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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011)
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011)
2011 | Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi
The pop culture phenomenon that is Twilight is wrapping up as the film adaptation of the final book in the series, Twilight: Breaking Dawn, has arrived in theaters. With the previous three films doing brisk business at the box office, it came as no surprise when it was announced that the final book in the series was being split into two films so that the studio could maximize the box office of the series.

The film opens with awkward, melancholy teen Bella (Kristen Stewart), preparing for her wedding to Edward (Robert Pattinson), as their human and vampire friends assemble for the ceremony. Of course Edward’s rival Jacob (Tayler Lautner), is highly against the union as he still carries a flame for Bella. Nonetheless, the ceremony goes off as planned and Edward whisks Bella away to a remote Brazilian island to consummate their union, which apparently is a tricky endeavor, being that she is still a mortal and he is a century old vampire.

What at first is an ideal honeymoon is soon complicated when Bella and Edward discover an unexpected challenge that threatens Bella’s well-being and poses a threat to the pact between the vampires and werewolves. I will not spoil the film, even though fans of the series and books will not be any strangers to the drama and politics of the situation, but suffice it to say there is a lot on the line for all of the characters involved.

The film was rife with issues, the main one being the atrocious acting. One would think that after three previous films with the same cast, these actors would have developed some timing and chemistry with one another, especially Stewart and Pattinson who are a couple offscreen. Nothing could be further from the truth as they stiffly deliver their lines with pained and remote expressions. I am honestly at a loss as to why Bella is so captivating to both Edward and Jacob
as she is basically a dour girl who looks incredibly uncomfortable in her own skin, and yet the two are utterly captivated by her. I found the supporting cast far more interesting than the heroine and her besotted heroes. Another issue I had was that Pattinson, who got to show his acting ability in “Water for Elephants” is given little to do aside from staring at Bella and doing profile shots.

The first half of the film is basically an MTV-style wedding and honeymoon music video but the second half of the film did manage to grab and hold my attention with the ongoing plot points. It is obvious that the story is being stretched to cover two films as there are numerous unnecessary scenes such as people walking up stairs, throwing things in a garbage can, looking in mirrors, which serve little purpose other than increasing the run time of the film. Of course all of this matters little to fans of the series. The studio knows who the core audience is and the movie panders to them every chance they can, as proven by Lautner doffing his shirt not 60 seconds into the film to the squeals of delight from the teens, tweens and grown women in the audience.

Still, because it pits the Cullens against the werewolves who were their allies in the previous film, Breaking Dawn is better than the previous films. While it raises the angst and tension, it does not provide much growth for the actors as they dutifully go through the motions as best they can with the material. While it attempts to be a darker and more mature film, it still comes across as eye candy and fantasy for young women when the story and cast deserved so
much more. That being said, the film stays true to it’s core audience and gives them exactly what they have come to expect and does not stray from what has been a successful formula.
Ready or Not (2019)
Ready or Not (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Samara Weaving (0 more)
Ready or Not opens with a gleefully intense and shocking scene. It serves to give us a taste of the kind of twisted games that usually play out within the confines of huge gothic mansion owned by the eccentric Le Domas family, who made their fortune in the board game business. If you've seen the trailer, then you'll know that Ready or Not is basically just Hide and Seek, but with deathly consequences. However, this short, sharp introduction leaves you in no doubt as to just how far the Le Domas family will go in order to win the game.

Cut to a more happier time as Grace (Samara Weaving, niece of Hugo Weaving) is preparing to marry into the Le Domas dynasty. Her husband to be is Alex (Mark O'Brien), estranged son who has now returned to the family home where the ceremony will be taking place. As a foster child, Grace yearns to become part of a more permanent family and is concerned that she won't be accepted by the Le Domas clan, not helped by the cold scowl she gets from a seriously creepy looking Aunt Helene.

We rejoin Grace and Alex later that evening, now married. But Grace discovers that rather than retire to bed with her new husband, they must join the family downstairs and partake in a wedding night tradition which will see her officially becoming a Le Domas - she has to play a game. Wanting nothing more than to fit in with her new in-laws, Grace goes along with it all as patriarch Tony (Henry Czerny) explains how the tradition will play out. The game they must play is selected at random from a box that has been passed down through the generations after it was originally given to the family by mysterious benefactor, Mr. Le Bail. The wife of eldest son Daniel got Chess, the husband of daughter Emilie got Old Maid, so it really is anyone's guess what the mystery game will be! All of the siblings and their spouse's are in attendance for the game and watch on as Grace draws... Hide and Seek, the one game which results in death!

