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Rescued (Rescued Hearts #1)
Rescued (Rescued Hearts #1)
Felice Stevens | 2016 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this book!
I got this free, from The Gay Romance Reader Club.

Jason broke up with his girlfriend cos he didn't want to marry her. Ryder broke up with his boyfriend cos the boyfriend didn't want to give up his drugs. Over the rescue of some pit bulls, they became friends. Ryder wants more and Jason? Well, he is digging deep into a long buried memory and realising that maybe it wasn't the fact he didn't want to marry his girlfriend, but maybe, just maybe, it was because she was a GIRL.

Oh I LOVED this book! It's one of those books that surprises you for some reason, but you've on idea why! I can't tell what surprised me, really I can't but I can tell you that I loved it!

Ryder is a lawyer, works for a pit bull rescue, has a pit called Pearl. While he loves his dog, she isn't much of a substitute for the warm male body he misses. Jason is a builder, developing his business with his brother. Finding the pit bulls chained up at a site brings Ryder into contact with Jason and both men, BOTH of them, have a reaction to the other. Ryder's is not surprising but Jason's is. As they spend more time together, Jason begins to question just what he's been doing all this time.

And I LOVED that we got to hear from both men! Cos you know I love that, but especially in books like this, when one is going against all he ever thought was right, and having that light bulb moment with someone and the world is a better place for it. And it really is a *light bulb above the head* moment for Jason, once he allows himself to just run with what he's feeling.

I did NOT like Ryder's mum. She's a Class A bitch and deserves to be alone for the rest of her days, for what she did to Ryder and his brother! So glad that his dad got his act together though!

Loved Jason's mum, especially after what his brother Liam says!

And while I'm not usually one for early professions of love, the way Jason came out with it? It was right that he said those words early, even if he didn't actually realise what he'd said! Both guys fell hard and they fell fast but it was right, for them, that they did.

There is a second book for these guys, and I'd love to read it at some point. There is a tiny snippet at the back of this one, and I have a feeling it might not be so warm and fuzzies!

First full length book by Ms Stevens I've read, the wish list is a few longer now!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Single (Single Dads #1)
Single (Single Dads #1)
RJ Scott | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so bloody sweet, but GOOD!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book, this just shy of 200 pages?? So bloody sweet, I broke a tooth!

I mean it's so bloody good, so cute, warm and fuzzies too!

Ash is left, quite literally, holding the baby, and the idiot banging on his door at 3am is gonna get it if he wakes Mia up! Sean comes to rescue his friend, who just moved in next door to Ash, and is smitten, immediately, and totally with Ash, but equally, with Mia. Once Sean knows Ash is single, he wages an all out war to make him see that just because he has a baby, he doesn't have to be a monk.

Like I said, so bloody good!

Both Ash and Sean have a say, in the first person. Both voices are clearly headed, and happen as the chapter changes. Both men's voices are well defined and they tell their story well. I loved the marked differences between them too.

Ash is trying, bless him, to be the best dad he can, and is a little overwhelmed by that new dad feeling, especially now he bought Mia home, and he is alone. He thinks he won't have a life til she leaves home, and holds steadfast to that, till Sean makes him see that he doesn't need to give up on life. Ash's sister will help, his mother is a bit on the dodgy side. Their relationship is rocky at the best of times, but she tries to make amends here, she really does.

Eric and Leo are Sean best friends and house mates. Sean is an Emergency Room doctor; Eric, a fireman and Leo is a cop. They three guys are great together, and once Sean admits Ash is HIS, they look out for Ash and Mia.

There are some characters who hint at their stories, Eric and Leo included, and I can't wait to meet Brady properly: he has some tale to tell, I'm sure!

This is the first full length book I've read of Scott's that was just written by her. I've read the Owattonna U Hockey series she wrote with VL Locey. I want to read more. I really enjoyed this!

