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Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
1984 | Horror
Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp) and her friends have more on their plate to worry about than typical high school drama. A child murderer named Fred Krueger (Robert Englund) was killed by the parents residing on Elm Street after they took matters into their own hands when the justice system failed to get the redemption the parents so desperately seeked. That was thought to be the end of it and everyone tried to move on with their lives. That is until Nancy, her boyfriend Glen (Johnny Depp), her best friend Tina (Amanda Wyss), and Tina's boyfriend Rod (Jsu Garcia) begin having nightmares about the same man. A man wearing a red and green striped sweater, brown fedora, and a four finger-bladed leather glove. Could Fred Krueger really be exacting his revenge from beyond the grave and in the dreams of his victims?

Wes Craven is probably best known for the Scream franchise since it's the most successful set of films he's ever been a part of, at least as far as the box office is concerned, but there was another film that he created that spawned seven sequels and a remake. A film that is looked at as a horror classic and is considered to be the first commercially successful release from New Line Cinema. That film is A Nightmare on Elm Street.

A Nightmare on Elm Street is looked at by some (including myself) as the best film in the franchise. While most of the sequels feature a Freddy that is more interested in cracking a joke than being an intimidating serial killer, the original film is where he seems to shine brightest. He seems to always be lurking in the shadows making it nearly impossible to get a clear look at his face. Remember when films left a bit of a mystery to things rather than being entirely realistic and showing every little detail when it came to gore? Well, this is a good example.

The deaths of Tina and Glen could arguably be reason alone to watch the film. Tina's death is so original and so well done. One of the reasons it still holds up today is because it was done with practical effects. The same can be said about Glen's death. The only thing more impressive than his death is the fact that it's Johnny Depp's debut. Both deaths are two of the most memorable in horror film history.

Despite A Nightmare on Elm Street being one of the most influential horror films of our time, it still has that cheesiness associated with most horror films that come out of the eighties. Bad acting (Heather Langenkamp especially. The "Screw your pass!" scene is a good example, but is hilarious in its own right) and dated special effects being the best examples. While the practical effects are a good thing and are much preferred over CGI, some of them haven't aged well over the past 26 years. The scene of Freddy chasing Tina is probably the best example of this. His arms stretching inhuman lengths to scratch the walls and Tina ripping off his face just didn't hold up as well as other effects in the film.

A Nightmare on Elm Street is a beloved horror classic that gave birth to one of the most iconic serial killers in the genre. The original film features some of the most creative deaths and practical effects (seeing Freddy in the wall above Nancy's bed in the beginning of the film is one of the best scenes) to come out of any horror film held in such high regard. The film's charm will go over a lot of people's heads who look into it for the first time after seeing the remake which will probably result in the film getting more flack than it deserves. But nevertheless, it's hard to deny the impact Freddy and Wes Craven have had on this genre thanks to this film.

Special Features: The two-disc Infinifilm is packed with extras including:

Feature commentary including a variety of topics: the financial problems the film had with writer/director Wes Craven, producer Bob Shaye, actor John Saxon, and cinematographer Jacques Haitkin sharing their thoughts, Heather Langenkamp and Wes Craven talk about how great it was to work with Johnny Depp, Amanda Wyss goes into detail about not knowing much about the horror genre before taking her role as Tina, a discussion of how Robert Englund got the role of Fred Krueger and Englund shares his thoughts on the Fred Krueger character. Everything from the problems the film had to Freddy's popularity to the film's reputation and more are discussed by the cast and crew.

Original commentary includes Heather Langenkamp, John Saxon, Wes Craven, and Jacques Haitkin.

Beyond the Movie Features include The House That Freddy Built: The Legacy of New Line Horror and Night Terrors: The Origins of Wes Craven's Nightmares.

All Access Pass Features include three alternate endings, Never Sleep Again: The making of A Nightmare on Elm Street, a trivia challenge and the theatrical trailer.

There's also Infinifilm bonus features that can be accessed while the film is playing and the original screenplay can be viewed as a DVD-ROM feature.

