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A Vampire's Tale
Maya Tyler | 2017
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Vampire's Tale initially reminded me of An Interview with a Vampire as the premise was similar - an old vampire with a story to tell, a young writer chosen and spoken to exclusively. However, as the story starts it is plain to see that this is a completely different story.

Corgan wants to tell his story so that he can 'face the sun'. He's lived a long time and has had enough. Marisa is only 23-years-old and is scraping by on her living as a fiction writer. These two come together, but love and war make an appearance too, and Corgan hasn't been telling Marisa the whole truth.

This book was well written, although I found it to be a bit disjointed at times. There are quite a few scenes where Marisa is monologuing, or describing her dreams, some of which seemed to have no bearing upon the story except to emphasise that she had strange dreams! It moves with a swift pace, and situations are sometimes upon you before you realise it.

It is a different take on the vampire/virgin story, so I would recommend it for anyone wanting something that differs from the norm.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Booty Camp
Booty Camp
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mila and Grady practically grew up together. Grady's sister along with Mila and other friends just opened a new roller rink in town. Mila is beautiful, but quiet and shy. Every time Grady sees her, he wants to devour her. What he doesn't know is that Mila is a virgin and she's crushing on the douchebag who runs the roller hockey league. But before Mila gets with him, she would like a few lessons and who better to teach her than Grady. They are up for a weekend of Booty Camp to teach Mila everything she needs to know to be with another man. Will Grady be able to let her go to another man after this weekend?

Thank you to Frankie Love, C.M. Seabrook and Booksprout for a copy of this book to review.

Booty Camp is the final book in the Booty Call series.

Even though Grady, as a pilot, has a different woman in every city, there is only one woman he wants. And teaching her to be good at sex for another man, might just kill him. Mila is surprised at how well things are going between her and Grady during their Booty Camp. Will she go to the other man or will she pine over Grady, a man she knows she can't have, or can she?

What will happen between these two friends? Will they become lovers or have to just deal with being teacher and instructor?
The Protecting Veil by John Tavener
The Protecting Veil by John Tavener
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is a record that got me through quite a difficult point with The Verve. I was expecting my daughter at the time and we were recording A Storm In Heaven at Sawmills in Cornwall. It was pretty remote. We'd polished off a bottle of wine at dinner and we were smoking quite a lot as well. I just needed to go and get my head together for an hour before I went back to making the record and this was the album I listened to. I see it as a very ecstatic and comforting record. And I've played it to people since and the reaction seems to be, "This is terrifying!" But I really don't see that at all. To me it was just disappearing into something for an hour that was heavenly and ecstatic, which was exactly what I needed. I was conflicted and worrying about my future – whether I was doing the right thing. For a long time I had this feeling that what I was doing was a complete joke and I'd be exposed as a charlatan. There was a general sense of paranoia – that working class thing. Lots of people around me were saying get a proper job. My thinking on the whole thing was that it was all going to end rather badly, which wasn't really conducive to being creative. The album was a freebie from Virgin, and it had a huge comforting effect on me."

Insatiable Incubus (Lads and Monsters #1)
Insatiable Incubus (Lads and Monsters #1)
Dana Frost | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
INSATIABLE INCUBUS is a standalone novel with the possibility of future stories set in this world.

Wilder is in his mid-twenties and has fallen into the monster assassination business. Lucian is said monster, an incubus who keeps himself to himself but has been accused of murdering young virgin girls from the nearby village.

The attraction is almost instantaneous between these two but I never got the sadistic vibe as detailed in the blurb. It was intense, yes, but not sadistic. Things get hot and heavy between the two, and Wilder is drawn to help the monster he was sent to kill. Unfortunately, the common issue of miscommunication raises its ugly head and complicates matters.

This was a quick read that I enjoyed. The world-building leaves it open for other books, and I sincerely hope the author returns to this world. I'd love to learn more about it. As for the connection between Wilder and Lucian, although steamy, I would have liked to have seen a bit more in their emotional connection, rather than just physical with a realisation at the end.

