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Not As Nature Intended
Not As Nature Intended
Rich Hardy | 2020 | Education, Food & Drink
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not As Nature Intended is not a book that’s going to give you the warm and fuzzies. It’s a book that tells it how it is: it’s graphic, even without the pictures.

Rich Hardy is an animal activist, and he considers that it is his responsibility to inform the public of the living conditions that the animals who live and die for our food and clothing endure. And it’s not easy reading. It can’t have been easy researching either. It’s clear that Rich’s life and/ or safety is in danger on several occasions, and that by the way he deals with these incidents it just shows that these aren’t the first time he’s had to deal with them. This man has made it his life’s work to stand up for animals and the way they live and die (although as he is a vegan, I’m pretty sure he’d rather they didn’t have to die for our benefit at all), and has written this book in an informative, non-preachy way.

This has certainly made me think more about the food I put on my family’s plate, and we have reduced the amount of meat in our diet as a consequence. Who knows, perhaps we’ll ditch it completely!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising the book, and Rich Hardy for reading along.
Call Me Michigan
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a second chance novel - Mason and Tyler were best friends in their younger years, although both of them wanted more, neither of them said anything. When Tyler left home under difficult circumstances, Mason got blinding drunk before chasing after her and giving her a drunken kiss. Now, this is not guaranteed to win anyone over, so unsurprisingly, Tyler leaves anyway. Fast forward a few years, and Tyler returns to take care of her family. Of course, the first person she sees is Mason, although he doesn't recognise her. Things are about to change for the pair of them.

This is a well written, fast moving and smoothly paced contemporary romance, showing character growth and not just with the two main characters. With getting to know each other again, things don't go exactly smoothly. However, things eventually work out for them, which is good because the situation is about to get a whole more complicated.

This is a story guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies, at the same time as you laugh and cry with the characters and the situations they find themselves in. Definitely recommended by me.

* I was given this book in return for a review which has in no way affected my opinion. *
    Write or Die

    Write or Die

    Productivity and Utilities

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    Write or Die Eliminates Writer's Block. The problem with writing is that the feedback loop is just...

Room For Recovery (Hearts and Health #4)
Room For Recovery (Hearts and Health #4)
D.J. Jamison | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
excellent addition to the series
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Hearts and Health series, but you don't need to have read the others first, they are all stand alones.

I don't usually much care for younger main characters; end of high school, beginning of college age; probably because I'm far older than that, but while I KNEW Beau and Wade were that age, it never really sunk in, you know?? I KNEW they were 18 and 19, but they did not SEEM that age.

Wade and Beau have crushed on each other for as long as they can remember, but Wade's coming out led to disastrous consequences, and he doesn't want to admit that he's gay, not to himself, nor to anyone else. Beau, while not fully OUT, certainly aware of what and who he wants. When Beau is attacked, Wade goes all protective and the two get to really know each other.

I can't quite file this book on the warm and fuzzies shelf, like Bedside Manner, because Wade carries a lot of guilt about one thing and another BUT it is a fantastic read. Watching Wade and Beau getting to know each other properly, after being around each other for years, watching Wade deal with his demons, and watching them both fall, and fall far is excellent reading.

 Wade pops up in Urgent Care, he is Trent's nephew and Wade is ANGRY at everything and everyone. We get just WHY he is so angry here and its painful reading, listening to Wade deal internally with everything, it really is.

An excellent addition to this series, and it introduces us to Dr Casper Rollins, who has his story next. I look forward to reading it.

5 not quite warm and fuzzie stars, but very nearly.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Pieces of Us (Missing Pieces #3)
Pieces of Us (Missing Pieces #3)
N.R. Walker | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pieces of Us is the third and final book in the Missing Pieces series and what a fantastic finale it is! We reunite with Justin and Dallas as Justin continues to make slow but steady progress. He still can't remember everything but is enjoying all his firsts - again.

