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Jenny Williams (29 KP) created a video about ITV The Chase in TV

Jul 6, 2017  

The Vixen's Funniest Introductions

Vincent the Vixen: A Story to Help Children Learn about Gender Identity
Vincent the Vixen: A Story to Help Children Learn about Gender Identity
Alice Reeves | 2018 | Children, Education
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Teachable moments (0 more)
Beautifully illustrated and a simple
This is a great start in explaining trans gendered to children, whither the feelings are theirs, or someone in their social group. It’s extremely simpleized, which I think is great for the age it’s geared towards. I do think there needs to be some explanation of what a “Vixen”. Vincent talks about his brothers and sisters, but they are always described as a fox. But the ending line is “Vincent grew up and lived happily as Vincent the Vixen” with no explanation of why that is important. The illustrations help greatly with the concept, but I think it needs to be in words as well.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An utterly captivating story of finding love when you least expect.Lily is a fiery,compulsive vixen and Daniel is a devishly handsome rogue.But when put together they create a story of passion,fiery lust and overwhelming feeling unlike anything youve ever seen only issue is the language.It wasnt really accurate for the time in history the book is set in.i love the plot,storyline and the characters personalities!
The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)
The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)
1961 | Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Curse of the Werewolf, Oliver Reed. Hammer Films. Hammer did all these fabulous horror films after Unviversal. Hammer really became the guardian of the horror genre and between Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Oliver Reed also, they did so many remakes and Curse of the Werewolf was terrific. There was a voluptuous vixen who winds up being thrown into a cell and getting banged by some questionable beast."

Tease ( Vixen Bluff 4)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
135 of 235
Tease ( Vixen Bluff 4)
By C.Black/Catherine Black

Forgiveness or Revenge. Tucker and Caroline must choose just one. You'd think the decision would be simple. You'd be wrong. Tucker I thought I was smart enough to stay away from Vixen Bluff, Texas—the place where I was relentlessly bullied as a teen—but I've proven myself wrong. After ten years serving my country, I'm back in my hometown with two weeks to spare, a single suitcase, and one tattered invitation to my high school reunion. I'm all geared up to show those who caused me the most pain just how far I've come. But that all changes the second I crash into the fence surrounding Vixen Bluff Animal Sanctuary. Caroline I'm a lot of things nowadays: Hermit, artist, animal savior...and rehabilitated bully. My most tortured victim and biggest regret? Tucker Beckett. When I see him again, I can hardly believe my eyes. Gone is the shy, awkward beanpole I terrorized, and in his place is a man capable of handling himself and whatever life throws his way. With Tucker back in town, a million-and-one questions descend on me. Can I prove to him I'm no longer the cruel, vindictive girl I used to be? Will he grant me his forgiveness if I ask for it? Or will a grudge that's lasted fifteen years continue to define both of our adult lives?

This was my favourite I loved it!! One of those truly feel good stories I finished it within an hour I couldn’t put it down!
Comatose (Vixen Bluff #1)
Comatose (Vixen Bluff #1)
Catherine Black | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
128 of 200
Comatose (Vixen Bluff book 1)
By Catherine Black

Shaye Robinson never questions her role as the tame, submissive sweetheart of Vixen Bluff's illustrious physician, Dr. Robert Baxter. At least, not until she finds his hands wrapped around her neck at the office Christmas party. Blinded by betrayal and more than ready to bid adieu to their loveless engagement, Shaye makes a devastating mistake that leaves her scarred and broken, and at the mercy of the one man she was trying to escape.
Nurse Alexander Mayes avoids temptation of any kind. Always. No exceptions. Living a mediocre, no-frills life is all that's kept him and his little brother fed, clothed, and off the streets since the untimely death of their parents. So when the blonde in room 301 emerges from a coma and immediately charms her way into Alex's heart, he has no other choice than to keep her at arm's length. Her smile may be as rare as her miraculous circumstances, and her eyes may hint at an uncontrollable fire just waiting to lay waste to those who have wronged her, but crossing that particular line would be career suicide.
As Shaye and Alex navigate the treacherous waters of her recovery, they discover everyone in Vixen Bluff has already deemed them 'meant to be', despite the clear conflict of interest. But just when Shaye thinks a happily-ever-after could be in the cards after all, a threat from her past makes his presence known, jeopardizing everything she's fought so hard to rebuild.

I’ve never read anything by this author and this was recommended. I’m so glad I picked it up it was just brilliant! I love the writing style and the story! What’s not to love? Romance isn’t usually a go to genre for me but I really loved this book.
A Serial Killer's Desire (Heart Of Darkness #1)
A Serial Killer's Desire (Heart Of Darkness #1)
C.F. Rabbiosi | 2019 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

A serial killers Desire ( Heart of Darkness book1)
By C.F.Rabbisosi

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

He's a rich bad boy. She's a damaged beauty. Same old story?

Not even close.

Because he's not just gorgeous, he's deadly. He lures women into his deceptive web and tortures them into submission, LOVES them to death, and won't stop until they've fallen for their captor. Won't stop until they've loved him with their last breath.

But this time, he's taken the wrong girl. This time, it could be him who's captured instead, his heart chained by an astonishingly well-matched vixen.

