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Fright Night 2 (1989)
Fright Night 2 (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Horror
My 2nd purchase using my new all region DVD/Blu Ray player is another film I have not seen in probably 30 years since it has never had a DVD or Blu Ray release in the United States. In fact, the European DVD I purchased was in Spanish which I had to change back to English dialogue.

Charlie Brewster has been in psychotherapy for 3 years trying to convince himself the deeds he and fellow vampire killer, Peter Vincent, were all in his imagination. That is until a new sultry vixen creature of the night and her entourage happen to meander into his life. She also happens to be the sister of Jerry Dandrige, whom Charlie and Peter executed in their initial vampire romp.

Charlie and Peter share combined and separate encounters with their new enemy and her minions eventually trying to convince each other this is really happening again meanwhile Charlie's new girlfriend is growing impatient with her boyfriend's peculiar behavior.

It is only through their inevitable final confrontation will tensions be resolved for good.

Upon the rewatch, I soon discovered lightning did not strike twice for this sequel. This should have been one of those I rested my fondness on its memory rather than trying to update or sustain my initial opinion. It certainly was entertaining to see the vampire dispatching duo back together again; however, the formula seemed both too much the same yet the tone was remarkably different this time around.

I'm sure all would have been solved with a tight, biting script which the first film was blessed with. It was able to find the balance between humor, camp and gore. This one seemed forced and the situations more unbelievable. The villainess lacked the charm and charisma of Dandrige and her lackeys were not as fun as "Evil Ed' from the first film.

Still glad I watched it and looking forward to finding more forgotten gems in the future.

Taming the Fox
Taming the Fox
Amelia Bishop | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
TAMING THE FOX was originally an erotic short story but has been revised and re-released.

Harlan is a fox shifter, with no family and no clan, as he doesn't want to breed with a vixen. He has his family's cabin and lives alone, only going into town when necessary. Shane is a wolf shifter, from a rather well-to-do family, who visits his mother's old house and decides to live there, for reasons the same as Harlan's. These two meet and a spark of attraction is there immediately but, for 'reasons', Harlan won't do anything.

Now... I loved the premise of this book, and the characters are all great - apart from those that aren't meant to be. It is a long book, with plenty of time for you to sink into the story. BUT it didn't have to be. One of the reasons it is so long is because there is a constant back and forth as Harlan fights his feelings. For me, this went on too long, as it eventually took away from the story and made the impact of his feelings and the situation less than it should have been. After all that, the ending and the epilogue are done in just a couple of pages. Okay, slight exaggeration, but you get the meaning.

The focus of this story was definitely our two MCs, so enjoy what world-building you can. What is there, is done very well. There is angst here, but it is mainly internal by just one of the MCs.

A different story and one I enjoyed. Definitely recommended by me. Take a read for yourself and see what you think.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 17, 2023
Kink (Vixen Bluff #2)
Kink (Vixen Bluff #2)
Catherine Black | 2018 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
99 of 250
Kink ( Vixen Bluff book 2)
By Catherine Black

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Molly I haven't been with a man in over five years. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. You're wondering if I have a couple dozen cats or if I have to sweep the cobwebs out before getting a Brazilian. But, ladies, I wanna let you in on a little secret... There is money to be made in what us working girls at White Light Sirens like to call 'non-penetrative fantasies'. That's right. You want me—Molly Wilder—to parade around the room dressed like a giant teddy bear while you touch yourself? Sure. You want me to paint your naked body, turning you into an impressionist's wet dream? I'm on it. But if you even think about sliding between my legs, I'll rip our contract to shreds and kick you out the door so fast your manhood won't have time to soften. Barrett Molly makes a snap judgment about me the second I walk through her studio door, but I'm used to it. Women take one look at this body, this face, and immediately label me. I can see the flashing sign above their heads every time. “Danger! Danger!” If they only knew... Molly thinks I'm a client—just another John—and that's fine. I'm content to play her game because when I break her rules, when I expose her secrets and have her on her knees, vulnerable and afraid, then she'll understand. But until then, I have a job to do, and my first order of business is to make Molly realize I'm a man worth breaking for. Whether she knows it or not, her dry spell is about to come to an end. Make it rain, Miss Wilder. Make it rain.

Haha this was just pure filth! I usually skip most sex scenes in some of these books but if I did that I would have about 50 pages to read! The only difference being this one I didn’t as it was well written! The only reason I haven’t gone with a 4 star as I think it lacked a little depth, I know it’s only a short book it took just over an hour to read I just can’t figure out what was missing. Not sure I’ll ever look at a jar of peanut butter the same way again though 😂.