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Where in the world have I been? Under a rock? I feel like I have missed out on all Tammy L. Gray’s other books! This was my first time reading one of her books and I thoroughly enjoyed her straightforward writing style. This book is probably the first in a series if I had a guess, and I am very happy with that prospect.

Tammy L. Gray writes this story from a first-person perspective and it was fascinating. I loved the raw emotions, and actions of the characters; they felt real and not cushioned by the reader’s expectations. January is a very well-developed character whom I could totally relate too (I mean honestly, how many of us have not dressed up for someone we hoped to impress and had less than satisfactory results?). But January takes it all in stride and turns her misfortunes around without even realizing that she is doing it. I also really enjoyed the slow build romance in this story, it was not the focus, but it was a great side-benefit.

The setting of this book was in Texas, which was awesome, as I know many of the places that were mentioned in this book. It was just the right amount of small-town charm mixed with the feeling of being apart of something bigger. I enjoyed the offhanded humor and the amazing message of accepting people as they are and letting the Lord work. Truly a great portrayal of the gospel.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great story-line, the real and edgy characters, and for the underlying themes throughout the whole book! I highly recommend picking this book up to read.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Phillip Youmans recommended City Of God (2002) in Movies (curated)

City Of God (2002)
City Of God (2002)
2002 | Crime, Drama

"City of God is kinetic and visceral. The active camerawork is gorgeous. City of God really did try to find those moments where we can pause and view these characters without any judgment. No character in City of God is black-and-white. There are moments when, even though we know some of these dudes are ruthless killers, they show us little hints that showcase their youth and make it clear to us that they’re still 16-, 17-, 18-years-old at the end of the day. One scene in particular I remember is Li’l Zé. He was this ruthless overlord, but he gets turned down at that dance party. And you just see his face where he’s smiling at first, and then you just see the embarrassment wash over him. Oh my God! Literally everyone in the world knows that moment; everyone in the world knows what it’s like to get rejected. But considering that we’ve seen this man brutally kill people at this point, I think it’s so interesting how the filmmaker also never intended for you to judge those characters. But he also never wanted to give a romanticized view of their life. He wanted you to fully understand how difficult and horrifying some of those realities can be. City of God is a masterpiece. Really quick though, I also want to take the time, and give a special mention to Ava DuVernay’s work. Ava makes the most culturally important work of our time as a filmmaker. 13th is what taught the entire world that we’re essentially living in a re-engineered version of slavery. Ava is committed to promoting awareness. Outside of her being an extraordinarily talented filmmaker, she makes incredibly formative and culturally impactful work. I just want to shout her out as well."

Becoming Red (The Becoming #1)
Becoming Red (The Becoming #1)
Jess Raven | 2012
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

 love the cover of this and its sequel Becoming Bad; both are amazing and grab your attention straight away.

As for the story, well, I have to admit it took me a while to get into it. I think it was down to all the description and the changes in time at the beginning; Connal’s POV and then switching to Ash’s but it occurring before Connal’s. It was a bit confusing to start with, but it got better as the two met and interacted.

I was intrigued where the story was going from early on and it wasn’t until nearly half way through where I figured it out (maybe I was just slow :S) but after that point I was really into it. The whole chemistry between Connal and Ash was quite fun to read about, how she’d rather not have him following her but at the same time she was attracted to him. The authors’ reference’s to “Little Red” and “Big Bad” also added a bit of humour.

Ash was a woman who didn’t mess around; she carried a knife and told people what she thought of them if they messed around with her and I liked her attitude. Though sometimes, her actions were a bit questionable.

Connal; a dread haired mountain of a man, just seemed to ooze sex and I liked how protective he was of Ash, if only, at the start, because his employer told him to.

It was an interesting story and something different to what I normally read, or should I say a different take on it, and I enjoyed it: A woman being the last carrier of a gene that could mean the repopulation of a dying breed.
Retribution (A Claire Whitcomb Western #1)
Retribution (A Claire Whitcomb Western #1)
D.V. Berkom | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am lucky enough to be a part of D.V. Berkom's advance reader team and I was sent a copy of this prior to it's release on 20-Nov-2020 for which I will be eternally grateful because what we have here is an introduction to what I believe will be another excellent series featuring a strong female character.