4 sickly sweet but oh so GOOD stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

TheBookMother (105 KP) rated All That She Can See in Books

May 11, 2019 (Updated May 11, 2019)  
All That She Can See
All That She Can See
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surprising plot twist that one does not expect. Loveable characters. Imaginative and a perfect light escape. Reminiscent of Joanne Harris's Chocolat. Perfect for those who love Celia Adhern. (0 more)
The chapter breaks that are depicted by little cakes and fruit I found to be quite annoying and distracting! (0 more)
As light and pleasant as one of Mary Berry's bakes!
I had some doubts about this book when I picked it up in a charity shop recently but hands up now, I was pleasantly surprised and did enjoy it.
I am a bit of a fan of the Fletcher's and find them to write some quite charming books which I tend to think of as my guilty pleasure!
They are the ones that have a heart warming tail or romantic fairy tale twist that gives you the warm fuzzies.
They are what I turn to in-between some heavy reads for some light relief.
It started off in a fairly standard way but I was very taken aback to where the story did lead and in fact end!
There is a sci fi and almost paranormal element that reminded me of something you can imagine watching on Netflix a bit like The OA. It was similar to The Book of Tomorrow by Celia Adhern.
It was very emotive which was to be expected when alot of the story is about feelings.
There is alot of very imaginative text which really does draw you in and you want to carry on reading.
I did devour this book in a couple of days. Some areas are a tad predictable but all in all it is a pleasant read.
It isn't a literary masterpiece per se but I don't think it's pretending to be either.
It may not change your life but it will stay with you for a little while afterwards and what it did do was help one mum escape the chaos of raising two young boys for a little while!
If you like Celia Adhern, Joanne Harris and of course Giovanna Fletcher then you will no doubt enjoy this read too.
Billionaire's Muse (The Billionaire’s Playground #3)
Billionaire's Muse (The Billionaire’s Playground #3)
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
HIGH on the warm and fuzzy/too stinking cute scale!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I stand by what I said in my review for book 2. This is book 3 in the Billionaire's Playground but its not necessary to have read book one, Property of a Billionaire, nor book 2, Reluctant Billionaire before this one. However, those books are where we meet Nanna and you might want to get the full force of her nature :-)

Marcus is a photographer, dis-illusioned with his current career path. Taking pictures in war zones is eating away at his soul. Doing a favour for his best friend seems like just the distraction he needs. Until he meets Finlo. Now that man is a distraction to end ALL distraction and Marcus is smitten. Finlo is also smitten with the older man, but Marcus wouldn't want him, surely? Fin who has no mouth to brain filter? Who says whatever pops into his head? Fin, who is a skinny runt?? Surely not?

OH! This book? I loved this book! So much more than the other two books and I really enjoyed them! This book is so much more than them, and I will *attempt* to explain!

Mostly, I think it's Fin who makes this book. He's a character all right and I loved him. He has no filter, he says and sees things in black and white and he knows he not everyone cuppa tea, indeed, he thinks he is NO-ONE's cuppa tea, but Marcus is drawn to Fin in ways he never knew he could be drawn in. It's not just the beauty he sees when he looks at Fin through the camera lens, cos He can see that the man is stunning, even if Fin doesn't think so. No, it's what Marcus does when Fin starts rambling, and panicking about anything and everything: nothing. He lets Fin ramble, he lets Fin work his way through whatever is bothering him and he never once tries to shut him up, well. . .he DOES, but only in a way that Fin wants :-)

Nanna's meddling is there, as in the other books, but I found it to be a little on the low side, Marcus and Fin don't need much meddling, but a few little pushes, rather than a full scale assault is all they need, Fin, actually needs those pushes. And a shopping trip or two!

It's low on the angst, but high on the steam. But not explicit, just steamy enough.

Again, Marcus doesn't flaunt his wealth. He works HARD for his money, and he wants to share that wealth. And he does, in ways that surprises Fin. Marcus WILL spoil Fin, if he'll just let him. His mum was a surprise, especially after she meets Fin's eco-warrior, teepee-living mum. Those two were meant to be friends!

And when Marcus does what he does at the end?? Very fitting for these two, the way he does that, it really was!

I found this to be a beautiful read, that is high on the warm and fuzzies, and too stinking cute scale, and I loved it so much MORE than the other two!

So it can only get....

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Joint Penetration (Hot Under the Collar #3)
Joint Penetration (Hot Under the Collar #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so freaking good!
I was gifted my copy straight for the author.

Jumping straight in, again!

What this book is, book 3 in the series, is an abso-freaking-lutely brilliantly written, brilliantly told story, of realising what has been in front of you for 15 years, and not questioning, not once, what you really feel for your best friend.

