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Dave Mustaine recommended Lovedrive by Scorpions in Music (curated)

Lovedrive by Scorpions
Lovedrive by Scorpions
1979 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Come on, 'Another Piece Of Meat'! What a great song with a cool solo. And 'Lovedrive' itself has such a great attitude. When you listen to Klaus Meine's lyrics on this record, they were probably the coolest of all of theirs. When you gravitate to love song-type lyrics, you run the risk of alienating part of your fan base if you go there too much. Not a lot of guys want to be hanging out and lifting weights to love songs. A song, to me, should be something that makes you want to fight or have sex. It should make you feel so charged that you need to let it loose. Visually, from the second you looked at the cover, you knew it was dangerous. Virgin Killer went a little too far maybe – a little too gnarly. But using controversial artwork to help sell your album when your music is that fabulous… I'm all for that."

Lash (The Skulls, #1)
Lash (The Skulls, #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @27%

Yeah, I've decided I don't like MC (motocycle club) books too much. I don't get the concept of them and some of their rules just pee me off.

What the hell's up with this one?

A guy who--in her own words--says 'she didn't realise he had ever noticed her' suddenly goes all dark and brooding on her one night, drags her upstairs and starts kissing/touching her and she just lets him? When she's a virgin? Really? Cos I'm not buying it.

He then orders her to come to terms with his interest in her and that she's now his and she just rolls with it?

If I'm going to read and enjoy a MC book I need a kick arse, smart-alec who gives as good as she gets and I'm sorry but--I can't even remember the main characters name :/--she wasn't that for me.

Will not be reading the next books.
Midnight Sun (Twilight, #5)
Midnight Sun (Twilight, #5)
Stephenie Meyer | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Edward is darker than he’s portrayed in the 1st book. (1 more)
Stephanie Meyer is a much better writer than when she first started. I’d say that this is well written.
Edward is a prude (7 more)
I can’t tell if my boredom with the book was because I’ve moved on from this story emotionally, or if I just didn’t find Edward’s version of things compelling enough to care.
I almost dnf’ed it.
Wtf with that ugly cover?! I know why they used a pomegranate (it’s explained in the book) but it’s a bad choice IMO.
This book came too late. If this had come out at the height of the series popularity, I think I would have loved it. But it’s been what, 15 years?
It’s ridiculous that Edward is such a whiny, brooding virgin. His self righteousness about it is a huge turn off. What a d-bag
Can Rosalie just be written out of the series or something? Let her get eaten by a bear
I don’t love these characters anymore.
It turns out Edward is more boring and clingy than Bella
Blue Christmas Balls
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
6 of 230
Blue Christmas Balls
By Nick Spalding

A laugh out loud seasonal novella from Nick Spalding, the bestselling author of the smash hit comedies Fat Chance & Love... From Both Sides.

One man. Three women. Twelve days to achieve Yuletide sexual glory!

Christmas is coming and Matt Bunion is on a mission. Somehow, he's made the huge mistake of remaining a virgin well into his twenties - a grievous error he fully intends to rectify before the Queen's speech starts.

But it's not going to be easy...

What with strange requests to molest living room furniture, painfully inserted action figures, and an extremely festive lady of the night, Matt will be lucky to reach Boxing Day with his pride and manhood still intact.

Ok so it was a little funny but in some parts trying to be too funny! For a novella it wasn’t bad at all I would definitely read more of his work! Don’t think I’ll look at an Ewok without thinking of this book though 😂!
Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2)
Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2)
J.R. Ward | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
118 of 220
Lover Eternal ( Black Dagger Brotherhood 2)
By J.R. Ward

Within the brotherhood, Rhage is the vampire with the strongest appetite. He's the best fighter, the quickest to act on his impulses, and the most voracious lover-for inside him burns a ferocious curse cast by the Scribe Virgin.

Possessed by this dark side, Rhage fears the times when his inner dragon is unleashed, making him a danger to everyone around him. When Mary Luce is unwittingly thrown into the vampire world, she must rely on Rhage's protection. Knowing that Mary feels the same intense animal attraction, Rhage must make her his alone...

A reread for me as I really want to move forward with this series. Rhage he is amazing and I honestly welled up a few times with him and Mary she is so beautiful. This series is a hit and miss with me takes me a while to get into the book but once I’m locked in I’m hooked.
On Chesil Beach (2018)
On Chesil Beach (2018)
2018 | Drama
Bleak British Repressed Sexuality a Go Go!
Handsomely mounted BBC film starts off looking like many another period-set literary adaptation, then turns into something rather different. Newlyweds Edward and Florence are on the brink of their wedding night; both are nervous, and struggling with the expectations society and their upbringing has placed upon them. (The fact that society hasn't bothered to educate them in the slightest about what can, or should, go on in the bedroom really doesn't help on this voyage into, or possibly out of, virgin territory.) Not all goes to plan; a small but genuine tragedy unfolds.