Not realising the seriousness of her choice, Tony explains to Grace that in order to win the game she must remain hidden until dawn, and she laughs it off. An old vinyl hide and seek record begins playing, giving Grace the time to go find a suitable hiding place, and she winds up climbing into a dumb waiter to hide. But, she soon gets bored and decides to go wandering around the huge house. It's not long though until she discovers that the family members have equipped themselves with shotguns, axes and crossbows... and they're not afraid to use them! Turns out, the family believe that if they don’t kill Grace by dawn, a terrible fate will befall them all.

What follows is an intense game of cat and mouse, with a good dose of gore and dark humour thrown in. One minute we're holding our breath as Grace tries to quietly avoid a member of the family, the next we're cutting to the other family members, who are mostly completely incompetent - bickering between themselves or watching a YouTube crash course on how to use a crossbow! Ready or Not manages to juggle the different tones effortlessly, and brilliantly, as Grace goes from terrified scream queen in a pristine white wedding dress, to blood-soaked badass wearing a pair of old converse and brandishing a shotgun. She's the latest in a long line of great female survivors, played to perfection by Samara Weaving. If you liked 2011 movie 'You're Next', then Ready or Not reminded me of that in many ways.

The gothic setting and the suitably wonderful score by Brian Tyler (usually found providing music for MCU movies) all adds to what is a wonderfully short (95 minute), but perfectly paced, completely bonkers thrill ride.
The Beach House
James Patterson | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jake Mullin is currently in law school at Columbia. He is working for a large firm over the summer and handling a small pro-bono case. Arriving home to the Hamptons one Friday night, he is met at the train station by his girlfriend, which is typical, but also his father and his grandfather. Not sure why such a big fanfare, he is even more disturbed by the looks on their faces, their news is devastating. His younger brother Peter had been found washed up on the beach, and the police are claiming suicide. Jake knows better and is determined to figure out why everyone is covering up his brothers death.

I'm going through all of James Patterson's stand alone books this year. I have read many of his books in the past and he has long been one of my favorite authors. His books may be long, but getting through them is always quick and easy.

Jake is determined to find out who killed his brother. His brother was not an angel, but he would not kill himself. When Jakes enlists the help from his friends in order to investigate his brother's murder, he finds out that finding the answers is going to be more difficult than he had expected. He's dealing with prominent people in the community who have the police force and other officials in their back pocket and Jake doesn't have the kind of money to change that. So he has to be creative and come up with a way to solve the problem. After the death of his father and another friend at the hands of the goons hired by the people Peter worked for, Jakes determination increases.

You will have to read or listen to the book to find out whether or not Jake is able to bring his brothers killers to justice or will he end up losing his life in the process.

This is an older James Patterson book, but a really good one. The next book up for me is [bookcover:The Christmas Wedding|10844125].
I've Got Your Number
I've Got Your Number
Sophie Kinsella, Finty Williams | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poppy Wyatt has just gotten engaged to Magnus Tavish. He gives her a gorgeous emerald ring that he had to get from the family lockbox. Then the unthinkable happens all in one horrendous day. First, she loses the ring after her friends are passing it around at an afternoon tea and then while she is on the phone trying to locate the ring, she is mugged and the phone is snatched right out of her hand. She finds another phone discarded in the bin(trash), what luck! Only problem is the owner wants it back before she finds her ring.

This is a cute and quirky story set in England. Poppy is marrying Magnus after being his physiotherapist. Theirs is a quick romance. Poppy's girlfriends are jealous and her future in-laws are very unsure about this relationship. When Poppy meets Sam, the owner of the phone, she can't help but insert herself into his life. They have the misfortune to share a phone since Sam is without a Personal Assistant(she's the one who tossed the phone) and Poppy has given this number to anyone in connection with finding her ring.

I listened to this book on my way to and from work this past week. It was read in an English accent and I found myself wanting to do the same. What I liked about this book was the sense of adventure tied into the romance. Trying to resolve a few crises in the midst of planning a wedding and trying to live life. They say, you can't help who or when you will fall in love. Poppy never meant to fall in love with Magnus while he was her patient. She never meant to lose his family's priceless heirloom. She didn't mean to have her phone 'nicked' and she certainly didn't mean to find a phone in the bin and be forever connected to Sam Rockston.