If you are looking for a high angst book then I'm afraid you've picked the wrong series. The angst here is all about Justin's accident and the impact it has, in ways neither he or Dallas could have envisaged, with just one exception - Justin's mother. The relationship between Justin and Dallas is as rock-solid as ever, with them given ample support by Davo and Sparra.

I loved how this book and the whole series played out. My heart broke for Justin as he planned for a future when Dallas wouldn't want him and it also broke for Dallas when he realised what Justin was talking about. The ending, for me, was perfect. We got the HEA I craved whilst still being realistic to Justin's limitations.

This trilogy is a definite heart-breaker that will give you the warm fuzzies. Absolutely fantastic and highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sweat Connection (Hot Under the Collar #1)
Sweat Connection (Hot Under the Collar #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quite possibly McIntyre's best work to date!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm not rehashing the blurb, and I'm not telling you the story, I'ma just gonna jump straight in!


It's so well written, from both Rhys and Cole's POV, in the first person, each chapter headers the change.

It's steamy and smexy (sooooooooooooooooooo smexy!) It's deeply emotional, for both Rhys and Cole and that surprised me, don't ask me why, cos I've no freaking idea! I just expected this to be a light and fluffy book. And it is, but with a heavy side of emotions.

It's sweet and cute, it's so freaking cute. Full of the warm and fuzzies that low/no angst books carry. Full of emotion and love.

Rhys is in a dark place when he comes into contact with Cole, and after that, it's just two guys falling in love! Throw in McIntyre's skill with found families, and extended families, and a 2 yr old called Sammy and you've got, for me, possibly McIntyre's best work yet!

AND this is the first in a new series and I cannot wait for the next one!

I'm making this a relatively short review, I might start ranting and raving, and if I allow myself free reign, you could end up with a 10,000 word review!

I'm putting this on my Masterpiece shelf! I abso-freaking-lutely loved this book and I can't see why anyone wouldn't.

5 full and shiny stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Level Up (Reigns Brothers #2)
Level Up (Reigns Brothers #2)
Kindle Alexander | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
its sweet and delicious and all kinds of warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the second book in the Reigns Brothers series and it can be read as a stand alone book. However, personally, to get the full force that is Chad's dad and the one that is Ducky's brother, I recommend you read Secret and then Breakaway before this one. It will give you context to some things that are referenced here.

Gotta be honest here, cos reviewing is all about being honest. I went into this with a bit of hesitation. I was . . .disappointed I think is the best word . . in a follow up book by another Alexander and I didn't want to be let down again. However, I need not have worried.

Because this?? Bloody LOVED this!!

It's delicious and sweet and all kinds of warm and fuzzies that just blew my socks off!

Chad has lusted over his best friend for years, but never MET Ducky face to face. When Ducky ghosts Chad, he takes matters into his own hands. What follows is a wonderful tale of seeing what's right in front of you, and taking it.

Both young men are struggling with their place in their respective worlds. Neither mentioned it to the other, or they might not have struggled so much. And it takes a trip to Hawaii for them to find themselves.

There are some issues along the way, but these are not of the guys making, more the bane of our modern life that is social media and the general angst level is low, which I needed right now.

I loved that I was made to wait a long ass time for the guys to finally, FINALLY see each other in the way they did, and while that scene is smoking hawt, the smexy level is lower than other books by Alexander. Again, I loved that!

I loved that Dallas and Greer (Breakaway) and Tristan and Dylan (Secret) play a huge part here. It was great to catch up with them. Tristan has taken to his step dad role brilliantly!

I mentioned in my review for Breakaway that mum to Dallas and Ducky does something amazing, but thinking about it, she isn't mentioned here. Neither is dad. Eldest brother Donny is, though, and he's spouting his vitriol now that he's found 'religion'.

But it makes me wonder. This is the Reigns brothers series, and there are 3 brothers. So, will Donny see the error of his ways, and get a book? That would be an interesting read, for sure, given how he's acted with Dallas and Ducky coming out.

