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Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021)
Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021)
2021 | Horror
6.9 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
We get a recap of what has happened so far, much like in the previous film.
Deena has woken up in 1666,only her name is now Sarah and she is not the only person to be in this century. Every character from the past 2 movies are here too but all with different names, apart from Tommy who is now Thomas. It's all very confusing.
Anyway after a night of passion with the pastors daughter, strange things start to happen such as food going mouldy, a pig eating their young and Sarah's dog throws itself in the well. This leads to Sarah believing this is all her fault, and that she's being punished by the devil for her sins, and after a rather disturbing scene both hannah and Sarah are accused of being witches, and a witch hut begins to rid them from the earth.
Meanwhile, Sarah plans to save them both by making a deal with the devil revealing the truth about Sarah Friers curse.
I was surprised to find that only the first half of the movie was in 1666, as we are thrown back to 1994 as Deena comes out of her vision and realises what needs to be done to save shady side.
As I'm not really a fan of old time movies, I went into this expecting to hate it, but I actually ended up liking it. I liked that every moment throughout the series is answered and nothing is left hanging in the air. I thought the accents in 1666 were strange though, I couldn't tell what the accent was meant to be, Irish maybe!?!
I did enjoy the second half of the movie more than the first, it has a few light hearted funny moments which wasn't present in 1666, did they not have a sense of humour back then??
I liked that at the end of the movie it made way for another possible movie which would be interesting to see.
Shadow of Murder (A Mac Faraday Mystery #14)
Shadow of Murder (A Mac Faraday Mystery #14)
Lauren Carr | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for some fun cold cases to solve? Maybe even a bit of mystery to solve with a twist. Lauren Carr's latest book "Shadow of Murder" does just that. We get a prologue full of mystery and murder. You will be wondering how a gunman kills an entire family. Is it real, or is it not. You will have to read or listen to find out for yourself.

This book had me going and wondering who would kill a whole family, including a law officer. There are a few main characters. We meet two of them right at the beginning of the story. Erica and Dusty.

I love the fact that mysteries are going on throughout the book. I enjoy that Erica and her friends seem to need to help the new local deputy chief. David gets some time with his wife and newborn. I recall David meeting a woman and a little boy I thought was introduced to him as his son?

Mac is pulled into a Chao once he returns from Europe with Archie. His son Tristain brings to life the disappearance of a missing person, a woman named Konnor Langston. Why did she disappear? It goes on from there. There are many mysteries and curses and stories of witches as the book goes on. I wonder who killed Erica's parents and why? Who taking advance of Larry? Why were Erica Hart's parents killed, and will Erica get justice for her childhood friend Konnor?

If you are looking for a good versus evil? This book has it. Once a dark shadow tries to harm Erica. Dusty seems to fall for a bird guiding him to help Erica. Will Erica and Dusty get together? There may be some romance for more than just two folks in the book. How will Dusty's father-law decide to find some love as well? There seems to be the talk of angels and demons? They're a bit supernatural in this book; that is a nice change to the story.
Air Witch (Witches of Westwood Academy #2)
Air Witch (Witches of Westwood Academy #2)
Gina Kincade, C.D. Gorri | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
AIR WITCH is the second book in the Witches of Westwood Academy series and, although it follows on from Water Witch, you could read it as a standalone and still understand the story.

Maia is the poor little rich girl (her words, not mine) with issues at home she won't tell anyone about, plus she is getting grief from one of the Assistants. She wants to get perfect grades so she can stay on at school and not become a magical battery for the male half of her family to leech from. Enoch Zell is the assistant who keeps on giving her B's instead of A's, thus lowering her overall grade.

I loved the magical side of it, although I would have liked to have known more about Maia's talents of her own, not just when she is with Enoch. I liked how she was sent to school to become powerful enough so she could be drained, but not too powerful to break free. I also loved the idea of the perfume and how that worked!

The relationship with Enoch was a bit abrupt. We get told time has passed with nothing but snark between them. Along comes Enid and he is there in the dorm room, which Maia vacates. Then... one meeting on a rooftop and it's all on. It just seemed rather quick to me, with nothing much building up to it.

Saying that, I still thoroughly enjoyed the story and being back in the Academy. Along with the Meriweathers, I really hope those Professors were looked at too! A great addition to the series and I look forward to Fire Witch. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 21, 2023
Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Jay Castle | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
MARRIED TO THE VAMPIRE KING is the second book in the Blood Bonded Mates and I didn't even realise until I started reading it. That means the blurb is that good, it pulled me in without me even realising it was a series I wanted to continue with!

