Frommer's Easy Guide to the Virgin Islands
Quick to read, light to carry with expert advice in all price ranges, Frommer's EasyGuide to the...

Moon Virginia & Maryland: Including Washington DC
Discover Virginia & Maryland in a New Way Travel writer Michaela Riva Gaaserud shares her expert...

Loving vs. Virginia: A Documentary Novel of the Landmar
From acclaimed author Patricia Hruby Powell comes the story of a landmark civil rights case, told in...

Virgin Rebel: Richard Branson in His Own Words
Richard Branson and Danielle McLimore
Richard Branson, who has been called "England's most outrageous billionaire," is also one of the...

Virginia Woolf's Garden: The Story of the Garden at Monk's House
Caroline Zoob, Caroline Arber and Cecil Woolf
Monk's House in Sussex is the former home of Leonard and Virginia Woolf. It was bought by them in...

Stolen from the Garden: The Kidnapping of Virginia Pipe
On a July afternoon in 1972, two masked men waving guns abducted forty-nine-year-old Virginia Piper...
non-fiction true crime kidnapping minnesota