This is a cute, quick adventurous love story.
Bright Lines
Bright Lines
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ella is the adopted daughter of Anwar and Hashi Saleem. The Saleem's took her in when her parents were murdered. They also have a daughter of their own named Chauru. They all live together in Brooklyn, New York, where Anwar is the owner of an apothecary(Pharmacy) and Hashi has a salon in their home. This is the only family that Ella has ever known. Although she has never really felt as a part of them, she was never treated as an outcast and never referred to as niece or cousin. The summer after her first year at college, Ella returns home to find things in a bit of disarray. There is a strange girl in her bed, her cousin/sister, Chauru, is sneaking boys into her room, her uncle is distant and her aunt, is constantly busy with customers during the wedding season. When a devastating event takes place, the family travels back to their home country of Bangladesh and they all learn important lessons about themselves and family.

This book took me through a lot of different emotions. First the story started off slowly and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. There were parts that had me confused and parts that had me shocked. Once I made it to the halfway point, it was hard to put it down.

This is a debut novel by Tanwi Nandini Islam. I love books that take me to a place I have never been. This book gave me a look into a world that I may not have ever discovered. Spanning the globe to help the Saleem's to learn to love one another and others. To learn about their history so they aren't doomed to repeat it in their future. Learning about family and loss and how to pull together when you have to. How to survive when you think it's impossible. This is a novel about discovery and family and learning to find yourself through your history.
This book has 3 stories in one. I enjoyed them all. The three stories are connected to the previous story in this book. It also mentions Aden and Annie in the last story called "The Dawn of Christmas".

The first story in the book in about Beth Hertzler and somewhat about her aunt Lizzy. The story revels some secrets throughout the book and a romance forms between Beth and Jonah. Will Beth take a chance at second love. Read to find out. You could read the the book called "The Sound of Sleigh Bells" to read about Beth and Jonah and Beth's aunt Lizzy.

The second story is about Mattie and Gideon. Mattie is living in Ohio for some time but something happen to bring her home to Apple Ridge. Her cousin Beth and Lizzy wedding. Though coming home will Mattie learn the truth of Gideon's break in the engagement on Christmas eve. Well they get back together. To find out what happens you can read it or you could read the book called "The Christmas Singing". You can read about Gideon and Mattie and about Lizzy and Beth weddings.

The third story is about Sadie and Levi. Levi is a cousin to Beth and Mattie in someway. Sadie and Levi do not trust the other gender. Though the way they met is somewhat strange that Sadie came and found him laying in the hay-field hurt. Can Sadie and Levi let go of their prejudices and learn to trust each other. You also get to hear about Lizzy and Beth and also about Mattie. There the other couple that is mention that is Aden and Annie. You can read about Aden and Annie story in the book called "The Scent of Cherry Blossoms". If you want to read about Sadie and Levi you can be getting the book called "The Dawn of Christmas".

If you want all three of the stories you can get this book called "Christmas in Apple Ridge".

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated A Good Catch in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
A Good Catch
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | A Good Catch by Fern Britton
This book is written by TV presenter Fern Britton. She as wrote seven books go check them out. I have already read 'Hidden Treasures' once I read this book I went on the seach for more of her books they are that good.

I found this book 'A Good Catch' wow what a amazing book it grabbed me from the first chapter. I just didn't want to put down the book as this is a heartwarming and down-to-earth book.

I was drawn to the characters, the story involves four friends Jesse, Greer, Loveday and Mickey they all grew up in a little fishing village of Trevay. They all thought their lives where mapped out for them. Jesse would be working at hes father's fishing company, Greer will marry Jesse as Greer loved Jesse but he only liked her but their fathers wanted them to marry so they can merge their businesses into one. While Loveday loved Jesse and Jesse had feelings for her. Mickey is Jesse's best friend and is in love with Loveday but she aint got the same feelings. But not everything goes to plan like the night before Jesse and Greer get married Jesse gets drunk and sleeps with Loveday. So Loveday tells Jesse that he loves him and she tells him if he loves her back he shouldn't go through the wedding but that doesn't go to plan and Jesse get stuck in a loveless marriage and Loveday marries Mickey.

They keep the secret and lies from Greer and Mickey as it would wreck their relationship and friendship. So through the book you see them grow up and start a family but they still have this big secret will Jesse get Loveday and live happily ever after?

You will have to buy the book and read for yourself I wont give away spoilers but it's worth the read.

This review will automatically be on my blog (Please check it out)
The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy, #2)
Marie Rutkoski | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dear <i>The Winner's Crime</i>,

You remind me of <i>Revenge.</i> Just... more fun.

