)
2017 | Drama, History, Thriller
On July 23, 1967, the Detroit police stage a raid on an unlicensed club during a celebration for returning black veterans. Unable to lead their suspects out quietly through the back, officers are forced to bring them out the front and line them up against the wall while they wait for transport. A mob quickly forms and the police leave the area as they are pelted with rocks. With anger rising, looting begins and fires are started, this is the beginning of the 12th Street Riot.

Full disclosure, I only saw half of this film. It wouldn't have been one that I'd have chosen to see. I'd much rather have read about the incident that watch someone's interpretation of it.

After I had to leave I did consider whether I'd go back and see the film another day. Ultimately though I didn't find the first half interesting enough. It feels wrong to say that about something that hasn't been brought about by something entirely fiction.

Having said that, I saw the second trailer after watching the first half of the film and was confronted with a different side of the film. It intrigued me enough to want to read up about it, but still didn't make me want to watch the rest of the film.

I can't really put my finger on the thing that put me off (I know it didn't help that I wasn't well), but I wasn't entirely convinced about all the acting, and I didn't really feel invested in the characters, which meant I wasn't fussed about finding out what happened to them.

Michael J. Bess (2 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jul 6, 2018  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Dedicated record of friends listed, capability of adding pics and separating them by occasion, use of app to log into other apps (0 more)
Lacks secure verification process when creating account (0 more)
Great way to maintain relationships, but bad if you do not want your personal life all out there
I use Facebook to keep in contact with men and women I served with when I was in the Marine Corps. Whenever I remember the name of one, I go online and try to track them down. At least 1/4 of my 1000+ friend's list consists of veterans and current servicemembers and civilian employees.

But one thing that Facebook needs to improve on is it's verification process. My 13-year-old niece has had a page (TWO pages in fact!) since she was barely ten. I immediately contacted Facebook about this because I didn't want my niece to be another stat where she is preyed upon online by some phedophile. Facebook continued to keep the pages up.

Another reason the process needs to be improved is because someone may end up being "Catfished," for a lack of better term. My personal business was posted online by a woman whom I never met and I had no idea why this person would do something like that. More than two years later, I found that it wasn't a woman who posted the info, but it was a male friend of mine! A person who I had played practical jokes on the past but never to this extreme. Needless to say we are not longer friends as his ex-wife (my current girlfriend) informed me of other scrupulous things he had done with this particular page.
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
2018 | Documentary, History, War
The restoration work is unbelievable (0 more)
Absolutely outstanding and timely reminder of our past
I managed to miss the cinema screenings of this recently, so was very happy to discover that it was going to be shown on the BBC as part of their centenary remembrance schedule and I'd be able to enjoy it at home.

A collection of old archive footage from World War I shows young boys enlisting in the army and going through their training. It's narrated by actual WWI veterans, describing how they lied about their age in order to sign up and recounting their fears and excitement while preparing for battle. Even at this point in the movie, it's an effective and interesting use of the tired looking silent black and white clips we're all used to seeing.

And then we suddenly see where all the time and effort has been spent on this movie, as one of those tired looking clips suddenly transforms into vivid colour. And it's not just the colour that's been applied either. Where these original film clips would vary in frame rate, resulting in that familiar jittery sped up effect, that's all been corrected here, with computers used to apply missing frames and provide a smoother realistic experience. Sound has been added too, not just the explosions and sounds of war, but voices of the soldiers. The team were able to lip read the restored footage and then record actors voices onto it. Apparently, the cinema release even has a touch of 3D applied to it!

The result though is simply incredible. We're taken into the trenches and into the war itself. Not only does it make the horrors of war all the more real and horrific, but it also makes the fun and the laughter that the soldiers still managed to share all the more poignant too. It's absolutely outstanding, and something that everyone should see.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 23, 2018

I can't wait to watch this.

Last Flag Flying (2017)
Last Flag Flying (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama
The true cost of war goes beyond the numbers of the dead and wounded that we see in textbooks, lectures, and in news reports. Each number represents a person who either perished or was injured. We overlook the extended impact that this loss of life or experience has on their families and friends. Even more, we often overlook the lasting impact that warfare has on the men and women exposed to it.

In Last Flag Flying Steve Carell (The Office, 40-Year-Old Virgin), Brian Cranston (Breaking Bad), and Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix) play veterans who reunite thirty years after serving together in Vietnam to bury one of their sons who has been killed in Iraq. Doc (Steve Carell) tracks down his friends in order to find some closure as to events they faced in their past and to find some sanity and clarity in the death of his son.

The film brings home the horror of war and demonstrates how men and women, out of a sense of duty, find themselves in the same situation as previous generations as they left home to serve their nation. The film is uncomfortable, with good reason, as it makes audiences reflect on the meaning of sacrifice, duty, and honor. The three characters offer the film the opportunity to demonstrate the contrast between youth and experience. It demonstrates how people can have the same experiences but are changed by it to varying degrees. Nothing is uniform about how they adapt to their experiences or in how they cope with the horrors they witnessed.

Last Flag Flying offers a much-needed, sobering perspective about war and how the experiences of war never quite leave those who survived. Carell, Cranston, and Fishburne offer up performances that demonstrate the power of friendship and brotherhood that forms for those who serve together. For those who served and those who haven’t, the film offers audiences the ability to gain a greater understanding of what life is like for those men and women once they take off the uniform.