I am not normally one for reading westerns, in fact I usually give them a wide berth and don't even bother reading the blurb but given I have read several of D.V. Berkom's books featuring the excellent Leine Basso, when I was asked if I would like to receive an advance copy, I thought why the heck not and I was so pleased I did.

Claire, her husband Josiah and 3 children move to the Wild West in search of a new life however, tragedy strikes when Josiah and the children are brutally killed and Claire is left alone. It soon transpires that Claire is being accused of the murders and so she teams up with Mart and Thomas to clear her name and seek revenge.

This is a fast paced read with excellent characters, great setting and exciting plot. If I have one complaint, it's that it's over way too quickly; I was left wanting to read more now ... oh well, I will just have to wait to see what scrapes and adventures Claire finds herself mixed up in and how her character develops as she roams the Wild West on her trusty steed, Rose.

Thank you to D.V. Berkom for writing another absolute cracker, for giving me the opportunity to broaden my horizons and for introducing me to another genre ... now hurry up and get the next one finished 😉

Tom Ford recommended Little Women (2019) in Movies (curated)

Little Women (2019)
Little Women (2019)
2019 | Drama

"When I first heard that “Little Women” was being made as a film yet again, I thought to myself; why? I honestly never understand remakes, especially when there are great versions that have already been made. And in the case of “Little Women,” some very dull ones as well. The simple fact that Louisa May Alcott never actually wanted to write “Little Women” and that she and her editor thought it was flat at the time that it was published in 1868, has been obvious in several of the film and television versions of this story. However, when I read that Greta Gerwig had written a new screenplay based on the novel and that Gerwig was going to direct, my interest was piqued. Perhaps I had been wrong about the merits of a remake of “Little Women.” Perhaps the fact that an incredibly talented and wholly contemporary female writer-director had decided to take this on meant that I had overlooked something. And indeed I had. There is nothing dull or flat about Greta Gerwig’s “Little Women.” It is at once a classic and yet completely contemporary. It is lush and fresh. The exceptional screenplay, the brilliant casting, the nuanced and original performances, the sets, the costumes, the rhythm and pace are all exactly right. The film speaks to the struggles of women in our culture to break free from the conventions that in many ways still attempt to ground them. It is a coming of age tale, but it is not a coming-of-age tale mired in the mid-19th century; it is a coming-of-age tale for all time. After “Lady Bird” I was of course impressed with Ms. Gerwig’s directing, but with “Little Women” I’ve become jealous. Very jealous. Which for me is always the greatest compliment. Brava. "

Ain't That Good News by Sam Cooke
Ain't That Good News by Sam Cooke
1964 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Sam Cooke’s voice on this song is just absolutely... It guts you, it's so emotional. It was written around the time of the civil rights movement, really addressing the struggle and trying to maintain hope throughout that struggle and to push through and to persevere. “""A Change Is Gonna Come"" is something that I sang years ago in this thing called The Zodiac Show in L.A. It was the first time that I was stepping out of the world of musical theatre, singing how I wanted to sing and dressing how I wanted to dress and expressing myself. “The song took on a slightly new meaning for me because I’d been struggling within the theatre world, believe it or not, for sort of being perceived as 'too gay' for a lot of these roles and the things that I was auditioning for. It became a bit frustrating and I thought “Well, fuck, I thought I was in theatre, all the weirdos are in theatre and we're supposed to support each other.” I didn't feel that sense of community as much as I wanted to. “I also ended up signing it on American Idol and it kind of came back around as a full circle thing. Funnily enough, I sang it in the finale and didn't win. Many would say “Oh, maybe that's because of how they perceived you to be.” It was this repeated concept for me, both times. “My interpretation of the song was my personal change, that things were going to get better and things were going to become different hopefully, and that I was going to not give up, and strive towards that. This song has that personal meaning to me."

