Women in Imperial China
This accessible text provides a comprehensive survey of women's history in China from the Neolithic...

Breastfeeding Uncovered: Who Really Decides How We Feed Our Babies?
Across the world mothers are urged to breastfeed, but in Western society many find this a difficult...

Ganja Yoga: A Practical Guide to Conscious Relaxation, Soothing Pain Relief and Enlightened Self-Discovery
The First Ever Guide to Ganja Yoga, Offering a Path to Intentional Relaxation, Mindful Movement and...
Happy as a Dane: 10 Secrets of the Happiest People in the World
For decades Denmark has ranked at the top of the world's happiness surveys. 5.6 million Danes live...

Meditation: Coming to Know Your Mind
Meditation is a clear, how-to book on meditation, especially aimed at beginners, but also offering...

Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politics
A fresh and fascinating look at the philosophies, politics, and intellectual legacy of one of the...

Final Wicket: Test and First Class Cricketers Killed in the Great War
While cricket remains a national game today, at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, it was THE...

From Yoga to Kabbalah: Religious Exoticism and the Logics of Bricolage
Religious exoticism implies a deeply ambivalent relationship to otherness and to religion itself:...

Historical Dictionary of Science and Technology in Modern China
Lawrence R. Sullivan and Nancy Y. Liu
The Historical Dictionary of Science and Technology in Modern China provides the most up-to-date...

Imperial Unknowns: The French and British in the Mediterranean, 1650-1750
In this major new study, the history of the French and British trading empires in the early modern...