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The Gunslinger
The Gunslinger
Stephen King | 2012 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.7 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first read The Gunslinger when I was in high school and at the height of my Stephen King obsession. Going in and didn't really know what to expect from the story since I didn't really look too much into the series when I first picked it up which I'm pretty glad I didn't because I have never been much of a western fan so I'm not sure if I really would have have this a fair shot.

The Gunslinger honestly can be on the slow side even for such a short book but King does an amazing job of really showing you the world ge is building while still leaving a lot open for the series to build around. After reading this for the first and second time in still not sure how I feel about Rowland aka The Gunslinger I do grow to really love the character in the next book but as an introduction my feelings are never really solid. The character that really peaks my interest is The Man In Black through out the book I just can't wait to find out more about him and why Rowland is chasing him.