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Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Star Wars goes western
Star Wars has had somewhat of a chequered history since turning over to the dark side, sorry, I mean Disney. You see, since LucasFilm was acquired by the House of Mouse there has been one Star Wars movie each year. The Force Awakens was good, if a little safe and The Last Jedi was brilliant, but incredibly divisive.

What’s been more exciting to see evolve however, is the Star Wars Story movies. Rogue One became my 2nd favourite film in the series after Empire with Godzilla director, Gareth Edwards proving to be a force to be reckoned with. Then, LEGO Movie directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were hired to direct a Han Solo origins story and that got people very excited indeed.Fast forward a few months and they were unceremoniously dumped from the project during filming with veteran director Ron Howard brought in as their replacements. Howard’s name is a concerning one. He’s become something of a director-for-hire over the last decade: competent but not exemplary. Phew! Keeping up? Good.

The resulting film has been plagued by ballooning costs, expensive reshoots and rumours of on-set acting classes for some of the stars. It’s finally here, but are we looking at the first new generation Star Wars failure?

Young Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) finds adventure when he joins a gang of galactic smugglers, including a 196-year-old Wookie named Chewbacca. Indebted to the gangster Dryden Vos (Paul Bettany), the crew devises a daring plan to travel to the mining planet Kessel to steal a batch of valuable coaxium. In need of a fast ship, Solo meets Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover), the suave owner of the perfect vessel for the dangerous mission — the Millennium Falcon.

Thankfully, and by nothing short of a miracle, Solo: A Star Wars Story is engaging, packed full of nostalgia and features an incredible ensemble cast. It’s not perfect by any means, but we’ll get on to that later.

Billed as a heist meets western kinda movie, Solo hits all the right beats to carefully straddle the line between those two genres. The writing is snappy, genuinely funny and engaging with all the cast members doing their fair share of the heavy lifting. Emilia Clarke is great as Solo’s love interest Qi’Ra and Woody Harrelson is as charming as ever in a role that could’ve been serviced by many 50-something actors who could do fancy stuff with a blaster.

It is in Donald Glover however that the film truly belongs. His Lando Calrissian is absolutely, unequivocally sublime. He channels his counterpart from Empire beautifully and you do feel like you’re watching a young Billy Dee Williams in action.

There is some striking imagery throughout the film with the western-style finale being absolutely superb
In fact, there are only two of the main cast members that fail to register in the way that they had clearly intended to do. One is Paul Bettany’s Dryden Vos; the Star Wars universe’s first real villain failure. Alas, it’s not the fault of Bettany. The part was originally written for a CGI motion capture performance but was changed at the last minute with reshoots being added for Bettany’s scenes.

The other, unfortunately, is Han Solo himself. Alden Ehrenreich definitely makes all the right noises. He’s cocky, arrogant, self-assured, just like Harrison Ford, but, for all of his effort, he just isn’t doing a Harrison Ford in this film. Now, that doesn’t ruin the movie as much as you might think it does, as it’s easy to just go along for the ride, but at no point in Solo’s run time did I think we were watching a young Harrison Ford in action. Ehrenreich is good, he’s just not that good.

Thankfully, what is that good is the cinematography. The action is staged beautifully, though I’m unsure as to whether this is Howard’s influence or the previous directors. There is some striking imagery throughout the film with the western-style finale being absolutely superb. The CGI is nicely integrated with animatronics and props, just like a Star Wars movie should be, and each of the set pieces is brimming with excitement.

One sequence in particular, involving the liberation of some slaves is really nicely filmed with a great colour palate and the much-marketed monorail heist is edge-of-your-seat stuff with cracking CGI.

Pacing is generally good, and at 135 minutes that is no easy win though things do drag a little about half way through. What is pleasing however, is how the bromance between Chewbacca and Han takes a backseat up until about 40 minutes before the end in which a familiar theme plays over the action: it’s spine-tingling in its simplicity. In fact, John Powell’s score is rousing when it needs to be and beautifully put together. A real match for John Williams’ classic orchestral soundtrack.

