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Urban Shaman (Walker Papers, #1)
C.E. Murphy | 2005 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had a difficult time really getting into this book simply because I could not connect with the main character, Joanne Walker. The reader gets thrown into the fast-paced plot right from the beginning, but background information about Joanne Walker is almost non-existent. I kept asking myself why this was happening to Joanne, which is explained about half-way through the plot. Nothing is explained about the world that Joanne lives in in regards to the supernatural aspects, only what is immediately happening to her in particular. Why is she being singled out by these Celtic gods, and if there are Celtic ones what about other mythical gods from other cultures? While the plot is exciting and entertaining, the "world-building" information is lacking. From what I can gather, the only reason she is singled out as a shaman in name is because of her Cherokee background, otherwise she would only be a "healer." My question is, what's the difference, where are the details that make her so important and special? Plus, even though she is just discovering her abilities as a shaman, she wields them like a pro, as if she has known how to use them for most of her life. In my opinion, it is much more realistic to make mistakes with such abilities before mastering them, as with any new skill. I did find how Joanne behaves when she is recovering from stepping outside her body humorous as it greatly resembles a drunk, minus the cons of abusing alcohol. Ironically, that was when she was most interesting as a character. Joanne seems to be driven only by instinct and what her abilities are telling her without any real understanding of what is happening. More than once, she wanted to stop and think about what was happening to her, but that never really played out in the plot.
Also, I did pick up on certain similarities with the Patricia Briggs series of Mercy Thompson, such as the main character's interest in being a car mechanic, as well as the coyote presence. Joanne's snarkiness and attitude is also similar to Mercy's.
I give this book three roses simply because as the first book in a series, I am hoping that I get more depth to the character and world with subsequent books.
Definitely a page-turner
This was one of those books that I won on Librarything and then totally enjoyed being introduced to a new author. It was a little wild and crazy in places, but it kept me engrossed and reading, which I really appreciated. I was amazed that absolutely no one seemed to believe Alex: I understand that she had no real evidence to back up her story, but it seemed tragic to me how quickly her friends and family abandoned her to sadness and despair.

I wasn't sure I would like this book at first, because I'm not a huge fan of the unreliable narrator to begin with, especially the self-pitying alcoholic one, which seemed to fit Alex quite well. But, I won't lie, she definitely grew on me. This was *even with* the fact that something else had happened in Alex's life thirteen months ago--something that her friends and co-workers felt she had conflated with her "pretend attack," and everyone, including Alex, referred to incessantly. But, of course, it took forever for anyone to tell us what had actually happened, which drove me a little insane. There's dragging something out for suspense and then there's annoying your reader to no end!

However, I really enjoyed the fact that we couldn't trust any of our characters--even the policewoman investigating Alex's case, Laura Best, who was only out to further her career, not actually seek justice for Alex. My favorite character was Laura's boss, Greg Turner. He was a great detective, and I could totally root for him in his own series. Not being able to trust anybody else, though, was kind of fun. It kept me constantly guessing. The book was surprisingly compelling: truly a page-turner. There were some great twists and turns in this one. I guessed a couple of pieces, but not all of them. In the end, I stayed up late to finish this book, which is always a sign of a winner for me (my sleep is a precious commodity!).

I was impressed that this was the author's debut. I also enjoyed how it kept me madly flipping the pages, trying to figure out what happened. I see Liz Lawler has another book out now, and I'll definitely be checking that one out at some point.
I See You
I See You
Clare Mackintosh | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Monday through Friday for most people is like Groundhog Day. You leave home at the same time every day, take the same route to work and then do the same thing on the way back home. Zoe Walker is on such a commute when she spots a picture in an advertisement that looks a lot like her. Her family can't believe it's her, but when more women appear in the same advertisement, then she is convinced she is correct. Officer Kelly Swift is the first to hear from Zoe and the pictures in the paper. She makes the connection between other pictures in the paper and crimes against women that have happened in the area. Will Kelly be able to find out who is behind the ads before it's too late?

Than you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book. This is the first book I have read by Clare Mackintosh and I look forward to reading more by this author.

At first this book started off a bit slow for me. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. At about the half way mark, things began to pick up. Can you imagine what you would do if you found your picture in the paper? A picture you didn't pose for or give the paper permission to use. What if you found out that there are other women who have had their picture in the advertisement as well and they have been violated in different ways.