The film is remastered and restored from the original film negative and is presented in both Dolby Digital 5.1-EX surround sound and DTS-ES 6.1 Surround Sound.
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway by Genesis
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway by Genesis
1974 | Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This album is a real folly. I don't want to defend Phil Collins for a second, and when I see footage of the Slipperman [a naked lumpy monster with inflatable genitalia who emerged onto the stage by crawling out of a giant penis - Ed] I just chuckle at the thought that it just didn't make any sense to Phil Collins and it really pissed him off. He didn't like seeing Peter Gabriel in this costume. Gabriel didn't give a fuck though, he just wanted to do this piece of theatre. Just round the corner from here is the Palace Theatre, and that's where I saw them do The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, two nights running, when I was 15. We just used to sneak into all the gigs, me and my mates. We were desperate to get into this one because we'd seen them on the Whistle Test but we couldn't get in for love nor money. We were stood outside and the guy who ran Virgin Records on Lever Street was there. I used to go to that shop three or four times a week to buy all my albums, and at about five to eight he came to the door and he recognised me from the shop because I used to ask him for advice, and he beckoned me over and put a ticket in my hand. It was sixth row from the front, and I was just blown away by it. It was one of the greatest things I've ever seen. It was presented as theatre. There were a lot of props. There was a big mesh cage that Gabriel performed in, there were a load of strobes going off. How did they represent a wall of nothingness sweeping across Times Square? Just a bit of smoke I think."


Jon Bernthal recommended GoodFellas (1990) in Movies (curated)

GoodFellas (1990)
GoodFellas (1990)
1990 | Crime, Drama, Thriller

"""Alright, I’d say the first would have to be Goodfellas. I know that’s probably one you get a lot, but I remember it came out, and I was probably in about the 8th grade. Me and my buddy Dougie Thornel probably saw that at the theaters 30 times. I mean we would just go, and we would watch it, and then sit in the theater and watch it again. I can’t say enough good about it. It’s horrifying, it’s hilarious, it’s so unbelievably honest. Look, I mean, Scorsese is my favorite filmmaker. You know, the fact that I got the chance to work with him [on The Wolf of Wall Street] was sort of the mountaintop, the kind of crowning achievement of my career, and I don’t mean that in sort of how I’m perceived by the world. I just mean in terms of experience. My brief time on that movie really changed the way that I work as an actor. He’s one of these guys that makes you feel that anything is possible. I’ve studied in the Russian theater, and one of the main ways that we study was you get a scene and then you do a big improvisation about the scene and what the scene could be. That’s precisely how he worked. Each one of these scenes, you create this unbelievably vivid reality, you really take yourself to the place, and everybody feels like they are one hundred feet tall. It doesn’t matter whether you are background or whether you are craft services or anything, but everybody is so full of ideas. You make it on the day, and then he just sort of takes what he wants from that. I feel like that method of filmmaking that’s so Scorsese, so uniquely his, shines brightest in that movie. That sense of anything can happen at anytime, it’s happening right there in the moment. I think it really, really just shines brightest in that film, and that’s why it’s my favorite film."""


ClareR (5577 KP) rated Trust in Books

Jan 13, 2024  
Hernan Diaz | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It took me a bit to get into Trust, but I’m glad I persevered, and that I went back and read the synopsis!

Trust is made up of four narratives about the same man. The first is a book written by Harold Vanner called ‘Bonds’. It tells the story of tycoon Benjamin Rask in the 1920’s and his role in the 1929 crash. It’s also about his wife, Helen, her love of the Arts, how she descends into mental illness and dies in a European asylum.

The second story is comprised of the notes that Andrew Revel, a Wall Street banker and tycoon, makes in order to write his autobiography. His wife Mildred also features, and her death from cancer, also in a treatment centre in Europe.

The third is written by Ida Partenza (my favourite part), where she is looking back on the time that she worked for Revel, ghost-writing his biography. She clearly intensely dislikes her employer, mainly because he lies throughout his storytelling, and is quite upfront about doing it. He’s also aware of her father being a political refugee from Italy, an anarchist, and there’s an underlying menace.

And the final part are the notes and diaries that Ida finds in the ‘present’ day written by Mildred, leading up to her death. They reveal the secrets that her husband would rather not know. Why these are still in a library that can be accessed by the public isn’t known, but the handwriting is pretty indecipherable, so that may well be the reason.

Obviously the first story is about the man in the last three, and we are asked to trust that the man who wrote the first is lying - and therefore trust that Andrew Revel is telling the truth. Clearly he isn’t. His wife’s notes back that up. Revel is a manipulative man, who doesn’t hesitate to ruin other people’s lives in order to protect his reputation.