Liam has been in love with Ollie since he was 14. His best friend, his straight MARRIED best friend. He knows he can never have him, but he cannot let go. Ollie announces hi is getting a divorce, and promptly turns to Liam for his shoulder. Not to cry on, though, Ollie just needs Liam close, as always. Making a discovery about Liam that Ollie did not know, sets off a chain reaction, and Ollie sees, really SEES Liam for the first time.

I cannot, and never will be able to, express how much I loved this book of 2 friends falling in love. Of two friends finally seeing what everyone else sees: that they are perfect for each other. I mean, this is another , ANOTHER book that I need to add to myMasterpieces shelf of McIntyre's and she keeps delivering them! I really gotta change my rules for that shelf!

It's steamy, yes, but I loved that Ollie jumped straight in, once he was aware of his feelings and, more importantly, of LIAM'S feelings about them sleeping together. I loved that Ollie didn't really question what he was feeling: he knew, KNEW that Liam was his, and now he would be in all ways, but Ollie questioned WHAT he was feeling when he touched Liam. He never felt anything like this when he touched his ex-wife, so what he was feeling for Liam had to be monumental.

It's super low angst, and it's too freaking cute, and so warm and fuzzies, its off the scale!

I loved that we got to catch up with Liam's group of friends, and the guys from books one and two. We are also introduced to Ollie's brothers, and THEY are the subject of a new series that will feature drop ins from these guys.

I might go on all day, but I'll cut myself short.

READ THE FREAKING BOOK, GUYS! Better yet, read the whole SERIES cos they are all. . .

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
2019 | Drama
Hanks - brilliant in his quiet stillness (0 more)
The story within the story has been travelled so many times and the pacing is slow (0 more)
"Anything mentionable is manageable"
Tom Hanks' new movie is a film I personally struggled to fully engage with. But some I suspect will truly LOVE it's gentle and feel-good nature.

Who WAS Fred Rogers? Based on a true story this movie very quickly makes you realise that Fred Rogers, who died in 2003, was an American legend. This is supported by the GLOWING reviews here on IMDB by US viewers. Rogers was a children's TV presenter that used puppets and song to help children work through their fears and psychological issues. I suspect, like me, most Brits would say "WHO?" (Just as if a 60's born Brit like me saying "Let's look through the arched window" will similarly get a "WHAT?" from nearly all Americans!)

Here the story revolves not around Fred (Tom Hanks) helping a child with issues, but with Fred's fixation with 'Esquire' journo Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rhys), who is fighting his own demons of anger, resentment and pain. For Lloyd is struggling not only with his feelings about fatherhood, with the normal strains that is placing on the relationship with wife and mother Andrea (Susan Kelechi Watson), but also with the reemergence on the scene of his estranged and hard-drinking father Jerry (Chris Cooper).

The movie starts (and continues) with model sets reminiscent of the brilliantly barmy "Welcome to Marwen" and (the rather more subtle) "Game Night". Fun is had with matchbox-car freeways and planes flying off and clunking down on model runways.

We join Mr Rogers on set filming his series: and the movie sloooooows to match Rogers' leisurely pace. This was a movie I went into completely blind (which is unusual for me): I knew precisely zip about it. No knowledge of Rogers. No knowledge of the story. No sight of the trailer. Nothing. So these opening scenes were a real "WTF" moment as my brain struggled to work out what the story was all about.

There was undeniably something creepy about seeing the saintly Fred Rogers engaging with sick and vulnerable children. And I realised just what damage the likes of the convicted-paedophiles Jimmy Saville, Stuart Hall and Rolf Harris have done to my suspicions against all such entertainers. I feared - without any background knowledge on Rogers - that the story would take a darker turn. But no! That's not the story....

For as mentioned earlier, this is the story of Lloyd. And it's a relatively simple and linear story of familial stress that we've seen in movies throughout the decades. Whether you will buy into this story-within-the-story, or not, will flavour your overall enjoyment of the film.

Many who are into analysis and 'talking treatments' will - I think - appreciate the script. But I personally didn't really warm to any of the players - other than Rogers - so this was a negative for me. And I found the pace so slow that I ended up a bit fidgety and bored moving into the second reel of the film. Two women got up and walked out at that point - - it was clearly not for them (this was a Cineworld "Unlimited" pre-release screening).