A great read that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 1, 2023
Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2)
Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2)
J.R. Ward | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, I enjoyed this book much more than the first book. I was familiar with the background, so I did not need to take time to understand everything, and I was already familiar with the main characters of the brotherhood, so I knew who I liked and wanted to know more about.
This book focused on Rhage and his love interest, Mary. Rhage is the one nicknamed "Hollywood" for both his good looks and promiscuous behavior. That, plus the violent habits of the brotherhood allow him to keep the dragon-like beast inside in check, but the appearance of Mary puts a new spin on an old curse. Just like the theme in the first book, the desire to claim Mary for his wife changes Rhage permanently - I detect a commonality throughout the series with this theme.
Rhage has a very frank and forward way of communicating, which I like, though it can sometimes throw me off in the reading. Mary sometimes got quite annoying with how low her self-image is. The way that the book ends and how the Scribe Virgin plays into Rhage and Mary's romance seemed a bit out of place and over-compensating, but it did cause things to work out well, so I won't complain.
The subplot of the lessers also progresses with the introduction of a secondary character under Mr. X, a Mr. O who seems to resent being a lesser and possesses a weakness. This, combined with a subplot dedicated to the brother, Zsadist, leads into the next book in the series, Lover Awakened.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought this book was an entertaining read. I started hearing about these books a couple weeks ago and I thought I would give them a try. This is one of those guilty pleasure reads. The basic premise of this book is that a rich man wants to make a non rich virgin his submissive. It is something that many women fantasize about but in real life would be terrifying. The rich man (Christian) is a stalker, but because he has money then it is fine.

The characters are easy to relate to. I found that the main character (Ana) held a lot of insecurities that many of us are scared to admit. With that said, I quickly became tired of "Oh My..." and "My inner goddess" being repeated over and over and over.

A lot of people are dwelling on the fact that the Ana was scared of Christian. But in all honesty, if someone new into the lifestyle is not scared than they do not know the full weight of what is involved in BDSM.

I think that this book has eased the reader into the world of BDSM. It is very witty and I found at times that I was laughing.

The writing skills were not extremely good. It felt that the author kept looking up words in the thesaurus and it did not seem to flow extremely well.

All in all, the book was entertaining and witty. I will continue on in the series.
The Diplomatic Heir (Etherya's Earth #7)
The Diplomatic Heir (Etherya's Earth #7)
Rebecca Hefner | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every page was a delight!
THE DIPLOMATIC HEIR is the seventh book in the Etherya's Earth series and continues with the next generation. This time, it's Tor's turn and he has found his mate in Esme, the disinherited Elven hybrid princess who has spent the majority of her life running from her dastardly father!

Tor is wonderful - handsome, caring, protective - everything you would expect from a son of Miranda and Sathan. He is also a virgin but that isn't the main characteristic. Esme is strong but oh so broken. She constantly makes decisions that hurt her but help those she is trying to protect, whether they want it or not!

Not only do we get their amazing action-packed story, but we also get updates on Miranda and Sathan. Latimus, Evie, and Darkrip have cameos, plus other family members. And not only that, but you meet new characters that I now want their stories too. I'm looking at you, Jaxon! There is so much to this book, every page was a delight.

This was a wonderful addition to the series and, honestly, makes me want to re-read all of them again. I can't wait for book 8 but I guess I must. 😂 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me but, please, start from the beginning so you don't miss anything.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The 40 Year Old Virgin  (2005)
The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
2005 | Comedy, Romance
Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) is a guy who has found his place in the world. Andy has a small but comfortable apartment that is stocked with all manner of high tech electronics, as well as an impressive collection of valuable collectables.

Andy has a comfortable if not dynamic job managing inventory for a local electronics store as well as a group of co-workers who include Andy in their conversations.

Andy’s life takes an unexpected turn when it is revealed at an after hours poker game that he has never been with a woman in a physical way, making him a 40 year old virgin.

Shocked and amused, Andy’s co-workers make it their personal quest to get Andy fixed up and on with his life. Andy for the most part is not overly enthused as his past failures in dating and heavy petting have all ended in disaster causing him to forgo pursuing sex.