Not the kind of film you walk home from whistling, unless you're some kind of militant celibacy advocate, but an undeniably fine one (or so it seems to me): very good performances from the young stars, and well-judged direction. Initially the film seems like a slightly dark comedy-drama of manners (the excruciating scenes of people failing to have sex are very awkward to watch), but it develops into something profoundly moving and deeply sad before the end. Thank God for the permissive society.

Louise (64 KP) rated No Shame in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
No Shame
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the companion novel to ‘No Virgin’ which I read in November 2016. This is the court trial that Stacey has to go through to get justice. She wants to see the man who raped her sent to prison and for him not to be able to prey on innocent young girls and carry out such a heinous act again. We see Stacey question herself whether she is strong enough mentally to go through with the trial and face her attacker once again. Stacey needs this to start rebuilding her life and looking to the future of university. She tries to convince another girl who has been attacked to go to the police to build a stronger case. I really think that both of these books could have been one book together than two separate novellas, However I did like seeing the court case and how brutal it can be when things are twisted and people appear to be something they are not. We still had her best friend included and the court case brought her family closer together. This again had powerful messages of seeking justice and support.

I rated this 3 out of 5 stars
Summer Nights (Wildflowers, #1)
Summer Nights (Wildflowers, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book via Netgalley, courtesy of Montlake Romance, in exchange for an honest review*

This is my first book by the author and it was a light romance with an interesting new idea for a plot about opening a summer camp for adults. It also has a longer story arc of what's happened to Dylan's dad that I'm assuming will be continued in the rest of the Wildflowers series.

Unfortunately, I struggled with the book. I like quite a bit of angst in my romances. I like fights and steamy make up sex. I like tattooed bad boys who get up to mischief while falling for the virgin new girl.

This was far too tame for me personally.

I loved the idea of the summer camp with the cabins and the activities but I don't think there was enough details about a lot of the going ons.

The characters didn't really grab me either. I didn't find myself willing them to get together. I was actually a little indifferent to them all.

This was not my kind of story, unfortunately.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Atalanta in Books

Jun 5, 2023  
Jennifer Saint | 2023 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It looks as though my Greek mythology bender is still going strong - and it’s not difficult when there are fabulous stories like Atalanta being retold.

And what an amazing heroine Atalanta is - the only woman amongst the Argonauts on their quest for the Golden Fleece, she can run faster than the men, beat the best at wrestling, shoot arrows more accurately and hunt wild animals. All activities completely unexpected for women of the time. But Atalanta was raised by a bear from when she was abandoned as an infant, and then nurtured by Artemis and her nymphs in Artemis’ own forest.

When Atalanta leaves the safety of Artemis’ forest to go on her adventures, Artemis warns her that she must remain a virgin - if she doesn’t and she consequently marries, it will be her undoing.

So you just know what’s going to happen!

I loved this book, I loved Atalanta, I love thatGreek mythology is having something of a renaissance in the last few years (but has it ever not been popular in one way or another?), and I love these Retellings where the women are front and centre.

This is just perfect - more please!!
The Virgin Cure
Ami McKay | 2011
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved Ami McKay's first book, The Birth House, so I was eager to read this one without even knowing the synopsis. This book did not really live up to the quality of the first book, but I did still enjoy it. While the title conveys the idea that the focus of the book is this social problem of the myth of the "virgin cure", in reality the book was really about the life of the main character, Moth. The virgin cure only plays a part in two small events, and serves better as a footnote to Moth's life.
Moth is quite an interesting girl from the start, having the maturity of a much older person as she deals with her mother's methods of making money along with her drinking habits, even as she finds her own ways of survival. Despite being of such a young age, she is aware of the struggles of the people around her and knows enough to recognize what a better life would look like for herself - even beyond the trappings of wealth. While sold by her own mother for the price of a sack of coins, Moth still longs to impress her and return to her. From there, she encounters one horror after another, many hidden behind a veneer of wealth and privilege. Her desires propel her to take on a different name in an effort to change her very identity into the kind of person she longs to be.
Dr. Sadie's intervention into Moth's life provides a nice contrast to what Moth lived with day-to-day. As McKay's original protagonist, she provided another appealing way of life other than one of wealth and privilege. Her journal entries in the book also showed how Moth appeared to others. Despite the struggles that Dr. Sadie endured as a female physician, I liked the part she played in Moth's life and the things she showed Moth.
As for the format of the book, I found it a bit strange sometimes. The pages often held side notes that had little to do with the plot, and were better at serving as distractions, plus chapters often began with poems or quotes that were vague at best and required some intelligent deciphering to figure out how they contributed to the book. The journal entries of Dr. Sadie that peppered the book held the most valuable writing, as it fit in with the timeline of the plot. I think the book would have fared better with less distractions, more plotting, and a better title.