Ethan is the son of the Head of his Coven and has felt like a disappointment ever since his Initiation Ceremony when it turned out his magical gift was to nullify all other magic. This doesn't make him popular, but when a magic mirror tells him he is the only hope for a lot of witches and vampires to survive a possible war, he goes all in. This includes marrying the Vampire King, Nathaniel, even though he doesn't know him.

What follows is a fantastic story that had me hooked and reading until I'd finished the story! Nathaniel is a cinnamon roll, just oozing sweetness, unless someone messes with who or what he considers his. And Ethan is top of his list! Ethan himself is a sometimes sarcastic, heart-of-gold, warlock who I wanted to squidge so many times.

The twist at the end wasn't a twist for me as I had figured it out, but that didn't take away any of my enjoyment of the big reveal or the climactic ending. This book was a loving rollercoaster of a ride, and I honestly can't wait for Tobias and Bryan's story - especially not considering the snippets we've already had of the two of them.

This is a series that features previous couples, so I would suggest you read it as such, rather than a set of standalones. Absolutely brilliant and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 26, 2024
Blood and Ruin ( Book 1)
Rumer Hale | 2024
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
96 of 220
Blood and Ruin (Book 1)
By Rumer Hale

Six years ago, my world was ripped from under me, and I was taken to Cardinal Three. A place where pain has been my endless companion.

Witches, demons, shifters and humans all live under one rule.


What he says goes.

So, trying to get the hell out of here hasn’t been easy.

No one leaves without his permission.

In fact, no one leaves at all...That is, alive.

But I have a plan.

One chance to get out of this nightmare once and for all.

One month is all I need.

One month to stay off King's radar and get the last few items needed for the spell I’ve been working on.

Shouldn’t be that hard...right?

But turns out King has his own plan. One that involves trading me off to the five shifters of Manhattan.

With King's ultimatum, I have no choice but to go through with it. But I’m still getting out of here, no matter what.

Or so I thought.

Turns out the five shifters are my mates…

And also, the boys I left behind six years ago.

Ok I’m not going to lie the first 10 chapters of this I actually kept rolling my eyes thinking it was going the same way many others in this genre go which is not a bad thing at all it’s just don’t think my mind was in the mood for it. BUT! Something said keep going and I did the last half of the book was just so good and maybe because I was a little distracted by what I thought would happen I just didn’t see it coming. Really good read in the end. I will say there are some pretty brutal things happening with the main MC so please check triggers.
The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch, #1)
The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch, #1)
Rin Chupeco | 2017 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Bone Witch is set in a fantasy world comprised of eight kingdoms, each with their own distinct customs. Some of these kingdoms echo the cultures of the Middle East and others, namely Kion and the asha-ka, the home of the female magic users, are heavily influenced by Asian traditions. In fact, reading The Bone Witch was, in a way, a lot like reading Memoirs of a Geisha, only instead of preparing a girl's virginity for auction, the Houses of the asha-ka sell a much cleaner form of entertainment: performances and magic, to be specific. When they are discovered, the soon-to-be asha are taken away and trained so that they can properly use their abilities. Because of their talents, they are often respected - except for the bone witches, or Dark asha. These are the necromancers of the world that Chupeco has created.

Chupeco has spared nothing in the creation of her world, from elaborate cities and countries, to detailed garb, to the daeva, creatures of supposedly evil origin. She's even created a unique tradition among the denizens of her world, where they quite literally wear their hearts - only it is on their necks, rather than their sleeves. An individual's heartsglass reflects who and what they are, allowing potential asha and Deathseekers to begin their training early in their lives.

It is because of the daeva that bone witches are an unwanted necessity among the eight kingdoms, and it is by accident that we are introduced to Tea, a young girl who, after learning of her older brother's death, becomes so distraught that she accidentally raises him from his grave. From there, we follow Tea's journey to becoming a full-fledged asha, and while the story does have a bit of a lull in its center where nothing happens (I would have put it down if it weren't for the fact that I tend to do my best to finish advance copies), the ending picks up and twists in ways that are surprising. In fact, I found myself completely surprised by not one, but two of the revelations the reader encounters near the end of the book.