Andy takes this all in stride even when it results in some hilarious and often painful experiences ranging from chest waxing, to drunken woman intent on making Andy their pleasure toy. As the experiences go from one bizarre encounter after another, Andy becomes even more confused, especially when his co-workers continue to offer advice that seems less than practical.

During this time, Andy meets Trish (Catherine Keener), who works at a business across from the shop. Andy is unsure how to handle her openness but when persuaded, he realizes that she may indeed like him, and now it is time to put what he has been told into effect.

Playing it cool, Andy does not call right away, but after even more outrageous situations arise, Andy eventually calls Trish and they go out. Things go very well, that is until Andy is faced with situations he has never encountered and all of his life experiences have prepared him for what is to come next.

Directed by Judd Apatow, The 40 Year Old Virgin, is a comic triumph that is consistently funny throughout. Carell is fantastic as he shows that he is a true comic talent that has arrived after his scene stealing performances in “Bruce Almighty”, and “Anchorman”.

The film is very crude and raunchy, but unlike the recent Deuce Bigalow film, there is a sincerity and charm about the films that puts the debauchery in context. This is not a film that throws gross situations at you for shock value, they are included as a natural part of the story and as part of the characters lives.

While some may balk at this, it is important to remember that in a film that deals with single men and sex, in many ways this film could actually be seen as restrained in how the characters discuss and deal with the topics and situations.

That being said, the film is a true work of genius and should launch Carell as the next great comic actor. His ability to blend physical and subtle comedy is amazing as his ability to portray Andy as a sympathetic and understandable character is truly amazing. Talent such as his only comes along once in a great while and thankfully the 42 year old Carell is finally getting a chance to shine. If you love to laugh and do not mind crude humor, do not miss this film.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated DNA Demons N Angels in Books

Nov 23, 2021 (Updated Jul 10, 2023)  
DNA Demons N Angels
DNA Demons N Angels
Katie Zaber | 2021 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNA Demons N Angels is definitely What To Expect When You're Expecting Something Different!

The basic premise of this book is a woman (Evie) gets unexpectedly pregnant. Unexpectedly, because her husband has a vasectomy years ago! Think Virgin Mary. Obviously, he doesn't believe her when she says she hasn't slept with anyone but him, and they separate. This starts the journey of a lifetime with possessions, kidnappings, and hints galore about who the father of the baby is and what 'it' will be.

The cravings in this book made me laugh, and also wonder if this was real life in a book. If not the author, then maybe someone she knows? They are just as funky as some cravings can be, and I loved it.

I didn't think too much as I was reading this. I didn't try to figure anything out. I just let the book sweep me along, giving me bits of information when deemed necessary. Maybe because of that but the ending didn't come as a surprise. It was a good ending, just not surprising to me.

I'm really hoping there is more to come in this world. I would like to know more about Lucas, Annabel, Bell, and co, plus I'm sure that baby has stories to tell. A very different read that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 23, 2021
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian, #2)
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian, #2)
E.L. James | 2017 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I far more enjoyed this novel than it's counterpart. Along the lines of my original review of its predecessor, I think that Christian is a far more interesting character than Ana. Ana's major character traits are that she's a virgin and kind of has mommy issues. I find his point of view, his thoughts, and his dreams, or nightmares rather, much more compelling than anything Ana really has to say. I think that he is a much stronger character and much more realistic than she is.

I originally rated this novel a 5/5 because I do truly love the story, I like the mystery, the thrill, the sex, I think it's great. I revised it, though, because as soon as I get into a good rhythm, reading 20 pages and feeling like it's been 5 minutes, I get pulled out of the story by something so small and seemingly irrelevant like a phrase or wording or the way they do something. It pulls me out of the story and forces me to remember that the writing isn't all that good. I've said previously about the dialogue and that always gets me - again, they sound English and they're not!!!! I'm not sure if E.L. James had an English editor either, but it seems like she could've because I think an American one would've caught those things.

Overall, I think that this is the best book of the 4 thus far - Fifty Shades of Grey, Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, and Darker. While I have enjoyed them all, somewhat of a guilty pleasure, I'm eager to read the final chapter of the trilogy and rage about how there isn't a Christian perspective. Stay tuned.