Imagine Japan: Earliest Photographs from the Aime Humbert Collection (1863-1864)
Philippe Dallais and Akiyoshi Tani
The very first photographs of Japan were fascinating to the Western world, causing a wave of...

In the Age of Giorgione
Simone Facchinetti and Arturo Galansino
Venice at the start of the sixteenth century was Europe's undisputed capital of culture: home to...

Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination
The Gothic imagination, that dark predilection for horrors and terrors, spectres and sprites,...

The Archaeology of Lydia, from Gyges to Alexander
In The Archaeology of Lydia, from Gyges to Alexander, Christopher Roosevelt provides the first...
The Landscape Painting of China: Musings of a Journeyman
Harrie A. Vanderstappen, Jason Steuber and Roger E. Covey
Chinese landscape painting is not just one of the great arts of China; it is one of the greatest...
The Mercantile Effect: On Art and Exchange in the Islamicate World During 17th 18th Centuries
This lavishly illustrated book collects papers delivered at the third Gingko conference: "The...

The Republic
An award-winning photojournalist returns to his home country to capture in images the spirit of...

The Stage Lives of Animals: Zooesis and Performance
The Stage Lives of Animals examines what it might mean to make theatre beyond the human. In this...

The World of Urban Decay 2
When exploring the remains of forgotten buildings and abandoned lots in Eastern and Western Europe,...