The Bone Witch switches between two perspectives in each chapter, with the first portion, the "flashback" for lack of a better word, told from Tea's perspective. At the end of each chapter, in italics, is a few short passages told from the perspective of a bard that has been exiled from his homeland. The italics take place in present day and hint at something much, much larger arriving in the near future while introducing the reader to the young woman that Tea has become.

There does seem to be lack of depth to many of the characters. Tea's brother, Fox, after he is risen from the grave, appears to lack personality. His only drive seems to be protecting his sister, though it is alluded to that in the future, we may see a lot of development to his character (or so I hope). Aside from those asha that belong to House Valerian, only a few of the characters seem to have truly dynamic characteristics.

In regards to that "lull" in the book, I must admit that it is nearly impossible to get through - especially if the reader has a short attention span. Too much time is spent on details that appear to be largely unimportant to the story - such as the fine tuning of Tea's training. Also, while the descriptions of the hua, the garb worn by the asha, are beautifully written, they are a bit too detailed. I could do with a bit less exposition in that regard.

Needless to say, it is going to be a long wait for the next book, and I can't wait for it - those last few chapters really made a difference. Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and Rin Chupeco for providing me with an advance copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.
The Fifth Petal
The Fifth Petal
Brunonia Barry | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finally finished reading The Fifth Petal by Brunonia Barry. It wasn’t quite my thing, though. Despite being labeled as a fantasy mystery, The Fifth Petal hovers a little too heavily on romance for me to find it enjoyable. There’s also a ridiculous amount of repetition which, if you read my thoughts on List of 10, you’ll know I abhor it when writers think their readers are going to forget something major within the plot after a few pages.

Many times throughout my reading of The Fifth Petal, I felt things were dragging. In fact, very little of the book focuses on the murders mentioned in its blurb. More of it focuses on an abstract idea of new age healing, with only the overly obvious blooming romance breaking up the monotony. As a reader, when I pick up a book that’s labeled fantasy or mystery, that’s what I expect. Couple that with an unrealistic, “out of the wild blue yonder” twist at the end, and it seriously just falls flat.

Characterwise, there’s a distinct feeling of “woe is me! I am the victim” throughout this book, alongside several of your stereotypical wealthy snobs. Because of this, I found it hard to become attached to any of the characters – but this is my opinion. For other readers, namely those that favor the flavor of romance, this is perfect.

To be honest, I’d like to rate this book a two for the sheer fact that, like The Cutaway, its genre is based more on the plot’s outline than its actual content. The thing is, the writing isn’t horrible – nor is the romance. There’s not really any detailed sexual encounters either, which is a plus for some. In fact, it’s a pretty safe read all around. I do admire Barry’s ideology behind some of her witches, i.e., lace readers. Because I can see others enjoying this and it’s not downright horrid, I’ve decided to go with a median rating. Besides, the cover is fantastic.

I would like to thank Blogging for Books for providing me with a copy of this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
Sweetwater (The Kihn #1)
Sweetwater (The Kihn #1)
Rivi Jacks | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
Verified purchase December 2013

Now, I will be honest here, right up front, I only bought this book, because the author was giving away two additional books (from other authors) and it was a good deal.

Sofie returns to her childhood home, after the death of her parents. Parents who made it clear she was never wanted. Things are afoot in Sweetwater, and no one is quite sure what.

Lucas and his Hunters arrive to explain what is going on and how they are going to deal with it.

IT are the Kihn. while it isn't explained fully WHAT they are, they do get up to no good, what with a Gateway opening soon, near to Sweetwater. Sofie has knowledge of the Kihn, she has been seeing them in her dreams for years.

Enter a HUGE cast of supporting actors, witches, Wiccan, werewolves, guardian angels that only the Wiccan can see, various aunts, uncles, cousins and friends!!

The tale took a while to get going, Lucas and Sofie don't meet till almost half way through, and the blur comes with and explicit warning, which again, doesn't arrive til past half way, BUT its a good tale. Lots of interaction between all the characters, with more and MORE added along the way (this huge cast was one of the reasons it got 4 stars instead of 5, the other, the long warm up) Its a different tale and I enjoyed it. There is another planned and it will be purchased when its released, as this one ends on a bit of a cliff hanger!