I read this whole novel with horrified fascination. It’s a good one!
Hustlers (2019)
Hustlers (2019)
2019 | Drama
Bland and boring DESPITE J-Lo's performance
When I first saw the trailer for the Jennifer Lopez "strippers get back at scummy Wall Street-types" film, HUSTLERS, I wasn't at all interested in seeing it But then I got wind of strong early reviews with some (very faint) Oscar talk about J-Lo's performance in this film, so I thought I'd check it out.

I should have trusted my instincts.

What a lame disappointment this film is. It starts out flat and then flattens out even further to produce a movie that starts at one (fairly low) level and then stays there the entire time.

HUSTLERS stars Constance Wu (CRAZY, RICH ASIANS) as a a young stripper who is taught the ropes of the stripping game by uber-stripper Jennifer Lopez (if you don't know who this is, then go ahead and skip to the rating of this film at the bottom of this review and move on). When J-Lo's character, Ramona, comes up with an idea to get back at the scummy Wall Street types AND make some money along the way, Wu's character, Destiny (of course) is a reluctant participant becoming - over time - the leader.

A potentially interesting, "based on True Events" story (this film is based on the real life exploits of Ramona as described in a New York Magazine story), this film just falls flat and I put the blame for this in 2 places.

Lets start with Director and Writer of the screenplay, Lorene Scafaria (SEEKING A FRIEND AT THE END OF THE WORLD). She wrote - and directed - this film like it is a modest-scaled, low-key independent film (much like the very good SEEKING A FRIEND...), but the second that this film cast Jennifer Lopez as the flashy leader Ramona, words like modest and low-key should have been thrown out the window but Scafaria chose not to do this, she downplays the best asset in her movie and plunks most of her effort on a lead who could not match Lopez star power wattage.

And that lead is Constance Wu - the other weak link in this chain. I thought she was "just fine" in CRAZY RICH ASIANS, blending into the scenery when more flamboyant personalities were on the screen (in CRA it was Michelle Yeoh's "tiger mom") and she blends into the scenery whenever J-Lo is on the screen in this film - and that just doesn't work here. She needed to step up and step out and match J-Lo blow for blow, but she backs up and backs away in these crucial moments, so when her character is on the screen alone - trying to get the audience's sympathies - I just didn't care.

What I did care about is Jennifer Lopez's performance as Ramona. She is the brightest spot in this film and brings her star power and natural charisma to the screen. The ultimate problem with this performance (and NO, it is NOT Oscar-worthy) is it feels that she is fighting the "low-key" headwinds of writer/director Scafaria the entire time.

Former Disney star Keke Palmer and current RIVERDALE star Lili Reinhart bring some fun and energy to the screen as the 3rd and 4th partners in this quartet of stripper Robin Hoods, but they are all too often sentenced to strut around in the background in tight outfits. I would have loved to see a movie with Lopez, Palmer and Reinhart that was more "out there" and less restrained.

Finally, two very good actresses - Julia Styles and Mercedes Ruehl - are in this film in "what-the-heck-are they-doing-in-this-film" roles that are underwritten and underutilized the talents of these actresses - another missed opportunity by Writer/Director Scafaria.

I've heard this film called a "female empowerment" film or "the stripper version of Goodfellas" and I couldn't disagree more. The only "empowering" part of this film is when the credits rolled and I could leave.

Letter Grade: C

4 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)
I, Tonya (2017)
I, Tonya (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Sport
Acting (2 more)
Skate or Die
A lot of us remember the day when Nancy Kerrigan's knee was smashed by a hired hit man. According to this biographical film it is told that it was supposed to death threat letters that were to be written to scare her off but, instead one of the hired men took a rod and smashed her knee. Kerrigan was slated as the top us skater to qualify for the Olympics and Harding was close behind being the only female who could land the triple axle.

The story told of Harding's life in this movie makes us feel horrible for her. The way she was brought up, her father leaving when she was very young, the abusive mentally and physically mother, the abusive husband who she had battered women's syndrome with. Her bad ass up brining that made the judges hated her for not being American enough. Her life was Shit that turned into to gold but back to shit yet again. She possibly could have made it on her own.

Harding's husband was behind the plot along with his dumb friend who was Harding's bodyguard arranged to have Kerrigan dismantled in some fashion. Of course these idiots were found and spilled their guts. Harding was named as knowing about the plot but, has denied up until her latest interview. As she said "I have said I am sorry enough, enough saying i'm sorry." So believe this story or the hundred others that are out there on exactly what happened. I truly believe she knew about the plot just not when it was going to happen.

