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Sometimes Always Never (2019)
Sometimes Always Never (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Bill Nighy's deadpan comic performance as a obsessive Scrabble player trying to reconnect with his family is the best reason to go and see this movie. Nighy's character has a strained relationship with the rest of his clan, partly because one of his children walked out, never to return, after a row over a contentious two-letter word. The film, which is not exactly over-burdened with plot, shows them trying to work out their various issues.

Not nearly as wacky as it possibly sounds; it is certainly a very whimsical film, but handled in an extremely dry and low-key way. There is something very quiet and English about it, possibly due to the fact it has clearly been made on a vanishingly tiny budget. Nighy is excellent, and there are some very funny moments (such as when he hustles Tim McInnerny's character into playing Scrabble for cash). No real flaws, but at the same time it does feel a little under-powered as a piece of drama.
Goodness Gracious Golly Gee: I Forgot My Christmas Tree
Goodness Gracious Golly Gee: I Forgot My Christmas Tree
Carol Burcham, Cori Burcham | 2021 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a sweet rhyming story for your child or children? “Goodness Gracious Golly Gee: I Forgot My Christmas Tree” will be a good reminder. We do not always need presents and decorations to celebrate the holiday.

The way this book is done is quite cute. I enjoy the poem feel in this book; it is not complicated to read. The pictures did well. Children will enjoy this book and want you to read it repeatedly around the holiday season.

Their Goodness Gracious Golly Gee is hilarious and enjoyable throughout the book. Children will be laughing and enjoying saying these words Goodness Gracious Golly Gee, ever so often. Children can learn to read with this book with the help of a parent.

This book teaches us what is essential in life and that Santa will not be upset or mad because we do not have a tree or decorations or presidents. If you enjoy the love and kindness and are happy, Santa will be just as happy. The real meaning of Christmas lives shown through this whimsical story.
Paddington 2 (2017)
Paddington 2 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Wonderful, whimsical film for kids and adults alike
As I was perusing various "Top Films of 2018" lists, one surprising film kept showing up on these lists, so I thought I'd better check it out.

And I'm glad I did for PADDINGTON 2 is a charming family film that entranced me from beginning to end with wonderful performances and a charm and whimsy that hooked me from start to finish.

A follow-up to the moderate 2014 hit (based on the beloved children's books series) about a Peruvian bear that heads to 19th Century London seeking adventure - and finds a family - PADDINGTON 2 follows said Bear as he is caught up in a robbery and is mistakenly jailed for the crime. Can Paddington make friends with the burly inmates in the prison? Can the Brown family help find the true perpetrator of the crime and help spring Paddington? Can faith and love triumph in a time of skepticism and darkness?

It's a family film, what do you think?

The joy in this film is in the telling - and Paul King (returning as Director/Writer) does a wonderful job telling a joyous, family-friendly story without diving into sacrine-ness (is that a word? It is now) and schmaltz. He tells the story with a sly wink in his eye and dives deep into whimsical detail of late 19th century London - a London racing full throttle into the steam age. There is a light cyber-punk sensibility to the proceedings and this works wonderfully well.

As you would expect, King does a nice job getting the actors to click into the sensibilities and style of this film. Ben Wishaw is back as the voice of Paddington - and he is perfectly cast. Wishaw has a naivete and sense of wonder to his voice that serves the Paddington character well. Jim Broadbent, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins and Julie Walters all reprise their roles - in winning fashion. But it is the newcomers that shine. Brendan Gleeson shows off some comic chops as main prison bad guy "Knuckles" McGinty who forms an unlikely friendship/partnership with Paddington and, especially Hugh Grant as vain, egotistical actor Phoenix Buchanan. I won't spoil the antics of Grant's character but I have a feeling that Mr. Grant had as much fun bringing this character to screen as I did watching him.

Two final things - the finale really works for me as King sets up each character's "special skill" at the beginning of the film that they will need to bring to bear (no pun intended) during the action at the end. To often, character's and character threads are set up at the beginning of a film only to be abandoned by the end, so it is satisfying to me when King sets up items at the beginning of this film and then PAYS THEM OFF at the end.

And, finally, STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS. There is a scene in the credits that is as good as anything that is in the film. I won't spoil the fun for you, but want you to know about this so you won't miss it.

A wonderful, whimsical, time at the movies. If you have kids (5,6,7 years old), this is a MUST SEE. For the rest of you, if you're looking for fun escape from the world, this film will do it.

Letter Grade A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The True Adventures of Wolfboy (2021)
The True Adventures of Wolfboy (2021)
2021 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Nice but lacking in magic
The Adventures of Wolfboy, also known as The True Adventures of Wolfboy, is a 2021 coming of age style drama and the feature film debut from Czech director Martin Krejcí. It follows Paul, a teenager with a life changing physical condition called congenital hypertrichosis that causes an abnormal and excessive amount of hair growth across his entire body, as he journeys to meet his estranged mother.

Paul (Jaeden Martell) lives an isolated life with his father in New York, where he hides away from everyone and only ventures out under the cover of a woolly balaclava, despite his father’s (Chris Messina) attempts to coax him into accepting his condition and revealing himself to the world. After a failed trip out to the local carnival for his 13th birthday, Paul returns home to find a mysterious gift from his mother (Chloë Sevigny), who he’s never known as she left when he was a child. Following a confrontation with his father over his proposal to send him to a special school, Paul runs away from home in search of his estranged mother. Along the way, he meets a number of colourful characters including carnival owner Mr. Silk (John Turturro), complicated and friendly Aristiana (Sophie Giannamore) and the daring and roguish Rose (Eve Hewson).

The Adventures of Wolfboy is undoubtedly a film for young adults or teenagers, meant as a coming of age, ‘accepting yourself’ type of road movie and in this it succeeds, although its message is rather more subtle than you’d expect. It expertly deals with the theme of loving yourself and others just as you are in a very low key manner, to the point where you almost miss the subtle hints at a character’s backstory (which is definitely true for Aristiana). For some this might be a problem, but a lot of films go out of their way to be heavy handed, virtually shoving a message down your throat so for me, I enjoyed the subtleties on display here. They’re helped by an unassuming performance from Jaeden Martell and charismatic turns from both Eve Hewson and Sophie Giannamore, who altogether with a story that doesn’t play out quite as predictably as first thought, make this an entertaining and heartwarming watch.

That said, despite the well meaning and heartwarming intentions, this film does falter. The title itself and the fairytale storyboard chapter titles throughout the film give this a magical sense of fantasy that just doesn’t quite materialise. I feel like it’s meant to be whimsical and adventurous, but the actual finished article falls short. It isn’t helped by John Turturro’s Mr Silk, who despite being the villain just comes across as weird rather than sinister, and what becomes of his character is a little lacklustre too. Generally if feels like it’s missing some ‘oomph’, a magical whimsical boost to turn this into something more than an average coming of age movie.

The Adventures of Wolfboy is a nice heartwarming film, and it’s refreshing to see a subtle take on a subject that has been done many times before. I just wished they’d have taken the magical and whimsical angle further, as this would have made it more than just average.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Character Development (2 more)
Amazing Fight Scenes
Charming Plot
Teen Rom-Com With A Superhero Twist
Here we seem to have two separate movies mixed into one. On the one hand we have this adorable romantic comedy about two teens that go on a trip with their class overseas. On the other we have our class superhero movie with Spiderman facing off against the villian and coming into his own as a hero. Both of these not only play well but were also well combined to formulate this movie.
I enjoyed the whimsical performance of Spiderman and for once didn't feel as though the humor was overdone with his classmates. Meanwhile, on the heroics side, I adored the organized fight scenes as well as how the shots were set up. Considering this film also takes place after the heavily emotional Endgame I found the balance between the humor and seriousness to also fit well without either being overdone or feeling out of place.
As someone who isn't a huge Spiderman fan I actually found myself enjoying the film and would recommend it for any family movie night.
Unicorn Store (2017)
Unicorn Store (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Magical and meaningful
I'm surprised at Brie Larson. Instead of picking something intensely serious and dramatic for her directorial debut, she goes for the whimsical Unicorn Store, and I commend her for it as it isn't half bad.

This is a very silly surreal film about a young woman who still believes in rainbows and unicorns and all things most people grew out of as children. Brie Larson is charming and loveable as the main character Kit and her turn at directing is also quite good too. It was also nice to see her and Samuel L Jackson back together again after Captain Marvel, and it was fun to see him looking silly and covered in streamers.

This might have a silly sounding plot about a unicorn store and there is a few laughs thrown in too, but beneath all of the sparkles and glitter this film has a few serious messages about life and love. To the point where I was almost shedding a tear at the end (and also wishing I had a unicorn and lots of rainbows and glitter in my life).