The third reel rather pulled it together again, and established an "It's a Wonderful Life" style of feelgood that I warmed to much more.

This is a movie I predict the Academy will love. And everyone loves Hanks already. Read the tea-leaves. It's a brilliant performance from Hanks in its stillness and quietness.

No more so than in one particular scene....

This is the follow up movie from Marielle Heller to the impressive "Can You Ever Forgive Me?". And this particular scene - let's call it the "Anti-When-Harry-Met-Sally" moment - is a massively brave and striking piece of cinema.

It's truly extraordinary and worth the price of a ticket alone.

In summary, I enjoyed this movie, primarily for watching the master Hanks at work. The pacing for me was somewhat off though. But I can't be overly critical of such a warm-hearted movie. I predict you will see this and go home with a big dose of the warm-fuzzies.

See here for the full graphical review -
His Accidental Daddy
His Accidental Daddy
Luna David | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so very nearly 5 stars!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Thornton runs into the side of Asher's car and neither man will ever be the same again. Thornton is a Daddy, and he wants Asher for his boy, but Asher doesn't have a clue about the lifestyle or what being a little means. Can Thornton make Asher see that he needs him, that they need each other?

I really REALLY enjoyed this book!

I've been struggling with a lot of reading at the moment, and to be honest, Daddy/littles haven't really been my thing but this one twanged something when I read the blurb, and I am so glad I gave it a go!

Poor Asher! He really is a wreck about most things, everyday things cause him into meltdowns and he is struggling just to function. Cue getting sideswiped in the rain, and Asher is losing it, big time. Then a voice cuts through the panic and Asher can just breathe (as much as fractured ribs will allow) and Asher falls hard and fast for Thornton.

Thornton, while feeling incredibly guilty for crashing his car into Asher's, feels a pull to Asher that he never felt before. Just seeing him in that wreck calls to his inner Daddy so far and so deeply, Thornton cannot resist. But Asher thinks he is damaged, and Thornton knows that isn't the case, he just needs to make Asher see.

I've tagged this BDSM but there is actually very little of the "usual" stuff, just some spanking, and talk about power exchange and a Dom/sub relationship that is in this book for Thornton's best friends.

It is HEAVY on the emotional side of things though, and I think that's what carried me through, watching Asher get out of his head, and into his little for his Daddy. Thornton's emotions are all over the place too, but I didn't feel them as deeply as I did Asher's.

It is also incredibly SWEET in places, hence the warm and fuzzies tag.

Both voices are clear and you really do get into Asher's head when he starts to meltdown. Very well written scenes when Asher loses it and Thornton brings him back.

I'm interested in reading about Damian and Syed (the D/s relationship here), Thornton's best friends, but MORE so about another pairing that blossomed towards the end of this book. Madi, who is Asher's best friend, and Trent, who is Thornton's younger brother. That pairing would be a Mummy/little relationship, and I'm really rather curious about that one!

Not quite hitting those 5 stars, but so very nearly!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsehwere**
Amalgamated (Coming Home #2)
Amalgamated (Coming Home #2)
Becca Seymour | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
fabulous easy read!
This is book two in the Coming Home series, but other than the long absence from home, there is no direct link between the two. I did read that, but I did not write a review, I would have given it 4 stars.
Leo left his home in Australia to work in the UK five years ago. Now on a trip home, he comes face to face with part of the reason he left: Zak. Leo has loved Zak all this time, but will Zak even speak to Leo, after what he did?
My first thought when finishing this was: cute! Really cute! I liked it, a lot, but I can’t quite love it.
It’s written only from Leo’s point of view in the first person. And of course I’m gonna say I needed to here from Zak, you know I am. I fell here though, I am more than justified in saying it!
Leo wrecked Zak’s bike, after he saw Zak kissing someone else, and I wanted, no NEEDED to know what went through Zak’s mind at that point, but more so, when he finally admits to Leo why he did what he did all those years ago. Zak NEEDED his voice, and he doesn’t get it.
I also found I wanted to know what Leo was doing in the UK! I mean, I read the book, but I don’t think I saw what his work was!
Still, those points aside, I really did enjoy it.
It is one of those bath-tub/lunch break reads, that don’t take any concentrating on, and you can just fall into, and read, you know? It’s not a negative thing, not at all! Sometimes, you need a nice, sweet read, that allows you to decompress from a much longer, difficult read. Or in my case, a nice, easy read that allows you to sit out in the sun, on your lunch break in a 14 hour shift and ignore the world.
Thank you, Ms Seymour, for the very warm and fuzzies, too stinking cute read that was ABSOLUTELY needed today!
4 stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Agrippa My Heart: MM Daddy Romance (Destination Daddies Season Two) by J.P. Sayle
Agrippa My Heart: MM Daddy Romance (Destination Daddies Season Two) by J.P. Sayle
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
love books like this, books that push MY buttons, in ways I didn't like before.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Patrick has been let down by the Cuff'd app, but a message from a new Daddy makes Patrick wish. It makes him wish he lived in Italy, where Akker lives. And Akker wishes too. Akker uses his friends to get Patrick to Italy. But that let down also follows Patrick and Patrick has to dig deep to get through.

