The Real Jeeves: The Cricketer Who Gave His Life for His Country and His Name to a Legend
The Real Jeeves tells the story of a young cricketer whose glorious life was snuffed out, but whose...

With the British Army on the Somme: Memoirs from the Trenches
A rare and vivid account of life on the Battlefields of the Great War, With the British Army on the...

Xi Jinping: Red China, the Next Generation
With the rise to power of the fifth generation in 2012, Xi Jinping became the undisputed leader of...
Technoscientific Imaginaries: Conversations, Profiles and Memoirs
What is it like to be a scientist at the end of the 20th century? How have shifts in power and in...

Cables from Kabul: The Inside Story of the West's Afghanistan Campaign
A frank and honest memoir by Britain's former ambassador to Kabul which provides a unique,...

CEO, China: The Rise of Xi Jinping
China has become the powerhouse of the world economy, its incredible boom overseen by the elite...

Confessions of Saint Augustine
Augustine Hippo and E.B. Pusey
St Augustine's 'Confessions' was written between AD 397-400. An autobiographical work, it was...

Dancing with the Enemy: My Family's Holocaust Secret
When Paul Glaser discovered his Aunt Rosie's remarkable wartime diaries, photographs and letters he...

Eyes in Gaza: 2013
Mads Gilbert, Erik Fosse, Guy Puzey and Frank Stewart
During the course of Israel's twenty-two-day military offensive in 2009 on the Gaza Strip 1,300,...

Eyewitness Accounts: Pilgrimage to Meccah
The journey that made Richard Burton famous as a traveller and explorer in the nineteenth century...