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In the Line of Fire (1993)
In the Line of Fire (1993)
1993 | Action, Mystery
Early 90s political thriller starring the ever-reliable Clint Eastwood (in, I feel, a rare non-Western role) as the lone still-in-service Secret Service Agent who was on duty when JFK got shot, and who gets pulled into a game of cat and mouse when the current President's life is threatened during his re-election campaign by a psychopath, brilliantly (and creepily) played by John Malkovich, despite and over the advice of that President's chief of staff (who doesn't believe there to be any danger).

This takes a while to get going, and there are more than a few cliches along the way - "I'm going to quit tomorrow' being the most egregious - with the film largely relying on the charisma of its leading actors. Thankfully, they are - mostly - up to the task.
    TruckSimulation 16

    TruckSimulation 16


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    In TruckSimulation 16 you will take true-to-life control of one of nine real trucks. Start out with...

The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1)
The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1)
Roshani Chokshi | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've had this on my TBR shelf for quite a while, but only got around to reading it because the library finally really wants it back. Oops! And now I'm regretting not reading it sooner because it is OH MY GOD FANTASTIC. This is one of those books that's going to be hard to talk about without giving things away about the plot, but I'm going to try. Maya is the main character, a princess with a horoscope full of doom for whoever marries her.

She's in for a surprise when she does marry, though, as she is whisked away from her father's kingdom to a palace full of hidden doors and a husband who is more than he seems. She's quickly embroiled in a mystery to find out not only the secrets her husband's kingdom is hiding, but the secrets behind her own history.

I absolutely love reading non-western fantasy because there are NEW fantasy elements to discover. This book makes heavy use of reincarnation, which is not a common trope in western fantasy. Not reincarnation as karma, anyway. There is fate, and horoscopes, and choosing your own destiny despite those things, and spirit worlds, and OH IT'S JUST SO GOOD.

The second book, about Maya's sister, came out last March, so I need to read that too. The same author has written another book set in Paris, The Gilded Wolves, which came out in January and immediately hit the bestseller list. I'm glad, this author is fantastic. I'm not sure I'll read it though, as the description doesn't really intrigue me. But The Star-Touched Queen and its sequel, A Crown of Wishes - these are just my cup of tea!

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