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What a Latte Books
What a Latte Books
Morgan Sheppard | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
sweet and cute, a lovely read!
I had the enormous honour to beta read this book.

Laura opens her dream business, a book/coffee shop. A book she doesn't remember ordering pulls her attention and draws her into a wonderful story of love. But Laura doesn't expect to ever find the kind of love she reads in the book. Then, she meets Simon and Laura begins to wonder, what is real and what is not.

I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful tale of a a book shop owner falling in love, not only in the pages of this mysterious book, but in real life too. when the connection between the book and Laura's friends becomes clear, a LOT of things begin to make more sense. I'm not saying they didn't before then, but it's like a light bulb moment, and the penny drops and all the little hints and clues come together and you can see the bigger picture.

Its on the sweet side, with just some kissing, but I liked that (which Ms Morgan found kinda funny, considering what I usually like to read) The book does NOT need the explicitness, because it is sweet, and cute and all kinds of warm and fuzzies that makes you glow inside after reading it!

The love between Laura and Simon grows, steadily thoughout the book, and I liked that it wasn't rushed. There were powerful feelings, from the very begininng, from Laura and between her and Simon, but it takes time for those feelings to become clear for her.

Only Laura has a say though, and I think if he had, I would have enjoyed this just that little bit more.

Still a delightful tale, of finding love wherever you find can.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Happily Letter After
Happily Letter After
Vi Keeland , Penelope Douglas | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one starts with Sadie trying to figure out her next article when she receives a letter in the post from a young girl, Birdie, addressed to Santa, wanting him to send her some olives and some socks for her dad since she's beginning to think Santa isn't real. Falling under the little girls spell, Sadie sends the items to her in the post and receives a heart-wrenching reply that begins a cute back and forth between them. It's only weeks later that Sadie finds herself in Birdie's neighbourhood and unwittingly finds herself being cast as the new dog trainer Birdie's dad has hired when she's caught outside their house. What follows is a crazy but lovely story of two people falling for each other.

I did really like this one. It was a slow going romance between them until about half way through but it was great and pulled at my heart strings. After that, when they became a couple, it was just equal part sweet and kinda hot. They were just really good together. I don't know how to put my feelings about them into words. I loved them.

I somehow knew that something was going to end up coming out about Sadie and Birdie, they just had that connection that gave you warm and fuzzies but it did still take me a little by surprise when the actual thing came to light. I can't go into too much detail without spoiling it, just read it!

If you're a fan of these two author's then you should definitely read this.
A Gift-Wrapped Holiday
A Gift-Wrapped Holiday
Amy Aislin | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"A Christmassy hug-in-a-book!"
A GIFT-WRAPPED HOLIDAY is a brilliant book for the Christmas season. It will give you the warm fuzzies, even though serious topics are covered.

Luca and Mal are the perfect pair even if they don't act on it immediately. I loved that about the book though. They don't play games and mess around but they also don't rush into a relationship where a child is involved without thought.

There is little-to-no angst in here but it didn't need it. The characters move the story along brilliantly by themselves. The pacing is wonderful and it shows the connection between Luca and Mal, giving it time to deepen before there is any steam. I loved the world of Lighthouse Bay and now I want to read the other books. I don't feel that it impacted me negatively at all that I hadn't read them before this one.

One thing I have to add is I LOVED all the research that went into Luca's shop. It was a brilliant idea that worked perfectly. I just wish there was a store like that near me!

This is the second book by this author I have read (the other being On The Ice) and both books have been 5-star reads. Absolutely brilliant and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
CHARISMA CHECK is the sixth and final book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and you should really read these amazing books in order to get the full benefit. This is a 5-star series, simple as that.

Everything we have come to hold dear is threatened in this book and it about killed me! Add to that, Matt and Jasper, two characters who have made themselves known in previous books - even if it's only superficially. Oh, boy. These two. I loved them both so much. Jasper about broke me though and I'm not ashamed to say it. His backstory was a killer and his actions throughout the series take on a whole new light. Matt has had an easier time of it in the past to a degree but has had to deal with numerous failed relationships and, in the present, he has to deal with his best friend leaving him. Together, they are guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies.

