Freud: The Making of an Illusion
Sigmund Freud is one of the most influential figures of western society. His ideas transformed the...

My Damage: The Story of a Punk Rock Survivor
Keith Morris is a true punk icon. No one else embodies the sound of Southern Californian hardcore...

Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil
The best oils are made by authentic artist-craftsmen, who marry centuries-old agricultural wisdom...
Beyond the Welfare State: Postwar Social Settlement and Public Pension Policy in Canada and Australia
Neoliberal calls for welfare state reforms, especially cuts to public pensions, are a contentious...

Isambard Kingdom Brunel
The famous son of a famous father, Isambard Kingdom Brunel was acknowledged in his own lifetime as...

Conflict and Commerce in Maritime East Asia: The Zheng Family and the Shaping of the Modern World, c.1620-1720
The Zheng family of merchants and militarists emerged from the tumultuous seventeenth century amid a...

Architecture in Black: Theory, Space and Appearance
Based on analysis of historical, philosophical, and semiotic texts, Architecture in Black presents a...
Bushido: The Classic Portrait of Samurai Martial Culture
Justice. Courage. Benevolence. Politeness. Sincerity. Honor. Loyalty. These are the seven precepts...

Christo-Fiction: The Ruins of Athens and Jerusalem
Robin Mackay and Francois Laruelle
Francois Laruelle's lifelong project of "nonphilosophy," or "nonstandard philosophy," thinks past...
Interreligious Philosophical Dialogues
This set of volumes provides a unique approach to the philosophy of religion - a dialogical...