I read a lot of kink books and I make no bones about what I like and what I do not like. And this book surprised me! In all the best ways!

There are some aspects of Patrick's kink that are at the very VERY bottom of my like list, but quite HIGH on my dislike list. I'm not going to say what, cos spoilers, but suffices to say, Sayle dealt with said kink very well. So very well, in fact, it wasn't till I finished that the penny dropped! I mean I read about it, when Akker and Patrick were together, but it did not click, it really didn't! So well played there!

I loved, I mean LOVED that Patrick showed Akker some things that he really hadn't considered his own kink. To be fair, I don't think that Patrick realised it was one of his kinks till the point he did what he did. I loved that an experienced Dom can learn new things, things that push his own buttons in ways he never knew could be pushed.

I didn't think this was especially hawt, in the grand scheme of things. Indeed, the smexy times are quite low, but the kink level is high. It is very emotional, for Patrick especially, I thought. He has some demons to slay, and Akker and his connections help him slay them.

I found it incredibly high on the too stinking cute and the warm and fuzzies scale though! I loved the interactions between Patrick, Beau and Jessie, who are sharing a house in the beginning. Jessie has his own story in His Boy To Tease, but Beau needs a story too! And Lowell, the poor kid who got dragged into this whole mess, he needs a happy every after, I felt sorry for him!

I love books like this, books that push MY buttons, in ways I didn't like before.

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Merissa (11787 KP) rated Patch Up (Patch Up #1) in Books

Apr 10, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Patch Up (Patch Up #1)
Patch Up (Patch Up #1)
Stephanie Witter | 2013 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will start with the only slight negative which is purely my personal opinion before gushing about the rest so consider this fair warning.

I understand the need for well-placed adjectives and how important a role they play - however, saying that I felt that certain adjectives were overused in this book. For example, 'frizzy' hair, 'strong' forearm, 'thin' fingers. I actually lost count of how many times these adjectives were used to describe the same part of anatomy over and over again. Like I said though, this is my personal opinion and is the only negative I could think of!

As for the rest of the story - I LOVED IT! This is not an easy read, in fact, it is quite harrowing in places. It will, however, grip you and draw you in as Skye fights to regain her life. You will cheer for every step she takes forward and commiserate with her as setbacks happen. Duke is the one who first tries to break through the wall that she has built around herself. Duke is not a hero, in fact, he is more of an anti-hero. He is just as broken as Skye but manages to hide it and deals with it in a different way. Neither of these characters is perfect and they both push each other away and hurt each other with their words. Trust me though, you will be rooting with everything you've got that these two will make it and survive. There is no insta-love in this book, not a single drop. That is just part of what makes it such a good read. It builds up slowly and is not the main focus at all. Life is messy, complicated and at times incredibly painful, even with the one you want to be with. This book describes all that with such clarity it is incredibly easy to lose yourself in it. The supporting characters are in no way lacking either. They support, comfort and emphasise the story in all the right places, doing their job perfectly. I understand that Derek and Kate have their own story coming too which I am looking forward to.

So in a nutshell, be prepared to be blown away by this novel. It will upset you, make you smile, give you warm fuzzies and cold chills. So much more than what I was expecting and I will definitely be reading Fix Up, the continuation of Duke and Skye's story, as soon as I possibly can.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
July 30, 2016