Everyone shows up in this book, much to my delight. Happy tears were shed and I finished the book with a HUGE smile on my face. I can't wait to return at Christmas to the D&D group at Tabletop Tavern, as well as begin with the guys from Whipped in Leather & Lattes.

Absolutely brilliant all the way through. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 23, 2023
Salvaging Love (Rescue Me #1)
Salvaging Love (Rescue Me #1)
Sara Ohlin | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies and fluffers too!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Faced with the destruction of her beloved neighbourhood, Ellie is given a month to persuade lawyer and new block owner Jackson to renovate, rather than rebuild.
This appears to be only the second book Ms Ohlin has written. And I really rather enjoyed it!
It's light a fluffy in places, and dark and deadly in others. It's funny and sexy in places, its heavy and emotional in others. It spans a huge range of emotions and all are extremely well portrayed and delivered.
Ellie is a vet (as in animal doctor, not ex service person) and Jackson is lawyer to the criminal underworld in town. Jackson is jaded and buys the block as a new career. Ellie loves her community and fights Jackson all the way. But Jackson is, quite literally, smitten as a kitten with Ellie and it really doesn't take much for Jackson to see what Ellie does.
Jackson's job clashes with his personal life in a way I so did NOT see coming at me and I loved that! I absolutely did NOT have a clue that was coming at me, and I must have shouted out, cos my daughter stuck her head round the door and asked if I was ok! It was a blinder of a plot twist! Very well played, there, Ms Ohlin, very well played!
It does carry some darker story lines: parental/spousal abuse, as well as animal abuse. Some of this is described in great detail. Readers may have triggers.
Both Ellie and Jackson have a say, and I loved that they did. Ya'll know I need to hear from everyone!
This is billed as book one in the Rescue Me series, and I cannot wait to see who comes next, and what Ms Ohlin pulls out of her hat for them!
4 very VERY good stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Ranch Hand and the Single Dad (Farthingdale Ranch #3)
The Ranch Hand and the Single Dad (Farthingdale Ranch #3)
Jackie North | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE RANCH HAND AND THE SINGLE DAD is the third book in the Farthingdale Ranch series, and I would recommend you read them as a series simply because of how wonderful these stories are.

Austin has been put through the wringer by his delight of an ex-wife, and he has to cope with not having full custody of his daughter. He is unsure of who he is or what he wants, but he finds peace at Farthingdale Ranch due to his friendship with Clay.

Clay thinks that one-night stands are all he needs and doesn't always say what he wants. With the help and encouragement of Austin, Clay realises that life could be so much more than just a hookup.

This was a brilliant low-angst read with a slow-burn romance that filled me to the brim with warm fuzzies. I loved seeing the previous couples and seeing how their romances were going whilst still enjoying the spotlight on the main pair. And, of course, using recycled wisdom is some of the best advice you can give or receive!

A fantastic addition to the series, I would still recommend you read this as a series to ensure you don't miss out on any of the previous couples. For now, though, I can highly recommend Austin and Clay's story.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 27, 2021

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Cupcakes & Christmas in Books

Nov 27, 2020 (Updated Aug 14, 2023)  
Cupcakes & Christmas
Cupcakes & Christmas
RJ Scott | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
CUPCAKES & CHRISTMAS is a sweet, seasonal romance that actually takes place for the most part in October. Stick with me, it does make sense, I promise.

Justin and Brody are both chefs and have been asked to take part in a charity show that is featuring six season's winners. Justin won season one and although he still bakes, most of his time now is being an 'influencer'. He has imposter syndrome and doesn't think he'll be able to stay past week one. Oh, and he also had a crush on Brody when he watched season four. Brody is, as you may have guessed, the winner from season four. He has had his self-confidence severely knocked by his ex-husband and doesn't feel like he should be there, even though he desperately wants to win. Oh, and he had a crush on Justin from season one!

These two connect in an adorably sweet and awkward way. I loved how Justin stood up for himself against Erin. Both of them need to find themselves and they both help the other with that. Along with the aid of a magical snowman called Jeremy!

The pace is fast but both our guys know what they want. There are flies in the ointment but nothing is going to come in between Brody and Justin. I have never watched GBBO or been to Banff but this book made me want to do both.