This film isn't perfect and I probably wouldn't watch it again, but it's a very heartwarming watch that should bring out the child in everyone.
Practical Magic
Practical Magic
Alice Hoffman | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
They focus on relationships between the women in the house, learning to appreciate each other and who they are. (0 more)
The film adaption was nothing like the book though that is usually an expected problem. The movie was light and almost whimsical, while the book is much darker, serious and almost sinister in nature. (0 more)
Good Witches based book!
I liked the book on a few different levels. Being a writer can be difficult, and she wrote in third person which to me can be very difficult.
 The mother is the main character because she overshadowed her daughter's actions (lives). It's about the Owen's family, mainly the sisters who resided in Massachusetts with their aunts. I love the themes of a family bond, they have to learn to appreciate each other and for who they are but also highlights the differences in the sisters. Learning that magic doesn't always fix everything. They use magic sparingly, only when they needed it.
 Alice made Fate a real and breathing thing, the secondary theme. If you haven't read the book, prepare yourself to have an open mind because the story is a bit darker than you would expect. It can be entirely entertaining towards the right audience.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Nov 19, 2019  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Finally a film that does justice to one of the most twisted, yet relatable, villains out there. With the focus on his character, rather than that caped guy, we could really start to appreciate how such a villain could emerge.
In a Gotham very similar to today (government budget cuts, strain on mental health services, increasing divide between the rich and poor, and figures of power and responsibility showing no empathy for the downtrodden), Arthur Fleck is a man struggling to juggle (accidental circus pun) work, caring for his mother and his stand-up career. With a supposed tourettes-like condition where he spontaneously bursts out laughing at the most inappropriate times, Arthur is also finding it hard to find a place in society, and longs to be accepted, if not loved.
The film is an excellent example of how events can conspire to make someone vulnerable and repeatedly abandoned by society suddenly snap. And also how the downtrodden masses will take inspiration from an unlikely hero to rise up and take a stand for their own rights.
The film itself mirrors Arthur's moods, at times serene, at others whimsical with sudden moments of utter mad violence.
A very stylish and dark film, but with a quality story and cast to match.

Pete Fowler recommended The Willows by Belbury Poly in Music (curated)

The Willows by Belbury Poly
The Willows by Belbury Poly
2004 | Electronic
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love Ghost Box. In a similar way to how British psych from the '60s looked back to a whimsical past and kids' fiction from the Victorian era, Ghost Box look back to a more modern past – specifically the '60s and '70s, which is when I grew up. It's an analogue sound that seems to evoke brutalist architecture, new towns and the like. You can imagine Ghost Box soundtracking a film about a new town built on a burial site. Jim [Jupp] and Julian [House, Ghost Box co-founder] come from Caldicot, which is a really spooky part of Wales. Lots of weird gothic architecture and a lot of weird local folklore and superstition. This record by the Belbury Poly [Jupp] presents someone's version of the past, a vision that's both real and ephemeral. It harks back to a time that wasn't obviously psychedelic but it's not obviously retro. Without being too rose-tinted specs about this record, it has a slight 'warm blanket' effect, while still being a little uncomfortable, if that makes sense. It's possibly a weird record for me to pick in a list of psychedelic records but it definitely does that thing of successfully imagining an alternate reality. I can imagine walking around this place."

Wink Poppy Midnight
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Wink Poppy Midnight</b> is unique. To be honest, I don't quite know how to describe it. The story is told through three totally different viewpoints, Wink the whimsical, free-spirited girl, Poppy the spoiled, beautiful bully, and Midnight the boy caught in between. Don't worry, it's not a love triangle but a sort of fairy tale that shows how humans are ever changing and more than just one label. Each character is clearly defined when they tell the tale through their eyes. Even if their name hadn't been at the top when the story changed views, I would not have had any trouble figuring out whose voice it was. The plot sort of meanders, but in a purposeful way and it has this strange, rather lyrical, quality to its pace.

As I said before, it's hard to explain, but suffice it to say that it works. I don't think the book will be for everyone, there's some strong language, sexual situations (though not in detail), and characters that will be one way one second and then later they'll turn around, and all of a sudden, show up in another light. The book is short, told through mostly simple language, yet the author manages something special with the structure. Recommended to those who like the odd and dreamy.

Received for review through Amazon Vine.