Overall, Solo: A Star Wars Story is better than it had any right to be. Whenever a film goes through such a turbulent production process, it’s always concerning that the final product will be somehow lesser in quality, but this isn’t the case here. It’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but as a continuation of the new Star Wars mantra under Disney, it’s a fitting entry and a great addition to the series.
Mating Dance (Alien Blood Wars #5)
Mating Dance (Alien Blood Wars #5)
Samantha Cayto | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mating Dance (Alien Blood Wars #5) by Samantha Cayto
Mating Dance is the fifth book in the Alien Blood Wars series, although I didn't know this when I received the book to review. I have to say, it DID matter. This is a hybrid - it sort of stands alone, and yet, I also found myself missing out on what had gone before. For example, the relationships between the others, which also play a big part in this book; or the history with the 'big bad'. So... my recommendation? Read it as a series, and you'll be happy!!!

Now, onto the book itself. This was a great read, with plenty of action going on, and I don't necessarily mean between the sheets. Oh, don't get me wrong - there is tension aplenty, but Trey has his reasons, and you fully understand the why's and wherefore's of how he feels. I thought this was explained exceptionally well, giving the reader a deeper insight into one of the main characters.

With no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, I did enjoy this book, but like I've said, I would like to read the previous books in this series, just so I understand all the other relationships properly. The story was intricate and intriguing, and the characters are fully dimensional. I haven't yet read a 'bad' book by Samantha Cayto, and this one was a page-turner from beginning to end.

I definitely recommend this book, on the proviso you have read the prior ones first.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
2008 | Action/Adventure
Not long enough (1 more)
Some of the bosses were hard
If you are a Star Wars fan, The Force Unleashed series might be the closest you ever come to being able to use The Force yourself.

My favorite part of this game was the eventual buildup of Force powers and being able to use them at will.

Choking stormtroopers, throwing them across the room or over a cliff, or chucking your lightsaber at their face was about as much fun as you can have in a video game. Also, being able to throw out Force lightning at a group of troopers all at once is amazing.

I loved just about everything in this game!
Really a collection of five short(ish) stories rather than a novel in its own right, this is chronologically the last in the Hornblower series, published the 10th of 11.

The Napoleonic wars are now over, with Hornblower dispatched to - you guessed it! - the West Indies in charge of a much reduced squadron, where he finds himself embroiled (yet again) in various and sundry adventures, all 'topped off' by his survival of a Hurricane after his appointment is over.

I'd read elsewhere that this could be described as a coda to the main Hornblower saga, and that seems a fair enough comparison to me: basically, an extra piece added on to the end of a tale!
Aftermath (Star Wars: Aftermath, #1)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It must be strange being in [a: Chuck Wendig|17152|Chuck Wendig|]'s shoes when he was given the green-light to write this novel.

Not so much for what the novel is (a Star Wars book), but for what it isn't (the first in the 'new' non-EU canon).

I imagine there would have been both a feeling of freedom in that he is no longer tied down to making sure everything 'fits', as well as a feeling of responsibility as some of that old EU stuff was quite well regarded.

Regardless, this is set after the events of 'Return of the Jedi', but before the new 'The Force Awakens', and is the first in a series of novels leading up to that movie that should (hopefully) fill in the gaps in that movie. While Luke didn't make an appearance in this, there are some old returning characters: most noticeably Wedge Antilles, who provides the MacGuffin that gets the whole plot rolling!

It may not be the best Star Wars book I've read (sorry), but it does do a serviceable job in getting the ball rolling again.
Star Wars, Vol. 4: Last Flight of the Harbinger
Star Wars, Vol. 4: Last Flight of the Harbinger
Jason Aaron | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entry #4 in Marvel's new run of Star Wars stories, in which Han, Luke, Leia and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 (and some expendable 'Red Shirts', to borrow a phrase from Star Trek) hijack a Star Destroyer.

Running concurrently, we also have a look at the war from the other side of the divide, from the point of view of a Stormtrooper squad, who believe the Rebels to be terrorists and that freedom = law and order (rather than the Rebellions view of what entails freedom).

Said squad led by a character Luke had previously encountered on the Smugglers moon of Nar-Shadda, and with said sqaud tasked with 'recovering' the hijacked Destroyer.

AS is also now standard, we also have a flash-back to Kenobi's time on Tattoine looking after (from afar) Luke - if you ask me, it's a wonder how that kid didn't know something was up!

All-in-all, though, I have to say that I have enjoyed these 'main' Star Wars stories - hit and miss though they may be - more than, say, the Darth Vader series, with this one proving to be no exception.