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Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Gate 76 in Books

Apr 9, 2019  
Gate 76
Gate 76
Andrew Diamond | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Freddy Ferguson is a private investigator. While walking through the San Francisco airport, a blonde woman catches his attention as she is being escorted on to a flight to Hawaii. She doesn't look very pleased with her escort, maybe this is why she catches Freddy's attention. There are other people in the airport as well that seem to be watching her and her escort to see if they are doing what they should. After she boards the plane and her "handlers" clear the area, she gets off the Hawaii flight and gets on another bound for Chicago. Shortly after take off, the Hawaii flight explodes in the air. Did this woman know the plane was going to blow up? Where did she go and do the people who were looking after her know? Now working with the airline to try and find who did this, Freddy finds corruption in the highest of places. Will he be able to find out what is going on and find the girl?

Thank you to NetGalley and Stolen Time Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

At first this book started out slow for me. I didn't like taking so much time flashing back to Freddy's life. I'm not sure how it tied in with his current situation. Over all the book was pretty good. I felt a very personal connection to the book with all the places mentioned in it in the Washington, D.C. area where I currently live and in Texas where I spent my college years driving all around the state.

Overall, the book was pretty good, redeeming itself towards the end, keeping me drawn in to find out what was going to happen in the end.
Surprise Me
Surprise Me
Sophie Kinsella | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sylvie and Dan have their annual check ups and discover that they have the probability of being married for the next 68 years. It gives them the idea to surprise each other in little ways to help keep their marriage alive. But will this really work to keep the marriage healthy? When the surprises start to backfire, Sylvie and Dan have to take a closer look at their lives together and try to reevaluate their choices.

Sophie Kinsella is one of those authors whose books I have on my TBR, but I haven't read very many of them. Her books are light-hearted and fun with a bit of an edge. This book had me laughing and crying. 68 years is an awfully long time to be with one person. I can only hope to have that with my husband. But what can you do to keep the romance alive and not get bored. Sylvie and Dan believe they have the right idea, but will everything blow up in their faces?

At first the surprises are small, a new piece of clothing, a changing of the decor in the kitchen. But then they get bigger. But when Dan starts to seem distant, Sylvie believes that everything she is trying to keep their marriage alive, is actually backfiring and she may lose Dan forever. When she finds out the truth, she will be crushed as well as fall more in love with her husband.

At first, I wasn't sure if I was going to like this book. It took me a while to get into it, but after a while, I found myself wanting to know what was going to happen.

If you're a Sophie Kinsella fan, I highly suggest you read this book. If you're married, it's a great book to read.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Queenie in Books

Apr 10, 2019  
Candice Carty-Williams | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s not often that we’re given the chance to read a book set in the UK from a black protagonists perspective, and here is a great book to do just that. I’d also like to say though, that although this book was lauded as a cross between Bridget Jones and Americanah, I’m relieved that I’ve read a book that was wholly it’s own story. It’s not a comedy, although there are parts that were funny, and it’s not a story of immigration, because Queenie is second generation British-Jamaican. However, it does hold up to us issues surrounding race - how when a white person thinks they’re being accepting of other cultures, many of them aren’t - and mental health.
Queenie has a breakdown after she splits up with her (white) boyfriend, and suffers so badly with anxiety. Her family believe that the ‘cure’ is to pull herself together, and can’t understand the need for counselling. I’m glad she does it though, because her actions after the split had involved risky sexual behaviour, and her life (personal and work) was unravelling. This is just what happens to some people with anxiety. And Queenie’s childhood has been far from ideal.
Queenie is a great character though: she’s funny, intelligent, outspoken, sensitive and independent. She has some great friends, and her family, even though they have their faults (and whose family doesn’t?!), are there for her - and they’re all fascinating characters.
I really, really enjoyed this. It’s not some cute and fluffy read, and it can be quite raw at times.
For those who appreciate trigger warnings, there may well be some in this book, but it’s a book that reflects Queenie’s life.
Candice Carty-Williams will definitely be a name that I watch out for in future!
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Story (2 more)
Endgame No Spoiler Review!
The Epic ending to last year's Infinity War was all you could hope it to be. Not only did this film have to wrap up the devastating cliffhanger we were left hanging on after the 'snap', it also had to tie up all the character arcs the MCU has built so far for the original Avengers. Somehow this film delivers it all!

The three hour run time may seem daunting to some, but to those who have invested in the last 21 films it's just right. Each character has their moments and the film is filled with the usual MCU humor and action.