A book guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies in time for the Yuletide season, CUPCAKES & CHRISTMAS is a story I definitely recommend.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 27, 2020
Rock Crush and Roll
Rock Crush and Roll
Hunter Snow | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not overly explicit but very steamy in places!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

From what I can see, this is a debut author, and I enjoyed this!

Tyler has crushed on Cary for some time. And Cary has crushed on Tyler too, but they work together, sorta, and Tyler has a strict no musicians rule after being hurt badly by one. But with very little effort, they start to see the person behind the mask, and
 maybe, just maybe, Tyler can find her Happy Ever After.

This is cute, it really is. I liked that Tyler and Cary knew each other for a long time before they started a relationship. I liked that both of them fell fast and hard. I liked that Cary tried to spoil Tyler, but she managed to not let him get away with too

It’s not overly explicit, but it does get steamy in places. Just the right amount for these two, I think.

Both Cary and Tyler have a say in the third person, The change usually occurs as the chapter changes, but sometimes in the middle. Each change is clearly headed and I liked that.

Lots and LOTS of one liners from well-known songs (each with the artist named too) and some not so well known to me. Didn’t take anything away from the story, but I found myself trying to spot them all! And then to proceed to sing said song in my head til I
 came across the next one!

I struggled a bit with the workings of the music industry and found Tyler’s boss a slimeball, but he does get his comeuppence!

A great start from this author. When I come across a new (or new to me) author, my first question is always “Do I want to read more by this author?” and my answer here is a resounding “yes!”

So cute, and warm and fuzzies and a good solid 3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Mongrel in Books

Nov 24, 2021 (Updated Jul 10, 2023)  
Lee Colgin | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
MONGREL is a standalone story that I really need to be a series! It features Andras, otherwise known by the majority of his pack as Mongrel, and Bowie, a vampire. It also features Erzsébet Báthory, a real-life historical serial killer, who did horrible things to young girls in a possible attempt to stay young (or maybe she was just psycho), and is a vampire of legend second only to Dracula.

Although this involves the kidnapping and torture of young girls, the book doesn't go into too much detail. In fact, hardly any, so don't worry about that. It is more of a slow-burn romance between Andras and Bowie, who are so sweet they should have given me toothache but managed not to.

We are introduced to a host of characters and species in a way that enables the reader to comprehend who they are without being overrun by information. But, for me, the stars were Andras and Bowie. It couldn't be anyone else. They are so protective about each other, jealous and possessive in a somehow good way!

I was wavering between a 4 or 5-star review, simply because there were parts of the story I wanted more of, but then I decided to give it 5-stars simply because of the warm fuzzies I got reading it. This is a standalone but I really hope the author returns to these characters in the future.

Absolutely brilliant and highly recommended.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 24, 2021
Suspiciously Sweet
Suspiciously Sweet
Samantha SoRelle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
so sweet but sexy too! Loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

What this book is, right, is a whole lotta weight gain, that's what it is! And I bloody loved it!

Grumpy meets sweet, Owen meets Trevor and both kinda fall into a friendship followed by a relationship. But both have secrets, and either one could break the heart of the other.

I think I gained ten pounds reading this, I really did!

It's so freaking sweet, and sexy but also quite emotional in a way I wasn't expecting for such a short book! It's only 137 pages, but it packs quite the sugar rush!

I loved that Trevor knows he can make or break a business, and for some reason, just walking into Nana O'Neill's bakery makes him want to save this one, on a level he never knew could exist. Throw in Owen and Trevor is in heaven. But Trevor wants more with Owen, and it takes time for them to get down and dirty, and I loved being made to wait for the main event!

Trevor creeps under Owen's skin, I think. It's not quite so instant, the things Owen wants creep up on him, and I loved watching the big man fall, and fall HARD!

The food descriptions are outta this world, and now I want to eat everything described here. ALL the things! I'll be so ill but hey, I don't freaking care!

I've not read anything else by this author, but my TBR pile just grew a bit bigger. This is what I love most about reviewing, finding new-to-me authors, with back lists for me to feast on!

A delicious, so incredibly too-stinking-cute and so much with the warm-and-fuzzies book, I've not had in a long ass time!

5 full and sweet stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere