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The Lone Ranger (2013)
The Lone Ranger (2013)
2013 | Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Western
With much of the pre-release coverage of the film centered on the reportedly $250 million plus shooting budget, audiences can finally see the fruits of this labor as Disney brings “The Lone Ranger” to the big screen. The movie stars Johnny Depp as Tonto and tells a slightly updated tale of the masked ranger, yet stays refreshingly grounded in the traditions and history of the source material.


Armie Hammer stars as John Reid, a district attorney who returns to Texas to provide justice to a lawless land that is in the process of great expansion thanks to the pending completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. In the 1860s, the country is in a great state of change as the completion of the railroad will allow people to travel coast-to-coast across, something that was once an extremely long and dangerous journey to undertake.


The local railroad administrator plans to do a public hanging of notorious outlaw murder Butch Cavendish (William Fichtner), as an example of how law and order has come to the wild frontier, a show to encourage Western expansion and install a sense of security in the local populace. The local Comanche tribes are told that as long as they continue to honor the established treaties they will be able to coexist in peace with the Western settlers.


Following a daring escape from the train that is carrying him to justice, Cavendish departs into the desert with his gang of outlaws. Not willing to let him escape justice once again, Reid’s brother Dan deputizes John, and leads the posse to bring Cavendish to justice. Now as anybody who’s followed any of the previous incarnations of the story knows, the posse is ambushed and all the Rangers are brutally murdered by Cavendish and is outlaws. Enter Tonto, who discovers John barely alive, and overseas his restoration to health. It is Tonto who convinces Reid to wear a mask as he is convinced that Cavendish had help and that it would be best for John and his brother’s family if the world believed John died with the other rangers to save them from any possible retribution


In a refreshing change of pace, Reid is not a swaggering fountain of machismo. He is a man who puts his faith in the law rather than in a six shooter and is actually hesitant to fire a weapon and use lethal forms of violence to dispense justice. This brings him at odds from time to time with Tonto who tries to walk the thin line between his people and his beliefs and the ever-changing modern world around him.


When the military began systematically retaliating against Tonto’s people for perceived raids against the townspeople, Reid and Tonto not only must deal with Cavendish and his gang of outlaws but must get to the bottom of a larger mystery that threatens to not only eradicate the Comanche people but to threaten the good citizens of the area. With his trusty and at times comical white horse, Silver, Reid and Tonto must learn to coexist with each other in a desperate race against time.


The film was an extremely enjoyable and fresh take on the characters that I really enjoyed. By giving the characters slightly more updated and relatable personas and traits yet retaining their core identities in history, Depp and Hammer made this a Western that was fun and cool and yet stayed true to the origins of the characters while making them more appealing to a modern audience. What really impressed me was Depp how he took what is often jokingly seen as a stereo typical Western sidekick and made him a very compelling yet diverse character. Yes, there is a lot of humor in the film but it is entertainingly at the expense of Reid, most often with Tonto getting some of the best lines in the film. I really appreciated the fact how it told a story without being overly politically correct or preaching, letting the characters and the action convey the message.


The action in the film is solid and the harrowing finale had people in the test screening cheering the action. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer and Director Gore Verbinski are to be commended for bringing a lively story that introduces the iconic characters to a new generation of fans. I hope that the film is able to draw fans and gives Disney’s a good return on its large investment as I would love to see Depp and Hammer back for future adventures. “The Lone Ranger” was the most pleasant surprise of the summer to date and the only summer film so far that I would pay to see again.
The Magnificent Seven (2016)
The Magnificent Seven (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Western
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Hornery Exit.
As a big fan of the original – a staple of many Bank Holiday afternoons in my youth – I was prepared to be sniffy about this remake and came to the film on my high-horse (I left that tied to the rail outside the cinema by the way). But I was surprised to have my expectations reset.
Possibly on the basis that Trump has been given the Mexican’s a good bashing lately, the villain of the piece in this film is updated from Mexican bandit Calvera to Sacremento based land-snatcher and all round bad-egg Bartholomew Bogue (an expressionless Peter Sarsgaard). After ripping through some of the inhabitants of Rose Creek in a brutal pre-title sequence, widowed sharp-shooter Emma Cullen (Haley Bennett, “The Equalizer”) heads into the West on a recruiting mission for hired guns. She first recruits the bounty hunter Chisholm (sing “Chisum, John Chisum…”… no, sorry different Western) played by Denzel Washington. Washington matches Yul Brynner’s famous black outfit, and unlike Brynner is obviously able to finish off the ensemble naturally!

They recruit another six (who’d have thought it?) including wise-guy gambler Faraday (Chris “Guardians of the Galaxy” Pratt); famed confederate sniper Goodnight Robicheaux (Ethan Hawke); his nifty knife throwing Asian sidekick (but good for the Far East box office) Billy Rocks (Bjung-hun Lee, from Terminator: Genisys); and religious bear-of-a-man Indian-hunter Jack Horne (Vincent D’Onofrio, “Jurassic World”). After trying to whip the incompetent townsfolk into shape, and setting some Home-Alone style surprises, the stage is set for a showdown as Bogue whips up an army to re-take “his” town.

I like classic Westerns, with John Ford’s Rio Bravo being a particular favourite. In my view the problem with many modern Westerns is that they try too hard to shock (Tarentino’s recent “Hateful 8” was a case in point: a promising start ruined by gratuitous over-the-top violence). “The Magnificent Seven” doesn’t make that mistake, and while the squib-master and blood-bag boy are heavily employed throughout, nothing is too excessive: in fact, my view – and I don’t often tend in this direction – is that the censors rather over-egged the UK 12A rating on this one and could have gone with a 12. Director Antoine Fuqua has produced a film that is highly respectful of its heritage: perhaps to the point where many scenes might be deemed to be clichéd. But I personally warmed to that.

Denzel Washington was born to be in a Western like this and the emerging Chris Pratt does his star potential no harm by turning in a stellar performance adding both levity – with some whip-sharp lines – and screen presence in the role made famous by Steve McQueen. (Although no one comes close to the screen presence of McQueen…. Look up “real man” in the dictionary and his picture is there!) Also effective is Ethan Hawke in the nearest thing to the Robert Vaughan character in this film.

Where the adapted script by Richard Wenk and Nik Pizzolatto falters somewhat is in the motivations of the characters, which come across as superficial and unconvincing. (Perhaps “selling” was a whole lot easier in the Old West?) It is even unclear at the end of the film whether the survivors (and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the seven don’t all make it!) actually take their payment, or even a “share of the gold” that the town is sitting on. It makes for an unsatisfactory closure. The degree of racial harmony present in the film is also difficult to buy into, and the script could have made something more of this.

The film soundtrack marks the swan-song of the late James Horner, so tragically killed in a plane crash last year at the age of just 61. As the natural successor to the great John Williams and the late Jerry Goldsmith, Horner’s loss was a terrible one. The film is dedicated to him. Although the soundtrack was completed by Simon Franglen, there are flourishes of classic Horner, most notably in the first Rose Creek showdown scene. There is also a treat to the ears over the closing credits which is very welcome.

Although the film draws natural comparison with its 5* classic predecessor, this is a good film in its own right – a genuinely pleasant surprise. Perhaps its done well enough that we might get to now see a remake of “The Return of the Seven”. I hope so… “the Western is dead… long live the Western”!
This is unique kind of story in itself. It about a family in Apple Grove along with Luke Carson and his men on a trail. There are some things that happen along the way. Emma and Luke relationship starts to form.

In the prologue you learn about Luke Carson, and his pa. Luke was picked to be a trail boss to take Mr. Hancock cattle to market. He is to take the cattle drive from Texas to Hays. We find out what some of what Luke Carson wants in life and it bit different then this fathers life.

Emma Switzer and her family were on their way to Troyer. Emma does not want to leave Apple Grove to go to Troyer to live her aunt. Her Grandmother Switzer insisted on her to go with Emma to Troyer.

We start out on the trail in Kansas going from one Amish community to another Amish community. When unexpected things start to happen to the Switzer's family. They are robbed of their belongings, and were left with nothing, but their lives. Emma Switzer's father Jonas, sister Rebecca and grandmother Switzer's were all traveling to Troyer, KS. They were hoping that Emma would find husband, as their were more Amish men available there.

After they are left on the trail, they pray for God's help and is provided with assistance from Luke Carson. He is on a cattle drive, and is in a anxious to get to Hays, KS with his animals.

Wait until you hear what Grandma Switzer.... says and does on the wagon ride. It to funny.

So if you are in a need to laugh or you just want to read it read about to see what up with this wonder of a book. The best way to put on smile is to laugh at something. As they say laughter is best medicine.
I would recommend it but to read this it up to you to decide. These are my honest feeling and for this review. It is a fun and funny book, but if you do not like western or cowboys or rustlers this may not be a book for you but that is up to you to decide. I do not like to many histical or western stories but this one got my attention and did like it.
Legend (A Claire Whitcomb Western #3)
Legend (A Claire Whitcomb Western #3)
D.V. Berkom | 2021 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If, like me, you tend to bypass the Western or Historical Fiction genres thinking they might be boring or not what you usually enjoy, can I give you a little advice? Don't ... take a look at the blurb and if it sparks even a little light of interest, give it a go ... you never know, you might enjoy it. I have certainly enjoyed this series and it is way off what I normally read.

This is a very satisfying third and, supposedly the last, book in the series featuring Claire Whitcomb with "Retribution" being the first and "Gunslinger" being the second. Claire is a strong female in a time when strong females were frowned upon and she has to work doubly hard to follow the line of work she wishes and to prove herself amongst a world full of men; she does this with grace, dignity and style in this story filled with action and adventure set in the Wild West.

What I particularly enjoy is the references to real historical figures and places such as Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, Calamity Jane, Tombstone and the OK Corral; these are people and places I have grown up with (my dad and husband being avid Western watchers) and with adding a great character like Claire in amongst it all brought it to life even more for me.

My only gripe, which has continued over the three books, is that they aren't long enough ... you no sooner start when you have finished but maybe that's my fault and I read too quickly!

Having said that, I still highly recommend this series and D.V. Berkom as a whole; you won't be disappointed with anything she writes because, let's face it, what's not to like - great characters, immersive stories that transport you to different times and places, action, adventure, thrills and spills; she writes about it all with the bonus of the lead characters being strong females that aren't afraid to kick some behinds! So, have a look at her back catalogue and get reading.

I am lucky to be a member of D.V. Berkom's ARTeam and was sent a copy of Legend before the official publication date of 12-January-2020 in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review and for which I am, once again, extremely grateful.
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