I don't know what I would do if I knew someone may be following me to work every day. Ready to either meet me and ask me out for a date, or do something even more serious to me. Can you imagine being on guard all the time. That is how Zoe feels and there isn't much she can do, but wait for the police's help. You never know who is going to do something to you or who is just being friendly.

Early on I thought I knew who the culprit was and when Zoe made the discovery, I was like, "I knew it!" only a few pages later to find out how wrong I was. The last final chapters had me on the edge of my seat and I'm sure it will do the same for you. I can't wait to read

Ross (3284 KP) rated After Life in TV

Apr 11, 2019  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Gervais tries to break the mould again
Once again we see Ricky Gervais try to break the mould for a sit-com, this time by covering some pretty deep and heavy topics. While the humour is still there, it comes through fairly infrequently and is a little off kilter, when compared to the drama of the series.
Gervais plays Tony, a journalist on a local free paper who has recently lost his wife to cancer. Tony has simply given up on life and, while he cannot bring himself to end it, he seems to have decided to just do whatever he wants, no matter the consequences. He is rude to people in the street, makes his colleagues' working days miserable, and while he visits his dad in a care home regularly he clearly hates it and is just doing it out of duty.
Most of the comedy comes through in Gervais doing what he does best - being rude and nasty and way over the top in insulting people. The humour here is more for the shock value (calling a 6 year old a tubby little c**t for example) rather than a more considered layer of humour. As Tony has decided he can just do whatever he wants and hang the consequences, he takes a stand against stupid rules (the scene where he takes his nephew for tea in a café was brilliant).
I preferred the drama side of the series - him trying drugs, meeting new people and gradually softening over the series were some very touching moments and very well written. However when weighed against the comedy it just seems incongruous. I think Gervais needs to think about whether he wants to write a drama (and tone down the comedy a little more) or a comedy (and try less to push the boundaries).
Tony's epiphany was a little rushed/hard to spot. It seems that after 5 episodes of not caring about anything, the 6th starts off with him suddenly being a changed man out of nowhere. There were small moments where he seemed to soften but there was no sudden realisation big enough to justify the change of heart in the last episode.
This was a pretty hard hitting, emotional series, but I think it lost a little of the impact by having Gervais in it and trying to shoe-horn his sense of humour into it.
The Expatriates
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lee's latest novel intricately details the lives of three American women living in the expatriate community in Hong Kong. Margaret, who moved to Hong Kong with her husband and three children, is dealing with a horrible loss and how it has affected her entire being. Hilary, wealthy and married, is adrift in life - struggling to have a baby and floundering in her marriage. And Mercy, the youngest, is a Korean American trying to recover from her own recent horrors and figure out where she belongs. Their lives and stories are linked in small and large ways, as they each traverse the difficulties of life and the consequences of their actions.

It sounds trite - the linked stories of three women, but the book is nearly magical. The chapters are compelling and amazing: you truly feel as if you are there, with the characters, getting completely caught up in their lives and stories. It's one of those books where not a lot happens, yet in some ways, everything happens, and it's mesmerizing somehow. Lee has a unique voice for each character and they each become clearer and defined as the book goes on; they are so themselves that you can't ever imagine not knowing them, or how they would react to a given situation. Much of what happens is sad- in fact, there were times where I felt like my heart was physically hurting reading - but there is much redemption in the book as well. I truly found parts of it to be beautiful.

The ending, which I felt like could have been too easy, or conversely, easily ruined, felt perfect somehow. My only complaint with this book? That it ended. After I finished it, I found myself standing at the sink later that evening, washing some dishes, and thinking, "oh at least I get to read my book later tonight" and then feeling nothing but profound disappointment that the book was over, and I was done being a part of these characters' lives. Lovely, poignant book - highly recommend.

I must note that I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley (thanks!), though I wasn't approved until after it was published. The good news for you is that this novel is available now (as of 1/12/16) in all the various publication forms. You can check out a review of this book and many others on my <a href="">blog</a>;.

Dana (24 KP) rated The Raven King in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Raven King
The Raven King
Maggie Stiefvater | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am actually giving this a 4.5-5 Star review.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this series. I have loved and lost characters and little bits of my heart and soul because of it.

This series, but specifically this book, is just so beautifully written. Every moment is circular in the end. Each character is written with so much care, affection, and love that it breaks my heart.

