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Awix (3310 KP) rated Dumbo (2019) in Movies

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 4, 2019)  
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
Baffling-o remake of beloved-o animated-o Disney classic is misconceived-o on every level. Basic story remains the same: baby elephant arrives at travelling circus with freakishly big ears; the laws of physics and aerodynamics are put to one side as the small pachyderm takes to the air. That probably sounds a bit churlish-o but this is a calculated and mercenary attempt to exploit generations of goodwill towards the original film, which is charming, gentle and whimsical.

The new film blows through the plot of the old one in about forty minutes, at which point the film wanders off into a new storyline about Dumbo being sold to a grasping and exploitative entertainment tycoon who owns his own lavish theme park - did *nobody* at the Disney corporation stop to think that this kind of plot might not be the best of fits for one of their films? Everything is bemusingly dark and depressing. Many call-backs to the original, but everything that made it so special has been scoured away; not just bad, but also dumb.
 Woolly and Me
Woolly and Me
Quentin Gréban | 2018 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Woolly and Me by Quentin Greban is a story that shows the power of a young child's imagination. This is a charming book that is packed full of playful imagination and lots of love. A little girl has a woolly mammoth for her best friend. She plays with him and nurtures him and includes him in everything that she does.

They ride in the car, go to the grocery store together, paint fun pictures, go biking outside, take ballet lessons, and teaches him how to use the bathroom properly. She gently comforts him when he is frightened of monsters at bedtime or gets scared on the roller coaster at the local fair. She bandages up his many boo boos when he has been hurt.

At the end of the story there is a twist. The twist will both surprise and delight the reader sparking both conversion and laughter. The illustrations are whimsical, witty and fun. I enjoyed the book and I highly recommend it to readers of all ages.