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Gunning for Trouble
Gunning for Trouble
Helenkay Dimon | 2011 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bland Characters Gun Each Other Down in Gunning For Trouble
Genre: Contemporary

Page Count: 217 Pages

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.79 out of 5 stars

My rating: 1 out of 5 stars

Caleb was in a dead sleep until his phone alerts him to a break-in to his apartment. Immediately his defensive instincts — honed by his dangerous work of tracking missing persons and protecting witnesses — surface and he springs out of bed with his gun to tell the would-be burglar they have chosen the wrong apartment. But he ends up pointing the gun at Avery Walters, his former boss and ex-lover.

To Caleb’s irritation, Avery is on an assignment from Caleb’s boss about a string of murders in the witness protection program. Now dangerous people are after her and the only person she could turn to was Caleb. Despite Caleb’s resentment and anger toward Avery, he still feels the need to protect her. While they work together to stop the murders, old anger and mistrust rises between them, but so does the lust they feel for each other. Can they move forward and learn to love each other, or will the past always hold them back?

This book was awful. Caleb and Avery have the chemistry of fifth graders in their Drama Club rendition of Romeo and Juliet.

Caleb is a complete jackass. He protects Avery but it’s clear he doesn’t want to do it out of anything other than a sense of duty. Not only is he angry about her waking him up in the middle of the night– you know, just because her life is in danger. She should stop whining, right?– but he constantly makes her feel stupid and makes it clear he resents the shit out of her. He says she fired him so she could get a promotion, when in reality he was a loose cannon who deserved to be fired.

Even his friends and coworkers think he needs to tone down the anger.

“Haven’t heard you apologize to her,” (Zach, Caleb’s friend and coworker said).

“For what?”

“You tell me.”

“I was blindsided by what she did back then.”

“Any chance you had tunnel vision?”

Caleb is also so hot-headed I wouldn’t be surprised if he took steroids on a regular basis. Even someone like Avery, who has little more character than a stock photo, deserves better than that.

Caleb does eventually realize he’s been acting like a PMSing Neanderthal and “forgives her”, still thinking he did nothing wrong but wanting to put it behind him.

Avery isn’t as bad as Caleb, but Avery isn’t much of anything at all. She probably goes down in history as one of the least interesting protagonists ever created.

I might have cared more about the characters if I understood and liked the plot. But even that was a hot mess. While I get the gist of the situation– someone is selling names of people in the Witness Protection Program– I can’t make sense of the finer details. A hailstorm of minor characters were dumped on me at once and I couldn’t even keep them straight, let alone focus on what they were saying.

On top of that, there are a couple of times Avery seems to just “get” stuff and the reader is supposed to just “get” it too. But these aren’t obvious things, nor are they minor.

These things are like why Avery is too dangerous to be around Caleb’s coworkers’ wives. Avery just accepts that it’s reasonable she would put the wives in danger, but it’s not.

Even after reading the entire book and going back to skim parts of it for this review, I still don’t understand the plot that well.

If you are looking for a good Harlequin Intrigue book, you would be better off reading Scene of the Crime: Black Creek by Carla Cassidy. But don’t waste your time reading a half-assed story like Gunning for Trouble
No Place To Hide
No Place To Hide
Opa Hysea Wise | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing journey of personal growth and self-acceptance of the main character (0 more)
The self-help parts did not blend in well with the rest of the book. (0 more)
Interesting Mulit-genre book
No Place to Hide by Opa Hysea Wise is a unique combination of a self-help book with a mystery or crime drama. It doesn't read as a typical self-help book dose but instead lets readers follow the main character on her journey of growth and read her discoveries as far as herself goes.

 Smythe Daniels lives alone and is desperately trying to find some meaning in her life. She has even made the decision to quit her job in an effort to start her own business. On top of that she is taking a year long class in an attempt to find her happiness. Yet even with these large changes it would appear that Smythe is destined for even more hardship and change.

 One night while she is unable to sleep Smythe makes the simple decision to sit in her car in a parking lot to smoke a cigarette. Nothing life changing about that, right? Well as it happens Smythe is witness to a murder tied to a crime syndicate and her life is now in danger. Not wanting to give up everything she is working towards Smythe refuses the FBI’s offer (that is actually more of a request) to go into witness protection. Thankfully some anonymous person pays for a privet security detail for Smythe or else she might not make it to the trial date. As it is even with the security she might not make it.