Ok! Ok ok this was one hell of a book. So many times I’ve thought wtf! But I just couldn’t stop reading. It’s far, twisted and oddly sexy as hell! Maybe I need help? This is a new author for me and I read her words about writing dark erotica but I wasn’t expecting to love the story behind all the sex too! I’m genuinely shocked as wasn’t expecting that at all!!
Ronaldo: The Vixen Pederson Workshop
Ronaldo: The Vixen Pederson Workshop
Maxine Sylvester | 2019 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved how Ronaldo not only befriends Cupid and tires to help her but also stands up for her, even when she is not around. (0 more)
In previous Ronaldo books I have mentioned that I don’t like the fart jokes (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Ronaldo: The Vixen Peterson Workshop is another amazing book by Maxine Sylvester. It is short, fun, and carries some wonderful messages to its readers. Read it as a stand-alone book or part of the series, either way, this is one book you don’t want to miss.

 Ronaldo and Rudi take readers to the North Pole as they take part in The Vixen Peterson Workshop, focusing on teamwork. The young reindeer are all put into teams and as it happens Ronaldo’s team gets the one cadet that no one wants, Cupid. Poor Cupid is a sweet reindeer with a wonderful attitude, but a terrible flyer. All the members of Ronaldo’s team look to him for guidance with hopes that they may still win the race at the end of the workshop.

 Ronaldo befriends Cupid and tries his best to help her. Finally, he discovers why Cupid has so many problems with flying and can help her correct the issue. As luck would have it Ronaldo has a score throat the day of the big race and is unable to lead his team. He gives up his position to Cupid which builds her confidence even more.

 I loved how Ronaldo not only befriends Cupid and tires to help her but also stands up for her, even when she is not around. There are very few people who will do something like that anymore and it is a lesson that everyone needs to learn, especially children. It is a rare occurrence that I can truly say there is nothing that I did not like about this book. In previous Ronaldo books I have mentioned that I don’t like the fart jokes and while I could still do without them, they have become a common occurance in this series that I have come to expect.

 Just like the rest of the series, this book is great for elementary students. There may be a couple of words that they need help with but overall it shouldn’t be a problem. Alternatively, it would be great for parents to read to their children. I rate this book with a perfect 4 out of 4 once again. This book is wonderful. The story is fun, yet packed full of strong messages. It offers many learning opportunities for children and discussion points for parents.
Fright Night 2 (1989)
Fright Night 2 (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Horror
My 2nd purchase using my new all region DVD/Blu Ray player is another film I have not seen in probably 30 years since it has never had a DVD or Blu Ray release in the United States. In fact, the European DVD I purchased was in Spanish which I had to change back to English dialogue.

Charlie Brewster has been in psychotherapy for 3 years trying to convince himself the deeds he and fellow vampire killer, Peter Vincent, were all in his imagination. That is until a new sultry vixen creature of the night and her entourage happen to meander into his life. She also happens to be the sister of Jerry Dandrige, whom Charlie and Peter executed in their initial vampire romp.

Charlie and Peter share combined and separate encounters with their new enemy and her minions eventually trying to convince each other this is really happening again meanwhile Charlie's new girlfriend is growing impatient with her boyfriend's peculiar behavior.

It is only through their inevitable final confrontation will tensions be resolved for good.

Upon the rewatch, I soon discovered lightning did not strike twice for this sequel. This should have been one of those I rested my fondness on its memory rather than trying to update or sustain my initial opinion. It certainly was entertaining to see the vampire dispatching duo back together again; however, the formula seemed both too much the same yet the tone was remarkably different this time around.

I'm sure all would have been solved with a tight, biting script which the first film was blessed with. It was able to find the balance between humor, camp and gore. This one seemed forced and the situations more unbelievable. The villainess lacked the charm and charisma of Dandrige and her lackeys were not as fun as "Evil Ed' from the first film.

Still glad I watched it and looking forward to finding more forgotten gems in the future.

Taming the Fox
Taming the Fox
Amelia Bishop | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
TAMING THE FOX was originally an erotic short story but has been revised and re-released.

Harlan is a fox shifter, with no family and no clan, as he doesn't want to breed with a vixen. He has his family's cabin and lives alone, only going into town when necessary. Shane is a wolf shifter, from a rather well-to-do family, who visits his mother's old house and decides to live there, for reasons the same as Harlan's. These two meet and a spark of attraction is there immediately but, for 'reasons', Harlan won't do anything.

Now... I loved the premise of this book, and the characters are all great - apart from those that aren't meant to be. It is a long book, with plenty of time for you to sink into the story. BUT it didn't have to be. One of the reasons it is so long is because there is a constant back and forth as Harlan fights his feelings. For me, this went on too long, as it eventually took away from the story and made the impact of his feelings and the situation less than it should have been. After all that, the ending and the epilogue are done in just a couple of pages. Okay, slight exaggeration, but you get the meaning.

The focus of this story was definitely our two MCs, so enjoy what world-building you can. What is there, is done very well. There is angst here, but it is mainly internal by just one of the MCs.

A different story and one I enjoyed. Definitely recommended by me. Take a read for yourself and see what you think.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 17, 2023