Maggie Stiefvater is a poet as well as an author. There were so many passages in this book that I underlined as being so beautiful. I cried a lot because of the writing style, in a good way.

Many of the event in this book had been foretold in the previous books, which I thought was cool. Even though we knew what was going to happen, we didn't exactly know how it would happen, so that was surprising and a lot of fun.

Henry Cheng was a surprising character to say the least. I didn't know how I felt about him at first, but he started to grow on me. (As Ronan would probably say, "like a fungus" because he's a smartass like that.)


I loved how my ships were resolved in the end. I didn't want anyone to be hurt or to be alone, and they weren't. Blue and Gansey are just so freaking cute together because they are so opposite! And Ronan and Adam are just hilarious in their interactions. They just seem so angry at each other so often.

I was really sad, but also understanding, of how Noah had to move on. I just thought he was so sweet, but it was his time.

Also, the whole mess with Glendower himself was not easily predictable at all, at least for me. I did not see that one coming. Their whole quest was for not, but they ended up better for it anyway.

Orphan Girl is also so adorable. I love how much like Ronan she is, especially in her temper.

Cabeswater being from Ronan, that was a twist. Also, loved how he is going to dream another one!!

I just love this book so much and even though I know it has to end, I don't want it to.

Sorry if this got a bit rambly and weird, I just have so many emotions about this book!!

BeRad89 (48 KP) rated Sold on a Monday in Books

Mar 23, 2018 (Updated Mar 24, 2018)  
Sold on a Monday
Sold on a Monday
Kristina McMorris | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ellis Reed, a journalist, and Lilly Palmer, a editor's secretary, are brought into a whirlwind of decisions and consequences that all begin with a picture, two actually. The author, Kristina McMorris, sums it up best with her line in Sold on a Monday, “ A ripple of consequences from the click of a shutter.”

I enjoyed finding out about the character through bits and pieces of truth and history scattered throughout the book. It helped the characters evolve and changed how you viewed them as the story progressed. A character that once seemed up tight and snooty was transformed into a loving and caring individual through the glimpses we got of their true character. They were slowly revealed like a flower opening its petals. I liked that the story was told from two different points of view. It helped add a little depth to an otherwise flat book.

Other than a few key points, Part One of Sold on a Monday was unnecessary and tedious. I didn't get excited over being approved to review this book only to have thirty five percent of it to be about a typical journalist who abandons his principles to get “big scoops”. I struggled to get through this part of the book. It didn't make me want to come back for more. I wish this part had been parred down and more interesting area of the book further developed. I was disappointed in the lack of historical context. I was looking forward to getting better insight into people living during the Great Depression; however, the way this story was written, it could have taken place during any time period. Mostly, I was disappointed in how predictable the whole story ended up being. Other than a sad few flashes of excitement, it was flat.

Sold on a Monday by Kristina McMorris is a work of historical fiction. While she develops her characters well, her story itself is either utterly bland or utterly ridiculous. Sold on a Monday will be published August 28, 2018 by SOURCEBOOKS Landmark.

Overall, I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars. It was an okay read. All of Part One was average, but a typical reader will probably like this book. It isn't earth shattering or extraordinary. However, it is a quick and easy read after slogging through the first part. I was slightly disappointed.
Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal
Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal
G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona | 2014 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.7 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
WARNING!!! There is going to be a lot of fangirling in this review.

To say I loved this graphic novel is an understatement. This is my favourite graphic novel that I have read so far ( I am fairly new to them) If I could rate this more than 5 stars I would.I read this for a few different reasons,first being that it has some pretty great reviews, second it's short but entertaining and I love myself some superheroes and third for a boost so I can hit my Goodreads challenge.

So....on to the actual review. Khamala Khan is our protagonist, she's a muslim-american who manages to mysteriously get super powers and becomes the new Ms Marvel. This should be Khamala's dream come true as she is obsessed with superheroes, however it's not as easy as anticipated when she is put in situations where she has to start saving people lives and learning how to control these powers that have been bestowed upon her.

Khamala is a fantastic protagonist, her character has so much depth! What with her religious beliefs, strict parents and trying to find her true identity. It was great to read about a Teenage Muslim girl whose life was run around her family's beliefs, the struggles that she come across, such as friends and parties and not having the freedom that she craves.