Lady Kestrel is like Emily and the emperor is like Victoria or Veronica or whats-her-face, and her words are so carefully plotted, her moves so masterfully calculated - I've pretty much decided to not make an attempt to predict you. I find that not predicting sometimes is more fun and more enjoyable.

You are like any other movie or TV show consisting of royalty - espionage, drama, tension, gossip, the like. But I like you, and I enjoyed reading you. Kestrel is clever, but so is the prince and Arin and almost all the other characters in this novel. Yet, I still enjoy it. I enjoy the lies and deception, the drama and tension in the palace as Kestrel's wedding day gets closer and closer.

Thus, I find you more a guilty pleasure read. I find you such a guilty pleasure, I don't want to rate you, because if I do, it'll be a high one for sure. I can't high-five you - you're on a hold shelf already and that's just a fatal flaw of libraries, but it's a great feeling because someone else can enjoy the fabulousness of what you are. Then you'll be placed on a shelf somewhere else, or on a hold shelf again, traveling to another reader and then another, and your older sibling will repeat the same process.

And when your younger sibling comes around, s/he will be doing the same thing. In fact, it'll be your fault - you left everyone at a cliffhanger and all of us are demanding to know how this story will unfold.
<div style="text-align: right;">Sincerely,</div>
<div style="text-align: right;">Sophia</div>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Death with a Dark Red Rose
Death with a Dark Red Rose
Julia Buckley | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mysterious Disappearance
Life is going well for Lena London. Her latest collaboration with bestselling novelist Camilla Graham is doing well, she and her fiance, Sam West, are just starting to plan their wedding, and she enjoys spending time with her new friends in Blue Lake. The only shadow is the new factory that is being built just outside of town. It looks like the building is going to be an eye sore, and Lena is not happy about it and other ways it might change this area she considers home. However, a cold wind blows in when someone vanishes. Soon, Lena and her friends are caught up in another race to figure out what is happening before things turn deadly. Will they solve things in time?

I thought this novel’s beginning was weak, but it was the weakest part of the story. Even then, that is a minor complaint since I was hooked from the very first page and could hardly put the book down until I reached the end. If real life didn’t interfere, I could have easily finished it in one sitting. I did see one or two twists coming, but there were plenty others I didn’t suspect, but they made perfect sense by the time we reached the end of the story. I love Lena and her friends, and we got plenty of time with them in these pages. Their relationships are fantastic. Each chapter starts with a quote from the projects that Lena and Camilla are currently working on, and I found they helped me better understand just how this series works Gothic elements into each book. Honestly, I’d love to read their books if they were real. It is best to read this series in order since some events of previous books are spoiled by necessity. That’s not an issue since all the books in this series are great. Set aside plenty of time when you pick up this book because you won’t want to put it down until you’ve read every thrilling page.
Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
2015 | Animation
7.3 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Hotel Transylvania 2 is a new animated family film from Columbia Films, produced by Sony.

It has a huge voice cast, including stars Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kevin James, Steve Buscemi, David Spade, Fran Dresher, Molly Shannon, Megan Mullally, Dana Carvey, Mel Brooks & Jon Lovitz.

This movie was super cute. The adult audience, myself included, laughed out loud, a lot. The kids thought it was hilarious, too.

One thing I liked a lot is that NOT all the good parts are in the commercials and previews, which means there is still “movie left to see” when you get to actually see the film, which is frequently not the case with highly advertised films.

The movie picks up where the first one left off, showing the wedding of Drac’s daughter Mavis to human Jonathan, and quickly jumping from there to the birth of a child (a son! (Named Dennis)) and then to the boys fourth birthday.

When Dennis doesn’t show any signs of his vamp heritage, Drac feels he must step in and try to help the boy “find his fangs”. Jonathan’s parents are none too thrilled with this turn of events and protest in words and actions.

The overall tone of the movie is happy, and teaches a lesson of acceptance.

The chemistry that showed up in the first film, is back in force between Dracula and his hotel buddies, and causes the movie to flow along without any major hiccups.

The jokes are cute, and play to both the kids and to adult humor.

There wasn’t anything that I found to be so inappropriate that it made my grind my teeth, which was a nice change in a children’s film.

If I had to make a complaint, it would honestly be that the movie seemed to almost move TOO quickly and I could have sat through another 20 minutes at least. Even though it’s run time is 90 minutes, it doesn’t “feel like” it lasts that long, and even my 7 year old son said it was ‘a quick movie’.