Marggot Robbie shows her acting range in this movie. She has played along side Leo in Wolf Of Wall Street an shined. She played everyone's favorite woman villain as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad and now doing real biographical role. She shows that she has no boundaries and can adapt to any role.

Allison Janney. Deserved the golden globe and has a dam good chance at winning the Oscar for best supporting actress. She has played almost every genre you can throw at an actress and succeed. She is so good that she made me believe that she could have been Harding's mother twin in an alternate universe from all of the interviews.

This is a great close to excellent movie
His Lordship's Secret (His Lordship’s Mysteries #1)
His Lordship's Secret (His Lordship’s Mysteries #1)
Samantha SoRelle | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
didn't get the whodunnit!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Someone is trying to kill Alfred, so who would make a better bodyguard than a ruffain from a boxing match? Dominick, thats who, but finding the boy who saved him in the man before him makes Alfred want things, things that could get them both locked up, or worse. Makes a blackmailer a walk in the park. Dominick, finding Alfie before him, in need of a body guard, has feelings that he wasn't sure ever went away: protecting little Alfie was now his life's work. Those pesky feelings aren't reciprocated, are they?

Alfie is lovely! He wants to keep his family wealth but his cousin is happy to pee it up the wall, Alfie cares, but Reginald does not. Dominick cares, but really only about Alfie. The little boy who stole his heart has grown into a beautiful man, one who needs to stay alive, and Dominick will keep him so, even if it costs Dominick a good deal more than his heart.

It's quite emotional, in places. Dealing with growing up in a poorhouse, and then thrown into High Society would mess with anyone's head and Alfie mostly does seem to have taken it all in his stride. Mostly. Dominck is a street man, doing what he needs to do to stay alive, even if he doesn't want to do those things. A bit violent, but dealing with life on London's streets in the 1800s was never gonna be a picnic. Poor Dominick bears the brunt of that!

There is love here, but very little actual smexy time. It concentrates more on who is trying to kill Alfie, and the feelings that grow over time, between these two.

I loved that the whodunnit was so NOT who I was expecting, nor was it WHY! I love being kept on my toes!

I liked this, I liked it a lot. It doesn't quite have the punch that the other book I read by this author does, but I think its a close call! I have book 2 to read shortly, look forward to see where the author is going with these two, besides Scotland!

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Hummingbird Project (2018)
The Hummingbird Project (2018)
2018 | Drama, Thriller
Contemporary technology drama comes to the silver screen in the form of The Hummingbird Project starring Jesse Eisenberg, Alexander Skarsgård, and Salma Hayek. The film’s premise is realistic enough: A pair of insiders at a big Wall Street company defect to start a project for a rival firm – to built a single fiber optic connection between a stock exchange in Kansas City and the New York Stock Exchange. This was realistic enough that my lack of knowledge on the history of Wall Street’s networking had me looking up later to see if there was any truth or basis to portions of the plot. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find anything referencing a Kansas City Stock Exchange. Unless they were referring to livestock? Because there was a Kansas City Livestock Exchange. Anyway, my biases up front – despite my clear lacking of aforementioned knowledge, I am a tech geek with experience in networking and related technology fields. So, a premise like this has a lot to attract my attention. There is admittedly much to enjoy about dramas regarding our contemporary plights in the realm of technology, because that’s where a lot of work is centered. Gone are the days of building railroads. But our internet infrastructure…

The film does a fairly good job representing the intense difficulty of such a project: it’s something like one thousand miles of straight line to run one fiber optic connection without obstruction. Most people would not think about what goes into making that into reality, which is the draw for most of the film’s conflict. I do however recognize that centering the plot on a large scale construction job of an internet cable doesn’t exactly scream excitement for most people; and this is especially true when the end goal is to shave off one millisecond from their current transaction times. Yet, this arguably ironic dynamic actually ended up being somewhat of a draw for me. Halfway through the film the question arises, “All this for just a millisecond of increased speed?” That’s the point though, and I wish the film would have delved deeper into these kinds of themes. This represents my chief criticism: all of the elements are here for a truly stellar drama but everything is explored at only a shallow or moderate depth. The characters have decent arcs, thrown some difficult challenges and curveballs to overcome, but Jesse Eisenberg’s character only briefly touches on the back-story that truly drives him, and while Alexander Skarsgård‘s character is more fully fleshed out his arc is essentially basic. I do enjoy the role reversal as one would usually expect to see Jesse Eisenberg playing the socially awkward genius programmer and Alexander Skarsgård to play the ambitious go-getter who runs the project, but they take opposite roles to great effect. The actors all do great here for the most part, including the excellent Michael Mando in a supporting role. My only complaint here is the acting dips a bit into melodrama later in the film, but this is mostly attributed to subplots that edge into the unbelievable.