I enjoyed all the side characters to the story, the Jock, the cool girl and Khamala's family were all written in really well and each had their own.

It was also funny as Khamala realises that being a superhero is not all it's cracked up to be, especially when she feels very exposed in her skintight outfit and high heel boots. (Obviously not practical for defeating bad guys)

The artwork in this novel was stunning and very much suited the storyline. This would make an excellent start for anyone that has never read a graphic novel before. The characters are fleshed out, the story line is very straight forward and no jumping back and forth and it also touches upon relative topics.

I cannot wait to get my hands on the second volume of this series and is definitely on my wish list for Xmas.

I rated this 5 out of 5 stars
The Assassin&#039;s Blade: The Throne of Glass Novellas
The Assassin's Blade: The Throne of Glass Novellas
Sarah J. Maas | 2014 | Children
8.6 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seeing the roots of celaenas character (1 more)
Seeing the continent and lands in more depth
I didn't much like sam and celaenas relationship (1 more)
Celaenas an idiot
A rather enjoyable backstory
Contains spoilers, click to show
Overall I liked this prequel, I love the cover I love the characters (most of them anyway). Now I do profess I feel I may have read the prequel at the wrong time as it may have spoiled a few things for me but I don't think it will make too much of a difference.
Anyway,I loved the stories, the catalyst causing the dominoe effect beginning in the first story with the tensions being built beautifully through the next 3 stories until the climax in the last one. I loved each story's arc, Ansel and the mute master, Arobynns betrayal and her downfall.
The book is crafter well through the build of all this tension and dram without staying in the same place or there necessarily being constant drama,sometimes just reflection.
However, celaena, Sam and all the rest of them are bloody idiots. The way in which their characers had been built would lead you to believe they were smart individuals but apparently we were lead astray and it is infuriating to see them behave like such buffoons when even throughout he prequel it's clear they wouldn't behave in that manner. For example celaena not going after sam when he didn't return because of a possible breach of trust. Yeah no. I feel like towards the end celaenas character was dumbed down too mich to make ends meet etc, but if her character needed to be dumb to make it flows into the first book then atleast make it clear throughout that she makes these dumb mistakes. Off the top of my head I can't remember any point where she made any overly stupid mistakes.
Furthermore I'm not a fan of celaenas and Sam's relationship, I love and adore sam but him and celaena? It didn't work it was too artificial and built too quickly for it to feel like a natural progression for the two characters.
Despite all that the book is good,the stories are gripping and lovely to read, if you ignore the bits that make you want to rip out your hair.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Robin Hood (2018) in Movies

Nov 26, 2018 (Updated Nov 28, 2018)  
Robin Hood (2018)
Robin Hood (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Bog-standard looks-like-a-computer-game action movie populated by a mixture of blandly good-looking non-actors and people who should probably know better; would have been forgettable tosh but for the fact that the Robin Hood name has inexplicably been plastered onto something bearing virtually zero resemblance to the legend.

Corrupt establishment has embarked upon a series of foreign wars for its own shady purposes, ordinary people are being screwed to pay for it all, plus their young men are being sent off to die. Good-hearted young chap gets his draft letter in the post and is sent off to Afghanistan, or so it seems, he gets sent home on the grounds of excess heroism only to find that someone has moved Nottingham sixty miles and it is now on the coast and has its own harbour. Needless to say he resolves to become a superhero with a secret identity and sort everything out.

The thing that will kill this movie for anyone who actually cares about the Robin Hood legend is that it seems to have no appreciation of the fact that Things Were Different In The Past, and is fairly up front about it: 'we're not going to bore you with history,' the script announces in so many words right at the start. Well, if you really think history is boring, possibly you shouldn't have tried to make a film with a historical setting, then, but thank-you for making your low opinion of your audience's intelligence obvious from the start.

All the things the legend is actually about, and most of the things you would automatically associate with it (sword-fights, the band of Merry Men, Sherwood Forest, King Richard's ransom) are chucked out in favour of a glib and opportunistic one-size-fits-all form of anti-capitalist and anti-establishment agitprop. You may argue that we've seen the classic version of the story so many times before, and this is about doing something new, but if you get rid of the Robin Hood element of the Robin Hood story, you're left with something pointless and stupid, which is really what we have here. The Disney version with the talking fox is much more entertaining, not to mention historically accurate.