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Sam (228 KP) rated Bumblebee (2018) in Movies

Mar 3, 2019  
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Wonderful Acting (1 more)
Not Much Action for an Action Film (1 more)
Expected More
More Adorable Than Action
I will be the first to admit that I'm not a huge transformers fan. However, my friend really wanted to see it and so I ended up seeing it through. I'll admit that I liked it more than I thought I would but I find this is due to the fact that this movie did not follow the typical layout for a transformers movie. Rather I found it to be more in the spirit of teenhood flick than an action packed movie about robots from outer space. I found bumblebee
 to be humorous, fun loving character as he learned the basics of earth and his female friend to be... well more whimsical than the usual strong, overly sexualized female lead the transformers movies often portray. It was a nice change, the whole film was very different, not what I was expecting at all. Whether this is a good thing or not has yet to be decided though as I wait to watch whether the transformers movies are going to continue and what will be released next. However, if you've come looking for an Action flick to watch then I would suggest something else because you will find nothing more than a whimsical teen flick here, all about building friendships between alien races, much like E.T.
Lost In Translation (2003)
Lost In Translation (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Bill Murray is fabulous as usual (0 more)
Usual lack of integration (0 more)
A love story of loneliness
I love this film for its whimsical outlook of expatriates in Japan. It's a love story of loneliness between two people incredibly unsuited to one another. An older man, Bill Murray, married with grown kids, and the newly wed Scarlet Johannson, left to her own devices while her husband was at work. It's bittersweet for what it is. Having lived in China for three years I could empathise for some part, but unlike the protagonists who made zero effort to integrate, I learnt to speak the language. That's my only complaint.