Ironically Hummingbird Project works best at representing its core premise of what most would consider a mundane construction project. The actors do well, and I especially enjoy Alexander Skarsgård‘s portrayal of the lonely genius, but their underlying drama and back-stories are a bit of a mixed bag. Some of it works decently well while other elements do not – particularly late in the film. Sadly the themes at play are a bit too obvious and underexplored, but it is an appreciated attempt to represent a seldom explored aspect of contemporary industry.
Call of duty: Black ops III - The Awakening
Fans of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 who plays on the PC or Xbox One can now experience the first of four planned DLC packs with the release of The Awakening. The packs contain four new maps and a new Zombie mode episode which expands the multiplayer experience which has always been a staple of the series.

The first map is The Gauntlet which is a facility divide into various zones. There is a jungle zone, a frozen zone, and one where it rains as you go down an urban street. This map will test your skills as there are numerous areas for enemies to trap, snipe, and hide. It is also very detailed and will force you to remember not to stop and look at the scenery.

The second map is called Splash and this was the most colorful map of any DLC yet. Set in a water park, players can duck down water slides; hide in pools, gift shops and more. Being able to slide down a tube run and come up firing made this really fun. There are many places to explore but also several places for an enemy player to strike from so be on your toes for anything.

Rise is the third map and it is set in a cold construction yard. There are plenty of walls to wall run as well as large open areas where snipers will happily pick you off. The close quarters of the buildings makes for some intense action up close and one that you will want to make sure to prepare for.

Skyjacked rounds out the set as this is an updated map based on the popular Hijacked map from Black Ops 2. Instead of a boat, this time players must battle on a flying ship, but thankfully anyone who has logged time with the original may think they have a leg up, but there are plenty of new twists to be found.

Zombie fans will love Der Eisendrache which allows up to four players to battle Zombies and other forces of evil in a Castle complete with curved stairs, snow, and even a dragon.
The Awakening is a nice addition to the series as it provides new content which will make me want to spend more time with the game as after reaching a few levels of Prestige I found myself looking for a break and The Awakening is just the call I needed to return to duty.
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (2011)
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (2011)
2011 | Comedy
A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas is the third movie in the Harold and Kumar series. This movie takes place six years after the events of Escape from Guantanamo Bay. Harold Lee (John Cho) and Kumar Patel (Kal Penn) have fallen out of touch since Harold got married, got a job on Wall Street and moved to the suburbs. Kumar is still smoking tons of weed. Harold on the other hand has stopped smoking weed and is desperately trying to find a way to impress his father in-law, Mr. Perez, played by Danny Trejo. Mr. Perez is obsessed with Christmas. Every year his family uses a Christmas tree that he has grown. This year he brought his home grown tree to Harold’s house for Christmas. In an attempt to win Mr. Perez over, Harold encourages Mr. Perez to take the family to midnight mass while Harold decorates the tree while they are gone.

Kumar is still living in the same apartment that he shared with Harold. He has let the place go a bit while he has been living on his own. His ex-girlfriend shows up to tell him she is pregnant, but since Kumar is high he doesn’t act very mature about it. Later, as Kumar is getting ready to go to a party with his new friend, he finds a mysterious package at his door addressed to Harold. Kumar decides to take it by Harold’s house on his way to the party. When he gets there Harold and Kumar catch up a little bit over some egg nog. Harold opens the package and discovers it is a giant joint, which Kumar proceeds to light it up. Harold gets upset and throws the joint out of the window. It then magically comes back inside and burns down the tree. Of course this freaks Harold out and a desperate search for a new tree begins

This is the beginning of a hysterical journey . This roller coaster ride is filled with drugs, sex, gangsters and even more drugs. Of course Neil Patrick Harris comes back to be his crude self. This movie has a lot of good Christmas moments, but it is only for a mature audience. Fans of the first two Harold and Kumar movies will love the third installment. A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas is a non stop laugh fest. The 3D in this movie was surprisingly good. Movie goers will be impressed by the two different kinds of snow and the weed smoke going out over the audience. A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas is bound to become a Christmas classic that you will want to watch every year.