The first two hours move at a steady pace, fleshing out the characters and story while building up to the third hour and final act. The ending, as expected, was beyond epic and highly satisfying in every way. The story doesn't drag during the three hours, nor is it straight action. In between we get plenty of 'fan moments' that are just perfect and well earned after all these films.

There is a lot to take in with three hours of story. You may need to see it again as you are sure to be blown away by something you may miss something else. Some moments need to be seen again and at some point you may need a critical bathroom break too.

The film does not have any after credit scenes only a 'sound' at the very end. It's enjoyable for the casual MCU fan to the die-hard fan, having seen Infinity War being a prerequisite in my opinion.

Avengers: Endgame is PG-13, so as far as little ones seeing it, if they could handle Infinity War they can handle this.

This is a must see for any MCU fan and an A+ from me.
We Cast a Shadow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a difficult book for me to get through. Not because of the writing but by seeing too much of myself in the main protagonist. I am a multi-racial father of a multi-racial son. This story resonated so much with me and wanting to 'protect' my son from the injustices of this world and this country. As a white skinned latin-x person, I've struggled so much with the changes of peoples moods and attitudes when they find out my name or my heritage from many different means. So many of the moments where the narrator struggles with his own identity within his heritage context as well as the context of society made me have to stop and take stock of my own life.

So many don't realize the struggle of a parent trying to find one's identity amidst the current racism. Especially for Latin-x people during the reign of Trump and Trumpian ideals within the United Sates. We are being equated with animals and the worst of the worst that share our heritage. Yes, there are some bad people out there, but there are bad people of every skin color or heritage. I want so much to protect my son, and ensure that he gets every opportunity without the problems that this evil presents currently.

This is a near future story, that says so much about who we are today. Especially for those of us who are Multi-Racial. Many of us aren't even accepted in either societies that are full heritage-ly made up. This book was not without it's issues, but it is a very important story. It is a great read for those trying to understand the struggle of Multi-Racial Parents and children. Highly recommend.
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
2018 | Biography, Comedy, Crime
#blackkklansman is an incredible & #fun tribute to the #art of #blaxsploitation film making with a #powerful & very serious #message to tell. Although i found this movie extremely entertaining i left the #cinema feeling extremely #sad & #emotionally shook by it too. What #spikelee has made here is a film that feels very much like a commercial mainstream #comedy film but one thats injected with so much depth & real world drama/issues that its hard not to watch it like its an #educational trip back in time. It really has your #emotions running all over the place especially with its very current & real portrayals of #racism/hate & how it corrupts the weak minded/uneducated while also showing how hate inevitably leads to inhuman & diabolical acts of violence. Infact id say the release of #blackkklansman couldn't of come at a more important time especially with all the hate marches going on in the world & even in my hometown recently. Filmed in such a cool way with an amazing #soundtrack i felt instantly transported back in time & fully immersed from the get go. Lee also uses so many darkly lit, raw & intimate close ups & old filters it makes the viewer feel like we are really there beside the characters really getting to know each & every one of them too. Much like last years #detroit (which i actually prefer) the time period is very well recreated & the overall message here is also just as important & unavoidable too. While not being a film i could recommend to everyone (I think some people may miss the point or fail to see under the films accessible surface) but those who do see it will come away feeling not only entertained but extreamly moved.
#odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #wednesdaywisdom #racist #klukluxklan #lovenothate #blacklivesmatter #empowerment #hate #love #adamdriver #johndavidwashington
Don't you dare
Don't you dare
A. J. Waines | 2018 | Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
‘Don’t You Dare’, by author, A.J. Waines was a riveting, taut and cleverly choreographed read from start to finish!

Although a mistake, and seemingly justified at the time, Rachel, accidentally kills the man her daughter Beth was having an affair with. From then on, both women are forced to cover their tracks to not only hide evidence from the police, but Beth’s fiancé, Peter, too. Beth’s marriage to Peter was supposed to be the answer to all their financial worries and further her acting career, but if this ever got out, well you can imagine, not only would the wedding be over because of her affair, but if caught for murder their lives would be inevitably ruined forever with prison awaiting.

Written from from both mother and daughter’s point of view in first person, this edgy psychological thriller had me hooked from the first page.

‘Don’t You Dare’ was one heck of a fast, tense read for me. Watching the mother desperately trying to sort out her mess, and keeping her daughter from going into a full on meltdown and revealing all, kept me on edge throughout. On top of that, each time I thought I knew all the answers the storyline branched out into another direction, and upped the stakes for both ladies even more.