 I enjoyed Smythe’s journey of personal growth and self-acceptance. Sometimes it dose take a major upheaval in our lives to be the pushing factor that we need for change. Hopefully most won’t have to go through such a traumatic time as Smythe. Unfortunately the attempt to hide a self-help book within the pages of a thriller missed its mark for me. At times the more ‘in depth’ conversations become repetitive, dry, and boring. The self-help parts did not seem to blend in with the story very well and actually interrupted the flow of the thriller for me, yet it wasn’t that bad.

 Crime drama lovers will be extremely interested in this book along with those who enjoy mild romance. Readers should also be comfortable (whether they believe or not) with discussions of a God or Source of some sort. Those who enjoy self-help will like this book and those that have at least a mild interest in self-help might want to give this one a try as well. I do recommend only adults read this as although there really isn’t anything inappropriate in this book younger readers might not understand some of the concepts. In fact it will probably take most adults multiple times reading this book to get the full benefit and enjoyment of it.

 I rate this book 3 out of 4. The story is engaging and draws readers in. It is easy to feel Smythe’s frustration at the restrictions and turns her life has taken as well as the disrepair it causes. Readers can even feel Artie’s emotions as well in her desire to protect Smythe and her growing feelings towards her. The self-help sections are entertaining at times as well (better blending would have helped) and offer some good insights.


    • Book Title: No Place to Hide
    • Author: Opa Hysea Wise
    • Release Date: November 3, 2020
    • Publisher: Made for Success Publishing
    • ISBN 10: 1641464771
    • ISBN 13: 978-1641464772
    • Price: $14.99
    • Paperback: 300 Pages
    • Genres: Mystery, Fiction, Suspense Thriller, Crime, Self-Help, LGBTQ Fiction, African American Women’s Fiction


 "No Place to Hide" is available for pre-order on Amazon, Indiebound, Bookshop, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble.

Review by Melissa Espenschied of Night Reader Reviews
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
What would you do if you discovered you had superpowers in adolescence? How would you juggle being a fighter for justice and try to have a normal teenage experience? Spider-Man: Homecoming offers a more realistic look at how this would take place. Where the previous series of films never seemed to make that connection of balancing one’s youth and the varied problems that come during that period with what it means to be a superhero. The Tobey Maguire and the forgettable Andrew Garfield portrayals relied on a more comic book look and storylines to bring audiences to the theaters. This is not the case for the newest iteration. The film is not presumptuous or pretentious in its approach.

Tom Holland returns to the Marvel Universe as Spider-Man after being introduced in Captain America: Civil War. In this version, the audience is not subjected to an origin story to carry the bulk of the film. Instead, it addresses the issues of Spider-Man’s genesis in the previous film so that audiences can arrive in their seats ready to watch the action unfold. From the first opening frames of the films, we bear witness to the development of this story which builds off of The Avengers as we are introduced to Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton), owner of a salvage company tasked with cleaning up the city. Upon his operation, he and his crew begin to discover the power of the alien equipment that they begin to sell on the black market. The development of this character is done with more care than previous films where the villains’ backstories rely simply on jealousy, seeking power, or just a thirst for chaos. The film shows a man who feels wronged by the system and simply wants to provide for his family. We are allowed to make a connection with “The Vulture” that makes us question if whether we would do anything much differently than he.

The same development is demonstrated with Tom Holland’s portrayal of Spider-Man. He is thrust into this role through the encouragement of Tony Stark, but when Stark doesn’t return his calls or seem to express interest after the battle scene in Captain America: Civil War, he tries to demonstrate his worth through becoming a local superhero. With that new calling, to paraphrase a statement made popular in Spider-Man, comes great responsibility. He must balance his life and try to compartmentalize his existence. The film does not disappoint in allowing the viewers to see Peter Parker as more than Spider-Man. They begin to see all the varied aspects of who he is and his rationale for being a superhero. We bear witness to the pain that he feels in having to keep his identity a secret from his friends and Aunt Mae. His superpowers and abilities come to be seen as a heavy burden that begins pulling him apart. He has to grow and understand who he is in order to be capable of everything he seeks to be.

Spider-Man Homecoming does not disappoint. It is by far, the best Marvel film made due to its ability to connect with fans of different ages and interests. The film is fun, funny, creative, and will have viewers forget about any previous versions and films. Tom Holland is the perfect fit for Peter Parker and an even better fit for Spider-Man. The film is mature, filled with depth, emotion, and many connections to other superhero films in the Marvel cinematic universe. It is well on its way to ensuring that the franchise will have a long life.
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