An absolutely wonderful follow up to Breakaway, and I loved it, and as such, it can only get. . . .

5 full and shiny stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A is for Aftercare (The Alphabet of Desire #1)
A is for Aftercare (The Alphabet of Desire #1)
Colette Davison | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
focuses more on the care a Daddy gives
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Archie gets a job as PA for his favourite author and finds himself wanting to do so much than manage his diary. Hamish is is a grumpy so and so, but the young Archie becomes his muse very quickly. When one of Archie's brothers gets an invite to an adult party, both Archie and Hamish see the other in a different way.

I really really enjoyed this! It focuses more on the CARE a Daddy gives, in all ways, rather than the sex part, and I loved that I found it equally warm and fuzzies/too stinking cute and smexy!

It's not especially taxing on the brain, no complicated plot line or too much trauma to either of them, and I appreciated that right about now.

I loved that Archie and Hamish get on well together, as boss/employee, as friends, and then as Daddy/boy. They really are perfect for each other, they fit so well together. I loved Hamish's friends, and seeing how they might fit into future books. I loved the ABC triplets and I really look forward to reading Blake and Corey's tales!

It says 230 odd pages, but I didn't think it was that long. I really got sucked in with these two and time flew.

4 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Write Christmas in Books

Dec 1, 2020 (Updated Aug 8, 2023)  
Write Christmas
Write Christmas
Thommy Hutson | 2020 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WRITE CHRISTMAS is a seasonal story about someone who doesn't like Christmas due to an unfortunate event that shaped her life. Abby has chipped away at Christmas, slowly but surely, until her company and her home have no lights, no decorations, no nothing. Then she gets the opportunity to see what it would be like without it and the game changes.

I'm going to be honest here and say I struggled with this one. It reminded me a lot of It's a Wonderful Life which isn't one of my favourite films and the writing style took me a while to get into.

However, because I have an intense dislike for not finishing a book, I kept at it and almost against my will I found myself becoming gripped by the story. Just what would happen? How would it happen? When? You get the idea.

I thoroughly enjoyed the ending and thought it was perfect for the story as it gives everyone that seasonal glow and warm fuzzies.

I would recommend this book if you like the whole what-if part of Christmas.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 1, 2020
Leo (Three Divisions #1)
Leo (Three Divisions #1)
Celeste Prater | 2015 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having been a mahoosive fan of Celeste Prater's Fueled by Lust series, I had a few trepidations about reading this one. For starters, the BDSM scene isn't really my thing, and the few books I have read involving it didn't do anything for me at all. BUT!!! being as how I loved her Sci-Fi, I thought I would give it a go... and I'm glad I did!

Whether or not it rings true doesn't matter to me. What matters is that I found it completely believable within the constraints of the story. The definition of 'Three Divisions' made so much sense, and it made a nice change to have it spelt out in a way that was understandable without being condescending. It actually gave me the warm fuzzies to think that there is someone out there who would be able to take control but also put someone else's needs above their own. I absolutely loved how Leo took care of Jillian, in all ways! The humour was witty and well-timed. I really enjoyed watching Jillian grow, both in the playroom and out. Her put down of Brent was fantastic and I was giving her a high-five at the time!

The suspense side of it was exceedingly well-written, with surprises coming left, right and centre. You knew something was up with the amount of 'air time' that Jillian's client got, but the actual outcome, I didn't see coming. Jillian's handling of said event, and the aftermath, were superb - cool, calm and collected.

Hopefully, without giving anything away, I loved the wrap-up to this book. Everything was as it should be, and I am very much looking forward to the next book in this series. For not liking BDSM books, to giving this one a 5-star and feeling the fuzzies, I can highly recommend it to anyone considering reading about BDSM, or who just wants a steamy, sexy, suspenseful, romantic read. LOVED IT!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 22, 2015