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    Kathryn Ferry

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    Now synonymous with the single storey home, when the bungalow was introduced to Britain in the late...


Kane Hodder recommended Red Hill (2010) in Movies (curated)

Red Hill (2010)
Red Hill (2010)
2010 | Action, International, Drama
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Movie Favorite

"I typically don’t like Western-type movies that much, but Red Hill. I really enjoyed that. I’m very picky about the bad guy, and whether or not he looks intimidating to me, you know? Like, I saw the I Spit on Your Grave remake, and all of the bad guys looked like soap opera actors that let their stubble grow. They didn’t have the aura of being a badass. And I’m sorry to those actors. They’re probably going to ****ing hate me, but this didn’t come across as intimidating or scary or anything, or even convincing as criminals, whereas this guy in Red Hill was the best bad guy I’ve seen in a long time. Just when he would look, he would look scary as ****. I love a bad guy that really convinces me."