No Shouts No Calls by Electrelane
No Shouts No Calls by Electrelane
2007 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

To the East by Electrelane

(0 Ratings)


"I'm just realising as we're going through them - so many of these songs are about loss aren't they? ‘To the East’ isn’t just straight-up melancholy, it’s a song of hope as well; it might be completely redundant, impotent hope, but there is still hope in there. “She's singing to somebody to come back and that the East could be home, but the whole time you're listening to it you suspect the truth of the situation is that those words will never actually be said. Or maybe that's just the way I'm feeling it, I don't know. Again though, it's a very easy song to empathise with; I really believe the voice that's singing it to me. I don't know whether it's about a personal experience or if they're just imagined characters and to be honest, I don't care. I'm right there with them - I'm feeling it too. “I think either our first or second ever show outside of Britain - I can't remember which - was with Electrelane, in Barcelona at that club, Razzmatazz. It was quite the thrill, to be leaving the country to open up for this band we loved. I was really sad when they split up - again, another loss. I wish they were still performing. I think the last time I saw them was at Field Day in 2011 and they were still so great. They did a cover of 'I'm on Fire' by Bruce Springsteen and it was really something else. “They're one of those bands where you only need to hear a few seconds of any given song to know it's them, which means they've also got that trick of being able to make a cover sound like they wrote it themselves.”"

Antics in the Forbidden Zone by Adam and the Ants / Adam Ant
Antics in the Forbidden Zone by Adam and the Ants / Adam Ant
1990 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Following on nicely from “Just What I Needed”, I went to see my Dad in Florida and he had the 12” of “Stand and Deliver” which had “Beat My Guest” on the B-side. “I was into rap at that time, Run DMC and that kind of stuff, so for a ten-year-old it was ‘What the fuck is this?’ I was blown away. I was floored by the riff and “Beat My Guest” has the ultimate guitar riff, it’s so badass. I was into the make-up as well because I was into KISS too, so I thought that was cool. I was mesmerised by the whole look. “My Dad was always one step ahead of me. I remember being with him in Michigan once, we had this cottage we’d go to with my grandparents and he joined us one year, which was really fun. He was looking in the paper to see who was playing in Detroit - which was two hours away - he found out The Dead Kennedys were playing in some tiny little club and he left to go and see them. “I remember thinking my Dad was the coolest, I was ‘What the hell does that mean? He’s into some weird shit.’ He taught me everything. He spoke to me about music, but he doesn’t play music. I acquired a lot of his records when my parents split up, he gave me that Adam Ant record and I was bawling on the plane. “The next time I went to visit my Dad I’d discovered more Adam and The Ants and I wanted to talk to him about all of these other songs I’d heard, but he was already onto the next thing, which was Devo."


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Feb 12, 2021  
Check out this awesome playlist (and the sweet inspiration for it) for the cozy mystery GRAND OPENINGS CAN BE MURDER by Amber Royer Author on my blog. Come view the book trailer, and enter the giveaway to win a signed copy of the book as well as a $25 gift card to Dandelion Chocolate!

Felicity Koerber has had a rough year. She's moving back to Galveston Island and opening a bean to bar chocolate factory, fulfilling a dream she and her late husband, Kevin, had shared. Craft chocolate means a chance to travel the world, meeting with farmers and bringing back beans she can turn into little blocks of happiness, right close to home and family. She thinks trouble has walked into her carefully re-built world when puddle-jump pilot Logan Hanlon shows up at her grand opening to order custom chocolates. Then one of her employees drops dead at the party, and Felicity's one-who-got-away ex-boyfriend - who's now a cop - thinks Felicity is a suspect.

As the murder victim's life becomes more and more of a mystery, Felicity realizes that if she's going to clear her name in time to save her business, she might need Logan's help. Though she's not sure if she's ready to let anyone into her life - even if it is to protect her from being the killer's next victim. For Felicity, Galveston is all about history, and a love-hate relationship with the ocean, which keeps threatening to deliver another hurricane - right into the middle of her investigation. Can she figure it out before all the clues get washed away? FIRST IN A NEW SERIES!