I particularly liked the way Jacks throws things at you, just like that, "its the only way I know to keep them away, you know" made me go OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what are "they"??? and how little hints get dropped along they way as to WHAT the supernatural people are. While its fairly obvious (after a time) what Lucas is, Sofie clicks in the last 3 lines of the book!

A different read, a good read, and I would recommend it!

And! It's present tense!

4 solid stars
This book is the most recent in a mystery series, but the first book I have read by Josi S. Kilpack. I do not read much in the mystery genre, but the cooking aspect of the book interested me enough to try this one. All of the page numbers to the recipes are listed nicely on the back of the first page, so I was able to check those out without having to search for them, and they do look like quite delicious recipes, perfect for this time of year.
The main character is an older woman, Sadie Hoffmiller, who has recently opened a P.I. business in her hometown in Colorado, but has taken a vacation to Boston with her love interest, Pete, to house-sit and watch over his three grandsons. Right away she strikes me as both ultra-conservative - Sadie and Pete sleep in separate bedrooms - and a perfectionist. Not only is her cooking described in detail, but also her cleaning and personal grooming habits. She also comes off as a "busy-body" as she very quickly gets involved in the life of the woman who lives across the street and bears the reputation of a witch, the eccentric Mrs. Wapple. It is as if she is so addicted to her job back home that she must continue its nosy approach wherever she travels.
The city of Boston is obviously chosen for its proximity to Salem, Massachusetts and the many references and allusions to ghosts and witches throughout the plot. When pranks begin to strike in the house that Sadie and Pete are staying at, the obvious choice is ghosts, but their sensibilities and penchant for detective work prevent them from embracing this as the solution.
When something dire happens to Mrs. Wapple halfway through the book, Sadie is right in the thick of it, her curiosity taking prominence over even her duties as babysitter with Pete. Not even a vacation will deter her from solving yet another case.
On the whole, the book is entertaining, though Sadie can be annoying at times. Like any mystery, I want to know who is the responsible party, but my favorite part of this book is definitely the recipes.

Paul Kellett (118 KP) created a post in Solo Gamers

May 9, 2019  
What solo games do I have in my collection? Have a look...

1066: Tears to Many Mothers
7th Continent
A4 Quest
Apex Theropod Deckbuilding Game
BIOS: Genesis
BIOS: Megafauna
Blackstone Fortress
The Cave
Cavern Tavern
The City of Kings
Clacks: A Discworld Game
The Colonists
D100 Dungeon
Dark Darker Darkest
Darkest Night Second Edition
Deep Space D6
Dice Brewing
Dice Settlers
Dungeon Crawler
Dungeon Roll
Emergence Event
Escape Tales: The Awakening
Fallen Land: A Post-apocalyptic Board Game
Far Space Foundry
Four Against Darkness
Gloom of Kilforth
Guilds of London
Haze Islands
High Frontier 3rd Edition
Imperial Settlers
Legends Untold: The Weeping Caves
Legends Untold: The Great Sewers
Lagoon: City of Druids
La Granja
Leaving Earth
Le Havre
Martians: A Story of Civilization
Mythos Tales
Oh My Goods
One Deck Dungeon
Page Quest
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Rise of the Runelords
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Skulls & Shackles
Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift
Race For The Galaxy
Ravage: Dungeons of Plunder
Rise to Nobility
Secrets of the Lost Tomb
Shadows of Malice
Side Quest
Small Star Empires
Space Cadets Away Missions
Space Empires 4x
Star Wars Escape From the Death Star
Sub Terra
Terraforming Mars
This War of Mine
Tiny Epic Defenders
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Tiny Epic Quest
Tiny Epic Western
Tiny Epic Zombies
Witches: A Discworld Game
Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Zombie Dawn of the Dead

Games I'm waiting to arrive / games on my wishlist -
Shadows of Kilforth
Tainted Grail
Hero Realms Journeys
Rallyman GT
BIOS: Origins
Cthulhu : The Horror in Dunwich
The Artemis Project
Machina Arcana
Infinities: Defiance of Fate
Dawn of the Zeds 3rd Edition reprint
Snowdonia Deluxe Master Set
Trickerion Collectors Edition
Isle of Terror
Secrets of the Lost Station
The Gallerist
On Mars

I also have a few games that don't have official solo rules but I enjoy playing "two-handed" or with fan-made solo rules (usually available on BGG) -

Alien Frontiers
Castles of Burgundy
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition
Last Night On Earth 10 Year Anniversary Edition