The ending is superb! I loved how twist after twist the final scenes came to a satisfying end, whilst at the same time the story took on a different angle where an underlying threat would always shadow the two women. Yes, I’m being cryptic for a reason! This is indeed heart-stopping as the hype suggests! I thoroughly enjoyed this thriller, and A.J. Waines’ entertaining writing.

Thanks to A.J. Waines, Bloodhound books and Netgalley for my copy. This is my honest opinion of Don’t You Dare.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Ensemble action pieces (0 more)
Awful dialogue (1 more)
Pointless villain
Dark Phoenix marks the end of an era for the X-Men franchise, being the last of their movies to go into production before the recent acquisition of Fox by Disney. It's a series of movies which unfortunately has had more misfires than hits. But for me, the hits have been right up there with the biggest of the MCU movies in terms of storytelling and entertainment. It's therefore a real shame that Dark Phoenix turns out to be yet another misfire.

Dark Phoenix start off well though. It's 1992, and the X-Men are currently riding high on popularity, with Charles Xavier even having his own hotline to the president. A trip up into space to save some astronauts in peril is impressive, with the X-Men working effectively as a team under pressure. In fact, these team moments are the best thing about the movie - all working together, with every character getting a chance to utilise their specific set of skills.

The worst thing about Dark Phoenix is the script - awkward, cheesy or just plain boring. Moments that are supposed to be emotional, intense or poignant just come across as dull and frustrating, making the heavy handed soundtrack all the more noticeable. Many of the cast do their best with what they've been given, but it rarely works. Add to that a completely pointless villain (Jessica Chastain) without any clearly defined motivation that you can get behind, and the negative elements far outweigh the positive for me. Who knows what form the X-Men may eventually take within the MCU, but hopefully they'll be utilised to their full potential once more.

Erika (17788 KP) Jun 8, 2019

I so agree with you! Seriously, Jessica Chastain's character was completely pointless.
Also, I have no idea why Fox was like, 'Hey, you know that guy that wrote X-Men: Apocalypse? Let's get him to write and direct the next one!'

Now You See Her
Now You See Her
James Patterson | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An ability to suspend belief required for this thriller.
My first James Patterson read or as it was an audiobook - listen (yes I live under a rock) and I was really hoping to love it (my parents have passed on a load of books by him so I have a pile to read)

Nina Bloom is a successful New York lawyer and mother but she has only been Nina for 18 years and she would happily forget the life she had before that. Unfortunately events conspire to make Nina have to face her difficult past head on.

Unfortunately the level of craziness in events was too steep for me to get over. I really need a book to play by the rules of the universe it operates in and this just seemed to be one mad capped thing after another. I can deal with the odd coincidence or strange behaviour to try and move the plot along but I felt this needed the suspense of the readers belief to an extent I can't manage. It wasn't helped by a protagonist I felt personally no sympathy for.

It was certainly a fast paced book and if you are happy to go along for the ride I can imagine this being satisfying. I unfortunately found myself just stopping and going "really?" far to much.

Minor issue that I think affected the audio version was the number of chapters in the book meant the narrator going "Chapter x" every few minutes spoiling the flow. I think it had like 120 chapters which for a book I think is around 360 pages seems excessive, probably less jarring if you are reading rather than listening. The breaks just seemed to be in some odd spots as well.

Might give a written Patterson a try and see if I get along better with that.
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Harley quinn, deadshot (0 more)
I like this movie more than most people.before anyone says anything this film does have issues some that the dvd release remedies. Harley Quinn was the highlight of the movie and I know people gripe about her costume but if you read the new 52 comics her costume is just as revealing. Jared leto as the joker takes some getting used to but I am one that can separate each actor who has played joker and while he was not the greatest joker he was good as the joker. Another highlight that surprised me was will Smith as deadshot I was prepared not to like him as deadshot but he really surprised me. I would have liked to know more about killer croc and captain boomerang but unlike some people I read the comics before I saw the movie which helped with some back stories that were not provided. It almost would have been better to make a couple of movies with some of the more major characters in suicide squad. I also really liked el Diablo as well. Some of the issues were that it felt like back stories were rushed some were left out so if you weren't familiar with the villain you wouldn't completely understand what was driving them. I loved all the Harley Quinn things because I have been a fan of Harley Quinn since she first appeared in the 90s that being said the back story of her and joker would have been better in a harley/ joker movie it's not bad but not the movie it could of been. I really enjoy the movie and can't wait for the next one but hope they take the advice of the fans